/* Structure {
      int LAT[0];
      int LAT[149];
  } IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY(3600);
     type = Layout(8);  type= 2 (chunked) storageSize = (1,600) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2548046
  public void testReadOneAtATime() throws java.io.IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("IASI/IASI.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("U-MARF/EPS/IASI_xxx_1C/DATA/IMAGE_LAT_ARRAY");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 3600);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 3600);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read last one - chunked
      StructureData sd = s.readStructure(3599);
      assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[0]") == 70862722;
      assert sd.getScalarInt("LAT[149]") == 85302263;

      // read one at a time
      for (int i = 3590; i < d.getLength(); i++) {
        System.out.println(" read structure " + i);
    System.out.println("*** testReadIASI ok");
   Structure {
    int a_name;
    byte b_name(3);
    byte c_name(3);
    short d_name(3);
    int e_name(3);
    long f_name(3);
    int g_name(3);
    short h_name(3);
    int i_name(3);
    long j_name(3);
    float k_name(3);
    double l_name(3);
  } CompoundNative(15);
      type = Layout(8);  type= 1 (contiguous) storageSize = (15,144) dataSize=0 dataAddress=2048
  public void testReadH5StructureArrayMembers() throws java.io.IOException {
    try (NetcdfFile ncfile = TestH5.openH5("complex/compound_native.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundNative");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 15);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 15);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd = iter.next();

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testReadH5StructureArrayMembers ok");
Beispiel #3
  public boolean compareVariables(
      Variable org, Variable copy, boolean compareData, boolean justOne) {
    boolean ok = true;

    if (showCompare)
      f.format("compare Variable %s to %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName());
    if (!org.getFullName().equals(copy.getFullName())) {
      f.format(" ** names are different %s != %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName());
      ok = false;

    // dimensions
    ok &= checkAll(org.getDimensions(), copy.getDimensions(), null);

    // attributes
    ok &= checkAll(org.getAttributes(), copy.getAttributes(), null);

    // coord sys
    if ((org instanceof VariableEnhanced) && (copy instanceof VariableEnhanced)) {
      VariableEnhanced orge = (VariableEnhanced) org;
      VariableEnhanced copye = (VariableEnhanced) copy;
      ok &= checkAll(orge.getCoordinateSystems(), copye.getCoordinateSystems(), null);

    // data !!
    if (compareData) {
      try {
        compareVariableData(org, copy, showCompare, justOne);

      } catch (IOException e) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000);
        e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bos));
        f.format("%s", bos.toString());

    // nested variables
    if (org instanceof Structure) {
      if (!(copy instanceof Structure)) {
        f.format("  ** %s not Structure%n", org);
        ok = false;

      } else {
        Structure orgS = (Structure) org;
        Structure ncmlS = (Structure) copy;

        List vars = new ArrayList();
        ok &= checkAll(orgS.getVariables(), ncmlS.getVariables(), vars);
        for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i += 2) {
          Variable orgV = (Variable) vars.get(i);
          Variable ncmlV = (Variable) vars.get(i + 1);
          ok &= compareVariables(orgV, ncmlV, false, true);

    return ok;
  * Make a structure for the part
  * @param partName partname
  * @param dimensions dimensions for the structure
  * @param includeMissing true to include the missing variable
  * @return a Structure
 protected Structure makeStructure(String partName, List dimensions, boolean includeMissing) {
   List<GempakParameter> params = gemreader.getParameters(partName);
   if (params == null) {
     return null;
   Structure sVar = new Structure(ncfile, null, null, partName);
   for (GempakParameter param : params) {
     sVar.addMemberVariable(makeParamVariable(param, null));
   if (includeMissing) {
   return sVar;
Beispiel #5
  private int countSeq(Structure recordStruct) throws IOException {
    int total = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int max = 0;

    StructureDataIterator iter = recordStruct.getStructureIterator();
    try {
      while (iter.hasNext()) {

        StructureData sdata = iter.next();
        ArraySequence seq1 = sdata.getArraySequence("seq1");
        int n = seq1.getStructureDataCount();
        total += n;
        max = Math.max(max, n);
    } finally {
    double avg = total / count;
    int wasted = count * max - total;
    double wp = (double) wasted / (count * max);
    System.out.println(" Max = " + max + " avg = " + avg + " wasted = " + wasted + " %= " + wp);
    return max;
  public void testH5StructureDS() throws java.io.IOException {
    int a_name = 0;
    String[] b_name =
        new String[] {
          "A fight is a contract that takes two people to honor.",
          "A combative stance means that you've accepted the contract.",
          "In which case, you deserve what you get.",
          "  --  Professor Cheng Man-ch'ing"
    String c_name = "Hello!";

    // H5header.setDebugFlags(new ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlagsImpl("H5header/header"));
    try (NetcdfDataset ncfile =
        NetcdfDataset.openDataset(TestH5.testDir + "complex/compound_complex.h5")) {

