public static Color gradientColor(double value) {
   if (value < 0.0) return Color.gray;
   if (value > 1.0) value = 1.0;
   int red = Math.min(255, (int) (512.0 - (value * 512.0)));
   int green = Math.min(255, (int) (value * 512.0));
   int blue = 0;
   return new Color(red, green, blue);
Beispiel #2
 private void setHoverLocation(
     org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell, position) { displayBounds = shell.getDisplay().getBounds(); shellBounds = shell.getBounds();
   shellBounds.x = Math.max(Math.min(position.x, displayBounds.width - shellBounds.width), 0);
   shellBounds.y =
       Math.max(Math.min(position.y + 16, displayBounds.height - shellBounds.height), 0);
Beispiel #3
 private static int shortestPath(TreeNode t) {
   if (t == null) {
     return 0;
   } else {
     return 1 + Math.min(shortestPath(t.left), shortestPath(t.right));
Beispiel #4
  public synchronized void run() {

    byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

    for (; ; ) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

      int len = 0;
      try {
        int noBytes = pin.available();

        if (noBytes > 0) {
          len =, 0, Math.min(noBytes, BUFFER_SIZE));
          if (len > 0) {
            jTextArea.append(new String(buffer, 0, len));
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new UIError("Unable to read from input stream! " + ioe.getMessage());
  * Formats the specified value and enters it in the text field.
  * @param value the value to be entered
 public void setValue(double value) {
   if (!isVisible()) return;
   if (minValue != null) value = Math.max(value, minValue.doubleValue());
   if (maxValue != null) value = Math.min(value, maxValue.doubleValue());
   prevValue = value;
Beispiel #6
   * Called by the paint method to draw the graph and its graph items.
   * @param g the graphics context.
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    Dimension dim = getSize();
    Insets insets = getInsets();
    dataArea =
        new Rectangle(
            dim.width - insets.left - insets.right - 1,
            dim.height - - insets.bottom - 1);
    // background
    if (isOpaque()) {
      g.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
    // get axis tickmarks
    double xticks[] = xAxis.getTicks();
    double yticks[] = yAxis.getTicks();
    int yb = dataArea.y + dataArea.height;
    // draw grid
    if (showGrid) {
      g.setColor(gridColor != null ? gridColor : getBackground().darker());
      // vertical x grid lines
      for (int i = 0; i < xticks.length; i += 2) {
        int x = dataArea.x + (int) Math.round(xticks[i]);
        g.drawLine(x, dataArea.y, x, dataArea.y + dataArea.height);
      // horizontal y grid lines
      for (int i = 0; i < yticks.length; i += 2) {
        int y = yb - (int) Math.round(yticks[i]);
        g.drawLine(dataArea.x, y, dataArea.x + dataArea.width, y);
    for (int i = 0; i < graphItems.size(); i++) {
      ((GraphItem) graphItems.elementAt(i)).draw(this, g, dataArea, xAxis, yAxis);
    if (sPt != null && ePt != null) {
          Math.min(sPt.x, ePt.x), Math.min(sPt.y, ePt.y),
          Math.abs(ePt.x - sPt.x), Math.abs(ePt.y - sPt.y));
Beispiel #7
  * Compares two tokens lexicographically.
  * @param token first token
  * @param compare token to be compared
  * @return 0 if tokens are equal, negative if first token is smaller, positive if first token is
  *     bigger
 public static int diff(final byte[] token, final byte[] compare) {
   final int tl = token.length;
   final int cl = compare.length;
   final int l = Math.min(tl, cl);
   for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
     final int c = (token[i] & 0xFF) - (compare[i] & 0xFF);
     if (c != 0) return c;
   return tl - cl;
 public ScientificRenderer(int sigfigs) {
   sigfigs = Math.min(sigfigs, 6);
   if (format instanceof DecimalFormat) {
     String pattern = "0.0"; // $NON-NLS-1$
     for (int i = 0; i < sigfigs - 1; i++) {
       pattern += "0"; // $NON-NLS-1$
     pattern += "E0"; // $NON-NLS-1$
     ((DecimalFormat) format).applyPattern(pattern);
Beispiel #9
  * Return a string that describes the statistics for the top n entries, sorted by descending
  * order of total time spent dealing with the query. This will always include the totals entry
  * in the first position.
  * @param n the desired number of entries to describe
  * @return a string describing the statistics for the top n entries
 public synchronized String toStringTop(int n) {
   StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
   List<Entry> list = entries();
   if (list.isEmpty()) return "<no queries executed>";
   Collections.sort(list, TOTAL_TIME_DESCENDING);
   int maxCountLength = COUNT_FORMAT.format(list.get(0).numQueries).length();
   double totalDuration = list.get(0).queryTime;
   for (Entry entry : list.subList(0, Math.min(n, list.size())))
     out.append(entry.toString(maxCountLength, totalDuration)).append('\n');
   return out.toString();
Beispiel #10
   * Returns a partial token.
   * @param token input text
   * @param start start position
   * @param end end position
   * @return resulting text
  public static byte[] subtoken(final byte[] token, final int start, final int end) {
    int s = Math.max(0, start);
    final int e = Math.min(end, token.length);
    if (s == 0 && e == token.length) return token;
    if (s >= e) return EMPTY;

    int t = Math.max(0, s - 4);
    for (; t != s && t < e; t += cl(token, t)) {
      if (t >= s) s = t;
    for (; t < e; t += cl(token, t)) ;
    return Arrays.copyOfRange(token, s, t);
  void animate() {
    dim = getSize();
    size = (int) (Math.min(dim.height, dim.width) / 2.2);
    if (timer.time_diff == 0) return; // not enought time has passed, dont animate-crach fix
    dragged_speed = dragged_vec.sub(last_dragged_vec).div(timer.time_diff);
    last_dragged_vec = dragged_vec;
    if (dragged_ball != -1) {
      balls.get2(dragged_ball).pos = dragged_vec.add(find_offset).trim(-1, 1);
      balls.get2(dragged_ball).speed = dragged_speed;

