Beispiel #1
   * Sets the input, buoyancy profile.
   * @param buoyProfile The input, buoyancy profile.
   * @throws TypeException if the domain quantity isn't pressure or the range quantity isn't volume
   *     per mass.
   * @throws VisADException if a VisAD failure occurs.
   * @throws RemoteException if a Java RMI failure occurs.
  public void setBuoyancyProfile(Field buoyProfile)
      throws TypeException, VisADException, RemoteException {

    FunctionType funcType = (FunctionType) buoyProfile.getType();
    RealTupleType domainType = funcType.getDomain();

    if (!Pressure.getRealType().equalsExceptNameButUnits(domainType)) {
      throw new TypeException(domainType.toString());

    MathType rangeType = funcType.getRange();

    if (!CapeBean.massicVolume.equalsExceptNameButUnits(rangeType)) {
      throw new TypeException(rangeType.toString());

    this.buoyProfile = buoyProfile;
Beispiel #2
   * Computes the output Level of Free Convection (LFC) from an (AirPressure -> MassicVolume)
   * buoyancy profile.
   * @param datums The input data in the same order as during construction: <code>datums[0]
   *                                  </code> is the input buoyancy profile.
   * @return The pressure at the LFC of the buoyancy profile.
   * @throws ClassCastException if an input data reference has the wrong type of data object.
   * @throws TypeException if a VisAD data object has the wrong type.
   * @throws VisADException if a VisAD failure occurs.
   * @throws RemoteException if a Java RMI failure occurs.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the profile is not ascending.
  protected Data compute(Data[] datums) throws TypeException, VisADException, RemoteException {

    Field buoyProfile = (Field) datums[0];
    Real lfc = noData; // default return value

    if (buoyProfile != null) {
      FunctionType funcType = (FunctionType) buoyProfile.getType();
      RealTupleType domainType = funcType.getDomain();

      if (!Pressure.getRealType().equalsExceptNameButUnits(domainType)) {
        throw new TypeException(domainType.toString());

      MathType rangeType = funcType.getRange();

      Util.vetType(MassicVolume.getRealType(), buoyProfile);

      Set domainSet = buoyProfile.getDomainSet();
      double[] pressures = domainSet.getDoubles()[0];
      float[] buoys = buoyProfile.getFloats()[0];

      if (pressures.length > 1) {
        int lastI = pressures.length - 1;
        boolean ascending = pressures[0] >= pressures[lastI];

        Unit presUnit = domainSet.getSetUnits()[0];
        int i;

        if (ascending) {
           * For a level of free convection to exist, the lower
           * buoyancy must be negative.
          for (i = 0; (i < buoys.length) && (buoys[i] >= 0); i++) ;

           * To find the level of free convection, ascend to
           * positive buoyancy.
          while ((++i < buoys.length) && (buoys[i] <= 0)) ;

          if (i < buoys.length) {
            lfc = interpolatePres(pressures[i], buoys[i], pressures[i - 1], buoys[i - 1], presUnit);
        } else {
           * For a level of free convection to exist, the lower
           * buoyancy must be negative.
          for (i = lastI; (i >= 0) && (buoys[i] >= 0); i--) ;

           * To find the level of free convection, ascend to
           * positive buoyancy.
          while ((--i >= 0) && (buoys[i] <= 0)) ;

          if (i >= 0) {
            lfc = interpolatePres(pressures[i], buoys[i], pressures[i + 1], buoys[i + 1], presUnit);

    return lfc;