public void deserialize(ByteBuffer bb) {
    stamp = Serialization.readTime(bb);

    int __joint_names_len = bb.getInt();
    joint_names = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>(__joint_names_len);
    for (int __i = 0; __i < __joint_names_len; __i++) {

    int __frame_ids_len = bb.getInt();
    frame_ids = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>(__frame_ids_len);
    for (int __i = 0; __i < __frame_ids_len; __i++) {

    int __child_frame_ids_len = bb.getInt();
    child_frame_ids = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>(__child_frame_ids_len);
    for (int __i = 0; __i < __child_frame_ids_len; __i++) {

    int __poses_len = bb.getInt();
    poses = new java.util.ArrayList<ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose>(__poses_len);
    for (int __i = 0; __i < __poses_len; __i++) {
      ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose __tmp = new ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose();
  public void demonstrateTheProgrammaticAPI() {
    // #programmatic
    ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("example");

    // Get the Serialization Extension
    Serialization serialization = SerializationExtension.get(system);

    // Have something to serialize
    String original = "woohoo";

    // Find the Serializer for it
    Serializer serializer = serialization.findSerializerFor(original);

    // Turn it into bytes
    byte[] bytes = serializer.toBinary(original);

    // Turn it back into an object,
    // the nulls are for the class manifest and for the classloader
    String back = (String) serializer.fromBinary(bytes);

    // Voilá!
    assertEquals(original, back);

    // #programmatic
   * Create Fast Track Package.
   * @param packageId The id of the package to start FastTrack
   * @param signers The signers to get the signing url
   * @return The signing url
  public String startFastTrack(PackageId packageId, List<FastTrackSigner> signers) {
    String token = getFastTrackToken(packageId, true);
    String path =
        template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.START_FAST_TRACK_PATH).replace("{token}", token).build();

    List<FastTrackRole> roles = new ArrayList<FastTrackRole>();
    for (FastTrackSigner signer : signers) {
      FastTrackRole role =

    String json = Serialization.toJson(roles);
    try {
      String response =, json);
      SigningUrl signingUrl = Serialization.fromJson(response, SigningUrl.class);
      return signingUrl.getUrl();
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not start fast track.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not start fast track." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());
  public Object readObject(Connection connection) throws IOException {
    SocketChannel socketChannel = this.socketChannel;
    if (socketChannel == null) throw new SocketException("Connection is closed.");

    if (currentObjectLength == 0) {
      // Read the length of the next object from the socket.
      int lengthLength = serialization.getLengthLength();
      if (readBuffer.remaining() < lengthLength) {
        int bytesRead =;
        if (bytesRead == -1) throw new SocketException("Connection is closed.");
        lastReadTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (readBuffer.remaining() < lengthLength) return null;
      currentObjectLength = serialization.readLength(readBuffer);

      if (currentObjectLength <= 0)
        throw new KryoNetException("Invalid object length: " + currentObjectLength);
      if (currentObjectLength > readBuffer.capacity())
        throw new KryoNetException(
            "Unable to read object larger than read buffer: " + currentObjectLength);

    int length = currentObjectLength;
    if (readBuffer.remaining() < length) {
      // Fill the tcpInputStream.
      int bytesRead =;
      if (bytesRead == -1) throw new SocketException("Connection is closed.");
      lastReadTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      if (readBuffer.remaining() < length) return null;
    currentObjectLength = 0;

    int startPosition = readBuffer.position();
    int oldLimit = readBuffer.limit();
    readBuffer.limit(startPosition + length);
    Object object;
    try {
      object =, readBuffer);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new KryoNetException("Error during deserialization.", ex);

    if (readBuffer.position() - startPosition != length)
      throw new KryoNetException(
          "Incorrect number of bytes ("
              + (startPosition + length - readBuffer.position())
              + " remaining) used to deserialize object: "
              + object);

    return object;
 public <T> Serialization<T> getSerialization(Class<T> c) {
   for (Serialization serialization : serializations) {
     if (serialization.accept(c)) {
       return (Serialization<T>) serialization;
   return null;
 public void deserialize(ByteBuffer bb) {
   planner_id = Serialization.readString(bb);
   group_name = Serialization.readString(bb);
   num_planning_attempts = bb.getInt();
   allowed_planning_time = Serialization.readDuration(bb);
   expected_path_duration = Serialization.readDuration(bb);
   expected_path_dt = Serialization.readDuration(bb);
 public void serialize(ByteBuffer bb, int seq) {
   workspace_parameters.serialize(bb, seq);
   start_state.serialize(bb, seq);
   goal_constraints.serialize(bb, seq);
   path_constraints.serialize(bb, seq);
   Serialization.writeString(bb, planner_id);
   Serialization.writeString(bb, group_name);
   Serialization.writeDuration(bb, allowed_planning_time);
   Serialization.writeDuration(bb, expected_path_duration);
   Serialization.writeDuration(bb, expected_path_dt);
   * Creates a package with roles.
   * @param aPackage
   * @return PackageId
   * @throws com.silanis.esl.sdk.EslException
  public PackageId createPackage(Package aPackage) throws EslException {
    String path = template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_PATH).build();
    String packageJson = Serialization.toJson(aPackage);

    try {
      String response =, packageJson);
      return Serialization.fromJson(response, PackageId.class);
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not create a new package", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not create a new package", e);
   * Creates a package and uploads the documents in one step
   * @param aPackage
   * @param documents
   * @return
   * @throws EslException
  public PackageId createPackageOneStep(
      Package aPackage, Collection<com.silanis.esl.sdk.Document> documents) throws EslException {
    String path = template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_PATH).build();
    String packageJson = Serialization.toJson(aPackage);

    try {
      String response = client.postMultipartPackage(path, documents, packageJson);
      return Serialization.fromJson(response, PackageId.class);

    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not create a new package in one-step", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not create a new package in one-step", e);
   * Get the document's metadata from the package.
   * @param documentPackage The DocumentPackage we want to get document from.
   * @param documentId Id of document to get.
   * @return the document's metadata
  public com.silanis.esl.sdk.Document getDocumentMetadata(
      DocumentPackage documentPackage, String documentId) {
    String path =
            .replace("{packageId}", documentPackage.getId().getId())
            .replace("{documentId}", documentId)

    try {
      String response = client.get(path);
      Document apilDocument = Serialization.fromJson(response, Document.class);

      // Wipe out the members not related to the metadata
      apilDocument.setApprovals(new ArrayList<Approval>());
      apilDocument.setFields(new ArrayList<Field>());
      apilDocument.setPages(new ArrayList<com.silanis.esl.api.model.Page>());

      return new DocumentConverter(
              apilDocument, new DocumentPackageConverter(documentPackage).toAPIPackage())
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not get the document's metadata.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException(
          "Could not get the document's metadata." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());
  public void serializeActorRefs() {
    final ActorSystem theActorSystem = ActorSystem.create("whatever");
    final ActorRef theActorRef = theActorSystem.deadLetters(); // Of course this should be you

    // #actorref-serializer
    // Serialize
    // (beneath toBinary)
    final Address transportAddress = Serialization.currentTransportAddress().value();
    String identifier;

    // If there is no transportAddress,
    // it means that either this Serializer isn't called
    // within a piece of code that sets it,
    // so either you need to supply your own,
    // or simply use the local path.
    if (transportAddress == null) identifier = theActorRef.path().toString();
    else identifier = theActorRef.path().toStringWithAddress(transportAddress);
    // Then just serialize the identifier however you like

    // Deserialize
    // (beneath fromBinary)
    final ActorRef deserializedActorRef = theActorSystem.actorFor(identifier);
    // Then just use the ActorRef
    // #actorref-serializer
Beispiel #12
  * @serialData key comparator, value comparator, number of distinct keys, and then for each
  *     distinct key: the key, number of values for that key, and key values
 private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
   Serialization.writeMultimap(this, stream);
  /** This method is thread safe. */
  public int send(Connection connection, Object object) throws IOException {
    SocketChannel socketChannel = this.socketChannel;
    if (socketChannel == null) throw new SocketException("Connection is closed.");
    synchronized (writeLock) {
      // Leave room for length.
      int start = writeBuffer.position();
      int lengthLength = serialization.getLengthLength();
      writeBuffer.position(writeBuffer.position() + lengthLength);

      // Write data.
      try {
        serialization.write(connection, writeBuffer, object);
      } catch (KryoNetException ex) {
        throw new KryoNetException(
            "Error serializing object of type: " + object.getClass().getName(), ex);
      int end = writeBuffer.position();

      // Write data length.
      serialization.writeLength(writeBuffer, end - lengthLength - start);

