public void removeAllUserList() { // {{{ Set<String> set = userlists.keySet(); Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UserList list = userlists.get(; getLayout().removeLayoutComponent(panels.get(list.getName())); } panels.clear(); userlists.clear(); } // }}}
/** * Remove all user lists irrelevant of creation date since that information is not exposed via * twitter/ twitter4j. Note: Not time aware. */ private void removeLists() { try { ResponseList<UserList> lists = twitter.getUserLists(twitter.getScreenName()); for (UserList list : lists) { twitter.destroyUserList(list.getId()); } } catch (TwitterException e) { logger.error("Twitter exception occurred", e); } }
/** * Usage: java twitter4j.examples.list.DestroyUserList [list id] * * @param args message */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("Usage: java twitter4j.examples.list.DestroyUserList [list id]"); System.exit(-1); } try { Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(); UserList list = twitter.destroyUserList(Integer.parseInt(args[0])); System.out.println( "Successfully deleted the list (id:" + list.getId() + ", slug:" + list.getSlug() + ")."); System.exit(0); } catch (TwitterException te) { te.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Failed to delete a list: " + te.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } }
/** Synchronize lists between what is available in the db and on twitter. */ private void syncLists() { TwitterHelper th = new TwitterHelper(this, account); TweetDB tdb = new TweetDB(this, accountId); if (account.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase("twitter")) { List<UserList> userLists = th.getUserLists(); Map<String, Integer> storedLists = tdb.getLists(); // Check for lists to add for (UserList userList : userLists) { if (!storedLists.containsValue(userList.getId())) { tdb.addList(userList.getName(), userList.getId(), DataObjectFactory.getRawJSON(userList)); } } // check for outdated lists and remove them for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : storedLists.entrySet()) { Integer id = entry.getValue(); boolean found = false; for (UserList userList2 : userLists) { if (userList2.getId() == id) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { tdb.removeList(id); } } syncSearches(th, tdb); } }
public UserListPanel addUserList(UserList list) // {{{ { UserListPanel panel = null; try { panel = new UserListPanel(); panel.setSessionName(sessionName); panel.setTitle(list.getName()); // Lets make sure that the TwitzMainView is a TwitzEventListener for this and all panels // We add it first here because setUserList causes a TwitzEvent to be fired to get the list // users panel.addTwitzListener(view); panel.addPropertyChangeListener("collapsed", this); panel.setUserList(list); addPanel(panel); userlists.put(list.getName(), list); panels.put(list.getName(), panel); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while adding UserListPanel", e); } // panel.setCollapsed(true); return panel; } // }}}
public void testSchema() throws Exception { String[] schema; String url; // JSONObject json = new // JSONObject("{\"a\":\"avalue\",\"b\":\"bvalue\",\"c\":{\"c-1\":12,\"c-2\":\"c-2value\"}}"); // schema = new String[]{"a", "b", "c/c-1", "c/c-2"}; // validateJSONObjectSchema(json, schema); // try { // schema = new String[]{"a", "b", "c/c-1"}; // validateJSONObjectSchema(json, schema); // fail("c/c-2 is missing. expecting an AssertionFailedError."); // } catch (AssertionFailedError ignore) { //// ignore.printStackTrace(); // } // try { // schema = new String[]{"a", "b"}; // validateJSONObjectSchema(json, schema); // fail("c is missing. expecting an AssertionFailedError."); // } catch (AssertionFailedError ignore) { //// ignore.printStackTrace(); // } // try { // schema = new String[]{"a", "b","c"}; // validateJSONObjectSchema(json, schema); // fail("c/* is missing. expecting an AssertionFailedError."); // } catch (AssertionFailedError ignore) { //// ignore.printStackTrace(); // } // schema = new String[]{"a", "b", "c/*"}; // validateJSONObjectSchema(json, schema); // // JSONArray array = new JSONArray("[{\"slug\":\"art-design\",\"name\":\"Art & // Design\"},{\"slug\":\"books\",\"name\":\"Books\"}]"); // schema = new String[]{"slug", "name"}; // validateJSONArraySchema(array, schema); // Location // schema = new // String[]{"url","country","woeid","placeType/name","placeType/code","name","countryCode"}; // url = ""; // validateJSONArraySchema(url, schema); // Place if (!Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperties().getProperty("twitter4j.test.schema"))) { // skipping schema validation return; } schema = new String[] { "slug", "name", "size", }; url = ""; List categories = CategoryJSONImpl.createCategoriesList(validateJSONArraySchema(url, schema), null, conf); Assert.assertEquals(20, categories.size()); schema = new String[] {"slug", "name", "size", "categories/*", "users/*"}; url = ""; validateJSONObjectSchema(url, schema); schema = new String[] { "result/places/name", "result/places/street_address", "result/places/attributes/*", "result/places/country_code", "result/places/id", "result/places/country", "result/places/place_type", "result/places/url", "result/places/full_name", "result/places/bounding_box/*", "result/places/contained_within/place_type", "result/places/contained_within/attributes/*", "result/places/contained_within/street_address", "result/places/contained_within/url", "result/places/contained_within/bounding_box/type", "result/places/contained_within/bounding_box/coordinates/*", "result/places/contained_within/full_name", "result/places/contained_within/country_code", "result/places/contained_within/name", "result/places/contained_within/id", "result/places/contained_within/country", "query", "query/type", "query/url", "query/params", "query/params/granularity", "query/params/coordinates", "query/params/coordinates/type", "query/params/coordinates/coordinates", "query/params/coordinates/coordinates/*", "query/params/accuracy", }; url = ""; validateJSONObjectSchema(url, schema); schema = new String[] { "next_cursor", "next_cursor_str", "previous_cursor", "previous_cursor_str", "lists/id", "lists/id_str", "lists/member_count", "lists/description", "lists/name", "lists/subscriber_count", "lists/slug", "lists/user/*", "lists/uri", "lists/full_name", "lists/mode", "lists/following", }; url = ""; validateJSONObjectSchema(url, schema); schema = new String[] { "id", "id_str", "member_count", "description", "name", "subscriber_count", "slug", "user/*", "uri", "full_name", "mode", "following", }; url = ""; UserList userList = new UserListJSONImpl(validateJSONObjectSchema(url, schema)); Assert.assertEquals("", userList.getDescription()); Assert.assertEquals("@twit4j2/test", userList.getFullName()); Assert.assertEquals(9499823, userList.getId()); Assert.assertTrue(1 < userList.getMemberCount()); Assert.assertEquals("test", userList.getName()); Assert.assertEquals("test", userList.getSlug()); Assert.assertEquals(0, userList.getSubscriberCount()); Assert.assertEquals("/twit4j2/test", userList.getURI().toString()); Assert.assertNotNull(userList.getUser()); Assert.assertTrue(userList.isPublic()); Assert.assertFalse(userList.isFollowing()); schema = new String[] { "favorited", "in_reply_to_status_id", "in_reply_to_status_id_str", "created_at", "geo", "place", "source", "in_reply_to_screen_name", "in_reply_to_user_id", "in_reply_to_user_id_str", "coordinates", "truncated", "contributors", "id", "id_str", "text", "user/*", "retweeted", "retweet_count" }; url = ""; Status status = new StatusJSONImpl(validateJSONObjectSchema(url, schema)); schema = new String[] { "profile_background_image_url", "created_at", "friends_count", "profile_link_color", "description", "contributors_enabled", "status/*", "following", "profile_background_tile", "favourites_count", "profile_sidebar_fill_color", "url", "profile_image_url", "geo_enabled", "notifications", "profile_sidebar_border_color", "location", "screen_name", "verified", "time_zone", "profile_background_color", "profile_use_background_image", "protected", "name", "profile_text_color", "followers_count", "id", "id_str", "lang", "statuses_count", "follow_request_sent", "utc_offset", "listed_count", "is_translator", "show_all_inline_media" }; url = ""; User user = new UserJSONImpl(validateJSONObjectSchema(url, schema)); }