   * Makes the high level decision of which objects to visit. Uses a greedy best first search based
   * on the sum of the distances between the ship, the object, and the master objective.
   * @param space
   * @param me
   * @param finalObjective
   * @return LinkedList of objects to visit, in order
  public static LinkedList<AbstractObject> getObjectsToVisit(
      Toroidal2DPhysics space, Ship me, AbstractObject finalObjective) {

    LinkedList<AbstractObject> objectsList = new LinkedList<AbstractObject>();
    candidateObjects = new HashMap<AbstractObject, Double>();
    AbstractObject nextObjective = finalObjective;

    // set up the objects to search through
    for (Beacon beacon : space.getBeacons()) {
      candidateObjects.put(beacon, heuristicFunction(space, me, beacon, finalObjective));
    for (Asteroid asteroid : space.getAsteroids()) {
      if (!asteroid.isMineable()) continue;
      candidateObjects.put(asteroid, heuristicFunction(space, me, asteroid, finalObjective));

    // add the endpoint of our search so it will be the end of the list

    if (candidateObjects.containsKey(finalObjective)) candidateObjects.remove(finalObjective);

    // keep adding new objects to list, using greedy best search until we are done
    for (int i = MAX_DEPTH; i > 0; i--) {
      nextObjective = findNextObject(space, me, nextObjective);
      // check when to stop search
      if (nextObjective == null
          // don't go for objects outside of the radius from final object to me
          || space.findShortestDistance(finalObjective.getPosition(), nextObjective.getPosition())
              > space.findShortestDistance(me.getPosition(), finalObjective.getPosition())) {

    return objectsList;
  * Calculating the sum of distances from a start object through a middle object to the end. Will
  * be used as the heuristic for a greedy best search.
  * @param space
  * @param start
  * @param middle
  * @param end
  * @return h value
 public static double heuristicFunction(
     Toroidal2DPhysics space, AbstractObject start, AbstractObject middle, AbstractObject end) {
   // heuristic function based on shortest detour
   return space.findShortestDistance(start.getPosition(), middle.getPosition())
       + space.findShortestDistance(middle.getPosition(), end.getPosition());