private ContextPathHandler getCorrespondingHandler( SocketChannel socketChannel, MessageStat messageStat) { ContextPathHandler contextPathHandler = contextPathMap.get(messageStat.getHeader().get(RequestHeaderEntry.CONTEXT_PATH)); return contextPathHandler != null ? contextPathHandler : contextPathMap.get(messageStat.getContextPathWithoutQuery()); }
/** * Handles request corresponding to the specified context paths. * * @param socketChannel Used to communicate between client and server. * @param messageStat Holds necessary request data to act on the context paths. */ private void handle(SocketChannel socketChannel, MessageStat messageStat) { log.debug("stat: " + messageStat.getHeader().get(RequestHeaderEntry.CONTEXT_PATH)); ContextPathHandler contextPathHandler = getCorrespondingHandler(socketChannel, messageStat); if (contextPathHandler != null) { contextPathHandler.handle(socketChannel, messageStat); } else { // TODO favicon.ico handler is needed if (messageStat.getContextPathWithoutQuery().equals("/favicon.ico")) { log.warn("currently favicon is not supported. will be done soon."); } else { contextPathMap.get("NotFound").handle(socketChannel, messageStat); } } }
private void startPoll(SelectionKey key) { System.out.println("about to poll on server"); MessageStat messageStat = null; ServerSocketChannel so = null; SocketChannel sc = null; while (true) { try { if (key.selector().select() <= 0) { continue; } Iterator<SelectionKey> itr = key.selector().selectedKeys().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { SelectionKey ready =; itr.remove(); if (ready.isValid() && ready.isReadable()) { sc = (SocketChannel); messageStat =; if (messageStat.isEndOfMessage()) { handle(sc, messageStat); sc.close(); // TODO need to delete message stat entry ?? // TODO with this way, Connection: keeyp-alive is meaningless ? } } else if (ready.isValid() && ready.isAcceptable()) { so = (ServerSocketChannel); sc = so.accept(); sc.configureBlocking(false); sc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }