   * This is where it all happens
   * <p>Logic here is as follows (1) Get all user information out of the comms directories (2) Get
   * all user information out of the OIM (3) For each user in the comms directories (4) If the user
   * exists in OIM (5) If status in comms is true and duacmailboxexists = 1 (6) continue, removing
   * user from OIM list (7) If status in comms is false and duacmailboxexists = 0 (8) continue,
   * removing user from OIM list (9) If status in comms is true and duacmailboxexists = 0 (10) set
   * duacmailboxexists = 1, remove user from OIM list (11) if status in comms is false and
   * duacmailboxexists = 1 (12) set duacmailboxexists = 0, remove user from OIM list, and call
   * revokeMailbox (14) For each user left in the OIM list (15) if user does not apear in the comms
   * directories (16) if duacmailboxexists = 1 (17) set duacmailboxexists = 0, remove user from OIM
   * list, call revokeMailbox
   * <p>Really not as complex as it looks.
  public void execute() {

    // Get the LDAP user data first
    ldapMap = getLDAPData();

    // Check whether the response was null and die if it was
    if (ldapMap == null) {
      logger.error(connectorName + " getLDAPData failed to return data -- bailing out");

    // Get OIM user data next
    OIMMap = getOIMData();

    // Check whether the response was null and die if it was
    if (OIMMap == null) {
      logger.error(connectorName + " getOIMData failed to return user data -- bailing out");

    // Now run logic from 3-12
    Set ldapKeys = ldapMap.keySet();
    Iterator iter = ldapKeys.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      // for each key in the ldapMap hash
      String lk = (String) iter.next();

      // Check whether OIM has this user somewhere
      if (OIMMap.containsKey(lk)) {
        // OIM has this user, so proceed
        Boolean lb = (Boolean) ldapMap.get(lk);
        if (lb.booleanValue() && OIMMap.get(lk) != null && OIMMap.get(lk).equals("1")) {
          // has mailbox and exists is 1 -- leave it alone
        if ((lb.booleanValue() && OIMMap.get(lk) != null && OIMMap.get(lk).equals("0"))
            || (lb.booleanValue() && OIMMap.get(lk) != null && OIMMap.get(lk).equals(""))) {
          // has mailbox and exists is 0 -- set exists
          // this should be very unlikely, but...
          HashMap<String, String> doSearchCriteria = new HashMap<String, String>();
          doSearchCriteria.put("Users.User ID", lk);
          doSearchCriteria.put("Users.Status", "Active");
          String[] doattrs = {"Users.User ID"};

          try {
            tcResultSet doResultSet = moUserUtility.findUsersFiltered(doSearchCriteria, doattrs);

            if (doResultSet.getRowCount() != 1) {
                      + " Search in OIM for user "
                      + lk
                      + " returned "
                      + doResultSet.getRowCount()
                      + " results - something is wrong");
            } else {
              HashMap<String, String> attrsForOIM = new HashMap<String, String>();
              attrsForOIM.put("USR_UDF_ACMAILBOXEXISTS", "1");
              try {
                moUserUtility.updateUser(doResultSet, attrsForOIM);
                logger.info(connectorName + " Added duacmailboxexists to user " + lk);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                // Failed the update
                        + " Failed add of duacmailboxexists for user "
                        + lk
                        + " due to exception: "
                        + e.getMessage()
                        + " but moving on");
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // we failed to get the user from OIM, so nothing to do here -- go back to our homes
            // except we log it, since we appear to have failed finding a user who is there
                    + " User in OIMMap not present in OIM or setting duACMailboxExists failed -- very odd, but nothing to do here -- might want to investigate "
                    + lk
                    + " though");
            OIMMap.remove(lk); // remove it anyway
        if (!lb.booleanValue() && OIMMap.get(lk) != null && OIMMap.get(lk).equals("1")) {
          // mailbox no longer exists in LDAP, but is on in OIM
          // turn it off in OIM now
          HashMap<String, String> doSearchCriteria = new HashMap<String, String>();
          doSearchCriteria.put("Users.User ID", lk);
          doSearchCriteria.put("Users.Status", "Active");
          String[] doattrs = {"Users.User ID", "Users.Key"};

