/** Construct a new stage from the information contained in the node bundle. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public BundleStage( StageInformation stageInfo, UtilContext context, MasterMgrClient client, NodeMod mod, TreeMap<String, BaseAnnotation> annotations, TreeMap<String, String> toolsetRemap, TreeMap<String, String> selectionKeyRemap, TreeMap<String, String> licenseKeyRemap, TreeMap<String, String> hardwareKeyRemap) { super("Bundle", "Description...", stageInfo, context, client, mod, StageFunction.aNone); pOrigNodeMod = mod; { String ntset = toolsetRemap.get(mod.getToolset()); if (ntset != null) pRemappedToolset = ntset; else pRemappedToolset = super.getToolset(); } JobReqs jreqs = mod.getJobRequirements(); if (jreqs != null) { { TreeSet<String> selectionKeys = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : jreqs.getSelectionKeys()) { String nkey = selectionKeyRemap.get(key); if (nkey != null) selectionKeys.add(nkey); } addSelectionKeys(selectionKeys); } { TreeSet<String> licenseKeys = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : jreqs.getLicenseKeys()) { String nkey = licenseKeyRemap.get(key); if (nkey != null) licenseKeys.add(nkey); } addLicenseKeys(licenseKeys); } { TreeSet<String> hardwareKeys = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : jreqs.getHardwareKeys()) { String nkey = hardwareKeyRemap.get(key); if (nkey != null) hardwareKeys.add(nkey); } addHardwareKeys(hardwareKeys); } } for (String aname : annotations.keySet()) addAnnotation(aname, annotations.get(aname)); { TreeMap<String, BaseAnnotation> annots = mod.getAnnotations(); for (String aname : annots.keySet()) addVersionAnnotation(aname, annots.get(aname)); } }
/** * Perform execution of the tool. * * <p> * * @param mclient The network connection to the plmaster(1) daemon. * @param qclient The network connection to the plqueuemgr(1) daemon. * @return Whether to continue and collect user input for the next phase of the tool. * @throws PipelineException If unable to sucessfully execute this phase of the tool. */ public synchronized boolean executePhase(MasterMgrClient mclient, QueueMgrClient qclient) throws PipelineException { boolean newCheckOut = false; String matName = null; String texName = null; { /*find out if it is a fresh checkout*/ JToolDialog tool = new JToolDialog("MaterialsCheckOut", new JPanel(), "Continue"); JConfirmDialog dialog = new JConfirmDialog(tool, "Do you want a completely fresh checkout"); dialog.setVisible(true); newCheckOut = dialog.wasConfirmed(); } { /*-check out the asset and mat nodes-*/ jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, pPrimary, null, keep, pFroz); NodeMod assetMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, pPrimary); { JobReqs jreqs = assetMod.getJobRequirements(); jreqs.addSelectionKey("LinuxOnly"); assetMod.setJobRequirements(jreqs); mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, assetMod); } Set<String> assetSrcs = assetMod.getSourceNames(); err.println("The asset sources are: "); for (String src : assetSrcs) { err.println(src); if (src.matches(matPattern)) { matName = src; err.println("Found mat node:\n\t " + src); if (newCheckOut) { err.println("Clean mat checkout"); jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU); } else { OverallNodeState state = mclient.status(pUser, pView, src).getHeavyDetails().getOverallNodeState(); if (!state.equals(OverallNodeState.Modified)) { err.println("Mat node has not been modified"); jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, pFroz); } } } else if (src.matches(matPattern + "Exp")) { err.println("Matexp is:\n\t" + src); jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, modi); { NodeMod expMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, src); JobReqs jreqs = expMod.getJobRequirements(); jreqs.addSelectionKey("LinuxOnly"); expMod.setJobRequirements(jreqs); mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, expMod); } } else { jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, froz); } } // end for err.println("mat node: " + matName); if (matName == null) throw new PipelineException("This asset node does not have an " + "attached mat node"); } { /*find the texture node and check out so it can be changed. If new checkout, fresh textures*/ NodeMod matMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, matName); TreeSet<String> matSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(matMod.getSourceNames()); for (String src : matSrcs) { if (src.matches(texPattern)) { texName = src; err.println("Found tex node:\n\t " + src); if (newCheckOut) { err.println("Clean"); jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU); } else { err.println("Old stuff"); jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, pFroz); jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, modi); } continue; } // end if jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, froz); } // end for err.println("tex node: " + texName); if (texName == null) throw new PipelineException( "This asset node does not have an associated " + "texture node"); } err.println("Checked out the asset, mat and texture nodes"); { /*check out finalise scripts*/ jcheckOut( mclient, pUser, pView, "/projects/lr/assets/tools/mel/finalize-character", null, over, froz); jcheckOut( mclient, pUser, pView, "/projects/lr/assets/tools/mel/finalize-set", null, over, froz); jcheckOut( mclient, pUser, pView, "/projects/lr/assets/tools/mel/finalize-prop", null, over, froz); } err.close(); return false; } // end executePhase
