  * Find transfer candidates for profile routing. TODO replace with an on-street search using the
  * existing profile router functions.
 public Map<StopCluster, Double> findNearbyStopClusters(StopCluster sc, double radius) {
   Map<StopCluster, Double> ret = Maps.newHashMap();
   Envelope env = new Envelope(new Coordinate(sc.lon, sc.lat));
       SphericalDistanceLibrary.metersToLonDegrees(radius, sc.lat),
   for (StopCluster cluster : stopClusterSpatialIndex.query(env)) {
     // TODO this should account for area-like nature of clusters. Use size of bounding boxes.
     double distance = distlib.distance(sc.lat, sc.lon, cluster.lat, cluster.lon);
     if (distance < radius) ret.put(cluster, distance);
   return ret;
  public List<GraphPath> getPaths(RoutingRequest options) {

    final Graph graph = graphService.getGraph(options.getRouterId());
    if (options.rctx == null) {
      options.rctx.pathParsers =
          new PathParser[] {new BasicPathParser(), new NoThruTrafficPathParser()};

    if (!options.getModes().isTransit()) {
      return sptService.getShortestPathTree(options).getPaths();

    // also fall back to A* for short trips
    double distance =
            options.rctx.origin.getCoordinate(), options.rctx.target.getCoordinate());
    if (distance < shortPathCutoff) {
      log.debug("Falling back to A* for very short path");
      return shortPathService.getPaths(options);

    RaptorDataService service = graph.getService(RaptorDataService.class);
    if (service == null) {
      log.warn("No raptor data.  Rebuild with RaptorDataBuilder");
      return Collections.emptyList();
    RaptorData data = service.getData();

    // we multiply the initial walk distance to account for epsilon dominance.
    double initialWalk = options.getMaxWalkDistance() * WALK_EPSILON;

    // do not even bother with obviously impossible walks
    double minWalk =
            + options.rctx.target.getDistanceToNearestTransitStop();
    if (options.getMaxWalkDistance() < minWalk) {

    RoutingRequest walkOptions = options.clone();
    walkOptions.rctx.pathParsers = new PathParser[0];
    TraverseModeSet modes = options.getModes().clone();
    RaptorSearch search = new RaptorSearch(data, options);

    if (data.maxTransitRegions != null) {
      Calendar tripDate = Calendar.getInstance(graph.getTimeZone());
      tripDate.setTime(new Date(1000L * options.dateTime));

      Calendar maxTransitStart = Calendar.getInstance(graph.getTimeZone());
      maxTransitStart.set(Calendar.YEAR, data.maxTransitRegions.startYear);
      maxTransitStart.set(Calendar.MONTH, data.maxTransitRegions.startMonth);
      maxTransitStart.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, data.maxTransitRegions.startDay);

      int day = 0;
      while (tripDate.after(maxTransitStart)) {
        tripDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);
      if (day > data.maxTransitRegions.maxTransit.length || options.isWheelchairAccessible()) {
        day = -1;

      search.maxTimeDayIndex = day;

    int rushAheadRound = preliminaryRaptorSearch(data, options, walkOptions, search);

    long searchBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    double expectedWorstTime =
            * distanceLibrary.distance(
                options.rctx.origin.getCoordinate(), options.rctx.target.getCoordinate())
            / options.getWalkSpeed();

    int foundSoFar = 0;

    double firstWalkDistance = 0;
    List<RaptorState> targetStates = new ArrayList<RaptorState>();

    do {
      int bestElapsedTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      do {
        for (int round = 0; round < options.getMaxTransfers() + 2; ++round) {
          if (!round(data, options, walkOptions, search, round)) break;

          long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - searchBeginTime;
          if (elapsed > multiPathTimeout * 1000 && multiPathTimeout > 0 && targetStates.size() > 0)
            break RETRY;

