   * Sets the language for the specified locale.<br>
   * For information, see the specific document.
   * @param localeObj nullable; can be a Locale object, or its Locale.toString() String.
   * @throws SQLException in case of missing language resource.
  static void setLanguage(Object localeObj) throws SQLException {
    // if already set and no lang passed, return!
    if (language != null && localeObj == null) return;

    if (localeObj == null) {
      language = Language.getDefaultLanguage();
    } else {
      language = Language.getLanguage(localeObj.toString());
   * Get the localized message and format with the specified parameter, without creating an
   * exception. Follows createMessage(String, Object[]) convention.
   * @param messageCode localized message key. pass CUSTOM_MESSAGE and the plain message inside the
   *     parameters array to create an unlocalized message.
   * @param params format parameters, nullable.
   * @return translated message.
  static String translateMsg(String messageCode, Object[] params) {
    assert (messageCode != null && params != null)
        : "Fill parameters. msgCode=" + messageCode + " params=" + params;

    String localized = language.getMessage(messageCode);
    return MessageFormat.format(localized, params);
  static SQLException create(String messageCode) {
    assert (messageCode != null) : "Fill parameters";

    String message = translateMsg(messageCode, null);
    String sqlState = language.getSqlState(messageCode);
    return new SmallSQLException(message, sqlState);
 static SQLException createFromException(Throwable e) {
   if (e instanceof SQLException) {
     return (SQLException) e;
   } else {
     String message = stripMsg(e);
     String sqlState = language.getSqlState(Language.CUSTOM_MESSAGE);
     return new SmallSQLException(e, message, sqlState);
  * Create an exception with the specified message and appends the passed exception.<br>
  * Makes use of localization. String type is used to avoid possible confusion with future
  * implementations of Object[].
  * @param messageCode localized message key. pass CUSTOM_MESSAGE and the plain message as param0
  *     to create an unlocalized message.
  * @param param0 message parameter.
 static SQLException createFromException(String messageCode, Object param0, Throwable e) {
   String message = translateMsg(messageCode, new Object[] {param0});
   String sqlState = language.getSqlState(messageCode);
   return new SmallSQLException(e, message, sqlState);
 static SQLException create(String messageCode, Object[] params) {
   String message = translateMsg(messageCode, params);
   String sqlState = language.getSqlState(messageCode);
   return new SmallSQLException(message, sqlState);