private boolean createPartitionedIndex(Formatter f) throws IOException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // create partitions based on TimePartitionCollections object for (CollectionManager dcm : tpc.makePartitions()) { tp.addPartition(dcm); } List<TimePartition.Partition> bad = new ArrayList<TimePartition.Partition>(); for (TimePartition.Partition dc : tp.getPartitions()) { try { dc.makeGribCollection(f); // ensure collection has been read successfully if (trace) f.format(" Open partition %s%n", dc.getDcm().getCollectionName()); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error(" Failed to open partition " + dc.getName(), t); f.format(" FAIL on partition %s (remove) %n", dc.getDcm().getCollectionName()); bad.add(dc); // LOOK may be a file leak ? } } // remove ones that failed for (TimePartition.Partition p : bad) tp.removePartition(p); // choose the "canonical" partition, aka prototype int n = tp.getPartitions().size(); if (n == 0) { logger.error(" Nothing in this partition = " + tp.getName()); f.format(" FAIL Partition empty collection = %s%n", tp.getName()); return false; } int idx = tpc.getProtoIndex(n); TimePartition.Partition canon = tp.getPartitions().get(idx); f.format(" Using canonical partition %s%n", canon.getDcm().getCollectionName()); // check consistency across vert and ens coords if (!checkPartitions(canon, f)) { logger.error( " Partition check failed, index not written on {} message = {}", tp.getName(), f.toString()); f.format(" FAIL Partition check collection = %s%n", tp.getName()); return false; } // make the time coordinates, place results into canon createPartitionedTimeCoordinates(canon, f); // ready to write the index file writeIndex(canon, f); // close open gc's tp.cleanup(); long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; f.format(" CreatePartitionedIndex took %d msecs%n", took); return true; }
/* MAGIC_START version sizeRecords VariableRecords (sizeRecords bytes) sizeIndex GribCollectionIndex (sizeIndex bytes) */ private boolean writeIndex(TimePartition.Partition canon, Formatter f) throws IOException { File file = tp.getIndexFile(); if (file.exists()) { if (!file.delete()) logger.error("Cant delete " + file.getPath()); } RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file.getPath(), "rw"); raf.order(RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN); try { //// header message raf.write(MAGIC_START.getBytes("UTF-8")); raf.writeInt(version); raf.writeLong(0); // no record section GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.Builder indexBuilder = GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.newBuilder(); indexBuilder.setName(tp.getName()); GribCollection canonGc = canon.makeGribCollection(f); for (GribCollection.GroupHcs g : canonGc.getGroups()) indexBuilder.addGroups(writeGroupProto(g)); indexBuilder.setCenter(canonGc.getCenter()); indexBuilder.setSubcenter(canonGc.getSubcenter()); indexBuilder.setMaster(canonGc.getMaster()); indexBuilder.setLocal(canonGc.getLocal()); for (TimePartition.Partition p : tp.getPartitions()) { indexBuilder.addPartitions(writePartitionProto(p.getName(), (TimePartition.Partition) p)); } GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex index =; byte[] b = index.toByteArray(); NcStream.writeVInt(raf, b.length); // message size raf.write(b); // message - all in one gulp f.format("GribCollectionTimePartitionedIndex= %d bytes%n", b.length); } finally { f.format("file size = %d bytes%n", raf.length()); raf.close(); } return true; }
private boolean createPartitionedTimeCoordinates(TimePartition.Partition canon, Formatter f) throws IOException { List<TimePartition.Partition> partitions = tp.getPartitions(); boolean ok = true; // for each group in canonical Partition for (GribCollection.GroupHcs firstGroup : canon.makeGribCollection(f).getGroups()) { String gname = firstGroup.getId(); if (trace) f.format(" Check Group %s%n", gname); // get list of corresponding groups from all the time partition, so we dont have to keep // looking it up List<PartGroup> pgList = new ArrayList<PartGroup>(partitions.size()); for (TimePartition.Partition dc : partitions) { GribCollection.GroupHcs gg = dc.makeGribCollection(f).findGroupById(gname); if (gg == null) logger.error(" Cant find group {} in partition {}", gname, dc.getName()); else pgList.add(new PartGroup(gg, dc)); } // unique time coordinate unions List<TimeCoordUnion> unionList = new ArrayList<TimeCoordUnion>(); // for each variable in canonical Partition for (GribCollection.VariableIndex viCanon : firstGroup.varIndex) { if (trace) f.format(" Check variable %s%n", viCanon); TimeCoord tcCanon = viCanon.getTimeCoord(); List<TimeCoord> tcPartitions = new ArrayList<TimeCoord>(pgList.size()); // for each partition, get the time index for (PartGroup pg : pgList) { // get corresponding variable GribCollection.VariableIndex vi2 =; if (vi2 == null) { // apparently not in the file f.format( " WARN Cant find variable %s in partition %s / %s%n", viCanon, pg.tpp.getName(),; tcPartitions.add(null); } else { if (vi2.timeIdx < 0 || vi2.timeIdx >= { logger.error(" timeIdx out of range var= {} on partition {}", vi2, pg.tpp.getName()); tcPartitions.add(null); } else { TimeCoord tc2 = vi2.getTimeCoord(); if (tc2.isInterval() != tcCanon.isInterval()) { logger.error( " timeIdx wrong interval type var= {} on partition {}", vi2, pg.tpp.getName()); tcPartitions.add(null); } else { tcPartitions.add(tc2); } } } } // union of time coordinates TimeCoordUnion union = new TimeCoordUnion(tcCanon.getCode(), tcPartitions, tcCanon); // store result in the first group viCanon.partTimeCoordIdx = TimeCoordUnion.findUnique(unionList, union); // this merges identical TimeCoordUnion } /* turn TimeIndex into TimeCoord for (int tidx = 0; tidx <unionList.size(); tidx++) { TimeCoordUnion union = unionList.get(tidx); f.format(" %s %d: timeIndexList=", firstGroup.hcs.getName(), tidx); for (int idx : union.) f.format("%d,",idx); f.format("%n"); } */ // store results in first group firstGroup.timeCoordPartitions = unionList; } return ok; }