private static void doReqs(NodeMod mod) throws PipelineException { JobReqs req = mod.getJobRequirements(); req.addSelectionKey("Lair"); mod.setJobRequirements(req); }
@Override public void run(String[] args) { try { TreeMap<String, LinkedList<String>> parsedArgs = argParser(args); if (!checkArgsAndSetParams(parsedArgs)) { return; } } catch (PipelineException ex) { System.err.println("There was a problem reading the arguments.\n" + ex.getMessage()); printHelp(); return; } for (String turntableName : turntables) { logLine("Doing turntable: " + turntableName); for (String passName : passes) { logLine("\tDoing pass: "******"\t\tDoing asset: " + as.assetName); LairTurntable tt = new LairTurntable(as, turntableName, passName); w = new Wrapper(user, view, toolset, client); logLine("\t\tFreezing all the textures"); getLatest(w, as.texGroup, over, froz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the final model scene"); getNewest(w, as.finalScene, keep, pFroz); getNewest(w, as.lr_finalScene, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the shader scene."); getNewest(w, as.shdScene, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the turntable scene."); getNewest(w, tt.turntableScene, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the overRide scene."); getNewest(w, tt.ttCamOverMI, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the options scene."); getNewest(w, tt.ttOptionsMI, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the camera MI node."); getNewest(w, tt.ttCamMI, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the light MI node."); getNewest(w, tt.ttLightMI, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the shade MI node."); getNewest(w, tt.ttShadeMI, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the geo MI node."); getNewest(w, tt.ttGeoMI, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tChecking out the images node."); getNewest(w, tt.ttImages, keep, pFroz); logLine("\t\tFixing the turntable node"); { NodeMod mod = client.getWorkingVersion(user, view, tt.turntableScene); if (toolset != null) mod.setToolset(toolset); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } logLine("\t\tFixing the camera override node"); { NodeMod mod = client.getWorkingVersion(user, view, tt.ttCamOverMI); if (toolset != null) mod.setToolset(toolset); BaseAction act = mod.getAction(); act.setSingleParamValue("ImageWidth", 1280); act.setSingleParamValue("ImageHeight", 720); act.setSingleParamValue("AspectRatio", 1.777); act.setSingleParamValue("Aperture", 1.41732); act.setSingleParamValue("OverrideFocal", false); act.setSingleParamValue("OverrideClipping", false); mod.setAction(act); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } logLine("\t\tFixing the camera node"); { NodeMod mod = client.getWorkingVersion(user, view, tt.ttCamMI); if (toolset != null) mod.setToolset(toolset); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } logLine("\t\tFixing the light node"); { NodeMod mod = client.getWorkingVersion(user, view, tt.ttLightMI); if (toolset != null) mod.setToolset(toolset); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } logLine("\t\tFixing the geo node"); { NodeMod mod = client.getWorkingVersion(user, view, tt.ttGeoMI); if (toolset != null) mod.setToolset(toolset); BaseAction act = mod.getAction(); act.setSingleParamValue("CustomText", true); mod.setAction(act); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } logLine("\t\tFixing the shader node"); { NodeMod mod = client.getWorkingVersion(user, view, tt.ttShadeMI); if (toolset != null) mod.setToolset(toolset); BaseAction act = mod.getAction(); BaseAction act2 = LairConstants.actionMayaMiShader(); act2.setSingleParamValues(act); mod.setAction(act2); JobReqs req = mod.getJobRequirements(); req.addSelectionKey("MentalRay"); mod.setJobRequirements(req); mod.setExecutionMethod(ExecutionMethod.Parallel); mod.setBatchSize(100); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } logLine("\t\tFixing the images node"); { NodeMod mod = client.getWorkingVersion(user, view, tt.ttImages); if (toolset != null) mod.setToolset(toolset); BaseAction act = mod.getAction(); act.setSingleParamValue("TexturePath", "$WORKING"); mod.setAction(act); JobReqs req = mod.getJobRequirements(); req.addSelectionKey("MentalRay"); mod.setJobRequirements(req); mod.setExecutionMethod(ExecutionMethod.Parallel); mod.setBatchSize(5); client.modifyProperties(user, view, mod); } logLine( "All Done. Remember to set your export set on the mod node " + "if you want to export a custom part of the body"); } catch (PipelineException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }