@Test public void itAddsNewCategories() { Category category = new Category(); category.setName("Salads"); categoryDAO.create(category); assertEquals("Salads", categoryDAO.find((long) 3).getName()); }
private void init(Context context, CreditsParams p) { Paint paintPerson = new Paint(); paintPerson.setAntiAlias(true); paintPerson.setStrokeWidth(5); paintPerson.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); paintPerson.setTextSize(p.getTextSizeDefault()); paintPerson.setTypeface(p.getTypefaceDefault()); paintPerson.setColor(p.getColorDefault()); paintPerson.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); Person.setPaint(paintPerson); Person.setSpacings(p.getSpacingBeforeDefault(), p.getSpacingAfterDefault()); Paint paintCategory = new Paint(); paintCategory.setAntiAlias(true); paintCategory.setStrokeWidth(5); paintCategory.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); paintCategory.setTextSize(p.getTextSizeCategory()); paintCategory.setTypeface(p.getTypefaceCategory()); paintCategory.setColor(p.getColorCategory()); paintCategory.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); Category.setPaint(paintCategory); Category.setSpacings(p.getSpacingBeforeCategory(), p.getSpacingAfterCategory()); credits.add(new Person(context.getString(p.getAppNameRes()))); credits.add(new Category(context.getString(p.getAppVersionRes()))); loadFromResources(credits, p.getArrayCreditsRes()); mBackground = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), p.getBitmapBackgroundRes()); mBackgroundLandscape = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), p.getBitmapBackgroundLandscapeRes()); }
/** * Loads new test with given name and ConfigurationSection. * * @param plugin instance of BetonTest * @param name name of the test * @param config section containing the test * @throws TestException when configuration is incorrect */ public Test(BetonTest plugin, String name, ConfigurationSection config) throws TestException { this.plugin = plugin; this.name = name; messageStart = config.getString("messages.start"); messageResume = config.getString("messages.resume"); messagePass = config.getString("messages.pass"); messageFail = config.getString("messages.fail"); messagePause = config.getString("messages.pause"); commandWin = config.getString("commands.pass"); commandFail = config.getString("commands.fail"); commandPause = config.getString("commands.pause"); blockedCommands = config.getStringList("blocked_cmds"); teleportBack = config.getBoolean("teleport_back"); maxMistakes = config.getInt("max_mistakes", -1); if (maxMistakes < 0) throw new TestException("max_mistakes must be more than 0"); onMistake = MistakeAction.match(config.getString("on_mistake")); if (onMistake == null) throw new TestException("incorrect on_mistake value"); if (config.getConfigurationSection("categories") == null) throw new TestException("categories not defined"); for (String key : config.getConfigurationSection("categories").getKeys(false)) { try { categories.add( new Category(plugin, this, key, config.getConfigurationSection("categories." + key))); } catch (CategoryException e) { throw new TestException("error in '" + key + "' category: " + e.getMessage()); } } if (categories.isEmpty()) throw new TestException("categories not defined"); for (Category category : categories) { category.shuffle(); } }
/** * Gets the category by event. * * @param event_id the event_id * @return the category by event */ public Category getCategoryByEvent(long event_id) { Category ct = new Category(); String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_CATEGORY + " tc, " + TABLE_EVENT + " te, " + TABLE_CATEGORY_EVENT + " ce WHERE te." + KEY_ID + " = " + event_id + " AND tc." + KEY_ID + " = " + "ce." + KEY_CATEGORY_ID + " AND te." + KEY_ID + " = " + "ce." + KEY_EVENT_ID; Log.e("In getCategoryByEvent", selectQuery); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { ct.setId(c.getLong((c.getColumnIndex(KEY_CATEGORY_ID)))); ct.setName(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(KEY_CATEGORY_NAME))); ct.setColor(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(KEY_CATEGORY_COLOR))); } return ct; }
private Category createCategory(Organization organization) { Category category = new Category(); category.setName("Test Category"); category.setOrganization(organization); return category; }
