/** * 添加操作记录 * * @param type * @param fileName * @param error * @return */ private static int createOperation(int type, String fileName, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); t_db_operations op = new t_db_operations(); op.supervisor_id = Supervisor.currSupervisor().id; op.time = new Date(); op.ip = DataUtil.getIp(); op.type = type; op.filename = fileName; try { op.save(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info(e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "数据库异常"; JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } error.code = 0; return error.code; }
/** * 重置(还原出厂设置) * * @param error * @return */ public static int reset(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String backupFileName = backup(false, error); if (null == backupFileName) { return error.code; } if (0 != createOperation(DBOperationType.RESET, backupFileName, error)) { return error.code; } DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.DB_RESET, "还原出厂初始数据", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } if (0 != MySQLTool.executeSqlFile( username, password, host, port, database, resetFileName, error)) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } error.code = 0; error.msg = "还原出厂设置成功"; return error.code; }
/** * 查询机构产品 * * @param error 信息值 * @return Product */ public static Product queryAgencyProduct(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String hql = "select id from t_products where is_agency = ?"; Long id = null; try { id = t_products.find(hql, Constants.ENABLE).first(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("产品->查询机构产品:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + ">查询机构产品失败!"; return null; } if (null == id || id == 0) { error.msg = "没有检测到合作机构产品!"; return null; } Product product = new Product(); product.createBid = true; product.id = id; return product; }
/** * 查询最顶级的类别 * * @param supervisorId * @param error * @return */ public static List<NewsType> queryTopTypes(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<t_content_news_types> types = new ArrayList<t_content_news_types>(); List<NewsType> childTypes = new ArrayList<NewsType>(); try { types = t_content_news_types.find("parent_id = -1 order by _order").fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询类别失败"; return null; } NewsType childType = null; for (t_content_news_types type : types) { childType = new NewsType(); childType._id = type.id; childType.name = type.name; childType.parentId = type.parent_id; childType.description = type.description; childType.status = type.status; childType.order = type._order; childTypes.add(childType); } error.code = 0; return childTypes; }
/** * 查询类别包含数量 * * @param parentId * @param error * @return */ public static List<v_news_types> queryTypeAndCount(long parentId, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<v_news_types> types = new ArrayList<v_news_types>(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(""); sql.append(SQLTempletes.SELECT); sql.append(SQLTempletes.V_NEWS_TYPES); sql.append(" and parent_id = ? and status = true order by _order"); try { // types = v_news_types.find("parent_id = ? and status = true order by _order", // parentId).fetch(); EntityManager em = JPA.em(); Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(), v_news_types.class); query.setParameter(1, parentId); types = query.getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询类别失败"; return null; } error.code = 0; return types; }
/** * 我要借款,产品列表 * * @param isAgency 是否合作机构标 * @param error 信息值 * @return List<Product> */ public static List<Product> queryProduct(int showType, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<Product> poducts = new ArrayList<Product>(); List<t_products> tpoducts = null; String hql = "select new t_products" + "(id, name, name_image_filename, small_image_filename, min_amount, max_amount, fit_crowd, applicant_condition)" + " from t_products where is_use=? and is_agency=? and show_type in(?, ?) order by _order, time desc"; try { tpoducts = t_products .find( hql, Constants.ENABLE, Constants.NOT_IS_AGENCY, showType == Constants.SHOW_TYPE_1 ? Constants.PC : Constants.APP, Constants.PC_APP) .fetch(Constants.HOME_SHOW_AMOUNT); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("产品->我要借款,产品列表部分字段查询:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + "产品列表加载失败!" + error.PROCESS_INFO; return null; } if (null == tpoducts) return poducts; Product product = null; for (t_products pro : tpoducts) { product = new Product(); product._id = pro.id; product.name = pro.name; product.nameImageFilename = pro.name_image_filename; product.smallImageFilename = pro.small_image_filename; product.time = pro.time; product.minAmount = pro.min_amount; product.maxAmount = pro.max_amount; product.fitCrowd = pro.fit_crowd; product.applicantCondition = pro.applicant_condition.length() > 75 ? pro.applicant_condition.substring(0, 75) : pro.applicant_condition; poducts.add(product); } error.code = 0; return poducts; }
/** * 还原数据库 * * @param fileName * @param error * @return */ public static int recover(String fileName, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(fileName)) { error.code = -1; error.msg = "恢复文件不能为空"; return error.code; } String backupFileName = backup(false, error); if (null == backupFileName) { return error.code; } if (0 != createOperation(DBOperationType.RECOVER, backupFileName, error)) { return error.code; } DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.DB_RECOVER, "还原运营数据", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } String decryptFileName = Constants.SQL_PATH + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".sql"; if (!FileEncrypt.decrypt(fileName, decryptFileName, Constants.ENCRYPTION_KEY)) { error.code = -1; error.msg = "还原数据库失败"; return error.code; } if (0 != MySQLTool.executeSqlFile( username, password, host, port, database, decryptFileName, error)) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } if (!new File(decryptFileName).delete()) { error.code = -1; error.msg = "还原数据库失败"; return error.code; } error.code = 0; error.msg = "还原数据库成功"; return error.code; }
/** * 获取产品中净值和秒还的属性值 * * @param error 信息值 * @return List<Integer> */ public static List<Integer> queryLoanType(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String hql = "select loan_type from t_products where loan_type in (?, ?)"; try { return t_products.find(hql, Constants.NET_VALUE_BID, Constants.S_REPAYMENT_BID).fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("产品->获取所有产品属性值:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + "加载产品属性值失败!" + error.PROCESS_INFO; return null; } }
/** 完善邮箱 */ public static void doFinishEmail(String email) { User user = User.currUser(); if (user.getIpsStatus() != IpsCheckStatus.EMAILISNULL) { check(); } flash.put("email", email); user.email = email; if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) { flash.error("邮箱不能为空"); finishEmail(); } if (!RegexUtils.isEmail(email)) { flash.error("请填写正确的邮箱地址"); finishEmail(); } ErrorInfo error = new ErrorInfo(); User.isEmailExist(email, error); String sql = "update t_users set email = ? where id = ?"; int rows = 0; try { rows = JpaHelper.execute(sql, email, user.id).executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("更新用户邮箱时:" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "对不起,由于平台出现故障,此次更新邮箱失败!"; } if (rows == 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "数据未更新"; } if (error.code < 0) { flash.error(error.msg); finishEmail(); } checkEmail(); }
/** * 根据ID查询4大安全保障信息 * * @param supervisorId * @param adsId * @param error * @return */ public static t_content_advertisements_ensure querySecurityForId(long adsId, ErrorInfo error) { t_content_advertisements_ensure security = null; error.clear(); try { security = t_content_advertisements_ensure.findById(adsId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("编辑4大安全保障,根据ID查询4大安全保障信息时:" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询4大安全保障失败"; } error.code = 0; return security; }
/** * 上架/下架 * * @param pid 产品ID * @param isUse 状态值 * @param error 信息值 * @return ? > 0 : success; ? < 0 : fail */ public static void editStatus(long pid, boolean isUse, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String hql = "update t_products set is_use=? where id=?"; Query query = JPA.em().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter(1, isUse); query.setParameter(2, pid); int rows = 0; try { rows = query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("产品->上架/下架:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + "上架/下架失败!"; return; } if (rows == 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "设置失败!"; return; } /* 添加事件 */ if (isUse) { DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.ENABLE_PRODUCT, "启用借款标产品", error); } else { DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.ENABLE_PRODUCT, "暂停借款标产品", error); } if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.msg = "设置失败!"; return; } }
/** * 查询数据库操作记录 * * @param error * @return */ public static PageBean<v_db_operations> queryOperations( int currPage, int pageSize, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); if (currPage < 1) { currPage = 1; } if (pageSize < 1) { pageSize = 10; } StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(""); sql.append(SQLTempletes.PAGE_SELECT); sql.append(SQLTempletes.V_DB_OPERATIONS); List<v_db_operations> page = null; int count = 0; try { EntityManager em = JPA.em(); Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(), v_db_operations.class); query.setFirstResult((currPage - 1) * pageSize); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); page = query.getResultList(); count = QueryUtil.getQueryCount(em); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "数据库异常"; return null; } PageBean<v_db_operations> bean = new PageBean<v_db_operations>(); bean.pageSize = pageSize; bean.currPage = currPage; bean.page = page; bean.totalCount = count; error.code = 0; return bean; }
/** 发送激活邮件 */ public void sendActiveEmail() { ErrorInfo error = new ErrorInfo(); if (User.currUser().getIpsStatus() != IpsCheckStatus.NONE) { error.code = -1; error.msg = "非法请求"; renderJSON(error); } User user = User.currUser(); TemplateEmail.activeEmail(user, error); if (error.code >= 0) { error.msg = "激活邮件发送成功!"; } renderJSON(error); }
/** * 搜素部分字段查询 * * @param error 信息值 * @return List<Product> */ public static List<Product> queryProductNames(boolean flag, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<Product> products = new ArrayList<Product>(); List<t_products> tproducts = null; String hql = "select new t_products(id, name, small_image_filename) from t_products where is_use = ?"; if (!flag) { hql += " and is_agency = " + flag; } try { tproducts = t_products.find(hql, Constants.ENABLE).fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("产品->搜素部分字段查询:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + "产品列表加载失败!" + error.PROCESS_INFO; return null; } if (null == tproducts) { return products; } Product product = null; for (t_products pro : tproducts) { product = new Product(); product._id = pro.id; product.name = pro.name; product.smallImageFilename = pro.small_image_filename; products.add(product); } return products; }
/** 获取净值产品的保证金比例 */ public static double queryNetValueBailScale(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String hql = "select bail_scale from t_products where loan_type = ?"; Double bailScale = null; try { bailScale = t_products.find(hql, Constants.NET_VALUE_BID).first(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("产品->获取净值产品的保证金比例:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + "获取净值产品的保证金比例失败!"; return 1; } if (null == bailScale) { return 1; } else { return bailScale; } }
/** * 查询用户的vip记录 * * @param userId * @return */ public static List<t_user_vip_records> queryVipRecord(long userId, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<t_user_vip_records> vipRecords = null; try { vipRecords = t_user_vip_records.find("user_id = ?", userId).fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("查询vip记录时:" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询用户的vip记录时出现异常"; return null; } error.code = 0; return vipRecords; }
public static List<AdsEnsure> queryEnsureForFront(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<AdsEnsure> adsEnsures = new ArrayList<AdsEnsure>(); List<t_content_advertisements_ensure> ensure = new ArrayList<t_content_advertisements_ensure>(); String sql = "select new t_content_advertisements_ensure(id, title, url, image_filename," + "is_link_enabled, target) from t_content_advertisements_ensure ensure " + "where ensure.is_use = 1"; try { ensure = t_content_advertisements_ensure.find(sql).fetch(1, 4); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("查找安全保障,查找安全保障信息时:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = "保存安全保障失败"; return null; } AdsEnsure adsEnsure = null; for (t_content_advertisements_ensure myAdvertisements : ensure) { adsEnsure = new AdsEnsure(); adsEnsure._id = myAdvertisements.id; adsEnsure.title = myAdvertisements.title; adsEnsure.imageFileName = myAdvertisements.image_filename; adsEnsure.url = myAdvertisements.url; adsEnsure.isLinkEnabled = myAdvertisements.is_link_enabled; adsEnsure.target = myAdvertisements.target; adsEnsures.add(adsEnsure); } error.code = 0; return adsEnsures; }
/** 添加合作机构 */ public void createAgency(ErrorInfo error) { t_agencies agency = new t_agencies(); agency.time = new Date(); // 当前时间 agency.name = this.name; agency.credit_level = this.creditLevel; agency.introduction = this.introduction; agency.id_number = this.id_number; agency.imageFilenames = this.imageFilenames; // 借款图片 agency.is_use = Constants.ENABLE; // 默认为启动 try { agency.save(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("合作机构->添加合作机构:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = "添加失败!"; this._id = -1; return; } if (agency.id < 0) { error.msg = "添加失败!"; return; } /* 添加事件 */ DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.CREATE_AGENCY, "添加合作机构", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.msg = "添加失败!"; return; } error.code = 0; }
/** * 根据父类别id查询子类别信息(用于下拉显示) * * @param parentId 父类别id * @param error * @return */ public static t_content_news_types queryParentType(long typeId, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); t_content_news_types parentType = new t_content_news_types(); String sql = "select new t_content_news_types(id, name) from t_content_news_types type where " + "type.status = true and id = ?"; try { parentType = t_content_news_types.find(sql, typeId).first(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询父类别失败"; return null; } if (parentType == null) { error.code = -1; error.msg = "父类别不存在"; return null; } error.code = 0; return parentType; }
/** * 用于前台 * * @param supervisorId * @param parentId * @param error * @return */ public static List<NewsType> queryChildTypes(long parentId, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<t_content_news_types> types = new ArrayList<t_content_news_types>(); List<NewsType> childTypes = new ArrayList<NewsType>(); String sql = "select new t_content_news_types(id, name) from t_content_news_types type where " + "type.parent_id = ? and type.status = true order by _order"; try { types = t_content_news_types.find(sql, parentId).fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询类别失败"; return null; } NewsType childType = null; for (t_content_news_types type : types) { childType = new NewsType(); childType._id = type.id; childType.name = type.name; childTypes.add(childType); } NewsType latestNewsType = new NewsType(); latestNewsType.setParentId(3L); latestNewsType.name = "最新动态"; childTypes.add(latestNewsType); error.code = 0; return childTypes; }
/** * 查询安全保障 * * @return */ public static List<AdsEnsure> queryAdsEnsure(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<AdsEnsure> adsEnsures = new ArrayList<AdsEnsure>(); List<t_content_advertisements_ensure> ensure = new ArrayList<t_content_advertisements_ensure>(); try { ensure = t_content_advertisements_ensure.findAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("查找安全保障,查找安全保障信息时:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = "保存安全保障失败"; return null; } AdsEnsure adsEnsure = null; for (t_content_advertisements_ensure myAdvertisements : ensure) { adsEnsure = new AdsEnsure(); adsEnsure._id = myAdvertisements.id; adsEnsure.title = myAdvertisements.title; adsEnsure.location = myAdvertisements.location; adsEnsure.resolution = myAdvertisements.resolution; adsEnsure.fileSize = myAdvertisements.file_size; adsEnsure.fileFormat = myAdvertisements.file_format; adsEnsure.url = myAdvertisements.url; adsEnsure.isLinkEnabled = myAdvertisements.is_link_enabled; adsEnsure.status = myAdvertisements.is_use; adsEnsures.add(adsEnsure); } error.code = 0; return adsEnsures; }
/** 获取所有产品的id和name */ public static List<t_products> queryAllProducts(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<t_products> products; String sql = "select new t_products(p.id, p.name) from t_products p"; Query query = JPA.em().createQuery(sql, t_products.class); try { products = query.getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询所有产品时有误!"; return null; } error.code = 0; return products; }
/** * 从操作记录还原 * * @param operationId * @param error * @return */ public static int recoverFromOperation(int operationId, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String fileName = null; try { fileName = t_db_operations .find("select filename from t_db_operations where id = ?", (long) operationId) .first(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "数据库异常"; return error.code; } recover(fileName, error); return error.code; }
/** * 合作机构标,机构列表 * * @param error 信息值 * @return List<Agency> */ public static List<Agency> queryAgencys(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); List<t_agencies> tagencies = null; List<Agency> agencys = new ArrayList<Agency>(); String hql = "select new t_agencies(id, name) from t_agencies where is_use =? order by time desc"; try { tagencies = t_agencies.find(hql, Constants.ENABLE).fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("合作机构->布合作机构标,机构列表:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + "加载合作机构失败!"; return null; } if (null == tagencies) { return agencys; } Agency agency = null; for (t_agencies tagency : tagencies) { agency = new Agency(); agency._id = tagency.id; agency.name = tagency.name; agencys.add(agency); } error.code = 0; return agencys; }
/** * 根据时间算出vip费用 * * @param info * @return */ public double vipMoney(ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String sql = "select _value from t_system_options where _key = ? or _key =? or _key = ? order by id"; List<String> keys = null; try { keys = t_system_options .find(sql, OptionKeys.VIP_MIN_TIME, OptionKeys.VIP_FEE, OptionKeys.VIP_TIME_TYPE) .fetch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("申请vip时,查询系统设置中的vip设置时" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "申请vip失败"; return error.code; } if (keys == null || keys.size() == 0) { error.code = -2; error.msg = "读取系统参数失败"; return error.code; } if (keys.get(2).equals(Constants.YEAR + "")) { this.serviceTime *= 12; } int vipMinTime = Integer.parseInt(keys.get(1)); if (this.serviceTime <= vipMinTime) { error.code = -3; error.msg = "至少开通" + vipMinTime + "月"; return error.code; } double vipFee = Double.parseDouble(keys.get(0)); double fee = Arith.mul(vipFee, serviceTime); error.code = 0; return fee; }
