private SB getShortStringData(int shortSID, int nBytes, boolean asBinaryString) { SB data = new SB(); if (rootEntry == null) return data; int thisSID = rootEntry.SIDfirstSector; int ptShort = 0; byte[] byteBuf = new byte[shortSectorSize]; ZipData gzipData = new ZipData(nBytes); try { // System.out.println("CD shortSID=" + shortSID); // point to correct short data sector, 512/64 = 4 per page while (thisSID >= 0 && shortSID >= 0 && nBytes > 0) { while (shortSID - ptShort >= nShortSectorsPerStandardSector) { ptShort += nShortSectorsPerStandardSector; thisSID = SAT[thisSID]; } seek(getOffset(thisSID) + (shortSID - ptShort) * shortSectorSize); nBytes = getSectorData(data, byteBuf, shortSectorSize, nBytes, asBinaryString, gzipData); shortSID = SSAT[shortSID]; // System.out.println("CD shortSID=" + shortSID); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(data.toString()); Logger.errorEx(null, e); } if (gzipData.isEnabled) gzipData.addTo(data); return data; }
private int getSectorData( SB data, byte[] byteBuf, int nSectorBytes, int nBytes, boolean asBinaryString, ZipData gzipData) throws Exception { readByteArray(byteBuf, 0, byteBuf.length); int n = gzipData.addBytes(byteBuf, nSectorBytes, nBytes); if (n >= 0) return n; if (asBinaryString) { for (int i = 0; i < nSectorBytes; i++) { data.append(Integer.toHexString(byteBuf[i] & 0xFF)).appendC(' '); if (--nBytes < 1) break; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < nSectorBytes; i++) { if (byteBuf[i] == 0) return -9999; // don't allow binary data data.appendC((char) byteBuf[i]); if (--nBytes < 1) break; } } return nBytes; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Object getProperty(String propertyName, int param) { if (propertyName.equals("list")) { String s = (String) getPropI("list"); if (s.length() > 1) s += "cutoff = " + getPropI("cutoff") + "\n"; return vwr.getMoInfo(-1) + "\n" + s; } if (propertyName == "moNumber") return Integer.valueOf(moNumber); if (propertyName == "moLinearCombination") return moLinearCombination; if (propertyName == "showMO") { SB str = new SB(); Lst<Map<String, Object>> mos = (Lst<Map<String, Object>>) (sg.getMoData().get("mos")); int nOrb = (mos == null ? 0 : mos.size()); int thisMO = param; int currentMO = moNumber; boolean isShowCurrent = (thisMO == Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (thisMO == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { thisMO = currentMO; } if (nOrb == 0 || isShowCurrent && currentMO == 0) return ""; boolean doOneMo = (thisMO != 0); if (currentMO == 0) thisMO = 0; boolean haveHeader = false; int nTotal = (thisMO > 0 ? 1 : nOrb); int i0 = (nTotal == 1 && currentMO > 0 ? currentMO : 1); for (int i = i0; i <= nOrb; i++) if (thisMO == 0 || thisMO == i || !doOneMo && i == currentMO) { if (!doOneMo) { Parameters params = sg.getParams(); setPropI("init", params, null); setOrbital(i, null); } jvxlData.moleculeXml = vwr.getModelCml(vwr.getModelUndeletedAtomsBitSet(thisMesh.modelIndex), 100, true); if (!haveHeader) { str.append( JvxlCoder.jvxlGetFile( jvxlData, null, null, "HEADERONLY", true, nTotal, null, null)); haveHeader = true; } str.append( JvxlCoder.jvxlGetFile( jvxlData, null, jvxlData.title, null, false, 1, thisMesh.getState("mo"), (thisMesh.scriptCommand == null ? "" : thisMesh.scriptCommand))); if (!doOneMo) setPropI("delete", "mo_show", null); if (nTotal == 1) break; } str.append(JvxlCoder.jvxlGetFile(jvxlData, null, null, "TRAILERONLY", true, 0, null, null)); return str.toString(); } return getPropI(propertyName); }
@Override void dump(int level, SB sb) { sb.append("\nnode LEFT" + level); eleLeft.dump(level + 1, sb); for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) sb.append("->"); sb.append(" RIGHT" + level); eleRight.dump(level + 1, sb); }
