public static void joinHerd( final String dc, final String herd, final Endpoint endpoint, Endpoint shepardAddress) { Thread.dumpStack(); final Endpoint shepard = Networking.resolve(shepardAddress.getHost(), PORT); final RpcEndpoint sock = Networking.rpcConnect(TransportProvider.DEFAULT).toDefaultService(); + " Contacting shepard at: " + shepard + " to join: " + herd); System.err.println( IP.localHostname() + " Contacting shepard at: " + shepard + " to join: " + herd); new PeriodicTask(2.0, 1.0) { public void run() { try { sock.send( shepard, new JoinHerdRequest(dc, herd, endpoint), new HerdProtoHandler() { public void onReceive(JoinHerdReply r) { herds = r.herds(); lastChange = System.currentTimeMillis() - r.age(); String.format( "Received Herd information: lastChange : [%.1f s] ago, data: %s\n", age() / 1000.0, herds)); Threading.synchronizedNotifyAllOn(herds); } }, 0); if (stopProbing) cancel(); } catch (Exception x) { Log.warning("Cannot connect to shepard at: " + shepard + " to join: " + herd); } } }; }