public class LogicalWumpusBrain implements Agent<WumpusWorld.Hunter> {

  // mappings between model and internal structures
  private final ReversibleMap<Node, Room> worldToPrivate = new ReversibleMap<Node, Room>();
  private final ReversibleMap<Room, Node> privateToWorld = worldToPrivate.reverse();

  // knowledge bases for logical inference
  private BoolTable wumpusKB = new BoolTable();
  private BoolTable batKB = new BoolTable();
  private BoolTable pitKB = new BoolTable();

  // current decision
  Decision decision = null;

  /* */
  public Action choose(WumpusWorld.Hunter hunter, Set<Action> options) {
    Room here = worldToPrivate.get(hunter.location());

    // check to see if we need to make a new decision
    if (decision != null && !decision.done(options)) {
      return decision.step(options);

    // kill any adjacent, known wumpuses
    for (Room wumpus : here.adjacent) {
      if (wumpusKB.known(wumpus) && wumpusKB.evaluate(wumpus)) {
        decision = new KillDecision(hunter, wumpus);
        return decision.step(options);

    // find any known wumpuses to kill
    for (Room wumpus : privateToWorld.keySet()) {
      if (wumpusKB.known(wumpus) && wumpusKB.evaluate(wumpus)) {
        Set<Room> safeRooms = safeRooms();

        List<Room> path = path(here, wumpus, safeRooms);
        System.out.println("I've got it!");
        decision = new PathDecision(hunter, path);
        return decision.step(options);

    // find safe rooms to explore
      List<Room> path = path(here, safeRooms());
      if (path != null) {
        decision = new PathDecision(hunter, path);
        return decision.step(options);

    // find bats to exploit
    for (Room bat : privateToWorld.keySet()) {
      if (batKB.known(bat) && batKB.evaluate(bat)) {
        Set<Room> safeRooms = safeRooms();
        System.out.println("Find a Bat!");
        List<Room> path = path(here, bat, safeRooms);
        return decision.step(options);

    // otherwise, take your 3 chances... they're only arrows!
    decision = new KillDecision(hunter, Groups.any(here.adjacent));
    return decision.step(options);

  // internal decision making mechanism
  private interface Decision {
    public boolean done(Set<Action> options);

    public Action step(Set<Action> options);

  private class KillDecision implements Decision {
    private final WumpusWorld.Hunter hunter;
    private final Room target;

    private int count = 0;

    public KillDecision(WumpusWorld.Hunter hunter, Room target) {
      this.hunter = hunter;
      this.target = target;

    public boolean done(Set<Action> options) {
      // TODO verify still valid
      return count == 2;

    public Action step(Set<Action> options) {

      if (count == 1) {
        BoolTable newWumpusKB = new BoolTable();
        for (Room room : privateToWorld.keySet()) {
          if (wumpusKB.known(room) && wumpusKB.evaluate(room) == false) {
            newWumpusKB.assign(room, false);
          if (!wumpusKB.known(room)) {
            System.out.format("Suspicious Room: %s!%n", room);
            for (Room adj : room.adjacent) {
              System.out.format("   Resetting: %s!%n", adj);
              room.visited = false;
        wumpusKB = newWumpusKB;
      if (count == 1) {
        return hunter.create(privateToWorld.get(target), WumpusWorld.Arrow.class, options);

      return null;

  private class PathDecision implements Decision {
    private final WumpusWorld.Hunter hunter;
    private final List<Room> path;

    public PathDecision(WumpusWorld.Hunter hunter, List<Room> path) {
      this.hunter = hunter;
      this.path = path;

    public boolean done(Set<Action> options) {
      // TODO verify still valid
      return path == null || path.isEmpty();

    public Action step(Set<Action> options) {
      Room here = worldToPrivate.get(hunter.location());

      if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
      Room next = path.remove(0);
      return hunter.move(privateToWorld.get(next), options);

  private void updateInternal(WumpusWorld.Hunter hunter) {
    // initialization (unknown -> start building internal representation)
    if (!worldToPrivate.containsKey(hunter.location())) {
      worldToPrivate.put(hunter.location(), new Room());

    // update local information
    Room here = worldToPrivate.get(hunter.location());
    here.visited = true;

    wumpusKB.assign(here, false);
    batKB.assign(here, false);
    pitKB.assign(here, false);

    // update adjacent rooms
    for (Edge edge : hunter.location().edges) {
      if (!worldToPrivate.containsKey(edge.end)) {
        worldToPrivate.put(edge.end, new Room());

    // update knowledge base regarding adjacent rooms
    boolean rebuild = false;
    for (Room room : here.adjacent) {
      if (!hunter.scent() && wumpusKB.conflicts(room, false)) {
        rebuild = true;
    if (rebuild) {
      	BoolTable newWumpusKB = new BoolTable();
      	for(Room room : privateToWorld.keySet()) {
      		if(wumpusKB.known(room) && wumpusKB.evaluate(room) == false) {
      			newWumpusKB.assign(room, false);
      		if(!wumpusKB.known(room)) {
      			System.out.format("Suspicious Room: %s!%n", room);
      			for(Room adj : room.adjacent) {
      				System.out.format("   Resetting: %s!%n", adj);
      				room.visited = false;
      	wumpusKB = newWumpusKB;

    for (Room room : here.adjacent) {
      if (!hunter.scent()) {
        wumpusKB.assign(room, false);
      if (!hunter.flapping()) {
        batKB.assign(room, false);
      if (!hunter.wind()) {
        pitKB.assign(room, false);

    Map<Room, Boolean> possible = new HashMap<Room, Boolean>();
    for (Room room : here.adjacent) {
      possible.put(room, true);
    if (hunter.scent()) {
    if (hunter.flapping()) {
    if (hunter.wind()) {

    System.out.format("Wumpus KB : %s%n", wumpusKB);
    System.out.format("Bat KB    : %s%n", batKB);
    System.out.format("Pit KB    : %s%n", pitKB);

  // internal graph structure with mappings to the real structure
  private class Room {
    public Set<Room> adjacent = new HashSet<Room>();
    public boolean visited = false;

  private boolean safe(Room room) {
    if (!wumpusKB.known(room) || wumpusKB.evaluate(room)) {
      return false;
    if (!batKB.known(room) || batKB.evaluate(room)) {
      return false;
    if (!pitKB.known(room) || pitKB.evaluate(room)) {
      return false;
    return true;

  private Set<Room> safeRooms() {
    Set<Room> safeRooms = new HashSet<Room>();
    for (Room room : privateToWorld.keySet()) {
      if (safe(room)) {
    return safeRooms;

  // pathing
  private List<Room> path(Room start, Room destination, Set<Room> travelable) {
    Queue<Room> frontier = new LinkedList<Room>();

    Map<Room, Room> visited = new HashMap<Room, Room>();
    visited.put(start, null);

    while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
      Room current = frontier.poll();
      System.out.println("\n---\n" + frontier + "\n\n" + travelable + "\n---\n");

      if ((destination == null && current.visited == false) || current == destination) {
        List<Room> path = new ArrayList<Room>();

        Room next = current;
        while (visited.get(next) != null) {
          path.add(0, next);
          next = visited.get(next);

        System.out.println("Returning: " + path);
        return path;

      for (Room next : current.adjacent) {
        if (!visited.containsKey(next) && travelable.contains(next)) {
          visited.put(next, current);

    System.out.println("Returning: null");
    return null;

  private List<Room> path(Room start, Set<Room> travelable) {
    return path(start, null, travelable);