      // Write to socket if no data was queued.
      if (start == 0 && !writeToSocket()) {
        // A partial write, set OP_WRITE to be notified when more writing can occur.
        selectionKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
      } else {
        // Full write, wake up selector so idle event will be fired.

      if (DEBUG || TRACE) {
        float percentage = writeBuffer.position() / (float) writeBuffer.capacity();
        if (DEBUG && percentage > 0.75f)
              connection + " TCP write buffer is approaching capacity: " + percentage + "%");
        else if (TRACE && percentage > 0.25f)
          trace("kryonet", connection + " TCP write buffer utilization: " + percentage + "%");

      lastWriteTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      return end - start;
  public com.silanis.esl.sdk.Document uploadApiDocument(
      String packageId, String fileName, byte[] fileBytes, Document document) {
    String path =
        template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId).build();

    String documentJson = Serialization.toJson(document);

    try {
      String response = client.postMultipartFile(path, fileName, fileBytes, documentJson);
      com.silanis.esl.api.model.Document uploadedDocument =
          Serialization.fromJson(response, com.silanis.esl.api.model.Document.class);
      return new DocumentConverter(uploadedDocument, getApiPackage(packageId)).toSDKDocument();
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not upload document to package.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not upload document to package.", e);
Beispiel #15
 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // reading data stored by writeObject
 private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
   keyComparator = checkNotNull((Comparator<? super K>) stream.readObject());
   valueComparator = checkNotNull((Comparator<? super V>) stream.readObject());
   setMap(new TreeMap<K, Collection<V>>(keyComparator));
   Serialization.populateMultimap(this, stream);
 public void deserialize(ByteBuffer bb) {
   link_name = Serialization.readString(bb);
   type = bb.getInt();
   absolute_roll_tolerance = bb.getDouble();
   absolute_pitch_tolerance = bb.getDouble();
   absolute_yaw_tolerance = bb.getDouble();
   weight = bb.getDouble();
 public void serialize(ByteBuffer bb, int seq) {
   header.serialize(bb, seq);
   Serialization.writeString(bb, link_name);
   orientation.serialize(bb, seq);
 public void serialize(ByteBuffer bb, int seq) {
   Serialization.writeTime(bb, stamp);
   for (java.lang.String val : joint_names) {
     Serialization.writeString(bb, val);
   for (java.lang.String val : frame_ids) {
     Serialization.writeString(bb, val);
   for (java.lang.String val : child_frame_ids) {
     Serialization.writeString(bb, val);
   for (ros.pkg.geometry_msgs.msg.Pose val : poses) {
     val.serialize(bb, seq);
  public void whenThereIsAFormatGivenShouldUseCorrectSerializer() {

    Object object = new Object();


  public void whenSerializationDontAcceptsFormatItShouldntBeUsed() {

    Object object = new Object();


    verify(serialization, never()).from(object);
   * Adds a signer to the specified package
   * @param packageId The id of the package in which the signer will be added
   * @param signer The signer to be added
   * @return The role id of the signer
  public String addSigner(PackageId packageId, com.silanis.esl.sdk.Signer signer) {
    Role apiPayload =
        new SignerConverter(signer).toAPIRole(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""));

    String path =
            .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId())

    try {
      String json = Serialization.toJson(apiPayload);
      String response =, json);
      Role apiRole = Serialization.fromJson(response, Role.class);
      return apiRole.getId();

    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not add signer.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not add signer." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());
   * Create a new package based on an existing template.
   * @param packageId
   * @param aPackage
   * @return PackageId
  public PackageId createPackageFromTemplate(PackageId packageId, Package aPackage) {
    String path =
            .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId())

    List<Role> roles = aPackage.getRoles();


    String packageJson = Serialization.toJson(aPackage);
    PackageId newPackageId = null;
    try {

      String response =, packageJson);

      newPackageId = Serialization.fromJson(response, PackageId.class);
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not create a new package", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not create a new package", e);

