   * 设置
   * @param issueNum 开奖期号
   * @param zjNum 开奖号码 格式为2,3,4,5,6,必须为5位
   * @deprecated
  public String setZjInfoOld(String issueNum, String zjNum) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    // 分解号码
    if (zjNum == null || !zjNum.equals("")) {
      return null;
    String[] aryZjNum = JStringToolkit.splitString(zjNum, ",");
    int len = aryZjNum.length;
    if (len < 5) {
      return "开奖号码设置有误!";
    // 五星号码
    String wuxing = aryZjNum[0] + aryZjNum[1] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4]; // 五星
    String wuxingQian3 = aryZjNum[0] + aryZjNum[1] + aryZjNum[2]; // 前三
    String wuxingHou3 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4]; // 后三
    String wuxingQian2 = aryZjNum[0] + aryZjNum[1]; // 前2
    String wuxingHou2 = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4]; // 后2

    // 四星号码
    String sixing = aryZjNum[1] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4]; // 四星
    // 三星号码
    String sanxing = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4]; // 三星
    String tempSanxing = JStringToolkit.strSort(sanxing.split("")); // 将三星从小到大排序,为组选准备
    // 判断开奖号码后三位是否是组3(有两个数值相等,但3个不全等)
    boolean zu3Flag = false;
    if ((aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[3])
            || aryZjNum[3].equals(aryZjNum[4])
            || aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[4]))
        && !(aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[3]) && aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[4]))) {
      zu3Flag = true;
    String sanxingZu31 = "";
    String sanxingZu32 = "";
    String sanxingZu33 = "";
    if (zu3Flag) {
      if (aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[3])) {
        sanxingZu31 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[4];
        sanxingZu32 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[4] + aryZjNum[2];
        sanxingZu33 = aryZjNum[4] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[2];
      if (aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[4])) {
        sanxingZu31 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3];
        sanxingZu32 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[2];
        sanxingZu33 = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[2];
      if (aryZjNum[3].equals(aryZjNum[4])) {
        sanxingZu31 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[3];
        sanxingZu32 = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3];
        sanxingZu33 = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[2];

    // 判断开奖号码后三位是否是组6(3个值都不等)
    boolean zu6Flag = false;
    if (!aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[3])
        && !aryZjNum[3].equals(aryZjNum[4])
        && !aryZjNum[2].equals(aryZjNum[4])) {
      zu6Flag = true;
    String sanxingZu61 = "";
    String sanxingZu62 = "";
    String sanxingZu63 = "";
    String sanxingZu64 = "";
    String sanxingZu65 = "";
    String sanxingZu66 = "";
    if (zu6Flag) {
      sanxingZu61 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4];
      sanxingZu62 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[4] + aryZjNum[3];
      sanxingZu63 = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[4];
      sanxingZu64 = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4] + aryZjNum[2];
      sanxingZu65 = aryZjNum[4] + aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3];
      sanxingZu66 = aryZjNum[4] + aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[2];
    // 得到后三位的和值
    int intSanxingHezhi =
            + Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[3])
            + Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[4]);
    String sanxingHezhi = String.valueOf(intSanxingHezhi);
    // 得到包一胆的值(直接为每个位置上的值)
    String bao1dan1 = aryZjNum[2];
    String bao1dan2 = aryZjNum[3];
    String bao1dan3 = aryZjNum[4];
    // 得到包二胆的值
    String bao2dan1 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[3];
    String bao2dan2 = aryZjNum[2] + aryZjNum[4];
    String bao2dan3 = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4];

    // 二星号码
    String erxing = aryZjNum[3] + aryZjNum[4]; // 二星

    // 一星号码
    String yixing = aryZjNum[4]; // 一星
    // 五星通选中的五星
    String wxZxSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and t.play_type='wuxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
            + wuxing
            + ",%'";
    //		String wxTxSql = " select * from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"+issueNum
    //					   + "' and t.play_type='wuxing' and type_name='tx' and t.num_detail like  '%," +
    // wuxing+",%'";
    String wxQianHou3Sql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and t.play_type='wuxing' and type_name='tx' "
            + " and (t.num_detail like  '%,"
            + wuxingQian3
            + "__,% or t.num_detail like  '%,__"
            + wuxingHou3
            + ",%)";
    String wxQianHou2Sql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and t.play_type='wuxing' and type_name='tx' "
            + " and (t.num_detail like  '%,"
            + wuxingQian2
            + "___,% or t.num_detail like  '%,___"
            + wuxingHou2
            + ",%)";

