private int doConfirm( SessionContext ctx, DatabaseConnection conn, FormInstance instance, ErrorMessages msgs, boolean isPass) { try { MyDB.getInstance().addDBConn(conn); XfactpaydetlDao paydetldao = XfactpaydetlDaoFactory.create(conn.getConnection()); Xfactpaydetl xfactpaydetl = paydetldao.findByPrimaryKey(journalno); if (xfactpaydetl == null) { return -1; } UserManager um = (UserManager) ctx.getAttribute(SystemAttributeNames.USER_INFO_NAME); xfactpaydetl.setCheckerid(um.getUserName()); xfactpaydetl.setCheckdate(new java.util.Date()); // TODO DB TIME XfactpaydetlPk paydetlpk = new XfactpaydetlPk(); paydetlpk.setJournalno(journalno); XfcontractDao contractdao = XfcontractDaoFactory.create(conn.getConnection()); XfcontractPk contractpk = new XfcontractPk(xfactpaydetl.getContractno()); Xfcontract xfcontract = contractdao.findByPrimaryKey(xfactpaydetl.getContractno()); if (xfcontract == null) { msgs.add("此笔放款记录对应的合同信息未找到,请查询。"); return -1; } // TODO:增加XFCONTRACT表字段:贷款发放经办复核人员时间信息 // xfcontract.(um.getUserName()); // xfcontract.setCheckdate(new java.util.Date()); if (isPass) { xfactpaydetl.setPaystatus("3"); // 设置状态为“审核通过” TODO:CONSTANT } else { xfactpaydetl.setPaystatus("2"); // 设置状态为“驳回” TODO:CONSTANT } paydetldao.update(paydetlpk, xfactpaydetl); /* 合同状态处理 */ if (isPass) { xfcontract.setCstatus(XFContractStatus.FANGKUAN_TONGGUO); // 设置状态为“放款通过” } else { xfcontract.setCstatus(XFContractStatus.FANGKUAN_BOHUI); // 设置状态为“放款驳回” } contractdao.update(contractpk, xfcontract); return 0; } catch (Exception e) { msgs.add("系统发生异常:" + e.getMessage()); Debug.debug(e); return -1; } finally { MyDB.getInstance().releaseDBConn(); } }
public int buttonEvent( SessionContext ctx, DatabaseConnection conn, FormInstance instance, String button, ErrorMessages msgs, EventManager manager) { /* ctx.setAttribute("SUPERFORMID", instance.getFormid()); ctx.setAttribute("BUTTONNAME", button); if (button != null && button.equals(SessionAttributes.REQUEST_EDIT_BUTTON_VALUE)) { ctx.setAttribute("BUTTONNAME", ctx.getParameter(SessionAttributes.CLICK_COLUMN_NAME)); trigger(manager, "FDCUTPAYDETLPAGE", null); } */ // check if (button != null && (button.equals("CHECKBUTTON"))) { try { String sql = "select gthtb_htbh,gthtb_dwbh,xdkhzd_khmc,gthtb_qsrq,gthtb_dqrq,gthtb_htje,gthtb_tyckzh,gthtb_htnm " + "from gthtb@haier_shengchan a,xdkhzd@haier_shengchan b " + " where a.gthtb_dwbh=b.xdkhzd_khbh " + " and (a.gthtb_htbh like 'GC%' or a.gthtb_htbh like 'GQ%' or a.gthtb_htbh like 'GSQ%' or a.gthtb_htbh like 'GT%' ) " + " and (a.gthtb_htbh != 'GQ20090405' and a.gthtb_htbh != 'GQ20090728') " + " and a.gthtb_tyckzh='801000026101041001' ";"SQL=" + sql); RecordSet rs = conn.executeQuery(sql); int count = 0; msgs.add("<br>帐号检查结果如下:"); while ( { String dwbh = rs.getString("gthtb_dwbh"); String actno = rs.getString("gthtb_tyckzh"); String htbh = rs.getString("gthtb_htbh"); String khmc = rs.getString("xdkhzd_khmc"); String promptStr = dwbh + " " + khmc + " " + htbh + " " + actno; count++; msgs.add("<br>" + count + ":" + promptStr); /* if (dwbh.startsWith("GC")) { if (!"801000026701041001".equals(actno)) { count++; msgs.add("<br>" + count + ":" + promptStr); } } else if (dwbh.startsWith("GQ")) { if (!"801000026701041001".equals(actno)) { count++; msgs.add("<br>" + count + ":" + promptStr); } } else if (dwbh.startsWith("GSQ")) { if (!"801000026701041001".equals(actno)) { count++; msgs.add("<br>" + count + ":" + promptStr); } } else if (dwbh.startsWith("GT")) { if ("GT001".equals(dwbh)) { if (!"801000026701041001".equals(actno)) { count++; msgs.add("<br>" + count + ":" + promptStr); } } else { if (!"801000026101041001".equals(actno)) { count++; msgs.add("<br>" + count + ":" + promptStr); } } } */ } if (count == 0) { msgs.add("<br>未发现帐号错误!"); } msgs.add("<br>检查完成。"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); msgs.add("帐号检查时出现问题,请通知系统管理人员!"); return 0; } finally { ctx.setRequestAtrribute("msg", msgs.getAllMessages()); ctx.setRequestAtrribute("flag", "1"); ctx.setRequestAtrribute("isback", "0"); ctx.setTarget("/showinfo.jsp"); instance.setReadonly(true); } } // 设定帐号 if (button != null && (button.equals("PROCESSBUTTON"))) { // rigger(manager, "FDSYSWHLIST", null); try { String sql = "update gthtb@haier_shengchan a " + " set a.gthtb_tyckzh = '801000026701041001' " + " where (a.gthtb_dwbh like 'GC%' or a.gthtb_dwbh like 'GQ%' or a.gthtb_dwbh like 'GSQ%' or a.gthtb_dwbh like 'GT%' ) " + " and (a.gthtb_htbh != 'GQ20090405' and a.gthtb_htbh != 'GQ20090728') " + " and a.gthtb_tyckzh='801000026101041001' "; conn.setAuto(false); conn.begin(); int rtn = conn.executeUpdate(sql); msgs.add("已成功更新 " + rtn + " 笔同业存款帐号。"); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { conn.rollback(); logger.error(e); msgs.add("同业帐号更新时出现问题,请通知系统管理人员!"); return 0; } finally { ctx.setRequestAtrribute("msg", msgs.getAllMessages()); ctx.setRequestAtrribute("flag", "1"); ctx.setRequestAtrribute("isback", "0"); ctx.setTarget("/showinfo.jsp"); instance.setReadonly(true); } } return 0; }