      Variable dset = ncfile.findVariable("CompoundComplex");
      assert (null != dset);
      assert (dset.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
      assert (dset.getRank() == 1);
      assert (dset.getSize() == 6);

      Dimension d = dset.getDimension(0);
      assert (d.getLength() == 6);

      Structure s = (Structure) dset;

      // read all with the iterator
      StructureDataIterator iter = s.getStructureIterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        StructureData sd = iter.next();
        assert sd.getScalarInt("a_name") == a_name;
        assert sd.getScalarString("c_name").equals(c_name);
        String[] results = sd.getJavaArrayString(sd.findMember("b_name"));
        assert results.length == b_name.length;
        int count = 0;
        for (String r : results) assert r.equals(b_name[count++]);

        for (StructureMembers.Member m : sd.getMembers()) {
          Array data = sd.getArray(m);
          NCdumpW.printArray(data, m.getName(), out, null);
    System.out.println("*** testH5StructureDS ok");
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Map<String, ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> staHash =
        new HashMap<String, ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station>();

    String location = "R:/testdata/sounding/netcdf/Upperair_20070401_0000.nc";
    NetcdfDataset ncfile = NetcdfDataset.openDataset(location);

    // look through record varibles, for those that have "manLevel" dimension
    // make a StructureData object for those
    StructureMembers sm = new StructureMembers("manLevel");
    Dimension manDim = ncfile.findDimension("manLevel");
    Structure record = (Structure) ncfile.findVariable("record");
    List<Variable> allList = record.getVariables();
    List<VariableSimpleIF> varList = new ArrayList<VariableSimpleIF>();
    for (Variable v : allList) {
      if ((v.getRank() == 1) && v.getDimension(0).equals(manDim)) {
        // public VariableDS(NetcdfDataset ds, Group group, Structure parentStructure, String
        // shortName, DataType dataType,
        // String dims, String units, String desc) {
            new VariableDS(
        // (String name, String desc, String units, DataType dtype, int []shape)
            new int[0]); // scalar

    ArrayStructureMA manAS = new ArrayStructureMA(sm, new int[] {manDim.getLength()});

    // need the date units
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("synTime");
    String timeUnits = ncfile.findAttValueIgnoreCase(time, "units", null);
    timeUnits = StringUtil.remove(timeUnits, '('); // crappy fsl'ism
    timeUnits = StringUtil.remove(timeUnits, ')');
    DateUnit timeUnit = new DateUnit(timeUnits);

    // extract stations
    int nrecs = 0;
    StructureDataIterator iter = record.getStructureIterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      StructureData sdata = iter.next();
      String name = sdata.getScalarString("staName");
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station s = staHash.get(name);
      if (s == null) {
        float lat = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staLat");
        float lon = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staLon");
        float elev = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staElev");
        s = new StationImpl(name, "", lat, lon, elev);
        staHash.put(name, s);
    List<ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> stnList =
        Arrays.asList(staHash.values().toArray(new ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station[staHash.size()]));

    // create the writer
    WriterProfileObsDataset writer =
        new WriterProfileObsDataset(location + ".out", "rewrite " + location);
    writer.writeHeader(stnList, varList, nrecs, "prMan");

    // extract records
    iter = record.getStructureIterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      StructureData sdata = iter.next();
      String name = sdata.getScalarString("staName");
      double timeValue = sdata.convertScalarDouble("synTime");
      Date date = timeUnit.makeDate(timeValue);

      // transfer to the ArrayStructure
      List<String> names = sm.getMemberNames();
      for (String mname : names) {
        manAS.setMemberArray(mname, sdata.getArray(mname));

      // each level is weritten as a seperate structure
      int numMand = sdata.getScalarInt("numMand");
      if (numMand >= manDim.getLength()) continue;

      for (int i = 0; i < numMand; i++) {
        StructureData useData = manAS.getStructureData(i);
        writer.writeRecord(name, date, useData);


    long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    System.out.println("That took = " + took);
Beispiel #8
  Write2ncRect(NetcdfFile bufr, String fileOutName, boolean fill)
      throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {

    NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(fileOutName, fill);
    if (debug) {
      System.out.println("FileWriter write " + bufr.getLocation() + " to " + fileOutName);

    // global attributes
    List<Attribute> glist = bufr.getGlobalAttributes();
    for (Attribute att : glist) {
      String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName());
      Attribute useAtt;
      if (att.isArray()) useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getValues());
      else if (att.isString()) useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getStringValue());
      else useAtt = ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(useName, att.getNumericValue());
      if (debug) System.out.println("add gatt= " + useAtt);