    // 四星
    String sixingZhiSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and t.play_type='sixing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sixing
            + ",%'";
    // 三星
    String sanxingZhiSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and t.play_type='sanxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sanxing
            + ",%'";

    // 三星组3
    String sanxingZu3Sql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and t.play_type='sanxing' and t.play_mode='zu3' and( t.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sanxing
            + ",%' or t.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sanxing
            + ",%";

    return null;
   * 将组3,按照大小顺序进行排列,并只取两位数 将组6按照大小顺序排列,并只取两位数
   * @deprecated
  public String setZjInfoOld2(String issueNum, String zjNum) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    // 分解号码
    if (zjNum == null || zjNum.equals("")) {
      return null;
    String[] aryZjNum = JStringToolkit.splitString(zjNum, ",");
    int len = aryZjNum.length;
    if (len < 5) {
      return "开奖号码设置有误!";
    // 分别设置整型和数值型各个位置上的值,主要是为了写着方便,记着好记
    int intWan = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[0]); // 万位
    int intQian = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[1]); // 千位
    int intBai = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[2]); // 百位
    int intShi = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[3]); // 十位
    int intGe = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[4]); // 个位

    String strWan = aryZjNum[0]; // 万位
    String strQian = aryZjNum[1]; // 千位
    String strBai = aryZjNum[2]; // 百位
    String strShi = aryZjNum[3]; // 十位
    String strGe = aryZjNum[4]; // 个位
    // 五星号码
    String wuxing = strWan + strQian + strBai + strShi + strGe; // 五星
    String wuxingQian3 = strWan + strQian + strBai; // 前三
    String wuxingHou3 = strBai + strShi + strGe; // 后三
    String wuxingQian2 = strWan + strQian; // 前2
    String wuxingHou2 = strShi + strGe; // 后2

    // 四星号码
    String sixing = strQian + strBai + strShi + strGe; // 四星
    // 三星号码
    String sanxing = strBai + strShi + strGe; // 三星
    String[] aaaa = {strBai, strShi, strGe};
    String tempSanxing = JStringToolkit.strSort(aaaa); // 将三星从小到大排序,为组选准备
    // 判断开奖号码后三位是否是组3(有两个数值相等,但3个不全等)
    boolean zu3Flag = false;
    if ((strBai.equals(strShi) || strShi.equals(strGe) || strBai.equals(strGe))
        && !(strBai.equals(strShi) && strBai.equals(strGe))) {
      zu3Flag = true;
    if ((intBai == intShi || intShi == intGe || intBai == intGe)
        && !(intBai == intShi && intBai == intGe)) {
      zu3Flag = true;
    String sanxingZu31 = "";
    String sanxingZu32 = "";
    if (zu3Flag) {
      if (intBai == intShi) {
        sanxingZu31 = strBai + strGe;
        sanxingZu32 = strGe + strBai;
      if (intBai == intGe) {
        sanxingZu31 = strBai + strShi;
        sanxingZu32 = strShi + strBai;
      if (intShi == intGe) {
        sanxingZu31 = strShi + strBai;
        sanxingZu32 = strBai + strShi;

    // 判断开奖号码后三位是否是组6(3个值都不等)
    boolean zu6Flag = false;
    if (intBai != intShi && intShi != intGe && intBai != intGe) {
      zu6Flag = true;
    String sanxingZu6 = "";
    if (zu6Flag) {
      sanxingZu6 = tempSanxing; // 此处的组六是将后三位由小到大排列后的值
    // 不需要得和值了,在程序中,将每个和值分解成直选,组3,组6了
    // 不需要得包胆了,在程序中,将每个包胆分解成直选,组3,组6了
     * ************************************* //得到后三位的和值 int intSanxingHezhi = intBai + intShi +
     * intGe; String strSanxingHezhi = String.valueOf(intSanxingHezhi); //得到包一胆的值(直接为每个位置上的值) String
     * bao1dan1 = strBai; String bao1dan2 = strShi; String bao1dan3 = strGe; //得到包二胆的值 String
     * bao2dan1 = strBai + strShi; String bao2dan2 = strBai + strGe; String bao2dan3 = strShi +
     * strGe; ************************************
    // 二星号码
    String erxing = strShi + strGe; // 二星直选

