@Test public void testSetMotorPosition() { try { motor.setPosition(1.0); } catch (MotorPositionOutOfBounds e) { fail("The motor attempted to move out of bounds"); } assertEquals(1.0, motor.getPostion(), 0.001); }
@Test public void testSetMotorPositionMin() { try { motor.setPosition(0.0); } catch (MotorPositionOutOfBounds e) { fail("The motor attempted to move out of bounds"); } }
@Test public void testSetMotorPositoinDoesntGoOutOfBunds() { boolean outOfBounds = false; try { motor.setPosition(1.1); } catch (MotorPositionOutOfBounds e) { outOfBounds = true; } assertTrue(outOfBounds); outOfBounds = false; try { motor.setPosition(-0.1); } catch (MotorPositionOutOfBounds e) { outOfBounds = true; } assertTrue(outOfBounds); }
@Test public void testGetMotorPosition() { assertEquals(0.0, motor.getPostion(), 0.001); }