@Override public String getShapeState() { if (!isActive()) return ""; SB sb = new SB(); sb.append("\n"); if (!simpleEllipsoids.isEmpty()) getStateID(sb); if (!atomEllipsoids.isEmpty()) getStateAtoms(sb); return sb.toString(); }
@Override public String getShapeState() { if (htModels == null) return ""; SB s = new SB(); int modelCount = vwr.getModelCount(); for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) s.append(getMoState(i)); // System.out.println("molecular orbital state " + s.length()); return s.toString(); }
String getSavedOrientationText(String saveName) { Orientation o; if (saveName != null) { o = getOrientationFor(saveName); return (o == null ? "" : o.getMoveToText(true)); } SB sb = new SB(); for (Entry<String, Object> e : saved.entrySet()) { String name = e.getKey(); if (name.startsWith("Orientation_")) sb.append(((Orientation) e.getValue()).getMoveToText(true)); } return sb.toString(); }
/** * checks an atom line for "ANGSTROMS", possibly overriding the data's natural units, BOHR * (similar to Gaussian CUBE files). * * @param isXLowToHigh * @param isAngstroms * @param strAtomCount * @param atomLine * @param bs * @return isAngstroms */ protected static boolean checkAtomLine( boolean isXLowToHigh, boolean isAngstroms, String strAtomCount, String atomLine, SB bs) { if (atomLine.indexOf("ANGSTROMS") >= 0) isAngstroms = true; int ac = (strAtomCount == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : javajs.util.PT.parseInt(strAtomCount)); switch (ac) { case Integer.MIN_VALUE: ac = 0; atomLine = " " + atomLine.substring(atomLine.indexOf(" ") + 1); break; case Integer.MAX_VALUE: ac = Integer.MIN_VALUE; break; default: String s = "" + ac; atomLine = atomLine.substring(atomLine.indexOf(s) + s.length()); } if (isAngstroms) { if (atomLine.indexOf("ANGSTROM") < 0) atomLine += " ANGSTROMS"; } else { if (atomLine.indexOf("BOHR") < 0) atomLine += " BOHR"; } atomLine = (ac == Integer.MIN_VALUE ? "" : (isXLowToHigh ? "+" : "-") + Math.abs(ac)) + atomLine + "\n"; bs.append(atomLine); return isAngstroms; }
private void getStateAtoms(SB sb) { BS bsDone = new BS(); Map<String, BS> temp = new Hashtable<String, BS>(); Map<String, BS> temp2 = new Hashtable<String, BS>(); for (Ellipsoid e : atomEllipsoids.values()) { int iType = e.tensor.iType; if (bsDone.get(iType + 1)) continue; bsDone.set(iType + 1); boolean isADP = (e.tensor.iType == Tensor.TYPE_ADP); String cmd = (isADP ? null : "Ellipsoids set " + PT.esc(e.tensor.type)); for (Ellipsoid e2 : atomEllipsoids.values()) { if (e2.tensor.iType != iType || isADP && !e2.isOn) continue; int i = e2.tensor.atomIndex1; // BSUtil.setMapBitSet( temp, i, i, (isADP ? "Ellipsoids " + e2.percent : cmd + " scale " + e2.scale + (e2.options == null ? "" : " options " + PT.esc(e2.options)) + (e2.isOn ? " ON" : " OFF"))); if (e2.colix != C.INHERIT_ALL) BSUtil.setMapBitSet( temp2, i, i, getColorCommand(cmd,, e2.colix, translucentAllowed)); } } sb.append(vwr.getCommands(temp, temp2, "select")); }
@Override public SB getAllDataFiles(String binaryFileList, String firstFile) { if (firstFile != null) { for (int i = 0; i < directory.size(); i++) { CompoundDocDirEntry thisEntry = directory.get(i); if (thisEntry.entryName.equals(firstFile)) { directory.remove(i); directory.add(1, thisEntry); // after ROOT_ENTRY break; } } } data = new SB(); data.append("Compound Document File Directory: "); data.append(getDirectoryListing("|")); data.append("\n"); binaryFileList = "|" + binaryFileList + "|"; for (int i = 0; i < directory.size(); i++) { CompoundDocDirEntry thisEntry = directory.get(i);"reading " + thisEntry.entryName); if (!thisEntry.isEmpty && thisEntry.entryType != 5) { String name = thisEntry.entryName; if (name.endsWith(".gz")) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3); data.append("BEGIN Directory Entry ").append(name).append("\n"); data.appendSB( getEntryAsString( thisEntry, binaryFileList.indexOf("|" + thisEntry.entryName + "|") >= 0)); data.append("\n"); data.append("END Directory Entry ").append(thisEntry.entryName).append("\n"); } } close(); return data; }