    String erxingZx1 = strShi + strGe; // 二星组选1
    String erxingZx2 = strGe + strShi; // 二星组选2

    // 一星号码
    String yixing = strGe; // 一星
    // 五星通选中的五星
    String wxZhiSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail a where a.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and a.play_type='wuxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and a.num_detail like  '%,"
            + wuxing
            + ",%'";

    String wxQianHou3Sql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail b where b.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and b.play_type='wuxing' and type_name='tx' "
            + " and (b.num_detail like  '%,"
            + wuxingQian3
            + "__,%' or b.num_detail like  '%,__"
            + wuxingHou3
            + ",%')";
    String wxQianHou2Sql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail c where c.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and c.play_type='wuxing' and type_name='tx' "
            + " and (c.num_detail like  '%,"
            + wuxingQian2
            + "___,%' or c.num_detail like  '%,___"
            + wuxingHou2
            + ",%')";

    // 四星
    String sixingZhiSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail d where d.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and d.play_type='sixing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and d.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sixing
            + ",%'";
    // 三星
    String sanxingZhiSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail e where e.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and e.play_type='sanxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and e.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sanxing
            + ",%'";

    // 三星组3,
    String sanxingZu3Sql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail f where f.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and f.play_type='sanxing' and f.play_mode='zu3' and( f.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sanxingZu31
            + ",%' or f.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sanxingZu32
            + ",%')";
    // 三星组6
    String sanxingZu6Sql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail g where g.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and g.play_type='sanxing' and g.play_mode='zu6' and g.num_detail like  '%,"
            + sanxingZu6
            + ",%'";

    // 二星直选
    String erxingZhiSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail h where h.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and h.play_type='erxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and h.num_detail like  '%,"
            + erxing
            + ",%'";
    // 二星组选
    String erxingZxSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail m where m.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and m.play_type='erxing' and play_mode='zuxuan' and (m.num_detail like  '%,"
            + erxingZx1
            + ",%' or m.num_detail like  '%,"
            + erxingZx2
            + ",%')";
    // 一星直选
    String yixingZhiSql =
        " select * from ssc_tz_detail n where n.issue_num='"
            + issueNum
            + "' and n.play_type='yixing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and n.num_detail like  '%,"
            + yixing
            + ",%'";

    String sql =
            + " union "
            + wxQianHou3Sql
            + " union "
            + wxQianHou2Sql
            + " union "
            + sixingZhiSql
            + " union "
            + sanxingZhiSql;
    if (zu3Flag) {
      sql = sql + " union " + sanxingZu3Sql;
    if (zu6Flag) {
      sql = sql + " union " + sanxingZu6Sql;
    sql = sql + " union " + erxingZhiSql + " union " + erxingZxSql + " union " + yixingZhiSql;

    CachedRowSet crs = dbTool.querySql(ConstantSymbol.dbSource, sql);
    try {

    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;
  /** 将组3,按照大小顺序进行排列,并只取两位数 将组6按照大小顺序排列,并只取两位数 先将表里已存在的相应期号的中奖号码信息删除,然后再重新进行中奖号码的设置 */
  public String setZjInfo(String issueNum, String zjNum) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    // 分解号码
    if (zjNum == null || zjNum.equals("")) {
      return null;
    String[] aryZjNum = JStringToolkit.splitString(zjNum, ",");
    int len = aryZjNum.length;
    if (len < 5) {
      return "开奖号码设置有误!";
    String delSql = "delete from ssc_zj_info where issue_num='" + issueNum + "'";
    boolean delFlag = dbTool.executeSql(ConstantSymbol.dbSource, delSql);
    if (delFlag) {
      // 分别设置整型和数值型各个位置上的值,主要是为了写着方便,记着好记
      int intWan = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[0]); // 万位
      int intQian = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[1]); // 千位
      int intBai = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[2]); // 百位
      int intShi = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[3]); // 十位
      int intGe = Integer.parseInt(aryZjNum[4]); // 个位

