public static void main(String[] args) throws JMException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Problem problem; // The problem to solve
    Algorithm algorithm; // The algorithm to use
    Operator crossover; // Crossover operator
    Operator mutation; // Mutation operator
    Operator selection; // Selection operator

    // int bits ; // Length of bit string in the OneMax problem
    HashMap parameters; // Operator parameters

    int threads = 4; // 0 - use all the available cores
    IParallelEvaluator parallelEvaluator = new MultithreadedEvaluator(threads);

    // problem = new Sphere("Real", 10) ;
    problem = new Griewank("Real", 10);

    algorithm = new pgGA(problem, parallelEvaluator); // Generational GA

    /* Algorithm parameters*/
    algorithm.setInputParameter("populationSize", 100);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("maxEvaluations", 2500000);

    // Mutation and Crossover for Real codification
    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", 0.9);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", 20.0);
    crossover = CrossoverFactory.getCrossoverOperator("SBXCrossover", parameters);

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", 1.0 / problem.getNumberOfVariables());
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", 20.0);
    mutation = MutationFactory.getMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);

    /* Selection Operator */
    parameters = null;
    selection = SelectionFactory.getSelectionOperator("BinaryTournament", parameters);

    /* Add the operators to the algorithm*/
    algorithm.addOperator("crossover", crossover);
    algorithm.addOperator("mutation", mutation);
    algorithm.addOperator("selection", selection);

    /* Execute the Algorithm */
    long initTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    SolutionSet population = algorithm.execute();
    long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - initTime;
    System.out.println("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime);

    /* Log messages */
    System.out.println("Objectives values have been writen to file FUN");
    System.out.println("Variables values have been writen to file VAR");
  } // main
   * Configure the MOCell algorithm with default parameter settings
   * @return an algorithm object
   * @throws jmetal.util.JMException
  public Algorithm configure() throws JMException {
    Algorithm algorithm;
    Operator crossover;
    Operator mutation;
    Operator improvement; // Operator for improvement

    HashMap parameters; // Operator parameters

    QualityIndicator indicators;

    // Creating the problem
    algorithm = new AbYSS(problem_);

    // Algorithm parameters
    algorithm.setInputParameter("populationSize", populationSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("refSet1Size", refSet1Size_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("refSet2Size", refSet2Size_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("archiveSize", archiveSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("maxEvaluations", maxEvaluations_);

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", crossoverProbability_);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", crossoverDistributionIndex_);
    crossover = CrossoverFactory.getCrossoverOperator("SBXCrossover", parameters);

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", mutationProbability_);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", mutationDistributionIndex_);
    mutation = MutationFactory.getMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("improvementRounds", 1);
    parameters.put("problem", problem_);
    parameters.put("mutation", mutation);
    improvement = new MutationLocalSearch(parameters);

    // Adding the operators to the algorithm
    algorithm.addOperator("crossover", crossover);
    algorithm.addOperator("improvement", improvement);

    /* Deleted since jMetal 4.2
    // Creating the indicator object
    if ((paretoFrontFile_!=null) && (!paretoFrontFile_.equals(""))) {
       indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem_, paretoFrontFile_);
       algorithm.setInputParameter("indicators", indicators) ;
    } // if

    return algorithm;
  } // Constructor
   * Configure SPEA2 with default parameter settings
   * @return an algorithm object
   * @throws jmetal.util.JMException
  public Algorithm configure() throws JMException {
    Algorithm algorithm;
    Operator crossover; // Crossover operator
    Operator mutation; // Mutation operator
    Operator selection; // Selection operator

    QualityIndicator indicators;

    HashMap parameters; // Operator parameters

    // Creating the problem
    algorithm = new SPEA2(problem_);

    // Algorithm parameters
    algorithm.setInputParameter("populationSize", populationSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("archiveSize", archiveSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("maxEvaluations", maxEvaluations_);

    // Mutation and Crossover for Real codification
    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", crossoverProbability_);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", crossoverDistributionIndex_);
    crossover = CrossoverFactory.getCrossoverOperator("SBXCrossover", parameters);

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", mutationProbability_);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", mutationDistributionIndex_);
    mutation = MutationFactory.getMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);

    // Selection operator
    parameters = null;
    selection = SelectionFactory.getSelectionOperator("BinaryTournament", parameters);

    // Add the operators to the algorithm
    algorithm.addOperator("crossover", crossover);
    algorithm.addOperator("mutation", mutation);
    algorithm.addOperator("selection", selection);

    /* Deleted since jMetal 4.2
    // Creating the indicator object
    if ((paretoFrontFile_!=null) && (!paretoFrontFile_.equals(""))) {
       indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem_, paretoFrontFile_);
       algorithm.setInputParameter("indicators", indicators) ;
    } // if

    return algorithm;
  } // configure
Beispiel #4
   * Configure the algorithm with the specified parameter experiments.settings
   * @return an algorithm object
   * @throws jmetal.util.JMException
  public Algorithm configure() throws JMException {
    Algorithm algorithm;
    Operator selection;
    Operator crossover;

    HashMap parameters; // Operator parameters

    // Creating the problem
    Object[] problemParams = {"Real"};
    problem_ = (new ProblemFactory()).getProblem(problemName_, problemParams);
    algorithm = new CellDE(problem_);

    // Algorithm parameters
    algorithm.setInputParameter("populationSize", populationSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("archiveSize", archiveSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("maxEvaluations", maxEvaluations_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("feedBack", archiveFeedback_);