private void createIndex( File indexFile, List<Group> groups, ArrayList<String> filenames, Formatter f) throws IOException { Grib2Record first = null; // take global metadata from here if (indexFile.exists()) indexFile.delete(); // replace it f.format(" createIndex for %s%n", indexFile.getPath()); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(indexFile.getPath(), "rw"); raf.order(RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN); try { //// header message raf.write(MAGIC_START.getBytes("UTF-8")); raf.writeInt(version); long lenPos = raf.getFilePointer(); raf.writeLong(0); // save space to write the length of the record section long countBytes = 0; int countRecords = 0; for (Group g : groups) { g.fileSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Grib2Rectilyser.VariableBag vb : g.rect.getGribvars()) { if (first == null) first = vb.first; GribCollectionProto.VariableRecords vr = writeRecordsProto(vb, g.fileSet); byte[] b = vr.toByteArray(); vb.pos = raf.getFilePointer(); vb.length = b.length; raf.write(b); countBytes += b.length; countRecords += vb.recordMap.length; } } long bytesPerRecord = countBytes / ((countRecords == 0) ? 1 : countRecords); f.format( " write RecordMaps: bytes = %d record = %d bytesPerRecord=%d%n", countBytes, countRecords, bytesPerRecord); if (first == null) { logger.error("GribCollection {}: has no files\n{}", gc.getName(), f.toString()); throw new IllegalArgumentException("GribCollection " + gc.getName() + " has no files"); } long pos = raf.getFilePointer();; raf.writeLong(countBytes);; // back to the output. GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.Builder indexBuilder = GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.newBuilder(); indexBuilder.setName(gc.getName()); for (String fn : filenames) indexBuilder.addFiles(fn); for (Group g : groups) indexBuilder.addGroups(writeGroupProto(g)); /* int count = 0; for (DatasetCollectionManager dcm : collections) { indexBuilder.addParams(makeParamProto(new Parameter("spec" + count, dcm.()))); count++; } */ // what about just storing first ?? Grib2SectionIdentification ids = first.getId(); indexBuilder.setCenter(ids.getCenter_id()); indexBuilder.setSubcenter(ids.getSubcenter_id()); indexBuilder.setMaster(ids.getMaster_table_version()); indexBuilder.setLocal(ids.getLocal_table_version()); Grib2Pds pds = first.getPDS(); indexBuilder.setGenProcessType(pds.getGenProcessType()); indexBuilder.setGenProcessId(pds.getGenProcessId()); indexBuilder.setBackProcessId(pds.getBackProcessId()); GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex index =; byte[] b = index.toByteArray(); NcStream.writeVInt(raf, b.length); // message size raf.write(b); // message - all in one gulp f.format(" write GribCollectionIndex= %d bytes%n", b.length); } finally { f.format(" file size = %d bytes%n", raf.length()); raf.close(); if (raf != null) raf.close(); } }
public boolean readIndex(RandomAccessFile raf) { gc.setRaf(raf); // LOOK leaving the raf open in the GribCollection try { raf.order(RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN);; //// header message if (!NcStream.readAndTest(raf, MAGIC_START.getBytes())) { logger.error("GribCollection {}: invalid index", gc.getName()); return false; } int v = raf.readInt(); if (v != getVersion()) { logger.warn( "GribCollection {}: index found version={}, want version= {} on file {}", new Object[] {gc.getName(), v, version, raf.getLocation()}); return false; } long skip = raf.readLong(); raf.skipBytes(skip); int size = NcStream.readVInt(raf); if ((size < 0) || (size > 100 * 1000 * 1000)) { logger.warn("GribCollection {}: invalid index ", gc.getName()); return false; } byte[] m = new byte[size]; raf.readFully(m); GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex proto = GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionIndex.parseFrom(m); = proto.getCenter(); gc.subcenter = proto.getSubcenter(); gc.master = proto.getMaster(); gc.local = proto.getLocal(); gc.genProcessType = proto.getGenProcessType(); gc.genProcessId = proto.getGenProcessId(); gc.backProcessId = proto.getBackProcessId(); gc.local = proto.getLocal(); // gc.tables = Grib2Tables.factory(, gc.subcenter, gc.master, gc.local); gc.filenames = new ArrayList<String>(proto.getFilesCount()); for (int i = 0; i < proto.getFilesCount(); i++) gc.filenames.add(proto.getFiles(i)); // error condition on a GribCollection Index if ((proto.getFilesCount() == 0) && !(this instanceof TimePartitionBuilder)) { logger.warn("GribCollection {}: has no files, force recreate ", gc.getName()); return false; } gc.groups = new ArrayList<GribCollection.GroupHcs>(proto.getGroupsCount()); for (int i = 0; i < proto.getGroupsCount(); i++) gc.groups.add(readGroup(proto.getGroups(i), gc.makeGroup())); Collections.sort(gc.groups); gc.params = new ArrayList<Parameter>(proto.getParamsCount()); for (int i = 0; i < proto.getParamsCount(); i++) gc.params.add(readParam(proto.getParams(i))); if (!readPartitions(proto)) { logger.warn("TimePartition {}: has no partitions, force recreate ", gc.getName()); return false; } return true; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Error reading index " + raf.getLocation(), t); return false; } }