public void scanElementsFor(InspectionRequest inspectionRequest) {
   for (ElementScanner<?> scanner : scannerList) {
   * Checks all {@link IConditionChecker} implementations for which a {@link DynamicPolicyRule}
   * object exists.
   * @throws CheckerCreationException Thrown, if a checker for a {@link AbstractCondition} subclass
   *     couldn't be created. This might happen, if a {@link AbstractCondition} has not been
   *     registered.
   * @throws PropertyAccessException Thrown, if a property of a SIF Element could not be access.
   *     Most likely because the element doesn't have that property.
   * @throws NoConditionTargetException Thrown, if a {@link AbstractCondition} object has no target
   *     but is supposed to.
   * @throws IncompleteConditionException Thrown, if the one of the conditions contained in one of
   *     the policy rules does not contain all information necessary to check it properly.
  public ViolationList run()
      throws NoConditionTargetException, PropertyAccessException, CheckerCreationException,
          IncompleteConditionException {
    // local Variables which are filled from AbstractTestFacility's
    // properties
    AbstractPolicyRule rule = this.getTestedPolicyRule();
    ViolationList result = new ViolationList(rule, new SameCausingCellGroupor());

    InspectionRequest request = this.getTestBay().getInspection();

    if (request instanceof DynamicInspectionRequest
        && this.getTestedPolicyRule() instanceof DynamicPolicyRule) {
      // local Variables which are filled only if the request is a
      // DynamicInspectionRequest
      DynamicInspectionRequest<?> dynRequest = (DynamicInspectionRequest<?>) request;
      this.dynamicRule = (DynamicPolicyRule) this.getTestedPolicyRule();

      Spreadsheet spreadsheet = request.getInventory().getSpreadsheet();

       * Check invariants if not lazy
      if (!invariantCheckLazy && this.dynamicRule.getInvariants().size() > 0) {
        checkConditions(this.dynamicRule.getInvariants(), result, spreadsheet);

      IDynamicSpreadsheetRunner preparator = new POISpreadsheetPreparator(dynRequest);
      Spreadsheet preparedSpreadsheet = null;
      // realize test inputs
      try {
        preparedSpreadsheet =
            preparator.prepare(this.dynamicRule, dynRequest.getExternalSpreadsheet());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // If an exception occurred propagate it, so it will be displayed for debugging
        throw new PropertyAccessException(e);

       * Check invariants if not lazy
      if (!invariantCheckLazy && this.dynamicRule.getInvariants().size() > 0) {
        checkConditions(this.dynamicRule.getInvariants(), result, preparedSpreadsheet);

      preparedSpreadsheet = preparator.evaluate();

       * Check postconditions and invariants
      if (this.dynamicRule.getPostconditions().size() > 0) {
        // run check
        checkConditions(this.dynamicRule.getPostconditions(), result, preparedSpreadsheet);

      if (this.dynamicRule.getInvariants().size() > 0) {
        checkConditions(this.dynamicRule.getInvariants(), result, preparedSpreadsheet);

    return result;