    balls = new WorldAnimate().calc_new_frame(balls, springs, RADIUS, timer);
 void perm(long[] r, int index) {
   if (index == r.length) {
     min = Math.min(min, dist(r));
   for (int i = index; i < r.length; i++) {
     long x = r[index];
     r[index] = r[i];
     r[i] = x;
     perm(r, index + 1);
     x = r[index];
     r[index] = r[i];
     r[i] = x;
 private int[] getWidths(TableModel tableModel) {
   int[] widths = new int[tableModel.getColumnCount()];
   for (int r = 0;
       r < Math.min(tableModel.getRowCount(), 500);
       r++) { // 500 is not for performance, but for using only a sample of data with huge table
     for (int c = 0; c < tableModel.getColumnCount(); c++) {
       Object o = tableModel.getValueAt(r, c);
       if (o instanceof String) {
         String s = ((String) o).trim();
         if (s.length() > widths[c]) widths[c] = s.length();
   return widths;
 public CachedProbe(AffyProbe ap, Vector<AffyExperiment> expts) {
   probe = ap;
   min = max = 0.0;
   color = Color.lightGray;
   stroke = new BasicStroke((float) 2.0);
   values = new Vector<Double>();
   for (AffyExperiment e : expts) {
     AffyMeasurement am = e.getMeasurement(probe);
     if (am != null) {
       min = Math.min(am.getValue(), min);
       max = Math.max(am.getValue(), max);
     } else {
   * Read block from file.
   * @param file - File to read.
   * @param off - Marker position in file to start read from if {@code -1} read last blockSz bytes.
   * @param blockSz - Maximum number of chars to read.
   * @param lastModified - File last modification time.
   * @return Read file block.
   * @throws IOException In case of error.
  public static VisorFileBlock readBlock(File file, long off, int blockSz, long lastModified)
      throws IOException {
    RandomAccessFile raf = null;

    try {
      long fSz = file.length();
      long fLastModified = file.lastModified();

      long pos = off >= 0 ? off : Math.max(fSz - blockSz, 0);

      // Try read more that file length.
      if (fLastModified == lastModified && fSz != 0 && pos >= fSz)
        throw new IOException(
            "Trying to read file block with wrong offset: " + pos + " while file size: " + fSz);

      if (fSz == 0)
        return new VisorFileBlock(file.getPath(), pos, fLastModified, 0, false, EMPTY_FILE_BUF);
      else {
        int toRead = Math.min(blockSz, (int) (fSz - pos));

        byte[] buf = new byte[toRead];

        raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");;

        int cntRead =, 0, toRead);

        if (cntRead != toRead)
          throw new IOException(
              "Count of requested and actually read bytes does not match [cntRead="
                  + cntRead
                  + ", toRead="
                  + toRead
                  + ']');

        boolean zipped = buf.length > 512;

        return new VisorFileBlock(
            file.getPath(), pos, fSz, fLastModified, zipped, zipped ? zipBytes(buf) : buf);
    } finally {
      U.close(raf, null);
Beispiel #16
   * Returns a string of the specified UTF8 token.
   * @param token token
   * @param start start position
   * @param length length
   * @return string
  private static String utf8(final byte[] token, final int start, final int length) {
    // input is assumed to be correct UTF8. if input contains codepoints
    // larger than Character.MAX_CODE_POINT, results might be unexpected.

    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length << 1);
    final int il = Math.min(start + length, token.length);
    for (int i = start; i < il; i += cl(token, i)) {
      final int cp = cp(token, i);
      if (cp < Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) {
        sb.append((char) cp);
      } else {
        final int o = cp - Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT;
        sb.append((char) ((o >>> 10) + Character.MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE));
        sb.append((char) ((o & 0x3ff) + Character.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE));
    return sb.toString();
Beispiel #17
    public void updateCPUInfo(Result result) {
      if (prevUpTime > 0L && result.upTime > prevUpTime) {
        // elapsedCpu is in ns and elapsedTime is in ms.
        long elapsedCpu = result.processCpuTime - prevProcessCpuTime;
        long elapsedTime = result.upTime - prevUpTime;
        // cpuUsage could go higher than 100% because elapsedTime
        // and elapsedCpu are not fetched simultaneously. Limit to
        // 99% to avoid Plotter showing a scale from 0% to 200%.
        float cpuUsage = Math.min(99F, elapsedCpu / (elapsedTime * 10000F * result.nCPUs));

            .addValues(result.timeStamp, Math.round(cpuUsage * Math.pow(10.0, CPU_DECIMALS)));
                    Messages.CPU_USAGE_FORMAT, String.format("%." + CPU_DECIMALS + "f", cpuUsage)));
      this.prevUpTime = result.upTime;
      this.prevProcessCpuTime = result.processCpuTime;
  * Calculates statistical values for a data array.
  * @param data the data array
  * @return the max, min, mean, SD, SE and non-NaN data count
 private double[] getStatistics(double[] data) {
   double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
   double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
   double sum = 0.0;
   double squareSum = 0.0;
   int count = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
     if (Double.isNaN(data[i])) {
     max = Math.max(max, data[i]);
     min = Math.min(min, data[i]);
     sum += data[i];
     squareSum += data[i] * data[i];
   double mean = sum / count;
   double sd = count < 2 ? Double.NaN : Math.sqrt((squareSum - count * mean * mean) / (count - 1));
   if (max == -Double.MAX_VALUE) max = Double.NaN;
   if (min == Double.MAX_VALUE) min = Double.NaN;
   return new double[] {max, min, mean, sd, sd / Math.sqrt(count), count};
  public static void drawValueBar(
      int x, int y, String labelhead, double value, double percentage, int colorindex, Graphics g) {
    g.drawRect(x, y, VALUE_BAR_WIDTH, VALUE_BAR_HEIGHT);

