  /** Sets the status. */
  public void setStatus() {
    String sts = "";

    sts += "Level=" + _level + " ";
    sts += "Balls=" + _balls + " ";
    sts += "Score=" + _score + " ";
    sts += "Bricks=" + getPlayField().getBrickCount() + " ";
    // sts += "Speed="+(Math.abs(_canvas.getCurrentMovementX()) +
    // Math.abs(_canvas.getCurrentMovementY()))+" ";
    sts +=
        "X=" + (int) (getBall().getPosition().x) + " Y=" + (int) (getBall().getPosition().y) + " ";

   * This method responds with a JLabel when the user presses a button. INPUT (parameters): none
   * OUTOUT (return): none
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (e.getSource() == newGameButton) // if the start button is pressed
          "Anyone can go first"); // deals the first card for the player and the dealer and informs
                                  // the user that anyone can go first

      int cardNumber =
          createRandomNum(); // stores the number generated by the createRandomNum method in a
                             // variable
      String suit =
              cardNumber]; // stores the element in the cardNumber index of the card array in the
                           // varaible suit

      currentCard =
              suit); // sends counter and suit to the cards method and stores the JLabel it returns
                     // in a variable
      gamePanel.add(currentCard); // adds the JLabel to the game panel
      gamePanel.repaint(); // repaints the game panel

      playerOneScore =
              + returnScore(cardNumber); // increments player one score depending on their card
      score1.setText("" + playerOneScore);
      cardArray[cardNumber] =
          ""; // since one card froma deck is gone, one index in the card array is now empty

      cardNumber = createRandomNum();
      suit = cardArray[cardNumber]; // card for dealer

      if (suit == "") // if the card is already dealt
      isAllowed = false;
      else isAllowed = true;

      while (!isAllowed) // till it generates a card that is not dealt already
        cardNumber = createRandomNum();
        suit = cardArray[cardNumber];

        if (suit == "") isAllowed = false;
        else isAllowed = true;
      if (isAllowed) // when a new card is chosen
        cardArray[cardNumber] = "";
        currentCard = cards1(counter1, suit);
        playerTwoScore = playerTwoScore + returnScore(cardNumber);
        score2.setText("" + playerTwoScore);
    } else if (e.getSource() == hitButton) // if the player presses the hit button
      if (pressedStand2 == false) // if dealer has not pressed stand
      turnLabel.setText("Dealer's Turn"); // it is dealers turn
      else turnLabel.setText("Player's turn again");

      int cardNumber = createRandomNum();
      String suit = cardArray[cardNumber];
      counter +=
          2; /* increments the counter variable value so the new card is not placed on top of the previous card
             (moves the x value of the location of the image)*/

      if (suit == "") // checks if the card has been dealt already or not
      isAllowed = false;
      else isAllowed = true;

      while (isAllowed == false) {
        cardNumber = createRandomNum();
        suit = cardArray[cardNumber];

        if (suit == "") isAllowed = false;
        else isAllowed = true;
      if (isAllowed) {
        cardArray[cardNumber] = "";
        currentCard = cards(counter, suit);
        gamePanel.add(currentCard); // generates another card for the player
        playerOneScore = playerOneScore + returnScore(cardNumber); // calcualtes players score
        score1.setText("" + playerOneScore);
        if (playerOneScore > 21)
              winnerCalculation(playerOneScore, playerTwoScore)
                  + " "
                  + playerOneScore
                  + " - "
                  + playerTwoScore);
    } else if (e.getSource() == hitButton2) // if dealer presses hit button
      if (pressedStand == false) // if the player has not pressed stand
      turnLabel.setText("Player's Turn"); // it is the player's turn
      else if (pressedStand == true) turnLabel.setText("Dealer's turn again");

      int cardNumber = createRandomNum();
      String suit = cardArray[cardNumber];
      counter1 += 2; /* increments the counter1 variable value (changes the x value of the location
       of the card for the dealer's side of the JFrame)*/

      if (suit == "") isAllowed = false;
      else isAllowed = true;

      while (isAllowed == false) {
        cardNumber = createRandomNum();
        suit = cardArray[cardNumber];

