 protected void onImpact(MovingObjectPosition mop) {
   if (mop.typeOfHit == MovingObjectType.BLOCK) {
     Block block = worldObj.getBlock(mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ);
     if (!isInGround() && ticksExisted < getMaxDistance()) {
       WorldUtils.playSoundAtEntity(this, Sounds.WHIP_CRACK, 1.0F, 0.2F);
       motionX = motionY = motionZ = 0.0D;
       if (canGrabBlock(block, mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ, mop.sideHit)) {
         AxisAlignedBB box =
             block.getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(worldObj, mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ);
         // bounding box may be null, depending on the block
         if (box != null) {
           posX = box.minX + ((box.maxX - box.minX) / 2.0D);
           posY = box.minY + ((box.maxY - box.minY) / 2.0D);
           posZ = box.minZ + ((box.maxZ - box.minZ) / 2.0D);
           switch (mop.sideHit) {
             case 5:
               posX = box.maxX;
               break; // EAST
             case 4:
               posX = box.minX - 0.015D;
               break; // WEST (a little extra to compensate for block border, otherwise renders
                      // black)
             case 3:
               posZ = box.maxZ;
               break; // SOUTH
             case 2:
               posZ = box.minZ - 0.015D;
               break; // NORTH (a little extra to compensate for block border, otherwise renders
                      // black)
             case SideHit.TOP:
               posY = box.maxY;
             case SideHit.BOTTOM:
               posY = box.minY - 0.015D;
         } else {
           // adjusting posX/Y/Z here seems to make no difference to the rendering, even when
           // client side makes same changes
           posX = (double) mop.blockX + 0.5D;
           posY = (double) mop.blockY + 0.5D;
           posZ = (double) mop.blockZ + 0.5D;
           // side hit documentation is wrong!!! based on printing out mop.sideHit:
           // 2 = NORTH (face of block), 3 = SOUTH, 4 = WEST, 5 = EAST, 0 = BOTTOM, 1 = TOP
           switch (mop.sideHit) {
               // case 5: posX += 0.5D; break; // EAST
               // case 4: posX -= 0.515D; break; // WEST (a little extra to compensate for block
               // border, otherwise renders black)
               // case 3: posZ += 0.5D; break; // SOUTH
               // case 2: posZ -= 0.515D; break; // NORTH (a little extra to compensate for block
               // border, otherwise renders black)
             case SideHit.TOP:
               posY = mop.blockY + 1.0D;
             case SideHit.BOTTOM:
               posY = mop.blockY - 0.015D;
         // however, setting position as watched values and using these on the client works...
         // weird
         dataWatcher.updateObject(HIT_POS_X, (float) posX);
         dataWatcher.updateObject(HIT_POS_Y, (float) posY);
         dataWatcher.updateObject(HIT_POS_Z, (float) posZ);
         // unfortunately, this means the datawatcher values are no longer usable for getting the
         // block,
         // so need to store hitX/Y/Z separately for updating
         hitX = mop.blockX;
         hitY = mop.blockY;
         hitZ = mop.blockZ;
       } else if (canBreakBlock(
           block, block.getMaterial(), mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ, mop.sideHit)) {
         if (!worldObj.isRemote) {
           // don't drop items for players in creative mode
           boolean drop =
               (getThrower() instanceof EntityPlayer
                   ? !(((EntityPlayer) getThrower()).capabilities.isCreativeMode)
                   : true);
           worldObj.func_147480_a(mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ, drop);
       } else if (block.getMaterial().blocksMovement()) {
         // Only call onEntityCollidedWithBlock if the whip didn't already grab or break the block
         block.onEntityCollidedWithBlock(worldObj, mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ, this);
       } else {
         block.onEntityCollidedWithBlock(worldObj, mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ, this);
   } else if (mop.entityHit != null) {
     worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(mop.entityHit, Sounds.WHIP_CRACK, 1.0F, 1.0F);
     boolean inflictDamage = true; // set to false if held item disarmed
     if (mop.entityHit instanceof EntityLivingBase) {
       EntityLivingBase target = (EntityLivingBase) mop.entityHit;
       if (getThrower() instanceof EntityPlayer) {
         EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) getThrower();
         if (lootTarget(player, target)) {
           inflictDamage =
               (target instanceof IEntityLootable
                   ? ((IEntityLootable) target).isHurtOnTheft(player, getType())
                   : Config.getHurtOnSteal());
         } else if (target.getHeldItem() != null
             && ZSSPlayerSkills.get(player).hasSkill(SkillBase.parry)) {
           float chance = Parry.getDisarmModifier(player, target);
           float yaw = (target.rotationYaw - player.rotationYaw);
           while (yaw >= 360.0F) {
             yaw -= 360.0F;
           while (yaw < 0.0F) {
             yaw += 360.0F;
           yaw = Math.abs(Math.abs(yaw) - 180.0F);
           // should be impossible to disarm from more than 90 degrees to either side
           // however, rotationYaw does not seem to be the most reliable, but it's close enough
           float mod = 0.5F - (0.25F * (yaw / 45.0F));
           chance = 0.05F + (chance * mod); // max chance is 0.3F, min is 0.05F
           if (worldObj.rand.nextFloat() < chance) {
             inflictDamage = false;
       if (inflictDamage && target.getEquipmentInSlot(ArmorIndex.EQUIPPED_CHEST) != null) {
         inflictDamage = false; // cannot damage armor-wearing opponents
     if (inflictDamage) {
       mop.entityHit.attackEntityFrom(getDamageSource(), getDamage());