    int barwidth;
    if (percentage < 0.0) {
      // Unknown value
      barwidth = VALUE_BAR_WIDTH - 1;
    } else {
      barwidth = (int) ((VALUE_BAR_WIDTH - 1) * Math.min(1.0, percentage));
    // g.setColor(gradientColor(percentage));
    g.fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, barwidth, VALUE_BAR_HEIGHT - 1);

    if (labelhead != null) {
      // g.setColor(MainFrame.labelColor);
      int off = 2;
      g.drawString(labelhead, x + VALUE_BAR_WIDTH + 2, y + VALUE_BAR_HEIGHT);
      // off += (labelhead.length()+1) * 4; // Just a guess
      String maxStr = new String("DateRate [/sec]:");
      off += (int) ((maxStr.length() + 1) * 5.5);

      if (value < 0.0) {
        g.drawString("?", x + VALUE_BAR_WIDTH + off, y + VALUE_BAR_HEIGHT);
      } else {
        if (percentage < 0.0) {
          g.drawString(format(value), x + VALUE_BAR_WIDTH + off, y + VALUE_BAR_HEIGHT);
        } else {
              format(value) + " (" + format(percentage * 100) + "%)",
              x + VALUE_BAR_WIDTH + off,
              y + VALUE_BAR_HEIGHT);
 void tell_time() {
   double time = system_time() - epoch_time;
   time_diff = Math.min(time - cur_time, .05);
   cur_time = time;
Beispiel #21
  * Returns a substring of the specified token. Note that this method does not correctly split UTF8
  * character; use {@link #subtoken} instead.
  * @param token input token
  * @param start start position
  * @param end end position
  * @return substring
 public static byte[] substring(final byte[] token, final int start, final int end) {
   final int s = Math.max(0, start);
   final int e = Math.min(end, token.length);
   if (s == 0 && e == token.length) return token;
   return s >= e ? EMPTY : Arrays.copyOfRange(token, s, e);
  * Sets the size of the shell to it's "packed" size, unless that makes it larger than the monitor
  * it is being displayed on, in which case just set the shell size to be slightly smaller than the
  * monitor.
 static void setShellSize(ControlExample instance, Shell shell) {
   Point size = shell.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
   Rectangle monitorArea = shell.getMonitor().getClientArea();
   shell.setSize(Math.min(size.x, monitorArea.width), Math.min(size.y, monitorArea.height));
Beispiel #23
  * Calculates a hash code for the specified token.
  * @param token specified token
  * @return hash code
 public static int hash(final byte[] token) {
   int h = 0;
   final int l = Math.min(token.length, MAXLENGTH);
   for (int i = 0; i != l; ++i) h = (h << 5) - h + token[i];
   return h;
Beispiel #24
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    // Draws a white arrow and the principal axis
    g.drawLine(0, 200, 700, 200);
    g.drawLine(arrow_x, 200, arrow_x, arrow_y2);

    // Show coordinates of arrow tip
    arrowCoordinate_x = arrow_x - startingPosition;
    arrowCoordinate_x /= 10;
    arrowCoordinate_y = 200 - arrow_y2;
    arrowCoordinate_y /= 10;

    // Coordinates
        "<html>(d<sub>o</sub>, h<sub>o</sub>) = ("
            + arrowCoordinate_x
            + ", "
            + arrowCoordinate_y
            + ")</html>");

    if (arrow_y2 < 200) // if arrow is above principal axis
      g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, arrow_x - 7, arrow_y2 + 7);
      g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, arrow_x + 7, arrow_y2 + 7);
    } else if (arrow_y2 > 200) // if arrow is below principal axis
      g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, arrow_x - 7, arrow_y2 - 7);
      g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, arrow_x + 7, arrow_y2 - 7);
    // Draws lines for the grid
    if (lenses) startingPosition = 350;
    else {
      radiusOfCurvature = 20 * focalLength;
      if (type == 0) startingPosition = 500;
      else startingPosition = 350;
      for (int i = startingPosition; i <= 700; i += 10) {
        if ((i - startingPosition) % (10 * focalLength) == 0) {
          g.drawLine(i, 195, i, 205);
        } else {
          g.drawLine(i, 197, i, 203);
      for (int i = startingPosition; i >= 0; i -= 10) {
        if ((i - startingPosition) % (10 * focalLength) == 0 && i != 0) {
          g.drawLine(i, 195, i, 205);
        } else {
          g.drawLine(i, 197, i, 203);

    if (lenses) {
      if (type == 0) // If Converging
        // Draws a converging lens
        g.drawArc(340, 50, 40, 300, 120, 120);
        g.drawArc(320, 50, 40, 300, 60, -120);
        // draws horizontal line from the tip of the arrow to the lens (line 1/3)
        g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, 350, arrow_y2);
        // calculates necessary information to form equation of line from lens to focal point (line
        // 2/3)

        dy_1 = 200 - arrow_y2;

        if (arrow_x > 350) dx_1 = -10 * focalLength;
        else dx_1 = 10 * focalLength;
        slope_1 = dy_1 / dx_1;