          ArrayList<RaptorState> toRemove = new ArrayList<RaptorState>();
          for (RaptorState state : search.getTargetStates()) {
            if (state.nBoardings == 0 && options.getMaxWalkDistance() > initialWalk) {
          if (search.getTargetStates().size() > 0) {
            if (firstWalkDistance == 0) {
              firstWalkDistance = options.getMaxWalkDistance();
            for (RaptorState state : toRemove) {
          if (targetStates.size() >= options.getNumItineraries() && round >= rushAheadRound) {
            int oldBest = bestElapsedTime;
            for (RaptorState state : search.getTargetStates()) {
              final int elapsedTime = (int) Math.abs(state.arrivalTime - options.dateTime);
              if (elapsedTime < bestElapsedTime) {
                bestElapsedTime = elapsedTime;

            int improvement = oldBest - bestElapsedTime;
            if (improvement < 600 && bestElapsedTime < expectedWorstTime) break RETRY;

        if (foundSoFar < search.getTargetStates().size()) {
          foundSoFar = search.getTargetStates().size();
        } else if (foundSoFar > 0) {
          // we didn't find anything new in this round, and we already have
          // some paths, so bail out
        options = options.clone();
        walkOptions = walkOptions.clone();
        if (search.getTargetStates().size() > 0 && bestElapsedTime < expectedWorstTime) {
          // we have found some paths so we no longer want to expand the max walk distance
          break RETRY;
        } else {
          options.setMaxWalkDistance(options.getMaxWalkDistance() * 2);

          options.setWalkReluctance(options.getWalkReluctance() * 2);

      } while (options.getMaxWalkDistance() < initialWalk * MAX_WALK_MULTIPLE
          && initialWalk < Double.MAX_VALUE);

      options = options.clone();
      walkOptions = walkOptions.clone();
      for (RaptorState state : search.getTargetStates()) {
        for (AgencyAndId trip : state.getTrips()) {

      if (search.getTargetStates().size() == 0) break; // no paths found; searching more won't help


      search = new RaptorSearch(data, options);

    } while (targetStates.size() < options.getNumItineraries());

    collectRoutesUsed(data, options, targetStates);

    if (targetStates.isEmpty()) {
      log.info("RAPTOR found no paths");

    if (targetStates.size() > options.getNumItineraries())
      targetStates = targetStates.subList(0, options.getNumItineraries());

    List<GraphPath> paths = new ArrayList<GraphPath>();
    for (RaptorState targetState : targetStates) {
      // reconstruct path
      ArrayList<RaptorState> states = new ArrayList<RaptorState>();
      RaptorState cur = targetState;
      while (cur != null) {
        cur = cur.getParent();
      // states is in reverse order of time
      State state = getState(targetState.getRequest(), data, states);
      paths.add(new GraphPath(state, true));

    return paths;
  public List<GraphPath> getPaths(RoutingRequest options) {

    if (options.rctx == null) {
      // move into setRoutingContext ?
      options.rctx.pathParsers =
          new PathParser[] {new BasicPathParser(), new NoThruTrafficPathParser()};

    RemainingWeightHeuristic heuristic;
    if (options.getModes().isTransit()) {
      LOG.debug("Transit itinerary requested.");
      // always use the bidirectional heuristic because the others are not precise enough
      heuristic = new BidirectionalRemainingWeightHeuristic(options.rctx.graph);
    } else {
      LOG.debug("Non-transit itinerary requested.");
      heuristic = new DefaultRemainingWeightHeuristic();

    // the states that will eventually be turned into paths and returned
    List<State> returnStates = new LinkedList<State>();

    BinHeap<State> pq = new BinHeap<State>();
    //        List<State> boundingStates = new ArrayList<State>();

    Vertex originVertex = options.rctx.origin;
    Vertex targetVertex = options.rctx.target;

    // increase maxWalk repeatedly in case hard limiting is in use
    for (double maxWalk = options.getMaxWalkDistance(); returnStates.isEmpty(); maxWalk *= 2) {
      if (maxWalk != Double.MAX_VALUE && maxWalk > MAX_WALK) {
      LOG.debug("try search with max walk {}", maxWalk);
      // increase maxWalk if settings make trip impossible
      if (maxWalk
          < Math.min(
              distanceLibrary.distance(originVertex.getCoordinate(), targetVertex.getCoordinate()),
                  + targetVertex.getDistanceToNearestTransitStop())) continue WALK;