    Package createdPackage = getApiPackage(newPackageId.getId());

    for (Role role : roles) {
      String roleUid = findRoleUidByName(createdPackage.getRoles(), role.getName());

      if (roleUid == null) {

      updateRole(newPackageId, role);

    return newPackageId;
   * Gets the package.
   * @param packageId
   * @return Package
   * @throws EslException
  public Package getApiPackage(String packageId) throws EslException {
    String path =
        template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.PACKAGE_ID_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId).build();
    String stringResponse;
    try {
      stringResponse = client.get(path);
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not get package.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not get package.", e);

    return Serialization.fromJson(stringResponse, Package.class);
  * Gets the roles for a package.
  * @param packageId
  * @return A list of the roles in the package
  * @throws EslException
 public List<Role> getRoles(PackageId packageId) throws EslException {
   String path =
       template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.ROLE_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()).build();
   String stringResponse;
   try {
     stringResponse = client.get(path);
   } catch (RequestException e) {
     throw new EslServerException(
         "Could not retrieve list of roles for package with id " + packageId.getId(), e);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new EslException(
         "Could not retrieve list of roles for package with id " + packageId.getId(), e);
   return Serialization.fromJson(stringResponse, RoleList.class).getResults();
   * Adds a role to the package.
   * @param packageId
   * @param role
   * @return The role added
   * @throws EslException
  public Role addRole(PackageId packageId, Role role) throws EslException {
    String path =
        template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.ROLE_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId()).build();

    String roleJson = JacksonUtil.serializeDirty(role);
    String stringResponse;
    try {
      stringResponse =, roleJson);
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not add role.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not add role.", e);
    return Serialization.fromJson(stringResponse, Role.class);
  private String getFastTrackUrl(PackageId packageId, Boolean signing) {
    String path =
            .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId())
            .replace("{signing}", signing.toString())

    try {
      String json = client.get(path);
      SigningUrl signingUrl = Serialization.fromJson(json, SigningUrl.class);
      return signingUrl.getUrl();
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not get a fastTrack url.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not get a fastTrack url." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());
   * Get thank you dialog content.
   * @param packageId The id of the package to get thank you dialog content.
   * @return thank you dialog content
  public String getThankYouDialogContent(PackageId packageId) {
    String path =
            .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId())

    try {
      String json = client.get(path);
      Properties thankYouDialogContent = Serialization.fromJson(json, Properties.class);
      return thankYouDialogContent.getProperty("body");
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not get thank you dialog content.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException(
          "Could not get thank you dialog content." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());
   * Upload documents with external content to the package.
   * @param packageId
  public void addDocumentWithExternalContent(
      String packageId, List<com.silanis.esl.sdk.Document> providerDocuments) {
    String path =
        template.urlFor(UrlTemplate.DOCUMENT_PATH).replace("{packageId}", packageId).build();

    List<Document> apiDocuments = new ArrayList<Document>();
    for (com.silanis.esl.sdk.Document document : providerDocuments) {
      apiDocuments.add(new DocumentConverter(document).toAPIDocumentMetadata());
    try {
      String json = Serialization.toJson(apiDocuments);, json);
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslServerException("Could not upload the documents.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not upload the documents." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());
 private static EventQueueBackingStore upgrade(
     File checkpointFile,
     int capacity,
     String name,
     File backupCheckpointDir,
     boolean shouldBackup,
     boolean compressBackup)
     throws Exception {"Attempting upgrade of " + checkpointFile + " for " + name);
   EventQueueBackingStoreFileV2 backingStoreV2 =
       new EventQueueBackingStoreFileV2(checkpointFile, capacity, name);
   String backupName = checkpointFile.getName() + "-backup-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
   Files.copy(checkpointFile, new File(checkpointFile.getParentFile(), backupName));
   File metaDataFile = Serialization.getMetaDataFile(checkpointFile);
   EventQueueBackingStoreFileV3.upgrade(backingStoreV2, checkpointFile, metaDataFile);
   return new EventQueueBackingStoreFileV3(
       checkpointFile, capacity, name, backupCheckpointDir, shouldBackup, compressBackup);
   * Get package support configuration.
   * @param packageId The id of the package to get package support configuration.
   * @return package support configuration
  public SupportConfiguration getConfig(PackageId packageId) {
    String path =
            .replace("{packageId}", packageId.getId())

    try {
      String json = client.get(path);
      com.silanis.esl.api.model.SupportConfiguration apiSupportConfiguration =
          Serialization.fromJson(json, com.silanis.esl.api.model.SupportConfiguration.class);
      return new SupportConfigurationConverter(apiSupportConfiguration).toSDKSupportConfiguration();
    } catch (RequestException e) {
      throw new EslException("Could not get support configuration.", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EslException(
          "Could not get support configuration." + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());