private String getMoState(int modelIndex) { strID = getId(modelIndex); if (!getSettings(strID)) return ""; SB s = new SB(); int modelCount = vwr.getModelCount(); if (modelCount > 1) appendCmd(s, "frame " + vwr.getModelNumberDotted(modelIndex)); if (moCutoff != null) appendCmd(s, "mo cutoff " + (sg.getIsPositiveOnly() ? "+" : "") + moCutoff); if (moScale != null) appendCmd(s, "mo scale " + moScale); if (moMonteCarloCount != null) appendCmd(s, "mo points " + moMonteCarloCount + " " + moRandomSeed); if (moResolution != null) appendCmd(s, "mo resolution " + moResolution); if (moPlane != null) appendCmd( s, "mo plane {" + moPlane.x + " " + moPlane.y + " " + moPlane.z + " " + moPlane.w + "}"); if (moTitleFormat != null) appendCmd(s, "mo titleFormat " + PT.esc(moTitleFormat)); // the following is a correct object==object test if (moColorNeg != null) appendCmd( s, "mo color " + Escape.escapeColor(moColorNeg.intValue()) + (moColorNeg.equals(moColorPos) ? "" : " " + Escape.escapeColor(moColorPos.intValue()))); if (moSlab != null) { if (thisMesh.slabOptions != null) appendCmd(s, thisMesh.slabOptions.toString()); if (thisMesh.jvxlData.slabValue != Integer.MIN_VALUE) appendCmd(s, "mo slab " + thisMesh.jvxlData.slabValue); } if (moLinearCombination == null) { appendCmd(s, "mo " + (moSquareData == Boolean.TRUE ? "squared " : "") + moNumber); } else { appendCmd( s, "mo " + QS.getMOString(moLinearCombination) + (moSquareLinear == Boolean.TRUE ? " squared" : "")); } if (moTranslucency != null) appendCmd(s, "mo translucent " + moTranslucentLevel); appendCmd(s, ((IsosurfaceMesh) thisModel.get("mesh")).getState("mo")); return s.toString(); }
/** * reads a compound document directory and saves all data in a Hashtable so that the files may be * organized later in a different order. Also adds a #Directory_Listing entry. * * <p>Files are bracketed by BEGIN Directory Entry and END Directory Entry lines, similar to * ZipUtil.getAllData. * * @param prefix * @param binaryFileList |-separated list of files that should be saved as xx xx xx hex byte * strings. The directory listing is appended with ":asBinaryString" * @param fileData */ @Override public void getAllDataMapped(String prefix, String binaryFileList, Map<String, String> fileData) { fileData.put("#Directory_Listing", getDirectoryListing("|")); binaryFileList = "|" + binaryFileList + "|"; for (int i = 0; i < directory.size(); i++) { CompoundDocDirEntry thisEntry = directory.get(i); if (!thisEntry.isEmpty && thisEntry.entryType != 5) { String name = thisEntry.entryName;"CompoundDocument file " + name); boolean isBinary = (binaryFileList.indexOf("|" + name + "|") >= 0); if (isBinary) name += ":asBinaryString"; SB data = new SB(); data.append("BEGIN Directory Entry ").append(name).append("\n"); data.appendSB(getEntryAsString(thisEntry, isBinary)); data.append("\nEND Directory Entry ").append(name).append("\n"); fileData.put(prefix + "/" + name, data.toString()); } } close(); }