          try {
            tcResultSet doResultSet = moUserUtility.findUsersFiltered(doSearchCriteria, doattrs);
            if (doResultSet.getRowCount() != 1) {
                      + " Search in OIM for user "
                      + lk
                      + " returned "
                      + doResultSet.getRowCount()
                      + " results - something is wrong");
            } else {
              HashMap<String, String> attrsForOIM = new HashMap<String, String>();
              attrsForOIM.put("USR_UDF_ACMAILBOXEXISTS", "");
              // need to call revokeMailbox() here, once it's written
              try {
                moUserUtility.updateUser(doResultSet, attrsForOIM);
                logger.info(connectorName + " Removed duacmailboxexists from user " + lk);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                        + " Failed removing duacmailboxexists for "
                        + lk
                        + " please investigate -- moving on past "
                        + e.getMessage());
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // We missed on the findUsersFiltered in some fashion, so log an error and move on
                    + " User in OIMap does not exist or failed removing duacmailboxexists for "
                    + lk
                    + " very odd, but nothing to do here -- please investigate");
            OIMMap.remove(lk); // remove anyway again
        // Fallthru case, then, is mailbox doesn't exist and the user doesn't have duacmailboxexists
        // so we leave the fallthru alone, but remove the OIM entry anyway
        OIMMap.remove(lk); // remove anyway
      } else {
        // this user exists in LDAP but not in OIM
        // we should note that and move on
                + " User "
                + lk
                + " present in comms directory but missing in OIM.  Nothing to do, but be aware this is strange");
        // no need to remove, since we're not present in the OIMMap
        OIMMap.remove(lk); // but remove anyway
    // Now do the same thing with what's left in the OIMMap, but in reverse
    Set OIMKeys = OIMMap.keySet();
    iter = OIMKeys.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      // for each key in the ldapMap hash
      String ok = (String) iter.next();
      // At this point, no one left in the OIM list should be in
      // the comms list, but we need to be certain, so...
      if (!ldapMap.containsKey(ok)) {
        // This is correct -- we're here because the LDAP doesn't contain this user anymore
        if (OIMMap.get(ok) != null && OIMMap.get(ok).equals("1")) {
          // We need to undo a duacmailboxexists setting here
          HashMap<String, String> doSearchCriteria = new HashMap<String, String>();
          doSearchCriteria.put("Users.User ID", ok);
          doSearchCriteria.put("Users.Status", "Active");
          String[] doattrs = {"Users.User ID", "Users.Key"};

          try {
            tcResultSet doResultSet = moUserUtility.findUsersFiltered(doSearchCriteria, doattrs);
            if (doResultSet.getRowCount() != 1) {
                      + " Search in OIM for user "
                      + ok
                      + " returned "
                      + doResultSet.getRowCount()
                      + " results - something is wrong");
            } else {
              HashMap<String, String> attrsForOIM = new HashMap<String, String>();
              attrsForOIM.put("USR_UDF_ACMAILBOXEXISTS", "");
              // need to call revokeMailbox() here, once it's written
              try {
                moUserUtility.updateUser(doResultSet, attrsForOIM);
                logger.info(connectorName + " Removed duacmailboxexists from user " + ok);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                // same as above
                        + " caught eception when trying to remove duacmailboxexists from "
                        + ok
                        + " moving on, but you probably need to investigate "
                        + e.getMessage());
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // same story as above
                    + " Failed to find OIM user "
                    + ok
                    + " or otherwise lost on the OIM search -- continuing, but you should investigate");
        // otherwise, nothing to do -- we're empty in OIM and there is no mailbox
        // so we're all set.
      } else {
        // Something is awry -- we have the user in the LDAP but we got to this branch of the code
        // indicating that we fell through some sort of wormhole.
                + " Impossible situation -- comms dir entry cannot exist, yet it does for user "
                + ok
                + " -- doing nothing with this case -- please investigate");