   * \brief Creates a daughter Located Agent by cloning this agent and parameter objects
   * <p>Creates a daughter Located Agent by cloning this agent and parameter objects
   * @throws CloneNotSupportedException Thrown if the agent cannot be cloned
  public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    LocatedAgent o = (LocatedAgent) super.clone();

    o._location = (ContinuousVector) this._location.clone();
    o._movement = (ContinuousVector) this._movement.clone();
    o._divisionDirection = (ContinuousVector) this._divisionDirection.clone();
    o._myNeighbors = (LinkedList<LocatedAgent>) this._myNeighbors.clone();

    o._agentGridIndex = this._agentGridIndex;

    return (Object) o;