Object createAtomSeCollectionFromStrings( String[] arrayModels, SB loadScript, Map<String, Object> htParams, boolean isAppend) { if (!htParams.containsKey("isData")) { String oldSep = "\"" + viewer.getDataSeparator() + "\""; String tag = "\"" + (isAppend ? "append" : "model") + " inline\""; SB sb = new SB(); sb.append("set dataSeparator \"~~~next file~~~\";\ndata ").append(tag); for (int i = 0; i < arrayModels.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append("~~~next file~~~"); sb.append(arrayModels[i]); } sb.append("end ").append(tag).append(";set dataSeparator ").append(oldSep); loadScript.appendSB(sb); } setLoadState(htParams);"FileManager.getAtomSetCollectionFromStrings(string[])"); String[] fullPathNames = new String[arrayModels.length]; DataReader[] readers = new DataReader[arrayModels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < arrayModels.length; i++) { fullPathNames[i] = "string[" + i + "]"; readers[i] = newDataReader(arrayModels[i]); } JmolFilesReaderInterface filesReader = newFilesReader(fullPathNames, fullPathNames, null, readers, htParams, isAppend);; return filesReader.getAtomSetCollection(); }
public static String getVariableList( Map<String, SV> htVariables, int nMax, boolean withSites, boolean definedOnly) { SB sb = new SB(); // user variables only: int n = 0; String[] list = new String[htVariables.size()]; for (Map.Entry<String, SV> entry : htVariables.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); SV var = entry.getValue(); if ((withSites || !key.startsWith("site_")) && (!definedOnly || key.charAt(0) == '@')) list[n++] = key + (key.charAt(0) == '@' ? " " + var.asString() : " = " + varClip(key, var.escape(), nMax)); } Arrays.sort(list, 0, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (list[i] != null) sb.append(" ").append(list[i]).append(";\n"); if (n == 0 && !definedOnly) sb.append("# --no global user variables defined--;\n"); return sb.toString(); }
protected void jvxlDecodeContourData(JvxlData jvxlData, String data) throws Exception { List<List<Object>> vs = new List<List<Object>>(); SB values = new SB(); SB colors = new SB(); int pt = -1; jvxlData.vContours = null; if (data == null) return; while ((pt = data.indexOf("<jvxlContour", pt + 1)) >= 0) { List<Object> v = new List<Object>(); String s = xr.getXmlData("jvxlContour", data.substring(pt), true, false); float value = parseFloatStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s, "value")); values.append(" ").appendF(value); int color = getColor(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s, "color")); short colix = C.getColix(color); colors.append(" ").append(Escape.escapeColor(color)); String fData = JvxlCoder.jvxlDecompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s, "data")); BS bs = JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(xr.getXmlData("jvxlContour", s, false, false)); int n = bs.length(); IsosurfaceMesh.setContourVector(v, n, bs, value, colix, color, SB.newS(fData)); vs.addLast(v); } int n = vs.size(); if (n > 0) { jvxlData.vContours = AU.createArrayOfArrayList(n); // 3D contour values and colors jvxlData.contourColixes = params.contourColixes = new short[n]; jvxlData.contourValues = params.contoursDiscrete = new float[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { jvxlData.vContours[i] = vs.get(i); jvxlData.contourValues[i] = ((Float) jvxlData.vContours[i].get(2)).floatValue(); jvxlData.contourColixes[i] = ((short[]) jvxlData.vContours[i].get(3))[0]; } jvxlData.contourColors = C.getHexCodes(jvxlData.contourColixes);"JVXL read: " + n + " discrete contours");"JVXL read: contour values: " + values);"JVXL read: contour colors: " + colors); } }
@Override protected void readParameters() throws Exception { String s = xr.getXmlData("jvxlFileTitle", null, false, false); jvxlFileHeaderBuffer = SB.newS(s); xr.toTag("jvxlVolumeData"); String data = tempDataXml = xr.getXmlData("jvxlVolumeData", null, true, false); volumetricOrigin.setT(xr.getXmlPoint(data, "origin")); isAngstroms = true; readVector(0); readVector(1); readVector(2); line = xr.toTag("jvxlSurfaceSet"); nSurfaces = parseIntStr(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(line, "count"));"jvxl file surfaces: " + nSurfaces);"using default edge fraction base and range");"using default color fraction base and range"); cJvxlEdgeNaN = (char) (edgeFractionBase + edgeFractionRange); }
private void getStateID(SB sb) { V3 v1 = new V3(); for (Ellipsoid ellipsoid : simpleEllipsoids.values()) { Tensor t = ellipsoid.tensor; if (!ellipsoid.isValid || t == null) continue; sb.append(" Ellipsoid ID ") .append( .append(" modelIndex ") .appendI(t.modelIndex) .append(" center ") .append(Escape.eP( .append(" axes"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { v1.setT(t.eigenVectors[i]); v1.scale(ellipsoid.lengths[i]); sb.append(" ").append(Escape.eP(v1)); } sb.append(" " + getColorCommandUnk("", ellipsoid.colix, translucentAllowed)); if (ellipsoid.options != null) sb.append(" options ").append(PT.esc(ellipsoid.options)); if (!ellipsoid.isOn) sb.append(" off"); sb.append(";\n"); } }
/** * delivers file contents and directory listing for a ZIP/JAR file into sb * * @param name * @param header * @param fileData * @return name of entry */ private String getObjectAsSections(String name, String header, Map<String, String> fileData) { if (name == null) return null; String[] subFileList = null; boolean asBinaryString = false; String name0 = name.replace('\\', '/'); if (name.indexOf(":asBinaryString") >= 0) { asBinaryString = true; name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(":asBinaryString")); } SB sb = null; if (fileData.containsKey(name0)) return name0; if (name.indexOf("#JMOL_MODEL ") >= 0) { fileData.put(name0, name0 + "\n"); return name0; } String fullName = name; if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0) { subFileList = PT.split(name, "|"); name = subFileList[0]; } BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { Object t = getBufferedInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(name, fullName, false, false, null, false); if (t instanceof String) { fileData.put(name0, (String) t + "\n"); return name0; } bis = (BufferedInputStream) t; if (JmolBinary.isCompoundDocumentS(bis)) { JmolDocument doc = (JmolDocument) Interface.getOptionInterface("io2.CompoundDocument"); doc.setStream(bis, true); doc.getAllDataMapped(name.replace('\\', '/'), "Molecule", fileData); } else if (JmolBinary.isZipS(bis)) { JmolBinary.getAllZipData(bis, subFileList, name.replace('\\', '/'), "Molecule", fileData); } else if (asBinaryString) { // used for Spartan binary file reading JmolDocument bd = (JmolDocument) Interface.getOptionInterface("io2.BinaryDocument"); bd.setStream(bis, false); sb = new SB(); // note -- these headers must match those in ZipUtil.getAllData and // CompoundDocument.getAllData if (header != null) sb.append("BEGIN Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n"); try { while (true) sb.append(Integer.toHexString(bd.readByte() & 0xFF)).appendC(' '); } catch (Exception e1) { sb.appendC('\n'); } if (header != null) sb.append("\nEND Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n"); fileData.put(name0, sb.toString()); } else { BufferedReader br = JmolBinary.getBufferedReader( JmolBinary.isGzipS(bis) ? new BufferedInputStream(JmolBinary.newGZIPInputStream(bis)) : bis, null); String line; sb = new SB(); if (header != null) sb.append("BEGIN Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n"); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); sb.appendC('\n'); } br.close(); if (header != null) sb.append("\nEND Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n"); fileData.put(name0, sb.toString()); } } catch (Exception ioe) { fileData.put(name0, ioe.toString()); } if (bis != null) try { bis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // } if (!fileData.containsKey(name0)) fileData.put(name0, "FILE NOT FOUND: " + name0 + "\n"); return name0; }
public Object getBufferedInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName( String name, String fullName, boolean showMsg, boolean checkOnly, byte[] outputBytes, boolean allowReader) { byte[] cacheBytes = null; if (outputBytes == null) { cacheBytes = (fullName == null || pngjCache == null ? null : JmolBinary.getCachedPngjBytes(this, fullName)); if (cacheBytes == null) cacheBytes = (byte[]) cacheGet(name, true); } BufferedInputStream bis = null; Object ret = null; String errorMessage = null; try { if (cacheBytes == null) { boolean isPngjBinaryPost = (name.indexOf("?POST?_PNGJBIN_") >= 0); boolean isPngjPost = (isPngjBinaryPost || name.indexOf("?POST?_PNGJ_") >= 0); if (name.indexOf("?POST?_PNG_") > 0 || isPngjPost) { String[] errMsg = new String[1]; byte[] bytes = viewer.getImageAsBytes(isPngjPost ? "PNGJ" : "PNG", 0, 0, -1, errMsg); if (errMsg[0] != null) return errMsg[0]; if (isPngjBinaryPost) { outputBytes = bytes; name = PT.simpleReplace(name, "?_", "=_"); } else { name = new SB().append(name).append("=").appendSB(Base64.getBase64(bytes)).toString(); } } int iurl = urlTypeIndex(name); boolean isURL = (iurl >= 0); String post = null; if (isURL && (iurl = name.indexOf("?POST?")) >= 0) { post = name.substring(iurl + 6); name = name.substring(0, iurl); } boolean isApplet = (appletDocumentBaseURL != null); if (name.indexOf(".png") >= 0 && pngjCache == null && viewer.cachePngFiles()) JmolBinary.cachePngjFile(this, null); if (isApplet || isURL) { if (isApplet && isURL && appletProxy != null) name = appletProxy + "?url=" + urlEncode(name); URL url = (isApplet ? new URL(appletDocumentBaseURL, name, null) : new URL((URL) null, name, null)); if (checkOnly) return null; name = url.toString(); if (showMsg && name.toLowerCase().indexOf("password") < 0)"FileManager opening 1 " + name); ret = viewer.apiPlatform.getBufferedURLInputStream(url, outputBytes, post); byte[] bytes = null; if (ret instanceof SB) { SB sb = (SB) ret; if (allowReader && !JmolBinary.isBase64(sb)) return JmolBinary.getBR(sb.toString()); bytes = JmolBinary.getBytesFromSB(sb); } else if (PT.isAB(ret)) { bytes = (byte[]) ret; } if (bytes != null) ret = JmolBinary.getBIS(bytes); } else if ((cacheBytes = (byte[]) cacheGet(name, true)) == null) { if (showMsg)"FileManager opening 2 " + name); ret = viewer.apiPlatform.getBufferedFileInputStream(name); } if (ret instanceof String) return ret; } bis = (cacheBytes == null ? (BufferedInputStream) ret : JmolBinary.getBIS(cacheBytes)); if (checkOnly) { bis.close(); bis = null; } return bis; } catch (Exception e) { try { if (bis != null) bis.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } errorMessage = "" + e; } return errorMessage; }
protected String skipComments(boolean allowBlankLines) throws Exception { SB sb = new SB(); while (readLine() != null && (allowBlankLines && line.length() == 0 || line.indexOf("#") == 0)) sb.append(line).appendC('\n'); return sb.toString(); }
