private static double getMachineFailureGeneratorRate(Unit root) { Machine m = (Machine) root.getChildren().get(0).getChildren().get(0).getChildren().get(0); if (m.getFailureGenerator() instanceof WeibullGenerator) { return ((WeibullGenerator) m.getFailureGenerator()).getRate(); } return -1; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Process command line arguments if (args.length != 7) throw new Exception( "Usage: #iterations n k lazyThreshold totalActiveStorage(PB) disksPerMachine machinesPerRack"); int count = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); if (count != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Count >1 is buggy"); } Configuration.n = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); Configuration.k = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); Configuration.recoveryThreshold = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); if (Configuration.recoveryThreshold == Configuration.n) { System.err.println( "Recovery threshold = # chunks per slice - making it one less: " + --Configuration.recoveryThreshold); } if (Configuration.recoveryThreshold < Configuration.n - 1 && !Configuration.lazyRecovery) { System.err.println( "Recovery threshold is less than # chunks per slice but lazy recovery is disabled - enabling"); Configuration.lazyRecovery = true; } Configuration.totalActiveStorage = Double.parseDouble(args[4]); Configuration.disksPerMachine = Integer.parseInt(args[5]); Configuration.machinesPerRack = Integer.parseInt(args[6]); if (Configuration.disksPerMachine < 1 || Configuration.disksPerMachine > 40) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have more than 40 disks per machine"); } if (Configuration.machinesPerRack < 10 || Configuration.machinesPerRack > 80) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have <10 or >80 machines per rack"); } long eventsHandled = 0; // Compute number of chunks each rack can store int chunksPerMachine = Configuration.disksPerMachine * Configuration.chunksPerDisk; int chunksPerRack = Configuration.machinesPerRack * chunksPerMachine; // Compute storage capacity of a rack double actualStorageRack = chunksPerRack / 1024.0 * Configuration.chunkSize; // GB if (actualStorageRack <= 0) throw new RuntimeException("too many slices generated > 2^31"); // Compute amount of actual information that can be stored in a rack // Amount of information = storage capacity * k/n * 5/6 double usefulStorageRack = actualStorageRack * Configuration.k / Configuration.n * 5.0 / 6.0; // GB // Compute number of racks needed to store totalActiveStorage amount of information double racks = Configuration.totalActiveStorage * 1024 * 1024 / usefulStorageRack; // Round up to nearest integer Configuration.rackCount = (int) racks; if (racks - Configuration.rackCount != 0) Configuration.rackCount++; if (racks <= Configuration.numChunksDiffRacks * 20 / 10) throw new Exception("Number of racks too small - adjust Configuration.numChunksDifRacks"); // Compute resulting total number of disks int totalDisks = Configuration.rackCount * Configuration.machinesPerRack * Configuration.disksPerMachine; // Compute actual amount of information stored in the system --> this is different from // totalActiveStorage because of the round-up error introduced in rackCount computation double totalActualStorage = usefulStorageRack * Configuration.rackCount / 1024; // TB // Compute total slices in the system // Num slices = totalActualStorage*n/k / (chunkSize*n) = totalActualStorage/(chunkSize*k) int totalSlices = (int) (totalActualStorage * 1024.0 / (Configuration.chunkSize / 1024.0 * Configuration.k)); Configuration.totalSlices = totalSlices; // print some of these stats System.out.println( "totalSlices=" + totalSlices + " diskCount=" + totalDisks + " totalStorage =" + totalActualStorage + "TB " + "diskSize=" + Configuration.chunkSize * Configuration.chunksPerDisk / 1024 + "GB "); // counts for unavailability, undurability int unAvailableCount = 0; int unDurableCount = 0; // If we are printing events to file, then annotate filename with timestamp if (Configuration.eventFile != null) { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(""); Date date = new Date(); Configuration.eventFile += "-" + dateFormat.format(date) + ".txt"; System.out.println("Events printed to: " + Configuration.eventFile); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Unit root = XmlParser.readFile("test.xml"); if (Machine.failFraction != 0) { // this is a fraction of perm. failures per month // we update the fail fraction so that it matches the current machine failure rate double rate = getMachineFailureGeneratorRate(root); if (rate != -1 && rate != 0) { int totalMachines = Configuration.machinesPerRack * Configuration.rackCount; double allMachineFailuresPerHour = totalMachines / rate; double permanentMachinesPerHour = Machine.failFraction * totalMachines / (24 * 30); Machine.failFraction = permanentMachinesPerHour / allMachineFailuresPerHour; } } EventQueue events = new EventQueue(); root.generateEvents(events, 0, Configuration.totalTime, true); // generate events // We either print generated events to file, or handle them if (Configuration.eventFile != null) { // print events to file events.printAll(Configuration.eventFile, "\nIteration number: " + i); } else { // handle events Configuration.print(); EventHandler handler = new RandomDistributeEventHandler2(); handler.start(root, totalSlices, totalDisks); System.err.println("Starting simulation"); // Event handling loop Event e = events.removeFirst(); while (e != null) { handler.handleEvent(e, events); e = events.removeFirst(); eventsHandled++; } Result result = handler.end(); System.out.println(result); System.out.println("Events handled: " + eventsHandled); unAvailableCount += result.unAvailableCount; unDurableCount += result.unDurableCount; } } if (Configuration.eventFile == null) { // average across iterations System.out.println("avg unavailable=" + (double) unAvailableCount / (double) count); System.out.println("avg undurable=" + (double) unDurableCount / (double) count); } }