        if (suit == "") isAllowed = false;
        else isAllowed = true;
      if (isAllowed) {
        cardArray[cardNumber] = "";
        currentCard = cards1(counter1, suit);
        playerTwoScore = playerTwoScore + returnScore(cardNumber);
        score2.setText("" + playerTwoScore);
        if (playerTwoScore > 21)
              winnerCalculation(playerOneScore, playerTwoScore)
                  + " "
                  + playerOneScore
                  + " - "
                  + playerTwoScore);
    } else if (e.getSource() == endGameButton) // if the end button is pressed
          winnerCalculation(playerOneScore, playerTwoScore)
              + " "
              + playerOneScore
              + " - "
              + playerTwoScore); // displays the winner based on the score
    } else if (e.getSource() == standButton) // if the player presses the stand button
      pressedStand = true;
      if (pressedStand && pressedStand2) // if both (the dealer and the player ) have pressed stand
            winnerCalculation(playerOneScore, playerTwoScore)
                + " "
                + playerOneScore
                + " - "
                + playerTwoScore); // the game is ended & score is displayed
      } else if (pressedStand2 == false) // else it is the dealer turn
        turnLabel.setText("Dealer's Turn");

    } else if (e.getSource() == standButton2) // if the dealer presses the stand button
      pressedStand2 = true;
      if (pressedStand && pressedStand2) // if both (the dealer and the player ) have pressed stand
            winnerCalculation(playerOneScore, playerTwoScore)
                + " "
                + playerOneScore
                + " - "
                + playerTwoScore); // the game is ended & the score is displayed
      } else {
        turnLabel.setText("Player's Turn"); // else it is the player's turn
   * This method creates the content pane that will be a part of the frame, including the JLabels,
   * JPanels and the JButtons INPUT (parameters): none OUTOUT (return): the main JPanel object that
   * includes everything
  public JPanel createContentPane() {

    JPanel totalGUI = new JPanel(); // the main panel

    startNum = In.getInt();
    if (startNum == 1) startGame = true;
    else startGame = false;
    while (!startGame) {
      System.out.println("Please enter 1 to start the game");
      startNum = In.getInt();
      if (startNum == 1) startGame = true;
      else startGame = false;
    if (startGame) {
      titlePanel = new JPanel(); // a panel where the title will be displayed
      titlePanel.setLocation(0, 0);
      titlePanel.setSize(1600, 150);
      Color titlePanelColor = new Color(238, 130, 238);
      totalGUI.add(titlePanel); // this panel is added to the main panel

      gamePanel = new JPanel(); // game panel (where the cards will be displayed)
      gamePanel.setLocation(0, 150);
      gamePanel.setSize(950, 650);

      newGameButton = new JButton("Start"); // a button to start the game
      newGameButton.setLocation(800, 155);
      newGameButton.setSize(120, 30);
      gamePanel.add(newGameButton); // this button is added to the game panel

      endGameButton = new JButton("End Game"); // a button to end the game
      endGameButton.setLocation(800, 195);
      endGameButton.setSize(120, 30);

      hitButton = new JButton("Hit! (Player)"); // a hit button for the player
      hitButton.setLocation(800, 235);
      hitButton.setSize(120, 30);

      hitButton2 = new JButton("Hit! (Dealer)"); // a hit button for the dealer
      hitButton2.setLocation(800, 275);
      hitButton2.setSize(120, 30);

      standButton = new JButton("Stand (Player)"); // a stand button for the player
      standButton.setLocation(800, 315);
      standButton.setSize(120, 30);

      standButton2 = new JButton("Stand (Dealer)"); // a stand button for the dealer
      standButton2.setLocation(800, 355);
      standButton2.setSize(120, 30);

      playerTitle =
          new JLabel(
              "Player"); // label that displays the word "Player" on the screen
      playerTitle.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 20));
      Color playerTitleColor = new Color(0, 250, 154);
      playerTitle.setLocation(550, 150);
      playerTitle.setSize(100, 30);

      dealerTitle = new JLabel("Dealer"); // label that displays the word "Dealer" on the screen
      dealerTitle.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 20));
      Color dealerTitleColor = new Color(0, 250, 154);
      dealerTitle.setLocation(550, 350);
      dealerTitle.setSize(100, 30);