/** * Starts the test for the player. * * @param player */ public void startTest(Player player) { if (plugin.getTest(player) != null) return; plugin.getData().set(player.getUniqueId() + ".current.name", name); plugin.getData().set(player.getUniqueId() + ".current.chances", maxMistakes); plugin .getData() .set( player.getUniqueId() + ".location", player.getLocation().getX() + ";" + player.getLocation().getY() + ";" + player.getLocation().getZ() + ";" + player.getLocation().getWorld().getName() + ";" + player.getLocation().getYaw() + ";" + player.getLocation().getPitch()); Category first = categories.get(0); players.put(player.getUniqueId(), first); chances.put(player.getUniqueId(), maxMistakes); if (messageStart != null) player.sendMessage(messageStart.replace('&', '§')); first.addPlayer(player); new Saver(plugin); }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private void cleanup() { EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); for (Hoarder hoarder : (List<Hoarder>) em.createQuery("from Hoarder").getResultList()) { hoarder.getItems().clear(); em.remove(hoarder); } for (Category category : (List<Category>) em.createQuery("from Category").getResultList()) { if (category.getExampleItem() != null) { category.setExampleItem(null); em.remove(category); } } for (Item item : (List<Item>) em.createQuery("from Item").getResultList()) { item.setCategory(null); em.remove(item); } em.createQuery("delete from Item").executeUpdate(); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.close(); }
protected List<Category> exportCategories() { if (!this.running) return null; // get user configured column names and sql String colId = (String) this.properties.get(PROPKEY_CAT_ID); String colName = (String) this.properties.get(PROPKEY_CAT_NAME); String table = (String) this.properties.get(PROPKEY_CAT_TABLE); String rawSql = (String) this.properties.get(PROPKEY_CAT_SQL); // update sql to reflect user configured column names String sql = rawSql.replaceAll("\\Q{" + PROPKEY_CAT_ID + "}\\E", colId); sql = sql.replaceAll("\\Q{" + PROPKEY_CAT_NAME + "}\\E", colName); sql = sql.replaceAll("\\Q{" + PROPKEY_CAT_TABLE + "}\\E", table); Vector<Category> categories = new Vector<Category>(); ResultSet data = null; try { data = sql(sql); while (data.next()) { // get each category Category cat = new Category(); cat.id = data.getString(colId); cat.name = encode(data.getBytes(colName)); categories.add(cat); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Could not export Categories with sql: " + sql); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return categories; }
public void createdFormatedShoppingList() { this.formatedProductsList = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); this.formatedCategoriesList = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<Category> iterateur = categoriesListe.iterator(); while (iterateur.hasNext()) { Category category = iterateur.next(); String categoryString = category.getName(); int idCateg = category.getId(); this.formatedCategoriesList.add(categoryString); List<String> donneesCategory = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int c = 0; c < productsListe.size(); c++) { int prod_Idcateg = productsListe.get(c).getIdCateg(); int prod_IsShop = productsListe.get(c).isShop(); String unProduit = new String(); if (prod_Idcateg == idCateg && prod_IsShop == 1) { unProduit = productsListe.get(c).getName(); String quantity = productsListe.get(c).getQuantity(); if (quantity != "" && quantity != null) { unProduit += " : " + quantity; } donneesCategory.add(unProduit); } } this.formatedProductsList.put(categoryString, donneesCategory); } }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); /** chart */ sb.append("\t\"<chart "); sb.append(formap(this.chart.getAttrs())); sb.append(" >\" +\n \n"); /** categories */ if (categories.size() > 0) { sb.append("\t\t\"<categories>\"+\n"); for (Category category : categories) { sb.append("\t\t\t\"<category "); sb.append(formap(category.getAttrs())); sb.append(" />\"+\n"); } sb.append("\t\t\"</categories>\"+\n\n"); } if (dataSets.size() > 0) { for (DataSet dataset : dataSets) { sb.append("\t\t\"<dataset "); sb.append(formap(dataset.getAttrs())); sb.append(" >\"+\n"); for (Set set : dataset.getSets()) { sb.append("\t\t\t\"<set "); sb.append(formap(set.getAttrs())); sb.append(" />\"+\n"); } sb.append("\t\t\"</dataset>\"+\n\n"); } } sb.append("\t\"</chart>\"\n"); return sb.toString(); }
public static Category createCategory(EOEditingContext editingContext, Integer id, String name) { Category eo = (Category) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(editingContext, _Category.ENTITY_NAME); eo.setId(id); eo.setName(name); return eo; }
