Ejemplo n.º 1
  private void visitAllStartSegments(
      final RoutingContext ctx,
      RouteSegment start,
      PriorityQueue<RouteSegment> graphDirectSegments,
      TLongObjectHashMap<RouteSegment> visitedSegments,
      int startX,
      int startY)
      throws IOException {
    // mark as visited code seems to be duplicated
    long nt = (start.road.getId() << 8l) + start.segmentStart;
    visitedSegments.put(nt, start);

        (startX >> (31 - ctx.getZoomToLoadTileWithRoads())),
        (startY >> (31 - ctx.getZoomToLoadTileWithRoads())));
    long ls = (((long) startX) << 31) + (long) startY;
    RouteSegment startNbs = ctx.routes.get(ls);
    while (startNbs != null) { // startNbs.road.id >> 1, start.road.id >> 1
      if (startNbs.road.getId() != start.road.getId()) {
        startNbs.parentRoute = start;
        startNbs.parentSegmentEnd = start.segmentStart;
        startNbs.distanceToEnd = start.distanceToEnd;

        // duplicated to be sure start is added
        nt = (startNbs.road.getId() << 8l) + startNbs.segmentStart;
        visitedSegments.put(nt, startNbs);
      startNbs = startNbs.next;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  private RouteSegment processIntersectionsWithWays(
      RoutingContext ctx,
      PriorityQueue<RouteSegment> graphSegments,
      TLongObjectHashMap<RouteSegment> visitedSegments,
      TLongObjectHashMap<RouteSegment> oppositeSegments,
      double distOnRoadToPass,
      double distToFinalPoint,
      RouteSegment segment,
      BinaryMapDataObject road,
      boolean firstOfSegment,
      int segmentEnd,
      RouteSegment inputNext,
      boolean reverseWay) {

    // This variables can be in routing context
    // initialize temporary lists to calculate not forbidden ways at way intersections
    ArrayList<RouteSegment> segmentsToVisitPrescripted = new ArrayList<RouteSegment>(5);
    ArrayList<RouteSegment> segmentsToVisitNotForbidden = new ArrayList<RouteSegment>(5);
    // collect time for obstacles
    double obstaclesTime = 0;
    boolean exclusiveRestriction = false;

    // 3.1 calculate time for obstacles (bumps, traffic_signals, level_crossing)
    if (firstOfSegment) {
      RouteSegment possibleObstacle = inputNext;
      while (possibleObstacle != null) {
        obstaclesTime +=
            ctx.getRouter().defineObstacle(possibleObstacle.road, possibleObstacle.segmentStart);
        possibleObstacle = possibleObstacle.next;

    // 3.2 calculate possible ways to put into priority queue
    // for debug next.road.getId() >> 1 == 33911427 && road.getId() >> 1 == 33911442
    RouteSegment next = inputNext;
    while (next != null) {
      long nts = (next.road.getId() << 8l) + next.segmentStart;
      boolean oppositeConnectionFound =
          oppositeSegments.containsKey(nts) && oppositeSegments.get(nts) != null;

      boolean processRoad = true;
      if (ctx.isUseStrategyOfIncreasingRoadPriorities()) {
        double roadPriority = ctx.getRouter().getRoadPriorityHeuristicToIncrease(segment.road);
        double nextRoadPriority = ctx.getRouter().getRoadPriorityHeuristicToIncrease(segment.road);
        if (nextRoadPriority < roadPriority) {
          processRoad = false;

      /* next.road.getId() >> 1 (3) != road.getId() >> 1 (3) - used that line for debug with osm map */
      // road.id could be equal on roundabout, but we should accept them
      if ((!visitedSegments.contains(nts) && processRoad) || oppositeConnectionFound) {
        int type = -1;
        if (!reverseWay) {
          for (int i = 0; i < road.getRestrictionCount(); i++) {
            if (road.getRestriction(i) == next.road.getId()) {
              type = road.getRestrictionType(i);
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < next.road.getRestrictionCount(); i++) {
            if (next.road.getRestriction(i) == road.getId()) {
              type = next.road.getRestrictionType(i);
            // Check if there is restriction only to the current road
            if (next.road.getRestrictionType(i) == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_ONLY_RIGHT_TURN
                || next.road.getRestrictionType(i) == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_ONLY_LEFT_TURN
                || next.road.getRestrictionType(i)
                    == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_ONLY_STRAIGHT_ON) {
              // check if that restriction applies to considered junk
              RouteSegment foundNext = inputNext;
              while (foundNext != null
                  && foundNext.getRoad().getId() != next.road.getRestriction(i)) {
                foundNext = foundNext.next;
              if (foundNext != null) {
                type = REVERSE_WAY_RESTRICTION_ONLY; // special constant
        if (type == REVERSE_WAY_RESTRICTION_ONLY) {
          // next = next.next; continue;
        } else if (type == -1 && exclusiveRestriction) {
          // next = next.next; continue;
        } else if (type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_LEFT_TURN
            || type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_RIGHT_TURN
            || type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_STRAIGHT_ON
            || type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_U_TURN) {
          // next = next.next; continue;
        } else {
          // no restriction can go out
          if (oppositeConnectionFound) {
            RouteSegment oppSegment = oppositeSegments.get(nts);
            oppSegment.segmentEnd = next.segmentStart;
            return oppSegment;

          double distanceToEnd = distToFinalPoint / ctx.getRouter().getMaxDefaultSpeed();
          if (ctx.isUseDynamicRoadPrioritising()) {
            double priority = ctx.getRouter().getRoadPriorityToCalculateRoute(next.road);
            distanceToEnd /= priority;

          // Using A* routing algorithm
          // g(x) - calculate distance to that point and calculate time
          double speed = ctx.getRouter().defineSpeed(road);
          if (speed == 0) {
            speed = ctx.getRouter().getMinDefaultSpeed();

          double distanceFromStart = segment.distanceFromStart + distOnRoadToPass / speed;
          // calculate turn time
          distanceFromStart += ctx.getRouter().calculateTurnTime(segment, next, segmentEnd);
          // add obstacles time
          distanceFromStart += obstaclesTime;

          // segment.getRoad().getId() >> 1
          if (next.parentRoute == null
              || ctx.roadPriorityComparator(
                      next.distanceFromStart, next.distanceToEnd, distanceFromStart, distanceToEnd)
                  > 0) {
            next.distanceFromStart = distanceFromStart;
            next.distanceToEnd = distanceToEnd;
            if (next.parentRoute != null) {
              // already in queue remove it
            // put additional information to recover whole route after
            next.parentRoute = segment;
            next.parentSegmentEnd = segmentEnd;
            if (type == -1) {
              // case no restriction
            } else {
              // case exclusive restriction (only_right, only_straight, ...)
              // 1. in case we are going backward we should not consider only_restriction
              // as exclusive because we have main "in" roads and one "out"
              // 2. in case we are going forward we have one "in" and many "out"
              if (!reverseWay) {
                exclusiveRestriction = true;
              } else {
      next = next.next;

    // add all allowed route segments to priority queue
    for (RouteSegment s : segmentsToVisitNotForbidden) {
    for (RouteSegment s : segmentsToVisitPrescripted) {
    return null;