      scoreLabel = new JLabel(""); // label that displays the score
      scoreLabel.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 30));
      Color scoreLabelColor = new Color(255, 20, 147);
      scoreLabel.setLocation(200, 130);
      scoreLabel.setSize(400, 300);

      turnLabel = new JLabel(""); // label that informs the users whose turn it is
      turnLabel.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 20));
      Color turnLabelColor = new Color(255, 127, 80);
      turnLabel.setLocation(250, 200);
      turnLabel.setSize(300, 100);

      score1 = new JLabel("");
      score1.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 20));
      Color score1Color = new Color(255, 127, 80);
      score1.setLocation(660, 135);
      score1.setSize(100, 60);

      score2 = new JLabel("");
      score2.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 20));
      Color score2Color = new Color(255, 127, 80);
      score2.setLocation(660, 335);
      score2.setSize(100, 60);

      ImageIcon titleIcon1 = new ImageIcon("BlackJack.jpg");
      titlePics = new JLabel(titleIcon1); // an image for decor
      titlePics.setLocation(0, 0);
      titlePics.setSize(150, 150);
      titlePanel.add(titlePics); // image added to title label

      welcomeLabel = new JLabel("Welcome To Casino Royale!");
      welcomeLabel.setFont(new Font("Monotype Corsiva", Font.BOLD, 40));
      Color titleColor = new Color(0, 255, 255); // title
      welcomeLabel.setLocation(245, 0);
      welcomeLabel.setSize(700, 100);

      commandLabel = new JLabel("Please press \"Start\" to start a game of Black Jack!");
      commandLabel.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, 16));
      Color commandColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);
      commandLabel.setForeground(commandColor); // instruction to user on how to start the game
      commandLabel.setLocation(250, 101);
      commandLabel.setSize(700, 44);

      ImageIcon titleIcon3 = new ImageIcon("Swirl.jpg");
      titlePics = new JLabel(titleIcon3); // an image for decor
      titlePics.setLocation(783, 0);
      titlePics.setSize(150, 150);

      return totalGUI; // return the final JPanel
    return totalGUI;
  * This method displays a card on the screen for the dealer INPUT (parameters): int location (for
  * the location of the image) int String suits (for the card) OUTOUT (return): returns a Jlabel
  * (an image of the card)
 public JLabel cards1(int location, String suits) {
   int xValue = (80 * location) + 5;
   if (suits == "spades1") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("Ace.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts1") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("Aceh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs1") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("Acec.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds1") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("Aced.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades2") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("two.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts2") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("twoh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs2") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("twoc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds2") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("twod.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades3") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("three.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts3") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("threeh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs3") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("threec.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds3") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("threed.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades4") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("four.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts4") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("fourh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs4") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("fourc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds4") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("fourd.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades5") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("five.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts5") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("fiveh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs5") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("fivec.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds5") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("fived.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades6") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("six.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts6") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("sixh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs6") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("sixc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds6") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("sixd.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades7") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("seven.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts7") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("sevenh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs7") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("sevenc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds7") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("sevend.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades8") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("eight.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts8") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("eighth.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs8") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("eightc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds8") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("eightd.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades9") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("nine.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts9") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("nineh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs9") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("ninec.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds9") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("nined.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades10") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("ten.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts10") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("tenh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs10") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("tenc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds10") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("tend.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades11") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("jack.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts11") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("jackh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs11") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("jackc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds11") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("jackd.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   if (suits == "spades12") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("queen.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts12") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("queenh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs12") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("queenc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds12") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("queend.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "spades13") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("king.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "hearts13") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("kingh.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "clubs13") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("kingc.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   } else if (suits == "diamonds13") {
     ImageIcon Image = new ImageIcon("kingd.jpg");
     JLabel player1Card = new JLabel(Image);
     player1Card.setLocation(xValue, 400);
     player1Card.setSize(100, 150);
     return player1Card;
   return player1Card;