Beispiel #1
   * Compute the positions of the arrow head of the graphic's legs.
   * @param dc Current draw context
   * @param base Position of the arrow's starting point.
   * @param tip Position of the arrow head tip.
   * @param arrowLength Length of the arrowhead as a fraction of the total line length.
   * @param arrowAngle Angle of the arrow head.
   * @return Positions required to draw the arrow head.
  protected List<Position> computeArrowheadPositions(
      DrawContext dc, Position base, Position tip, double arrowLength, Angle arrowAngle) {
    // Build a triangle to represent the arrowhead. The triangle is built from two vectors, one
    // parallel to the
    // segment, and one perpendicular to it.

    Globe globe = dc.getGlobe();

    Vec4 ptA = globe.computePointFromPosition(base);
    Vec4 ptB = globe.computePointFromPosition(tip);

    // Compute parallel component
    Vec4 parallel = ptA.subtract3(ptB);

    Vec4 surfaceNormal = globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(ptB);

    // Compute perpendicular component
    Vec4 perpendicular = surfaceNormal.cross3(parallel);

    double finalArrowLength = arrowLength * parallel.getLength3();
    double arrowHalfWidth = finalArrowLength * arrowAngle.tanHalfAngle();

    perpendicular = perpendicular.normalize3().multiply3(arrowHalfWidth);
    parallel = parallel.normalize3().multiply3(finalArrowLength);

    // Compute geometry of direction arrow
    Vec4 vertex1 = ptB.add3(parallel).add3(perpendicular);
    Vec4 vertex2 = ptB.add3(parallel).subtract3(perpendicular);

    return TacticalGraphicUtil.asPositionList(globe, vertex1, vertex2, ptB);