    // global dimensions
    Dimension recordDim = null;
    Map<String, Dimension> dimHash = new HashMap<String, Dimension>();
    for (Dimension oldD : bufr.getDimensions()) {
      String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldD.getName());
      boolean isRecord = useName.equals("record");
      Dimension newD = ncfile.addDimension(useName, oldD.getLength(), true, false, false);
      dimHash.put(newD.getName(), newD);
      if (isRecord) recordDim = newD;
      if (debug) System.out.println("add dim= " + newD);

    // Variables
    Structure recordStruct = (Structure) bufr.findVariable(BufrIosp.obsRecord);
    for (Variable oldVar : recordStruct.getVariables()) {
      if (oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE) continue;

      String varName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(oldVar.getShortName());
      DataType newType = oldVar.getDataType();

      List<Dimension> newDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
      for (Dimension dim : oldVar.getDimensions()) {
        newDims.add(ncfile.addDimension(oldVar.getShortName() + "_strlen", dim.getLength()));

      Variable newVar = ncfile.addVariable(varName, newType, newDims);
      if (debug) System.out.println("add var= " + newVar);

      // attributes
      List<Attribute> attList = oldVar.getAttributes();
      for (Attribute att : attList) {
        String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName());
        if (att.isArray()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getValues());
        else if (att.isString())
          ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getStringValue());
        else ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getNumericValue());

    // int max_seq = countSeq(recordStruct);
    // Dimension seqD = ncfile.addDimension("level", max_seq);

    for (Variable v : recordStruct.getVariables()) {
      if (v.getDataType() != DataType.STRUCTURE) continue;
      String structName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(v.getShortName());
      int shape[] = v.getShape();

      Dimension structDim = ncfile.addDimension(structName, shape[0]);

      Structure struct = (Structure) v;
      for (Variable seqVar : struct.getVariables()) {
        String varName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(seqVar.getShortName() + "-" + structName);
        DataType newType = seqVar.getDataType();

        List<Dimension> newDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
        for (Dimension dim : seqVar.getDimensions()) {
          newDims.add(ncfile.addDimension(seqVar.getShortName() + "_strlen", dim.getLength()));

        Variable newVar = ncfile.addVariable(varName, newType, newDims);
        if (debug) System.out.println("add var= " + newVar);

        // attributes
        List<Attribute> attList = seqVar.getAttributes();
        for (Attribute att : attList) {
          String useName = N3iosp.makeValidNetcdfObjectName(att.getName());
          if (att.isArray()) ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getValues());
          else if (att.isString())
            ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getStringValue());
          else ncfile.addVariableAttribute(varName, useName, att.getNumericValue());

    // create the file
    if (debug) System.out.println("File Out= " + ncfile.toString());

    // boolean ok = (Boolean) ncfile.sendIospMessage(NetcdfFile.IOSP_MESSAGE_ADD_RECORD_STRUCTURE);

    double total = copyVarData(ncfile, recordStruct);
    System.out.println("FileWriter done total bytes = " + total);
Beispiel #9
  private double copyVarData(NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile, Structure recordStruct)
      throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    int nrecs = (int) recordStruct.getSize();
    int sdataSize = recordStruct.getElementSize();

    double total = 0;
    double totalRecordBytes = 0;
    for (int count = 0; count < nrecs; count++) {

      StructureData recordData = recordStruct.readStructure(count);
      for (StructureMembers.Member m : recordData.getMembers()) {

        if (m.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE) {
          int countLevel = 0;
          ArrayStructure seq1 = recordData.getArrayStructure(m);
          StructureDataIterator iter = seq1.getStructureDataIterator();
          try {
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
              StructureData seqData = iter.next();
              for (StructureMembers.Member seqm : seqData.getMembers()) {
                Array data = seqData.getArray(seqm);
                int[] shape = data.getShape();
                int[] newShape = new int[data.getRank() + 2];
                newShape[0] = 1;
                newShape[1] = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.getRank(); i++) newShape[i + 1] = shape[i];

                int[] origin = new int[data.getRank() + 2];
                origin[0] = count;
                origin[1] = countLevel;

                String mname = seqm.getName() + "-" + m.getName();
                if (debug && (count == 0) && (countLevel == 0))
                  System.out.println("write to = " + mname);
                ncfile.write(mname, origin, data.reshape(newShape));
          } finally {
        } else {

          Array data = recordData.getArray(m);
          int[] shape = data.getShape();
          int[] newShape = new int[data.getRank() + 1];
          newShape[0] = 1;
          for (int i = 0; i < data.getRank(); i++) newShape[i + 1] = shape[i];

          int[] origin = new int[data.getRank() + 1];
          origin[0] = count;

          if (debug && (count == 0)) System.out.println("write to = " + m.getName());
          ncfile.write(m.getName(), origin, data.reshape(newShape));
      totalRecordBytes += sdataSize;

    total += totalRecordBytes;
    totalRecordBytes /= 1000 * 1000;
    if (debug)
          "write record var; total = " + totalRecordBytes + " Mbytes # recs=" + nrecs);

    return total;