        if (arrow_x > 350) y_intercept_1 = 200 - slope_1 * (350 - 10 * focalLength);
        else y_intercept_1 = 200 - slope_1 * (10 * focalLength + 350);
        // Calculates coordinates of points on the edge of screen (endpoints)
        if (arrow_x <= 350)
          y_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(slope_1 * 700 + y_intercept_1));
        else y_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(y_intercept_1));
        if (slope_1 != 0)
          if (arrow_y2 <= 200)
            x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round((400 - y_intercept_1) / slope_1));
          else x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(-y_intercept_1 / slope_1));
        if (x_screenIntersection_1 >= 0
            && x_screenIntersection_1 <= 700) // If endpoint is on the x-edge
        if (arrow_y2 <= 200) g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 400);
          else g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 0);
        else if (arrow_x > 350) g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, 0, y_screenIntersection_1);
          g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, 700, y_screenIntersection_1); // Else: endpoint is on the y-edge
      } else // Else: Diverging
        // Draws a diverging lens
        g.drawArc(360, 50, 40, 300, 120, 120);
        g.drawArc(300, 50, 40, 300, 60, -120);
        g.drawLine(330, 68, 370, 68);
        g.drawLine(330, 330, 370, 330);

        // draws horizontal line from the tip of the arrow to the lens (line 1/3)
        g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, 350, arrow_y2);

        // calculates necessary information to form equation of line from lens to focal point (line
        // 2/3)

        dy_1 = arrow_y2 - 200;

        if (arrow_x > 350) dx_1 = -10 * focalLength;
        else dx_1 = 10 * focalLength;
        slope_1 = dy_1 / dx_1;

        if (arrow_x > 350) y_intercept_1 = 200 - slope_1 * (10 * focalLength + 350);
        else y_intercept_1 = 200 - slope_1 * (350 - 10 * focalLength);
        // Calculates coordinates of points on the edge of screen (endpoints)
        if (arrow_x <= 350)
          y_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(slope_1 * 700 + y_intercept_1));
        else y_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(y_intercept_1));
        if (slope_1 != 0)
          if (arrow_y2 <= 200)
            x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(-y_intercept_1 / slope_1));
          else x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round((400 - y_intercept_1) / slope_1));
        if (x_screenIntersection_1 >= 0
            && x_screenIntersection_1 <= 700) // If endpoint is on the x-edge
        if (arrow_y2 <= 200) g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 0);
          else g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 400);
        else // Else: endpoint is on the y-edge
        if (arrow_x > 350) g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, 0, y_screenIntersection_1);
        else g.drawLine(350, arrow_y2, 700, y_screenIntersection_1);
      // Line 3/3
      dy_2 = 200 - arrow_y2;
      dx_2 = 350 - arrow_x;
      slope_2 = dy_2 / dx_2;
      y_intercept_2 = 200 - slope_2 * 350;
      if (arrow_x <= 350)
        y_screenIntersection_2 = (int) (Math.round(slope_2 * 700 + y_intercept_2));
      else y_screenIntersection_2 = (int) (Math.round(y_intercept_2));
      if (slope_2 != 0)
        if (arrow_y2 <= 200)
          x_screenIntersection_2 = (int) (Math.round((400 - y_intercept_2) / slope_2));
        else x_screenIntersection_2 = (int) (Math.round(-y_intercept_2 / slope_2));

      if (x_screenIntersection_2 >= 0
          && x_screenIntersection_2 <= 700) // If endpoint is on the x-edge
      if (arrow_y2 <= 200) g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_2, 400);
        else g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_2, 0);
      else if (arrow_x <= 350)
            arrow_x, arrow_y2, 700, y_screenIntersection_2); // Else: endpoint is on the y-edge
      else g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, 0, y_screenIntersection_2);

      // POI between Line 2 & Line 3
      x_pointOfIntersection = (int) ((y_intercept_2 - y_intercept_1) / (slope_1 - slope_2));
      y_pointOfIntersection = (int) (slope_1 * x_pointOfIntersection + y_intercept_1);
      // Draw image
      g.drawLine(x_pointOfIntersection, 200, x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection);
      if (y_pointOfIntersection < 200) {
            x_pointOfIntersection - 7,
            y_pointOfIntersection + 7);
            x_pointOfIntersection + 7,
            y_pointOfIntersection + 7);
      } else {
            x_pointOfIntersection - 7,
            y_pointOfIntersection - 7);
            x_pointOfIntersection + 7,
            y_pointOfIntersection - 7);
      // Same side image line continuation
      if (((x_pointOfIntersection > 350 && arrow_x > 350)
              || (x_pointOfIntersection < 350 && arrow_x < 350))
          && (arrow_x != 350 - 10 * focalLength && arrow_x != 350 + 10 * focalLength
              || type == 1)) {
        g.drawLine(x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection, 350, arrow_y2);
        if (type == 0) g.drawLine(x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection, arrow_x, arrow_y2);

      // Mag calculations
      height_image = 200 - y_pointOfIntersection;
      height_object = 200 - arrow_y2;
      if (height_object != 0) magnification = height_image / height_object;

      if (magnification <= 9999 && magnification >= -9999)
        Optics.txt_magnification.setText("" + roundTwoDecimals(magnification));
      else if (magnification > 9999) {
        magnification = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      } else {
        magnification = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      // Characteristics
      g.drawString("Image Characteristics:", 20, 300);
      if (type == 0) {
        if ((Math.abs(magnification) > 1 && Math.abs(magnification) < 9999))
          g.drawString("Magnification:  Enlarged", 20, 320);
        else if (arrow_x == 350 - 20 * focalLength
            || arrow_x == 350 + 20 * focalLength
            || (int) (Math.abs(magnification)) == 1) g.drawString("Magnification:  None", 20, 320);
        else if (Math.abs(magnification) < 1 && Math.abs(magnification) > 0)
          g.drawString("Magnification:  Diminished", 20, 320);
        else g.drawString("Magnification:  N/A", 20, 320);
        if (arrow_x == 350 - 10 * focalLength || arrow_x == 350 + 10 * focalLength)
          g.drawString("Orientation:      N/A", 20, 335);
        else if ((arrow_y2 < 200 && y_pointOfIntersection < 200)
            || (arrow_y2 > 200 && y_pointOfIntersection > 200))
          g.drawString("Orientation:      Upright", 20, 335);
        else g.drawString("Orientation:      Inverted", 20, 335);
        if (arrow_x == 350 - 10 * focalLength || arrow_x == 350 + 10 * focalLength)
          g.drawString("Type:                 N/A", 20, 350);
        else if ((x_pointOfIntersection < 350 && arrow_x < 350)
            || (x_pointOfIntersection > 350 && arrow_x > 350))
          g.drawString("Type:                 Virtual", 20, 350);
        else g.drawString("Type:                 Real", 20, 350);
      } else {
        g.drawString("Magnification:  Diminished", 20, 320);
        g.drawString("Orientation:      Upright", 20, 335);
        g.drawString("Type:                 Virtual", 20, 350);

      height_image /= 10;

      if (height_image > 9999 || height_image < -9999)
        Optics.lbl_heightImage.setText("<html>h<sub>i</sub>= N/A</html>");
      else Optics.lbl_heightImage.setText("<html>h<sub>i</sub>= " + height_image + "</html>");

      distance_image = x_pointOfIntersection - 350;
      distance_image /= 10;
      if (distance_image > 9999 || distance_image < -9999)
        Optics.lbl_distanceImage.setText("<html>d<sub>i</sub>= N/A</html>");
      else Optics.lbl_distanceImage.setText("<html>d<sub>i</sub>= " + distance_image + "</html>");
    } else // Else: mirrors

      if (type == 0) // If converging
        // draws converging mirror
            500 - 2 * radiusOfCurvature,
            200 - radiusOfCurvature,
            2 * radiusOfCurvature,
            2 * radiusOfCurvature,
        // draws horizontal line from the tip of the arrow to the lens (line 1/4)
        x_arcIntersection_1 =
                ((Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.pow(radiusOfCurvature, 2) - Math.pow(arrow_y2 - 200, 2))))
                    + (500 - radiusOfCurvature));
        g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2);

        // line 2/4
        dy_1 = arrow_y2 - 200;
        dx_1 = x_arcIntersection_1 - (500 - focalLength * 10);
        slope_1 = dy_1 / dx_1;
        y_intercept_1 = 200 - slope_1 * (500 - focalLength * 10);

        // Calculates coordinates of points on the edge of screen (endpoints)
        y_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(y_intercept_1));
        if (slope_1 != 0)
          if (arrow_y2 <= 200)
            x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round((400 - y_intercept_1) / slope_1));
          else x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(-y_intercept_1 / slope_1));
        if (x_screenIntersection_1 >= 0
            && x_screenIntersection_1 <= 700) // If endpoint is on the x-edge
        if (arrow_y2 <= 200) g.drawLine(x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 400);
          else g.drawLine(x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 0);
              y_screenIntersection_1); // Else: endpoint is on the y-edge
        // line 3/4
        if (!(arrow_x > 495 - focalLength * 10 && arrow_x < 505 - focalLength * 10)) {
          dy_2 = 200 - arrow_y2;
          dx_2 = (500 - 10 * focalLength) - arrow_x;
          slope_2 = dy_2 / dx_2;
          y_intercept_2 = arrow_y2 - slope_2 * arrow_x;
          quadratic_a = (float) (Math.pow(slope_2, 2) + 1);
          quadratic_b =
                  (((2 * slope_2 * y_intercept_2)
                      - (400 * slope_2)
                      + ((radiusOfCurvature - 500) * 2)));
          quadratic_c =
                  ((Math.pow(y_intercept_2, 2)
                      - Math.pow(radiusOfCurvature, 2)
                      - (400 * y_intercept_2)
                      + 40000
                      + Math.pow((radiusOfCurvature - 500), 2)));
          discriminant = (float) (Math.pow(quadratic_b, 2) - (4 * quadratic_a * quadratic_c));
          if (discriminant >= 0)
            x_arcIntersection_2 =
                        ((-quadratic_b + Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * quadratic_a)),
                        ((-quadratic_b - Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * quadratic_a))));
          else System.out.println("Error, imaginary root!");
          y_arcIntersection_2 = (int) (slope_2 * x_arcIntersection_2 + y_intercept_2);
          g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, x_arcIntersection_2, y_arcIntersection_2);
          // System.out.println ("slope: " + slope_2 + "\n yintercept: " + y_intercept_2 + "\n
          // quadratic-a: " + quadratic_a + "\n quadratic-b: " + quadratic_b + "\n quadratic_c: " +
          // quadratic_c + "\n discriminant: " + discriminant + "\n xarcintersection2: " +
          // x_arcIntersection_2 + "\n yarcintersection2: " + y_arcIntersection_2);
          // line 4/4
          g.drawLine(x_arcIntersection_2, y_arcIntersection_2, 0, y_arcIntersection_2);

          // POI between line 2 and line 4
          x_pointOfIntersection = (int) ((y_arcIntersection_2 - y_intercept_1) / slope_1);
          y_pointOfIntersection = y_arcIntersection_2;
          g.drawLine(x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection, x_pointOfIntersection, 200);

          if (y_pointOfIntersection < 200) {
                x_pointOfIntersection - 7,
                y_pointOfIntersection + 7);
                x_pointOfIntersection + 7,
                y_pointOfIntersection + 7);
          } else {
                x_pointOfIntersection - 7,
                y_pointOfIntersection - 7);
                x_pointOfIntersection + 7,
                y_pointOfIntersection - 7);
          // Same side image line continuation
          if (arrow_x > 500 - 10 * focalLength) {
            g.drawLine(x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection, x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2);
      } else // Diverging
        // draws converging mirror
            350, 200 - radiusOfCurvature, 2 * radiusOfCurvature, 2 * radiusOfCurvature, 120, 120);
        // draws horizontal line from the tip of the arrow to the lens (line 1/4)
        x_arcIntersection_1 =
                (-(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusOfCurvature, 2) - Math.pow(arrow_y2 - 200, 2)))
                    + (350 + radiusOfCurvature));
        g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2);