      String strWan = aryZjNum[0]; // 万位
      String strQian = aryZjNum[1]; // 千位
      String strBai = aryZjNum[2]; // 百位
      String strShi = aryZjNum[3]; // 十位
      String strGe = aryZjNum[4]; // 个位
      // 五星号码
      String wuxing = strWan + strQian + strBai + strShi + strGe; // 五星
      String wuxingQian3 = strWan + strQian + strBai; // 前三
      String wuxingHou3 = strBai + strShi + strGe; // 后三
      String wuxingQian2 = strWan + strQian; // 前2
      String wuxingHou2 = strShi + strGe; // 后2

      // 四星号码
      String sixing = strQian + strBai + strShi + strGe; // 四星
      // 三星号码
      String sanxing = strBai + strShi + strGe; // 三星
      String[] aaaa = {strBai, strShi, strGe};
      String tempSanxing = JStringToolkit.strSort(aaaa); // 将三星从小到大排序,为组选准备
      // 判断开奖号码后三位是否是组3(有两个数值相等,但3个不全等)
      boolean zu3Flag = false;
      if ((strBai.equals(strShi) || strShi.equals(strGe) || strBai.equals(strGe))
          && !(strBai.equals(strShi) && strBai.equals(strGe))) {
        zu3Flag = true;
      if ((intBai == intShi || intShi == intGe || intBai == intGe)
          && !(intBai == intShi && intBai == intGe)) {
        zu3Flag = true;
      String sanxingZu31 = "";
      String sanxingZu32 = "";
      if (zu3Flag) {
        if (intBai == intShi) {
          sanxingZu31 = strBai + strGe;
          sanxingZu32 = strGe + strBai;
        if (intBai == intGe) {
          sanxingZu31 = strBai + strShi;
          sanxingZu32 = strShi + strBai;
        if (intShi == intGe) {
          sanxingZu31 = strShi + strBai;
          sanxingZu32 = strBai + strShi;

      // 判断开奖号码后三位是否是组6(3个值都不等)
      boolean zu6Flag = false;
      if (intBai != intShi && intShi != intGe && intBai != intGe) {
        zu6Flag = true;
      String sanxingZu6 = "";
      if (zu6Flag) {
        sanxingZu6 = tempSanxing; // 此处的组六是将后三位由小到大排列后的值
      // 不需要得和值了,在程序中,将每个和值分解成直选,组3,组6了
      // 不需要得包胆了,在程序中,将每个包胆分解成直选,组3,组6了
       * ************************************* //得到后三位的和值 int intSanxingHezhi = intBai + intShi +
       * intGe; String strSanxingHezhi = String.valueOf(intSanxingHezhi); //得到包一胆的值(直接为每个位置上的值)
       * String bao1dan1 = strBai; String bao1dan2 = strShi; String bao1dan3 = strGe; //得到包二胆的值
       * String bao2dan1 = strBai + strShi; String bao2dan2 = strBai + strGe; String bao2dan3 =
       * strShi + strGe; ************************************
      // 二星号码
      String erxing = strShi + strGe; // 二星直选

      String erxingZx1 = strShi + strGe; // 二星组选1
      String erxingZx2 = strGe + strShi; // 二星组选2

      // 一星号码
      String yixing = strGe; // 一星
      // 五星通选中的五星
      String wxZhiSql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='wuxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + wuxing
              + ",%'";

      String wxQianHou3Sql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='wuxing' and type_name='tx' "
              + " and (t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + wuxingQian3
              + "__,%' or t.num_detail like  '%,__"
              + wuxingHou3
              + ",%')";
      String wxQianHou2Sql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='wuxing' and type_name='tx' "
              + " and (t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + wuxingQian2
              + "___,%' or t.num_detail like  '%,___"
              + wuxingHou2
              + ",%')";

      // 四星
      String sixingZhiSql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='sixing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + sixing
              + ",%'";
      // 三星
      String sanxingZhiSql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='sanxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + sanxing
              + ",%'";

      // 三星组3,
      String sanxingZu3Sql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='sanxing' and t.play_mode='zu3' and( t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + sanxingZu31
              + ",%' or t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + sanxingZu32
              + ",%')";
      // 三星组6
      String sanxingZu6Sql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='sanxing' and t.play_mode='zu6' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + sanxingZu6
              + ",%'";

      // 二星直选
      String erxingZhiSql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='erxing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + erxing
              + ",%'";
      // 二星组选
      String erxingZxSql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='erxing' and play_mode='zuxuan' and (t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + erxingZx1
              + ",%' or t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + erxingZx2
              + ",%')";
      // 一星直选
      String yixingZhiSql =
          " select t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou  from ssc_tz_detail t where t.issue_num='"
              + issueNum
              + "' and t.play_type='yixing' and play_mode='zhixuan' and t.num_detail like  '%,"
              + yixing
              + ",%'";

      String tempSql =
              + " union "
              + wxQianHou3Sql
              + " union "
              + wxQianHou2Sql
              + " union "
              + sixingZhiSql
              + " union "
              + sanxingZhiSql;
      if (zu3Flag) {
        tempSql = tempSql + " union " + sanxingZu3Sql;
      if (zu6Flag) {
        tempSql = tempSql + " union " + sanxingZu6Sql;
      tempSql =
          tempSql + " union " + erxingZhiSql + " union " + erxingZxSql + " union " + yixingZhiSql;

      String sql =
          "select a.ID,a.user_id,a.user_name,a.play_type,a.play_mode,a.touzhu_num,b.* from ssc_tz_info a,("
              + tempSql
              + ")b where a.id=b.p_id and a.is_valid='1'";

      List<SscZjInfo> list = new ArrayList<SscZjInfo>();

      CachedRowSet crs = dbTool.querySql(ConstantSymbol.dbSource, sql);
      try {
        Map<String, String> prizeMap = SscLimitInfoInit.getSscPrizeMap();
        while (crs.next()) {
          //					t.id as c_id,t.p_id,t.issue_num,t.play_type as c_play_type,t.type_name,t.play_mode
          // as c_play_mode,t.num_times,t.is_zhuitou
          //					a.ID,a.user_id,a.user_name,a.play_type,a.play_mode,
          SscZjInfo zjInfo = new SscZjInfo();
          String tempId = IdBuilder.getId(); // 生成主键ID
          String tempIssueNum = crs.getString("issue_num");
          String tempTzId = crs.getString("id");
          String tempDetailId = crs.getString("c_id");
          String tempUserId = crs.getString("user_id");
          String tempUserName = crs.getString("user_name");
          String tempPlayType = crs.getString("play_type"); // 主表中的play_type
          String tempPlayMode = crs.getString("play_mode"); // 主表中的play_mode				
          String tempTzNum = crs.getString("touzhu_num"); // 主表中的touzhu_num
          String tempTzTimes = crs.getString("num_times");
          String tempIsZhuitou = crs.getString("is_zhuitou");
          String tempOpTime = JDateToolkit.getNowDate1(); // 得到当前操作时间
          String tempZjType = crs.getString("type_name"); // 子表中玩法类型
          String tempZjMoney = ""; // 奖金
          String tempMoneyOfZjType = ""; // 当前玩法中奖的奖金设置

          String cPlayType = crs.getString("c_play_type"); // 子表中的play_type
          String cPlayMode = crs.getString("c_play_mode"); // 子表中的play_mode
          // 根据玩法,得到相应的奖金
          String tempKey = cPlayType + cPlayMode;
          String strPrizeMoney = prizeMap.get(tempKey); // 相应玩法对应的中奖奖金设置
          int intZjMoney = 0;
          try {
            intZjMoney = Integer.parseInt(strPrizeMoney) * Integer.parseInt(tempTzTimes);
          } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            log.error("设置奖金金额 格式化错误: " + ex.toString());
            return "开奖号码设置异常!";
          tempZjMoney = String.valueOf(intZjMoney);
          tempMoneyOfZjType = tempKey;


      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("中奖信息保存异常:" + e.toString());
    } else {
      String temp = "中奖信息删除失败!";
      return temp;
    return "中奖号码设置成功!";