    // Crossover operator
    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("CR", CR_);
    parameters.put("F", F_);
    crossover = CrossoverFactory.getCrossoverOperator("DifferentialEvolutionCrossover", parameters);

    // Add the operators to the algorithm
    parameters = null;
    selection = SelectionFactory.getSelectionOperator("BinaryTournament", parameters);

    algorithm.addOperator("crossover", crossover);
    algorithm.addOperator("selection", selection);

    return algorithm;
  } // configure
Beispiel #5
   * Configure the MOCell algorithm with default parameter experiments.settings
   * @return an algorithm object
   * @throws jmetal.util.JMException
  public Algorithm configure() throws JMException {
    Algorithm algorithm;

    Crossover crossover;
    Mutation mutation;
    Operator selection;

    HashMap parameters; // Operator parameters

    // Selecting the algorithm: there are six MOCell variants
    Object[] problemParams = {"Real"};
    problem_ = (new ProblemFactory()).getProblem(problemName_, problemParams);
    // algorithm = new sMOCell1(problem_) ;
    // algorithm = new sMOCell2(problem_) ;
    // algorithm = new aMOCell1(problem_) ;
    // algorithm = new aMOCell2(problem_) ;
    // algorithm = new aMOCell3(problem_) ;
    algorithm = new MOCell(problem_);

    // Algorithm parameters
    algorithm.setInputParameter("populationSize", populationSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("maxEvaluations", maxEvaluations_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("archiveSize", archiveSize_);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("feedBack", feedback_);

    // Mutation and Crossover for Real codification
    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", crossoverProbability_);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", crossoverDistributionIndex_);
    crossover = CrossoverFactory.getCrossoverOperator("SBXCrossover", parameters);

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", mutationProbability_);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", mutationDistributionIndex_);
    mutation = MutationFactory.getMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);

    // Selection Operator
    parameters = null;
    selection = SelectionFactory.getSelectionOperator("BinaryTournament", parameters);

    // Add the operators to the algorithm
    algorithm.addOperator("crossover", crossover);
    algorithm.addOperator("mutation", mutation);
    algorithm.addOperator("selection", selection);

    return algorithm;
  } // configure
   * @param args Command line arguments. The first (optional) argument specifies the problem to
   *     solve.
   * @throws JMException
  public static void main(String[] args) throws JMException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Problem problem; // The problem to solve
    Algorithm algorithm; // The algorithm to use
    Operator crossover; // Crossover operator
    Operator mutation; // Mutation operator
    Operator selection; // Selection operator

    QualityIndicator indicators; // Object to get quality indicators

    HashMap parameters; // Operator parameters

    // Logger object and file to store log messages
    logger_ = Configuration.logger_;
    fileHandler_ = new FileHandler("FastPGA_main.log");

    indicators = null;
    if (args.length == 1) {
      Object[] params = {"Real"};
      problem = (new ProblemFactory()).getProblem(args[0], params);
    } // if
    else if (args.length == 2) {
      Object[] params = {"Real"};
      problem = (new ProblemFactory()).getProblem(args[0], params);
      indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, args[1]);
    } // if
    else { // Default problem
      problem = new Kursawe("Real", 3);
      // problem = new Kursawe("BinaryReal", 3);
      // problem = new Water("Real");
      // problem = new ZDT1("ArrayReal", 100);
      // problem = new ConstrEx("Real");
      // problem = new DTLZ1("Real");
      // problem = new OKA2("Real") ;
    } // else

    algorithm = new FastPGA(problem);

    algorithm.setInputParameter("maxPopSize", 100);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("initialPopulationSize", 100);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("maxEvaluations", 25000);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("a", 20.0);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("b", 1.0);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("c", 20.0);
    algorithm.setInputParameter("d", 0.0);

    // Parameter "termination"
    // If the preferred stopping criterium is PPR based, termination must
    // be set to 0; otherwise, if the algorithm is intended to iterate until
    // a give number of evaluations is carried out, termination must be set to
    // that number
    algorithm.setInputParameter("termination", 1);

    // Mutation and Crossover for Real codification
    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", 0.9);
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", 20.0);
    crossover = CrossoverFactory.getCrossoverOperator("SBXCrossover", parameters);
    // crossover.setParameter("probability",0.9);
    // crossover.setParameter("distributionIndex",20.0);

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("probability", 1.0 / problem.getNumberOfVariables());
    parameters.put("distributionIndex", 20.0);
    mutation = MutationFactory.getMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);
    // Mutation and Crossover for Binary codification

    parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("comparator", new FPGAFitnessComparator());
    selection = new BinaryTournament(parameters);

    algorithm.addOperator("crossover", crossover);
    algorithm.addOperator("mutation", mutation);
    algorithm.addOperator("selection", selection);

    long initTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    SolutionSet population = algorithm.execute();
    long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - initTime;

    // Result messages"Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");"Variables values have been writen to file VAR");
    population.printVariablesToFile("VAR");"Objectives values have been writen to file FUN");

    if (indicators != null) {"Quality indicators");"Hypervolume: " + indicators.getHypervolume(population));"GD         : " + indicators.getGD(population));"IGD        : " + indicators.getIGD(population));"Spread     : " + indicators.getSpread(population));"Epsilon    : " + indicators.getEpsilon(population));

      int evaluations = ((Integer) algorithm.getOutputParameter("evaluations")).intValue();"Speed      : " + evaluations + " evaluations");
    } // if
  } // main