        // line 2/4
        dy_1 = arrow_y2 - 200;
        dx_1 = x_arcIntersection_1 - (350 + focalLength * 10);
        slope_1 = dy_1 / dx_1;
        y_intercept_1 = 200 - slope_1 * (350 + focalLength * 10);

        // Calculates coordinates of points on the edge of screen (endpoints)
        y_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(y_intercept_1));
        if (slope_1 != 0)
          if (arrow_y2 <= 200)
            x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(-y_intercept_1 / slope_1));
          else if (arrow_y2 > 200)
            x_screenIntersection_1 = (int) (Math.round(400 - y_intercept_1 / slope_1));
        if (x_screenIntersection_1 >= 0
            && x_screenIntersection_1 <= 700) // If endpoint is on the x-edge
        if (arrow_y2 <= 200) g.drawLine(x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 0);
          else g.drawLine(x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2, x_screenIntersection_1, 400);
              y_screenIntersection_1); // Else: endpoint is on the y-edge
        // line 3/4

        dy_2 = 200 - arrow_y2;
        dx_2 = (350 + 10 * focalLength) - arrow_x;
        slope_2 = dy_2 / dx_2;
        y_intercept_2 = arrow_y2 - slope_2 * arrow_x;
        quadratic_a = (float) (Math.pow(slope_2, 2) + 1);
        quadratic_b =
                ((2 * slope_2 * y_intercept_2) - (400 * slope_2) - (2 * radiusOfCurvature + 700));
        quadratic_c =
                ((Math.pow(y_intercept_2, 2)
                    - Math.pow(radiusOfCurvature, 2)
                    - (400 * y_intercept_2)
                    + 40000
                    + Math.pow((radiusOfCurvature + 350), 2)));
        discriminant = (float) (Math.pow(quadratic_b, 2) - (4 * quadratic_a * quadratic_c));
        if (discriminant >= 0)
          x_arcIntersection_2 =
                      ((-quadratic_b + Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * quadratic_a)),
                      ((-quadratic_b - Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * quadratic_a))));
        else System.out.println("Error, imaginary root!");
        y_arcIntersection_2 = (int) (slope_2 * x_arcIntersection_2 + y_intercept_2);
        g.drawLine(arrow_x, arrow_y2, x_arcIntersection_2, y_arcIntersection_2);
        // System.out.println ("slope: " + slope_2 + "\n yintercept: " + y_intercept_2 + "\n
        // quadratic-a: " + quadratic_a + "\n quadratic-b: " + quadratic_b + "\n quadratic_c: " +
        // quadratic_c + "\n discriminant: " + discriminant + "\n xarcintersection2: " +
        // x_arcIntersection_2 + "\n yarcintersection2: " + y_arcIntersection_2);
        // line 4/4
        g.drawLine(x_arcIntersection_2, y_arcIntersection_2, 0, y_arcIntersection_2);

        // POI between line 2 and line 4
        x_pointOfIntersection = (int) ((y_arcIntersection_2 - y_intercept_1) / slope_1);
        y_pointOfIntersection = y_arcIntersection_2;
        g.drawLine(x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection, x_pointOfIntersection, 200);

        if (y_pointOfIntersection < 200) {
              x_pointOfIntersection - 7,
              y_pointOfIntersection + 7);
              x_pointOfIntersection + 7,
              y_pointOfIntersection + 7);
        } else {
              x_pointOfIntersection - 7,
              y_pointOfIntersection - 7);
              x_pointOfIntersection + 7,
              y_pointOfIntersection - 7);
        // Same side image line continuation
        g.drawLine(x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection, x_arcIntersection_1, arrow_y2);
            x_pointOfIntersection, y_pointOfIntersection, x_arcIntersection_2, y_arcIntersection_2);

      // Mag calculations
      height_image = 200 - y_pointOfIntersection;
      height_object = 200 - arrow_y2;
      if (height_object != 0) magnification = height_image / height_object;

      if (magnification <= 9999 && magnification >= -9999)
        Optics.txt_magnification.setText("" + roundTwoDecimals(magnification));
      else if (magnification > 9999) {
        magnification = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      } else {
        magnification = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      // Characteristics
      g.drawString("Image Characteristics:", 20, 300);
      if (type == 0) {

        if ((Math.abs(magnification) > 1 && Math.abs(magnification) < 9999)
            && arrow_x != 500 - 10 * focalLength) g.drawString("Magnification:  Enlarged", 20, 320);
        else if ((int) (Math.abs(magnification)) == 1)
          g.drawString("Magnification:  None", 20, 320);
        else if (Math.abs(magnification) < 1 && Math.abs(magnification) > 0)
          g.drawString("Magnification:  Diminished", 20, 320);
        else {
          g.drawString("Magnification:  N/A", 20, 320);
          Optics.lbl_distanceImage.setText("<html>d<sub>i</sub>= N/A</html>");
          Optics.lbl_heightImage.setText("<html>h<sub>i</sub>= N/A</html>");
        if (arrow_x == 500 - 10 * focalLength) g.drawString("Orientation:      N/A", 20, 335);
        else if ((arrow_y2 < 200 && y_pointOfIntersection < 200)
            || (arrow_y2 > 200 && y_pointOfIntersection > 200))
          g.drawString("Orientation:      Upright", 20, 335);
        else g.drawString("Orientation:      Inverted", 20, 335);
        if (arrow_x == 500 - 10 * focalLength) g.drawString("Type:                 N/A", 20, 350);
        else if (x_pointOfIntersection < 500 && arrow_x < 500)
          g.drawString("Type:                 Real", 20, 350);
        else if (x_pointOfIntersection > 500 && arrow_x < 500)
          g.drawString("Type:                 Virtual", 20, 350);
      } else {
        g.drawString("Magnification:  Diminished", 20, 320);
        g.drawString("Orientation:      Upright", 20, 335);
        g.drawString("Type:                 Virtual", 20, 350);

      height_image /= 10;

      if (height_image > 9999 || height_image < -9999 || arrow_x == 500 - 10 * focalLength)
        Optics.lbl_heightImage.setText("<html>h<sub>i</sub>= N/A</html>");
      else Optics.lbl_heightImage.setText("<html>h<sub>i</sub>= " + height_image + "</html>");
      if (type == 0) distance_image = x_pointOfIntersection - 500;
      else distance_image = x_pointOfIntersection - 350;
      distance_image /= 10;
      if (distance_image > 9999 || distance_image < -9999 || arrow_x == 500 - 10 * focalLength)
        Optics.lbl_distanceImage.setText("<html>d<sub>i</sub>= N/A</html>");
      else Optics.lbl_distanceImage.setText("<html>d<sub>i</sub>= " + distance_image + "</html>");
Beispiel #25
  public Main() {
    try {
      in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
      // minimum distance from D to K
      int numCities = nextInt();
      int tradeRoutes = nextInt();
      int[][] adjacencyMatrix = new int[numCities][numCities];
      int[] minDistance = new int[numCities];
      Arrays.fill(minDistance, 100000000);
      // Arrays.fill(adjacencyMatrix, -1);

      // int [] pencilCosts = new int[
      Node[] cities = new Node[numCities];
      for (int x = 0; x < tradeRoutes; x++) {
        int cityA = nextInt() - 1;
        int cityB = nextInt() - 1;
        int cost = nextInt();

        if (cities[cityA] == null) cities[cityA] = new Node(cityA);
        if (cities[cityB] == null) cities[cityB] = new Node(cityB);
        adjacencyMatrix[cityA][cityB] = cost;
        adjacencyMatrix[cityB][cityA] = cost;

        // cities[cityA].routes.add(new Edge(cost, cities[cityB]));
        // cities[cityB].routes.add(new Edge(cost, cities[cityA]));

      int numStores = nextInt();
      int[] pencilCosts = new int[numCities];
      Arrays.fill(pencilCosts, -1);
      for (int x = 0; x < numStores; x++) {
        int ID = nextInt() - 1;
        int cost = nextInt();
        pencilCosts[ID] = cost;
      int destination = nextInt() - 1;
      // if (isGood[destination]){

      // }
      int minCost = 100000000;

      Queue<Node> Q = new LinkedList<Node>();
      // PriorityQueue<Node> Q = new PriorityQueue<Node>();
      minDistance[destination] = 0;
      // cities[destination].distance = 0;
      while (!Q.isEmpty()) {
        Node temp = Q.poll();
        for (int x = 0; x < numCities; x++) {
          if (adjacencyMatrix[temp.ID][x] != 0
              && (minDistance[x] == 100000000
                  || minDistance[x] > minDistance[temp.ID] + adjacencyMatrix[temp.ID][x])) {
            minDistance[x] = minDistance[temp.ID] + adjacencyMatrix[temp.ID][x];
            if (pencilCosts[x] != -1 && minDistance[x] < minCost) {
              // System.out.println(minCost);
              minCost = Math.min(minDistance[x] + pencilCosts[x], minCost);
            } else {
              if (pencilCosts[x] == -1) { // why>
            // Q.offer(temp.routes.get(x).destination);

      for (int x = 0; x < numCities; x++) {
        if (pencilCosts[x] != -1
            && pencilCosts[x] + minDistance[x] < minCost
            && minDistance[x] != 100000000) {
          minCost = minDistance[x] + pencilCosts[x];

    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("IO: General");
  static ItemResult extractItemInfo(Element curItem) {
    ItemResult item = new ItemResult();

    // get the item columns
    String itemId = getAttributeText(curItem, "ItemID");

    String name = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Name");

    String currently = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Currently");

    // get Buy_Price, just put in the "" if it doesn't exist.
    String buyPrice = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Buy_Price");

    // get First_Bid, just put in the "" if it doesn't exist.
    String firstBid = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "First_Bid");

    String numberOfBids = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Number_of_Bids");

    String started = convertToSQLTime(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Started"));

    String ends = convertToSQLTime(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Ends"));

    Element locationElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Location");

    String latitude = getAttributeText(locationElem, "Latitude");

    String longitude = getAttributeText(locationElem, "Longitude");

    String location = getElementText(locationElem);

    String country = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Country");

    String description = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Description");
    description = description.substring(0, Math.min(description.length(), 4000));

    Element sellerElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Seller");
    String sellerId = getAttributeText(sellerElem, "UserID");

    String sellerRating = getAttributeText(sellerElem, "Rating");

    // for each itemCategory
    Element[] categoriesElem = getElementsByTagNameNR(curItem, "Category");
    ArrayList<String> categoriesArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Element category : categoriesElem) {
    String[] categories = new String[categoriesArrayList.size()];
    categories = categoriesArrayList.toArray(categories);

    // for each bid
    Element bidsElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Bids");
    Element[] bidElemList = getElementsByTagNameNR(bidsElem, "Bid");
    ArrayList<BidResult> bidsArrayList = new ArrayList<BidResult>();
    for (Element bid : bidElemList) {
      // process the user (bidder) first
      Element bidderElem = getElementByTagNameNR(bid, "Bidder");
      String bidderId = getAttributeText(bidderElem, "UserID");
      String bidderRating = getAttributeText(bidderElem, "Rating");
      String bidderLocation = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bidderElem, "Location");
      String bidderCountry = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bidderElem, "Country");

      String bidTime = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bid, "Time");
      String amount = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bid, "Amount");

      BidResult bidResult =
          new BidResult(bidderId, bidderRating, bidderLocation, bidderCountry, amount, bidTime);

    BidResult[] bidResults = new BidResult[bidsArrayList.size()];
    bidResults = bidsArrayList.toArray(bidResults);

    return new ItemResult(
 double trim(double x, double min_value, double max_value) {
   return Math.min(Math.max(x, min_value), max_value);
  static void processItem(Element curItem) {
    String itemRow = "";

    // get the item columns
    String itemID = getAttributeText(curItem, "ItemID");
    itemRow += itemID + ",";

    String name = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Name");
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(name) + ",";

    // get Buy_Price, just put in the "" if it doesn't exist.
    String buyPrice = strip(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Buy_Price"));
    if (!buyPrice.equals("")) itemRow += buyPrice + ",";
    else itemRow += "NULL,";

    // get First_Bid, just put in the "" if it doesn't exist.
    String firstBid = strip(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "First_Bid"));
    itemRow += firstBid + ",";

    String started = convertToSQLTime(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Started"));
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(started) + ",";

    String ends = convertToSQLTime(getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Ends"));
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(ends) + ",";

    Element locationElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Location");

    String latitude = getAttributeText(locationElem, "Latitude");
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(latitude) + ",";

    String longitude = getAttributeText(locationElem, "Longitude");
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(longitude) + ",";

    String location = getElementText(locationElem);
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(location) + ",";

    String country = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Country");
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(country) + ",";

    String description = getElementTextByTagNameNR(curItem, "Description");
    description = description.substring(0, Math.min(description.length(), 4000));
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(description) + ",";

    Element sellerElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Seller");
    String sellerID = getAttributeText(sellerElem, "UserID");
    itemRow += wrapQuotations(sellerID);

    String sellerRating = getAttributeText(sellerElem, "Rating");

    // check if this seller already exists in our hashtable
    String sellerRow[] = userList.get(sellerID);
    if (sellerRow == null) {
      sellerRow = new String[5];
      sellerRow[0] = sellerID;
      sellerRow[1] = "NULL";
      sellerRow[2] = sellerRating;
      sellerRow[3] = "NULL";
      sellerRow[4] = "NULL";
      userList.put(sellerID, sellerRow);
    } else {
      sellerRow[2] = sellerRating;
      // if(sellerRow[1] != null)
      //    bothSellerAndBuyer.add(sellerID);
    // String sellerRow = wrapQuotations(seller) + "," + wrapQuotations(sellerRating);

    // System.out.println("itemid: " + itemID);
    // System.out.println("name: " + name);
    // System.out.println("buy_Price: " + buyPrice);
    // System.out.println("started: " + started);
    // System.out.println("ends: " + ends);
    // System.out.println("location: " + location);
    // System.out.println("latitude: " + latitude);
    // System.out.println("longitude: " + longitude);
    // System.out.println("country: " + country);
    // System.out.println("description: " + description);
    // System.out.println("seller ID: " + seller);
    // System.out.println("SQL line: " + itemRow);

    // System.out.println("seller rating: " + sellerRating);

    // for each itemCategory
    Element[] categories = getElementsByTagNameNR(curItem, "Category");
    for (Element category : categories) {
      String categoryName = getElementText(category);
      String categoryRow = wrapQuotations(itemID) + "," + wrapQuotations(categoryName);
      writeLine(itemCategoriesWriter, categoryRow);

    // for each bid
    Element bidsElem = getElementByTagNameNR(curItem, "Bids");
    Element[] bids = getElementsByTagNameNR(bidsElem, "Bid");
    for (Element bid : bids) {
      // process the user (bidder) first
      Element bidderElem = getElementByTagNameNR(bid, "Bidder");
      String bidderID = getAttributeText(bidderElem, "UserID");
      String bidderRating = getAttributeText(bidderElem, "Rating");
      String bidderLocation = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bidderElem, "Location");
      String bidderCountry = getElementTextByTagNameNR(bidderElem, "Country");

      String bidderRow[] = userList.get(bidderID);
      if (bidderRow == null) {
        bidderRow = new String[5];
        bidderRow[0] = bidderID;
        bidderRow[1] = bidderRating;
        bidderRow[2] = "NULL";
        bidderRow[3] = bidderLocation;
        bidderRow[4] = bidderCountry;
        userList.put(bidderID, bidderRow);
      } else {
        bidderRow[1] = bidderRating;
        bidderRow[3] = bidderLocation;
        bidderRow[4] = bidderCountry;
        // if(!bidderRow[2].equals("NULL"))
        //    bothSellerAndBuyer.add(bidderID);

      String bidTime = convertToSQLTime(getElementTextByTagNameNR(bid, "Time"));
      String amount = strip(getElementTextByTagNameNR(bid, "Amount"));
      String bidRow =
              + ","
              + itemID
              + ","
              + wrapQuotations(bidTime)
              + ","
              + wrapQuotations(amount);

      writeLine(bidWriter, bidRow);

    writeLine(itemWriter, itemRow);
    // System.out.println("--------END ITEM PROCESS---------");
Beispiel #29
  * Sets the default point index. This defines the index of the points array used to get the point
  * initially selected when the step is created.
  * @param index the index
 public void setDefaultPointIndex(int index) {
   index = Math.min(index, points.length - 1);
   defaultIndex = Math.max(0, index);