public Object getUnzippedReaderOrStreamFromName( String name, byte[] bytes, boolean allowZipStream, boolean forceInputStream, boolean isTypeCheckOnly, boolean doSpecialLoad, Map<String, Object> htParams) { String[] subFileList = null; String[] info = (bytes == null && doSpecialLoad ? getSpartanFileList(name) : null); String name00 = name; if (info != null) { if (isTypeCheckOnly) return info; if (info[2] != null) { String header = info[1]; Map<String, String> fileData = new Hashtable<String, String>(); if (info.length == 3) { // we need information from the output file, info[2] String name0 = getObjectAsSections(info[2], header, fileData); fileData.put("OUTPUT", name0); info = JmolBinary.spartanFileList(name, fileData.get(name0)); if (info.length == 3) { // might have a second option name0 = getObjectAsSections(info[2], header, fileData); fileData.put("OUTPUT", name0); info = JmolBinary.spartanFileList(info[1], fileData.get(name0)); } } // load each file individually, but return files IN ORDER SB sb = new SB(); if (fileData.get("OUTPUT") != null) sb.append(fileData.get(fileData.get("OUTPUT"))); String s; for (int i = 2; i < info.length; i++) { name = info[i]; name = getObjectAsSections(name, header, fileData);"reading " + name); s = fileData.get(name); sb.append(s); } s = sb.toString(); if (spardirCache == null) spardirCache = new Hashtable<String, byte[]>(); spardirCache.put(name00.replace('\\', '/'), s.getBytes()); return JmolBinary.getBR(s); } // continuing... // here, for example, for an SPT file load that is not just a type check // (type check is only for application file opening and drag-drop to // determine if // script or load command should be used) } if (bytes == null && pngjCache != null) { bytes = JmolBinary.getCachedPngjBytes(this, name); if (bytes != null && htParams != null) htParams.put("sourcePNGJ", Boolean.TRUE); } String fullName = name; if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0) { subFileList = PT.split(name, "|"); if (bytes == null)"FileManager opening 3 " + name); name = subFileList[0]; } Object t = (bytes == null ? getBufferedInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName( name, fullName, true, false, null, !forceInputStream) : JmolBinary.getBIS(bytes)); try { if (t instanceof String) return t; if (t instanceof BufferedReader) return t; BufferedInputStream bis = JmolBinary.getUnzippedInputStream((BufferedInputStream) t); if (JmolBinary.isCompoundDocumentS(bis)) { JmolDocument doc = (JmolDocument) Interface.getOptionInterface("io2.CompoundDocument"); doc.setStream(bis, true); return JmolBinary.getBR(doc.getAllDataFiles("Molecule", "Input").toString()); } if (JmolBinary.isPickleS(bis)) return bis; bis = JmolBinary.checkPngZipStream(bis); if (JmolBinary.isZipS(bis)) { if (allowZipStream) return JmolBinary.newZipInputStream(bis); Object o = JmolBinary.getZipFileContents(bis, subFileList, 1, forceInputStream); return (o instanceof String ? JmolBinary.getBR((String) o) : o); } return (forceInputStream ? bis : JmolBinary.getBufferedReader(bis, null)); } catch (Exception ioe) { return ioe.toString(); } }
public boolean slabPolygons(Object[] slabObject, boolean allowCap) { if (polygonCount0 < 0) return false; // disabled for some surface types int slabType = ((Integer) slabObject[0]).intValue(); if (slabType == T.none || slabType == T.brillouin) { if (bsSlabDisplay != null && (polygonCount0 != 0 || vertexCount0 != 0)) { pc = polygonCount0; vc = vertexCount0; polygonCount0 = vertexCount0 = 0; normixCount = (isTriangleSet ? pc : vc); bsSlabDisplay.setBits(0, (pc == 0 ? vc : pc)); slabOptions = new SB().append(meshType + " slab none"); bsSlabGhost = null; slabMeshType = T.none; } if (slabType == T.none) return false; } Object slabbingObject = slabObject[1]; boolean andCap = ((Boolean) slabObject[2]).booleanValue() && !