Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static String[] breakLine(String s, Paint paint, int i) {
   String as[] = {};
   if (s != null && i >= 0) {
     ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
     int j = 0;
     int k = s.length();
     int l = 1;
     int i1 = paint.breakText(s, 0, k, true, i, null);
     do {
       if (j + i1 > k) {
         arraylist.add(s.substring(j, j + i1));
         as = (String[]) arraylist.toArray(new String[l]);
         return as;
       int j1 = s.lastIndexOf(' ', j + i1);
       if (j1 > j) {
         arraylist.add(s.substring(j, j1));
         j = j1 + 1;
       } else {
         arraylist.add(s.substring(j, j + i1));
         j += i1;
       i1 = paint.breakText(s, j, k, true, i, null);
     } while (true);
   return as;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Draws the chart legend.
   * @param canvas the canvas to paint to
   * @param renderer the series renderer
   * @param titles the titles to go to the legend
   * @param left the left X value of the area to draw to
   * @param right the right X value of the area to draw to
   * @param y the y value of the area to draw to
   * @param width the width of the area to draw to
   * @param height the height of the area to draw to
   * @param legendSize the legend size
   * @param paint the paint to be used for drawing
   * @param calculate if only calculating the legend size
   * @return the legend height
  protected int drawLegend(
      Canvas canvas,
      DefaultRenderer renderer,
      String[] titles,
      int left,
      int right,
      int y,
      int width,
      int height,
      int legendSize,
      Paint paint,
      boolean calculate) {
    float size = 32;
    if (renderer.isShowLegend()) {
      float currentX = left;
      float currentY = y + height - legendSize + size;
      int sLength = Math.min(titles.length, renderer.getSeriesRendererCount());
      for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) {
        final float lineSize = getLegendShapeWidth(i);
        String text = titles[i];
        if (titles.length == renderer.getSeriesRendererCount()) {
        } else {
        float[] widths = new float[text.length()];
        paint.getTextWidths(text, widths);
        float sum = 0;
        for (float value : widths) {
          sum += value;
        float extraSize = lineSize + 10 + sum;
        float currentWidth = currentX + extraSize;

        if (i > 0 && getExceed(currentWidth, renderer, right, width)) {
          currentX = left;
          currentY += renderer.getLegendTextSize();
          size += renderer.getLegendTextSize();
          currentWidth = currentX + extraSize;
        if (getExceed(currentWidth, renderer, right, width)) {
          float maxWidth = right - currentX - lineSize - 10;
          if (isVertical(renderer)) {
            maxWidth = width - currentX - lineSize - 10;
          int nr = paint.breakText(text, true, maxWidth, widths);
          text = text.substring(0, nr) + "...";
        if (!calculate) {
          drawLegendShape(canvas, renderer.getSeriesRendererAt(i), currentX, currentY, i, paint);
          drawString(canvas, text, currentX + lineSize + 5, currentY + 5, paint);
        currentX += extraSize;
    return Math.round(size + renderer.getLegendTextSize());
   * Breaks the given String into string with line breaks at needed positions.
  private static final Object[] getBreakerText(String temp, int width, Paint toCheck) {
    StringBuilder parts = new StringBuilder();

    temp = temp.trim().replace("\u00AD", "");

    int rowCount = 0;

    do {
      int length = toCheck.breakText(temp, true, width, null);
      float measured = toCheck.measureText(temp);

      if (length < temp.length() && measured >= width) {
        int bestBreak = temp.lastIndexOf("-", length - 1);

        if (bestBreak == -1) {
          bestBreak = temp.lastIndexOf(" ", length - 1);

        if (bestBreak == -1) {
          bestBreak = temp.lastIndexOf(",", length - 1);

        if (bestBreak == -1) {
          bestBreak = temp.lastIndexOf("/", length - 1);

        if (bestBreak > 0) {
          parts.append(temp.substring(0, bestBreak + 1).trim()).append("\n");
          temp = temp.substring(bestBreak + 1).trim();
        } else {
          parts.append(temp.substring(0, length - 1).trim()).append("\n");
          temp = temp.substring(length - 1).trim();
      } else {
        temp = "";

    } while (!temp.trim().isEmpty());

    return new Object[] {parts.toString(), rowCount};
Ejemplo n.º 4
  protected Vector<String> pageDown() {
    String strParagraph = "";
    Vector<String> lines = new Vector<String>();
    while (lines.size() < mLineCount && m_mbBufEnd < m_mbBufLen) {
      byte[] paraBuf = readParagraphForward(m_mbBufEnd); // 读取一个段落
      m_mbBufEnd += paraBuf.length;
      try {
        strParagraph = new String(paraBuf, m_strCharsetName);
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      String strReturn = "";
      if (strParagraph.indexOf("\r\n") != -1) {
        strReturn = "\r\n";
        strParagraph = strParagraph.replaceAll("\r\n", "");
      } else if (strParagraph.indexOf("\n") != -1) {
        strReturn = "\n";
        strParagraph = strParagraph.replaceAll("\n", "");

      if (strParagraph.length() == 0) {
      while (strParagraph.length() > 0) {
        int nSize = mPaint.breakText(strParagraph, true, mVisibleWidth, null);
        lines.add(strParagraph.substring(0, nSize));
        strParagraph = strParagraph.substring(nSize);
        if (lines.size() >= mLineCount) {
      if (strParagraph.length() != 0) {
        try {
          m_mbBufEnd -= (strParagraph + strReturn).getBytes(m_strCharsetName).length;
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return lines;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  protected void pageUp() {
    if (m_mbBufBegin < 0) m_mbBufBegin = 0;
    Vector<String> lines = new Vector<String>();
    String strParagraph = "";
    while (lines.size() < mLineCount && m_mbBufBegin > 0) {
      Vector<String> paraLines = new Vector<String>();
      byte[] paraBuf = readParagraphBack(m_mbBufBegin);
      m_mbBufBegin -= paraBuf.length;
      try {
        strParagraph = new String(paraBuf, m_strCharsetName);
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      strParagraph = strParagraph.replaceAll("\r\n", "");
      strParagraph = strParagraph.replaceAll("\n", "");

      if (strParagraph.length() == 0) {
      while (strParagraph.length() > 0) {
        int nSize = mPaint.breakText(strParagraph, true, mVisibleWidth, null);
        paraLines.add(strParagraph.substring(0, nSize));
        strParagraph = strParagraph.substring(nSize);
      lines.addAll(0, paraLines);
    while (lines.size() > mLineCount) {
      try {
        m_mbBufBegin += lines.get(0).getBytes(m_strCharsetName).length;
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    m_mbBufEnd = m_mbBufBegin;