@BeforeClass public static final void init() { try { extendedSecurityLevelImplChecker = ExtendedSecurityLevelImplChecker.getExtendedSecurityLevelImplChecker(null, false, false); } catch (Exception e) { // Wait for the failing reason } }
@Test public final void levelMethodValid() { assertTrue( "Method which returns the ordered list of levels is valid (two or more levels).", extendedSecurityLevelImplChecker.isOrderedLevelMethodCorrect()); }
@Test public final void levelMethodAvailable() { assertTrue( "Method which returns the ordered list of levels available.", extendedSecurityLevelImplChecker.isOrderedLevelMethodAvailable()); }
@Test public final void invalidAnnotation() { assertTrue( "For every Id-Method the corresponding annotation is valid.", extendedSecurityLevelImplChecker.getInvalidIdFunctionAnnotation().isEmpty()); }
@Test public final void unavailableAnnotation() { assertTrue( "Id-Method for every specified level is valid.", extendedSecurityLevelImplChecker.getUnavailableIdFunctionAnnotation().isEmpty()); }
@Test public final void illegalLevel() { assertTrue( "Level names contain valid signs and are not the same as the internal levels.", extendedSecurityLevelImplChecker.getIllegalLevelNames().isEmpty()); }