      // cap search / heuristic weight
      final double AVG_TRANSIT_SPEED = 25; // m/sec
      double cutoff =
          (distanceLibrary.distance(originVertex.getCoordinate(), targetVertex.getCoordinate())
                  * 1.5)
              / AVG_TRANSIT_SPEED; // wait time is irrelevant in the heuristic
      cutoff += options.getMaxWalkDistance() * options.walkReluctance;
      options.maxWeight = cutoff;

      State origin = new State(options);
      // (used to) initialize heuristic outside loop so table can be reused
      heuristic.computeInitialWeight(origin, targetVertex);

      options.maxWeight = cutoff + 30 * 60 * options.waitReluctance;

      // reinitialize states for each retry
      HashMap<Vertex, List<State>> states = new HashMap<Vertex, List<State>>();
      pq.insert(origin, 0);
      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long endTime = startTime + (int) (_timeouts[0] * 1000);
      LOG.debug("starttime {} endtime {}", startTime, endTime);
      while (!pq.empty()) {

        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > endTime) {
          LOG.debug("timeout at {} msec", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
          if (returnStates.isEmpty()) break WALK; // disable walk distance increases
          else {
            break WALK;

        //                if (pq.peek_min_key() > options.maxWeight) {
        //                    LOG.debug("max weight {} exceeded", options.maxWeight);
        //                    break QUEUE;
        //                }

        State su = pq.extract_min();

        //                for (State bs : boundingStates) {
        //                    if (eDominates(bs, su)) {
        //                        continue QUEUE;
        //                    }
        //                }

        Vertex u = su.getVertex();

        if (traverseVisitor != null) {

        if (u.equals(targetVertex)) {
          //                    boundingStates.add(su);
          if (!options.getModes().isTransit()) break QUEUE;
          // options should contain max itineraries
          if (returnStates.size() >= _maxPaths) break QUEUE;
          if (returnStates.size() < _timeouts.length) {
            endTime = startTime + (int) (_timeouts[returnStates.size()] * 1000);
                "{} path, set timeout to {}",
                _timeouts[returnStates.size()] * 1000);
          continue QUEUE;

        for (Edge e : options.isArriveBy() ? u.getIncoming() : u.getOutgoing()) {
          for (State new_sv = e.traverse(su); new_sv != null; new_sv = new_sv.getNextResult()) {
            if (traverseVisitor != null) {
              traverseVisitor.visitEdge(e, new_sv);

            double h = heuristic.computeForwardWeight(new_sv, targetVertex);
            if (h == Double.MAX_VALUE) continue;
            //                    for (State bs : boundingStates) {
            //                        if (eDominates(bs, new_sv)) {
            //                            continue STATE;
            //                        }
            //                    }
            Vertex v = new_sv.getVertex();
            List<State> old_states = states.get(v);
            if (old_states == null) {
              old_states = new LinkedList<State>();
              states.put(v, old_states);
            } else {
              for (State old_sv : old_states) {
                if (eDominates(old_sv, new_sv)) {
                  continue STATE;
              Iterator<State> iter = old_states.iterator();
              while (iter.hasNext()) {
                State old_sv = iter.next();
                if (eDominates(new_sv, old_sv)) {
            if (traverseVisitor != null) traverseVisitor.visitEnqueue(new_sv);

            pq.insert(new_sv, new_sv.getWeight() + h);

    // Make the states into paths and return them
    List<GraphPath> paths = new LinkedList<GraphPath>();
    for (State s : returnStates) {
      paths.add(new GraphPath(s, true));
    // sort by arrival time, though paths are already in order of increasing difficulty
    // Collections.sort(paths, new PathComparator(origin.getOptions().isArriveBy()));
    return paths;