public void displayConfusionMatrix() { int total = 0; int wrong = 0; System.out.print(" | "); for (Category c : categories.values()) { System.out.print(c.getCategory() + " | "); total += c.totalCategorized; wrong += c.wrong; } System.out.println(); for (Category c : categories.values()) { String out = c.getCategory() + " | "; for (String c2 : categories.keySet()) { if (c.categorized.containsKey(c2)) out += String.format("%.2f | ", c.categorized.get(c2) / (c.totalCategorized * 1.0)); else out += "0000 | "; } System.out.println(out); } System.out.println("Accuracy: " + Math.round(100 * (total - wrong * 1.0) / total) + "%"); System.out.println(); }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private void cleanup() { Session s = openSession(); s.beginTransaction(); s.createQuery("delete from SubItem").executeUpdate(); for (Hoarder hoarder : (List<Hoarder>) s.createQuery("from Hoarder").list()) { hoarder.getItems().clear(); s.delete(hoarder); } for (Category category : (List<Category>) s.createQuery("from Category").list()) { if (category.getExampleItem() != null) { category.setExampleItem(null); s.delete(category); } } for (Item item : (List<Item>) s.createQuery("from Item").list()) { item.setCategory(null); s.delete(item); } s.createQuery("delete from Item").executeUpdate(); s.getTransaction().commit(); s.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Predictor p = Predictor.getInstance(); Map<Category, Double> m = p.getPrediction(1, 2, "2"); Set<Category> categories = m.keySet(); Category[] cats = new Category[categories.size()]; categories.toArray(cats); Arrays.sort( cats, new Comparator<Category>() { @Override public int compare(Category o1, Category o2) { return -(int) (100000 * (m.get(o1) - m.get(o2))); } }); double sum = 0.0; for (Category c : cats) { sum += m.get(c); } for (Category c : cats) { System.out.println(String.format("%-10s -> %7.4f %%", c.getType(), m.get(c) / sum * 100)); } }
@Test public void itUpdatesCategory() { Category category = categoryDAO.find((long) 1); category.setName("Salads"); categoryDAO.update(category); assertEquals("Salads", categoryDAO.find((long) 1).getName()); }
@Test public void testMergeMultipleEntityCopiesAllowedAndDisallowed() { Item item1 = new Item(); item1.setName("item1 name"); Category category = new Category(); category.setName("category"); item1.setCategory(category); category.setExampleItem(item1); EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); em.persist(item1); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.close(); // get another representation of item1 em = getOrCreateEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); Item item1_1 = em.find(Item.class, item1.getId()); // make sure item1_1.category is initialized Hibernate.initialize(item1_1.getCategory()); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.close(); em = getOrCreateEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); Item item1Merged = em.merge(item1); // make sure item1Merged.category is also managed Hibernate.initialize(item1Merged.getCategory()); item1Merged.setCategory(category); category.setExampleItem(item1_1); // now item1Merged is managed and it has a nested detached item // and there is multiple managed/detached Category objects try { // the following should fail because multiple copies of Category objects is not allowed by // CustomEntityCopyObserver em.merge(item1Merged); fail( "should have failed because CustomEntityCopyObserver does not allow multiple copies of a Category. "); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { // expected } finally { em.getTransaction().rollback(); } em.close(); em = getOrCreateEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); item1 = em.find(Item.class, item1.getId()); assertEquals(category.getName(), item1.getCategory().getName()); assertSame(item1, item1.getCategory().getExampleItem()); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.close(); cleanup(); }
/** * Calculates casing information using data from the specified CLDRFile. * * @param resolved the resolved CLDRFile to calculate casing information from * @return */ public static Map<Category, CasingType> getSamples(CLDRFile resolved) { // Use EnumMap instead of an array for type safety. Map<Category, Counter<CasingType>> counters = new EnumMap<Category, Counter<CasingType>>(Category.class); for (Category category : Category.values()) { counters.put(category, new Counter<CasingType>()); } PathStarrer starrer = new PathStarrer(); boolean isRoot = "root".equals(resolved.getLocaleID()); Set<String> missing = !DEBUG ? null : new TreeSet<String>(); for (String path : resolved) { if (!isRoot) { String locale2 = resolved.getSourceLocaleID(path, null); if (locale2.equals("root") || locale2.equals("code-fallback")) { continue; } } String winningPath = resolved.getWinningPath(path); if (!winningPath.equals(path)) { continue; } Category category = getCategory(path); if (category != null) { String value = resolved.getStringValue(path); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) continue; CasingType ft = CasingType.from(value); counters.get(category).add(ft, 1); } else if (DEBUG) { String starred = starrer.set(path); missing.add(starred); } } Map<Category, CasingType> info = new EnumMap<Category, CasingType>(Category.class); for (Category category : Category.values()) { if (category == Category.NOT_USED) continue; Counter<CasingType> counter = counters.get(category); long countLower = counter.getCount(CasingType.lowercase); long countUpper = counter.getCount(CasingType.titlecase); long countOther = counter.getCount(CasingType.other); CasingType type; if (countLower + countUpper == 0) { type = CasingType.other; } else if (countLower >= countUpper * MIN_FACTOR && countLower >= countOther) { type = CasingType.lowercase; } else if (countUpper >= countLower * MIN_FACTOR && countUpper >= countOther) { type = CasingType.titlecase; } else { type = CasingType.other; } info.put(category, type); } if (DEBUG && missing.size() != 0) { System.out.println("Paths skipped:\n" + CollectionUtilities.join(missing, "\n")); } return info; }
public double getTotalRemaining() { List<Category> categories = this.getCategories(); double remaining = 0.0; for (Category category : categories) { remaining += category.getRemaining(); } return remaining; }
/** * Gets the children. * * @param id category id * @return List of children of certain category */ public LinkedList<Category> getChildren(long id) { LinkedList<Category> toReturn = new LinkedList<Category>(); for (Category c : this.categories.findAll()) { if (c.getPredecessor() == id) toReturn.add(c); } return toReturn; }
@Test public void hashCodeShouldNotBeEqual() { Category category1 = new Category("john", "desc", true, false); Category category2 = new Category("bob", "desc", true, false); assertNotSame(category1.hashCode(), category2.hashCode()); }
@Test public void equalsReturnsFalseWhenNotEqual() { Category category1 = new Category("john", "desc", true, false); Category category2 = new Category("bob", "desc", true, false); assertFalse(category1.equals(category2)); }
@Test public void equalsReturnsTrueWhenEqual() { Category category1 = new Category("john", "desc", true, false); Category category2 = new Category("john", "desc", true, false); assertTrue(category1.equals(category2)); }
/* * Return true if all the items on the board have been used */ public boolean isEmpty() { for (Category category : categories) { if (category.isUsedUp() == false) { return false; } } return true; }
// implements ACollection // the type attribute is not used for Categories protected void newItem(Long aType, boolean isDefault) { Category newCategory = null; newCategory = Category.newItem(isDefault); items.put(newCategory.getId(), newCategory); setCurrentItem(newCategory.getId()); // save needed sendSaveNeeded(); } // END public void newItem(String)
public Category mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { Category category = new Category(); category.setId(rs.getLong("id")); category.setName(rs.getString("name")); category.setShowOnSalesScreen(rs.getBoolean("showOnSalesScreen")); category.setThumbnailId(rs.getLong("thumbnailId")); return category; }
/** @return Total allocated for the categories */ public double getCategoriesTotal() { List<Category> categories = this.getCategories(); double total = 0.0; for (Category category : categories) { total += category.getTotal(); } return total; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object otherCategory) { if (!(otherCategory instanceof Category)) { return false; } else { Category newCategory = (Category) otherCategory; return this.getName().equals(newCategory.getName()); } }
public void deleteLearnCategories() { ArrayList<Category> learnCategories = learnGraph.getCategories(); for (Category c : learnCategories) { Nodemapper n = brain.findNode(c); System.out.println("Found node " + n + " for " + c.inputThatTopic()); if (n != null) n.category = null; } learnGraph = new Graphmaster(this); }
public SparseIntArray buildCategoryIndex(ArrayList<Category> myCategoryList) { SparseIntArray myPositionMap = new SparseIntArray(); Integer position = 0; for (Category myCat : myCategoryList) { myPositionMap.put(myCat.getID(), position); position++; } return myPositionMap; }
@Test public void save_savesCategoryIdIntoDB_true() { Category myCategory = new Category("Household chores"); myCategory.save(); Task myTask = new Task("Mow the lawn", myCategory.getId()); myTask.save(); Task savedTask = Task.find(myTask.getId()); assertEquals(savedTask.getCategoryId(), myCategory.getId()); }