/** * 备份数据库 * * @param isVisual 是否在数据库操作记录表中可见 * @param error * @return */ public static String backup(boolean isVisual, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String fileName = Constants.SQL_PATH + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); FileUtil.getStore(Constants.SQL_PATH); if (0 != MySQLTool.dumpSqlFile(username, password, host, port, database, fileName, error)) { return null; } if (!FileEncrypt.encrypt(fileName, Constants.ENCRYPTION_KEY)) { error.code = -1; error.msg = "备份数据库失败"; return null; } if (isVisual) { if (0 != createOperation(DBOperationType.BACKUP, fileName, error)) { return null; } DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.DB_BACKUP, "备份数据", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return null; } } error.code = 0; error.msg = "备份数据库成功"; return fileName; }
/** * 编辑安全保障 * * @param supervisorId * @param error * @return */ public int updateAdsEnsure(long supervisorId, long adsId, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); t_content_advertisements_ensure ensure = null; try { ensure = t_content_advertisements_ensure.findById(adsId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("编辑广告条,根据广告ID查询广告信息时:" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "查询广告条失败"; return error.code; } ensure.title = this.title; ensure.location = this.location; ensure.file_size = "不超过2M"; ensure.resolution = this.resolution; ensure.file_size = this.fileSize; ensure.file_format = this.fileFormat; ensure.url = this.url; ensure.is_link_enabled = this.isLinkEnabled; ensure.target = this.target; ensure.image_filename = this.imageFileName; ensure.is_use = this.status; try { ensure.save(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("编辑安全保障,保存编辑安全保障信息时:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = "编辑安全保障失败"; return -1; } DealDetail.supervisorEvent(supervisorId, SupervisorEvent.EDIT_ENSURE, "编辑安全保障", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } error.code = 0; error.msg = "编辑安全保障成功"; return 0; }
/** * 编辑类别 * * @param supvisorId * @param typeId * @param error * @return */ public int editType(long supervisorId, long id, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); t_content_news_types type = null; try { type = t_content_news_types.findById(id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("编辑类别,查询类别时:" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -1; error.msg = "编辑类别失败"; return error.code; } type.name = this.name; type.description = this.description; type._order = this.order; try { type.save(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("编辑类别,更新类别时:" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -2; error.msg = "编辑类别失败"; return error.code; } DealDetail.supervisorEvent(supervisorId, SupervisorEvent.EDIT_NEWSTYPE, "编辑类别", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); return error.code; } error.code = 0; error.msg = "更新类别成功"; return 0; }
/** * 判断排序是否存在 * * @param typeId * @param order * @param error * @return true存在 false不存在 */ public static boolean orderExist(long typeId, int order, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); // if(typeId <= 0) { // error.code = -1; // error.msg = "传入参数有误!"; // // return true; // } // // if(!NumberUtil.isNumericInt(orderStr)) { // error.code = -2; // error.msg = "传入参数有误!"; // // return true; // } // // long typeId = Long.parseLong(typeIdStr); // int order = Integer.parseInt(orderStr); long count = 0; try { count = t_content_news_types.count("parent_id = ? and _order = ?", typeId, order); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.info("查询类别的排序是否存在时:" + e.getMessage()); error.code = -2; error.msg = "数据库查询失败!"; return true; } if (count > 0) { error.code = -2; error.msg = "该排序已存在"; return true; } error.code = 0; return false; }
/** * 改变合作机构状态(正常/暂停) * * @param aid 机构ID * @param isUse 正常/暂停 * @param error 信息值 */ public static void editStatus(long aid, boolean isUse, ErrorInfo error) { error.clear(); String hql = "update t_agencies set is_use=? where id=?"; Query query = JPA.em().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter(1, isUse); query.setParameter(2, aid); int rows = 0; try { rows = query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.error("合作机构->正常/暂停:" + e.getMessage()); error.msg = error.FRIEND_INFO + "设置失败!"; return; } if (rows == 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.code = -1; error.msg = "设置失败!"; return; } /* 添加事件 */ if (isUse) DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.ENABLE_AGENCY, "启用合作机构", error); else DealDetail.supervisorEvent( Supervisor.currSupervisor().id, SupervisorEvent.NOT_ENABLE_AGENCY, "暂停合作机构", error); if (error.code < 0) { JPA.setRollbackOnly(); error.msg = "设置失败!"; return; } error.code = 0; }