Wgs84Position getPosition(int index) { Double x, y; String indexKey = getPositionCount() > 1 ? Integer.toString(index) : ""; String xValue = Transfer.trim(get(X_POSITION + indexKey)); String yValue = Transfer.trim(get(Y_POSITION + indexKey)); String comment = getPositionCount() == 1 ? Transfer.trim(getText()) : null; // for the strange format of EasyGPS if (yValue == null && xValue != null) { Matcher matcher = EASY_GPS_PATTERN.matcher(xValue); if (matcher.matches()) { xValue = Transfer.trim(matcher.group(1)); yValue = Transfer.trim(matcher.group(2)); } } x = Transfer.parseDouble(xValue); y = Transfer.parseDouble(yValue); return new Wgs84Position(x, y, null, null, null, comment); }
protected int getBoundsZoomLevel(List<BaseNavigationPosition> positions) { if ((positions == null) || (positions.size() < 1)) return 0; Wgs84Position northEast = Positions.northEast(positions); Wgs84Position southWest = Positions.southWest(positions); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer .append("return map.getBoundsZoomLevel(new GLatLngBounds(") .append("new GLatLng(") .append(northEast.getLatitude()) .append(",") .append(northEast.getLongitude()) .append("),") .append("new GLatLng(") .append(southWest.getLatitude()) .append(",") .append(southWest.getLongitude()) .append(")") .append("));"); String zoomLevel = executeScriptWithResult(buffer.toString()); return zoomLevel != null ? Transfer.parseDouble(zoomLevel).intValue() : 1; }
protected int getCurrentZoomLevel() { String zoomLevel = executeScriptWithResult("return map.getZoom();"); return zoomLevel != null ? Transfer.parseDouble(zoomLevel).intValue() : 1; }