public BufrMessageViewer(final PreferencesExt prefs, JPanel buttPanel) { this.prefs = prefs; AbstractAction useReaderAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Boolean state = (Boolean) getValue(BAMutil.STATE); doRead = state.booleanValue(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(useReaderAction, "addCoords", "read data", true, 'C', -1); useReaderAction.putValue(BAMutil.STATE, new Boolean(doRead)); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, useReaderAction); AbstractAction seperateWindowAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Boolean state = (Boolean) getValue(BAMutil.STATE); seperateWindow = state.booleanValue(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties( seperateWindowAction, "addCoords", "seperate DDS window", true, 'C', -1); seperateWindowAction.putValue(BAMutil.STATE, new Boolean(seperateWindow)); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(buttPanel, seperateWindowAction); messageTable = new BeanTableSorted( MessageBean.class, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("GridRecordBean"), false); messageTable.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { ddsTable.setBeans(new ArrayList()); obsTable.setBeans(new ArrayList()); MessageBean mb = (MessageBean) messageTable.getSelectedBean(); java.util.List<DdsBean> beanList = new ArrayList<DdsBean>(); try { setDataDescriptors(beanList, mb.m.getRootDataDescriptor(), 0); setObs(mb.m); } catch (IOException e1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(BufrMessageViewer.this, e1.getMessage()); e1 .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | // File Templates. } ddsTable.setBeans(beanList); } }); obsTable = new BeanTableSorted(ObsBean.class, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("ObsBean"), false); obsTable.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { ObsBean csb = (ObsBean) obsTable.getSelectedBean(); } }); ddsTable = new BeanTableSorted(DdsBean.class, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("DdsBean"), false); ddsTable.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { DdsBean csb = (DdsBean) ddsTable.getSelectedBean(); } }); thredds.ui.PopupMenu varPopup = new thredds.ui.PopupMenu(messageTable.getJTable(), "Options"); varPopup.addAction( "Show DDS", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MessageBean vb = (MessageBean) messageTable.getSelectedBean(); if (!seperateWindow) infoTA.clear(); Formatter f = new Formatter(); try { if (!vb.m.isTablesComplete()) { f.format(" MISSING DATA DESCRIPTORS= "); vb.m.showMissingFields(f); f.format("%n%n"); } vb.m.dump(f); } catch (IOException e1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(BufrMessageViewer.this, e1.getMessage()); e1 .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | // File Templates. } if (seperateWindow) { TextHistoryPane ta = new TextHistoryPane(); IndependentWindow info = new IndependentWindow("Extra Information", BAMutil.getImage("netcdfUI"), ta); info.setBounds( (Rectangle) prefs.getBean("InfoWindowBounds", new Rectangle(300, 300, 500, 300))); ta.appendLine(f.toString()); ta.gotoTop();; } else { infoTA.appendLine(f.toString()); infoTA.gotoTop();; } } }); varPopup.addAction( "Data Table", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MessageBean mb = (MessageBean) messageTable.getSelectedBean(); try { NetcdfDataset ncd = getBufrMessageAsDataset(mb.m); Variable v = ncd.findVariable(BufrIosp.obsRecord); if ((v != null) && (v instanceof Structure)) { if (dataTable == null) makeDataTable(); dataTable.setStructure((Structure) v);; } } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(BufrMessageViewer.this, ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); varPopup.addAction( "Bit Count", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MessageBean mb = (MessageBean) messageTable.getSelectedBean(); Message m = mb.m; Formatter out = new Formatter(); try { infoTA2.clear(); if (! { MessageUncompressedDataReader reader = new MessageUncompressedDataReader(); reader.readData(null, m, raf, null, false, out); } else { MessageCompressedDataReader reader = new MessageCompressedDataReader(); reader.readData(null, m, raf, null, out); } int nbitsGiven = 8 * (m.dataSection.getDataLength() - 4); DataDescriptor root = m.getRootDataDescriptor(); out.format( "Message nobs=%d compressed=%s vlen=%s countBits= %d givenBits=%d %n", m.getNumberDatasets(),, root.isVarLength(), m.getCountedDataBits(), nbitsGiven); out.format(" countBits= %d givenBits=%d %n", m.getCountedDataBits(), nbitsGiven); out.format( " countBytes= %d dataSize=%d %n", m.getCountedDataBytes(), m.dataSection.getDataLength()); out.format("%n"); infoTA2.appendLine(out.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ex.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bos)); infoTA2.appendLine(out.toString()); infoTA2.appendLine(bos.toString()); } infoTA2.gotoTop();; } }); varPopup.addAction( "Write Message", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MessageBean mb = (MessageBean) messageTable.getSelectedBean(); try { String defloc; String header = mb.m.getHeader(); if (header != null) { header = header.split(" ")[0]; } if (header == null) { defloc = (raf.getLocation() == null) ? "." : raf.getLocation(); int pos = defloc.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) defloc = defloc.substring(0, pos); } else defloc = header; if (fileChooser == null) fileChooser = new FileManager(null, null, null, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("FileManager")); String filename = fileChooser.chooseFilenameToSave(defloc + ".bufr"); if (filename == null) return; File file = new File(filename); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); WritableByteChannel wbc = fos.getChannel(); wbc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(mb.m.getHeader().getBytes())); byte[] raw = scan.getMessageBytes(mb.m); wbc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(raw)); wbc.close(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( BufrMessageViewer.this, filename + " successfully written"); } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(BufrMessageViewer.this, "ERROR: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); varPopup.addAction( "Dump distinct DDS", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dumpDDS(); } }); varPopup.addAction( "Write all distinct messages", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { writeAll(); } }); varPopup.addAction( "Show XML", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MessageBean mb = (MessageBean) messageTable.getSelectedBean(); Message m = mb.m; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000 * 100); try { infoTA.clear(); NetcdfDataset ncd = getBufrMessageAsDataset(mb.m); new Bufr2Xml(m, ncd, out, true); infoTA.setText(out.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ex.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(bos)); infoTA.appendLine(out.toString()); infoTA.appendLine(bos.toString()); } infoTA.gotoTop();; } }); // the info window infoTA = new TextHistoryPane(); infoWindow = new IndependentWindow("Extra Information", BAMutil.getImage("netcdfUI"), infoTA); infoWindow.setBounds( (Rectangle) prefs.getBean("InfoWindowBounds", new Rectangle(300, 300, 500, 300))); // the info window 2 infoTA2 = new TextHistoryPane(); infoWindow2 = new IndependentWindow("Extra Information-2", BAMutil.getImage("netcdfUI"), infoTA2); infoWindow2.setBounds( (Rectangle) prefs.getBean("InfoWindowBounds2", new Rectangle(300, 300, 500, 300))); split2 = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, false, ddsTable, obsTable); split2.setDividerLocation(prefs.getInt("splitPos2", 800)); split = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, false, messageTable, split2); split.setDividerLocation(prefs.getInt("splitPos", 500)); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(split, BorderLayout.CENTER); }