Beispiel #1
   * Adds a sensor to the appropriate protocol. Checks if this sensor is supported by the protocol
   * @return the protocol to which the sensor has been added
   * @throws NotFoundException if the protocol specified in the sensor config does not exist
   * @throws ConfigurationException if the sensor config is invalid (no protocol name, or specified
   *     protocol not found)
  AbstractProtocol associateSensor(Sensor sensor) throws ConfigurationException, NotFoundException {
    AbstractProtocol p = null;
    String pname = null, ptype = null;
    try {
      pname = sensor.getParameter(SMLConstants.PROTOCOL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NODE);
      ptype = sensor.getParameter(SMLConstants.PROTOCOL_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NODE);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
      logger.error("Can not find the protocol name / type to associate the sensor with");
          "Cant associate sensor "
              + sensor.getID().toString()
              + "(Cant find protocol "
              + pname
              + ")");
      throw new ConfigurationException(
          "cant find the name of protocol to associate with from sensor config", e);

    if ((p = getComponent(new ProtocolID(pname))) != null) {
      if (ptype.equals(p.getType())) p.associateSensor(sensor);
      else {
            "Specified protocol type "
                + ptype
                + " doesnt match existing protocol name "
                + pname
                + " 's type ("
                + p.getType()
                + ")");
        throw new ConfigurationException(
            "Specified protocol type "
                + ptype
                + " doesnt match existing protocol name "
                + pname
                + " 's type ("
                + p.getType()
                + ")");
    } else {
      logger.error("Cant find protocol " + pname + " to associate the sensor with");
      throw new NotFoundException("Cant find protocol '" + pname + "'");

    return p;
Beispiel #2
   * Returns the protocol associated with a SensorID (assuming the sensor owner is already
   * associated with a protocol)
   * @throws NotFoundException if the sensor can not be found
   * @throws SALRunTimeException if the sensoor isnt associated with any protocol, or the protocol
   *     object cant be found (shouldnt happen, but...)
  AbstractProtocol getProtocol(SensorID sid) throws NotFoundException {
    AbstractProtocol p = null;
    String pName = null;
    Sensor s;

    if ((s = SensorManager.getSensorManager().getComponent(sid)) == null) {
      // logger.error("Cannot find the any sensor with this sensorID: " + sid.toString());
      throw new NotFoundException("No sensor with this sensorID");
    if ((pName = s.getID().getPIDName()) == null) {
      logger.error("Cannot find the protocolID associated with this sensorID: " + sid.toString());
      throw new SALRunTimeException(
          "we shouldnt be here - sensor not associated with any protocol ??");
    if ((p = getComponent(new ProtocolID(pName))) == null) {
      logger.error("Cannot find the protocol associated with this sensorID: " + sid.toString());
      throw new SALRunTimeException(
          "We shouldnt be here - cant find the protocol the sensor is associated with");

    return p;
Beispiel #3
  * Unassociate a sensor from the protocol. This method returns only when the sensor is
  * unassociated, ie if a command is being run while this method is called, it will block until the
  * command finishes, then unassociated the sensor, thereby preventing it from being used again.
  * @throws ConfigurationException if the protocol name cant be found in the sensor config, if the
  *     protocol name doesnt exist or if the sensor isnt associated with the protocol anymore
 void unassociateSensor(Sensor s) throws ConfigurationException {
   AbstractProtocol p = null;
   String pname = null;
   try {
     pname = s.getParameter(SMLConstants.PROTOCOL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NODE);
   } catch (NotFoundException e) {
     logger.error("Can not find the protocol name to unassociate the sensor from");
         "Cant unassociate sensor " + s.getID().toString() + "(Cant find protocol " + pname + ")");
     throw new ConfigurationException("cant find protocol name in sensor config", e);
   if ((p = getComponent(new ProtocolID(pname))) != null)
     try {
     } catch (NotFoundException e) {
       throw new ConfigurationException("Sensor not associated with protocol '" + pname + "'", e);
   else {
         "Cant unassociate sensor " + s.getID().toString() + "(Cant find protocol " + pname + ")");
     throw new ConfigurationException("cant find protocol name '" + pname + "'");