  public void testStatusUpdatingMessageHandler() {
    TimelineOperations timelineOperations = Mockito.mock(TimelineOperations.class);

    ArgumentCaptor<TweetData> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(TweetData.class);

    this.in1.send(new GenericMessage<String>("foo"));

    assertEquals("foo", argument.getValue().toRequestParameters().getFirst("status"));


    ClassPathResource media = new ClassPathResource("log4j.properties");
        MessageBuilder.withPayload(Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar"))
            .setHeader("media", media)

    TweetData tweetData = argument.getValue();
    MultiValueMap<String, Object> requestParameters = tweetData.toRequestParameters();
    assertEquals("bar", requestParameters.getFirst("status"));
    MultiValueMap<String, Object> uploadMediaParameters = tweetData.toUploadMediaParameters();
    assertEquals(media, uploadMediaParameters.getFirst("media"));
   * updates the users twitter-status to the tweets content. 1. reads the tweet with the given
   * tweetID from the database 2. checks if the related tweetGroup is still enabled and tweet wasn't
   * tweeted already 3. reads the users oAuthToken and oAuthTokenSecret from the database 4. updates
   * the users twitter status to the tweets tweetContent
   * @param userID userID
   * @param tweetID tweetID
  public void run(int userID, int tweetID) {

    // read tweet from DB
    Tweet toTweet = DBConnector.getTweetByID(tweetID, userID);
    if (toTweet == null) {

    // check if tweet was not tweeted already
    if (toTweet.tweeted) {
    // check if tweetGroup is still enabled
    if (!DBConnector.isEnabledGroup(toTweet.groupID, userID)) {

    // read userConfig (oAuthToken, tokenSecret) from DB
    String[] userConfig = DBConnector.getUserConfig(userID);
    String token = userConfig[1];
    String tokenSecret = userConfig[2];

    // Tweeting
    Twitter twitter = new TwitterTemplate(appID, appSecret, token, tokenSecret);

    // Add TweetContent
    String tweet = toTweet.content;
    TweetData tweetData = new TweetData(tweet);

    // add image
    if (toTweet.imageUrl != null) {
      try {
        Resource img = new UrlResource(toTweet.imageUrl);
        tweetData = tweetData.withMedia(img);
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        tweetData = new TweetData(tweet + " " + toTweet.imageUrl);

    // add Geo-Locations
    if (toTweet.longitude != 0 || toTweet.latitude != 0) {
      System.out.println("long: " + toTweet.longitude);
      System.out.println("lat: " + toTweet.latitude);
      tweetData =
          tweetData.atLocation(toTweet.longitude, toTweet.latitude).displayCoordinates(true);

    // update Status

    // update Tweet-Status in DB
    DBConnector.flagAsTweeted(tweetID, userID);