(slabType == T.brillouin); if (andCap && !allowCap) return false; Object[] colorData = (Object[]) slabObject[3]; boolean isGhost = (colorData != null); if (bsSlabDisplay == null || polygonCount0 == 0 && vertexCount0 == 0) { polygonCount0 = pc; vertexCount0 = vc; bsSlabDisplay = BSUtil.setAll(pc == 0 ? vc : pc); bsSlabGhost = null; if (pc == 0 && vc == 0) return false; } else if (isMerged) { if (pc == 0) bsSlabDisplay.setBits(mergeVertexCount0, vc); else bsSlabDisplay.setBits(mergePolygonCount0, pc); } if (isGhost) { if (bsSlabGhost == null) bsSlabGhost = new BS(); slabMeshType = ((Integer) colorData[0]).intValue(); slabColix = ((Short) colorData[1]).shortValue(); // if (C.isColixColorInherited(slabColix)) // slabColix = C.copyColixTranslucency(slabColix, colix); andCap = false; colix = C.getColixTranslucent3(colix, false, 0); } SB sb = new SB(); sb.append(andCap ? " cap " : " slab "); if (isGhost) { sb.append("translucent ").appendF(C.getColixTranslucencyFractional(slabColix)).append(" "); String s = C.getHexCode(slabColix); if (s != null) sb.append(s).append(" "); if (slabMeshType == T.mesh) sb.append("mesh "); } switch (slabType) { case T.brillouin: sb.append("brillouin"); slabBrillouin((P3[]) slabbingObject); break; case T.decimal: getIntersection( 0, null, null, null, null, (BS) slabbingObject, null, andCap, false, T.decimal, isGhost); break; case T.plane: P4 plane = (P4) slabbingObject; sb.append(Escape.eP4(plane)); getIntersection(0, plane, null, null, null, null, null, andCap, false, T.plane, isGhost); break; case T.unitcell: case T.boundbox: P3[] box = (P3[]) slabbingObject; sb.append("within ").append(Escape.eAP(box)); P4[] faces = BoxInfo.getFacesFromCriticalPoints(box); for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) { getIntersection( 0, faces[i], null, null, null, null, null, andCap, false, T.plane, isGhost); } break; case getIntersection( 0, null, null, null, (float[]) slabbingObject, null, null, false, false, T.min, isGhost); break; case T.within: case T.range: case T.mesh: Object[] o = (Object[]) slabbingObject; float distance = ((Float) o[0]).floatValue(); switch (slabType) { case T.within: P3[] points = (P3[]) o[1]; BS bs = (BS) o[2]; sb.append("within ") .appendF(distance) .append(bs == null ? Escape.e(points) : Escape.e(bs)); getIntersection( distance, null, points, null, null, null, null, andCap, false, (distance > 0 ? T.distance : T.sphere), isGhost); break; case T.range: // isosurface slab within range x.x y.y // if y.y < x.x then this effectively means "NOT within range y.y x.x" if (vvs == null) return false; float distanceMax = ((Float) o[1]).floatValue(); sb.append("within range ").appendF(distance).append(" ").appendF(distanceMax); bs = (distanceMax < distance ? BSUtil.copy(bsSlabDisplay) : null); getIntersection( distance, null, null, null, null, null, null, andCap, false, T.min, isGhost); BS bsA = (bs == null ? null : BSUtil.copy(bsSlabDisplay)); BSUtil.copy2(bs, bsSlabDisplay); getIntersection( distanceMax, null, null, null, null, null, null, andCap, false, T.max, isGhost); if (bsA != null) bsSlabDisplay.or(bsA); break; case T.mesh: // NOT IMPLEMENTED MeshSurface mesh = (MeshSurface) o[1]; // distance = -1; getIntersection( 0, null, null, null, null, null, mesh, andCap, false, distance < 0 ? T.min : T.max, isGhost); // TODO: unresolved how exactly to store this in the state // -- must indicate exact set of triangles to slab and how! break; } break; } String newOptions = sb.toString(); if (slabOptions == null) slabOptions = new SB(); if (slabOptions.indexOf(newOptions) < 0) slabOptions.append(slabOptions.length() > 0 ? "; " : "").append(meshType).append(newOptions); return true; }