private String readGraphVizOpts(final Config config) { final String scGraphVizOptsCfg = getStringValue(config, GRAPH_GRAPHVIZ_OPTS, ""); if (!Utility.isBlank(scGraphVizOptsCfg)) { LOGGER.log( Level.CONFIG, "Using additional GraphViz command-line options from config, " + scGraphVizOptsCfg); return scGraphVizOptsCfg; } final String scGraphVizOptsProp = System.getProperty(SC_GRAPHVIZ_OPTS); if (!Utility.isBlank(scGraphVizOptsProp)) { LOGGER.log( Level.CONFIG, "Using additional GraphViz command-line options from SC_GRAPHVIZ_OPTS system property, " + scGraphVizOptsProp); return scGraphVizOptsProp; } final String scGraphVizOptsEnv = System.getenv(SC_GRAPHVIZ_OPTS); if (!Utility.isBlank(scGraphVizOptsEnv)) { LOGGER.log( Level.CONFIG, "Using additional GraphViz command-line options from SC_GRAPHVIZ_OPTS environmental variable, " + scGraphVizOptsEnv); return scGraphVizOptsEnv; } return ""; }
private void buildFullName() { if (fullName == null) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (schema != null && !Utility.isBlank(schema.getFullName())) { buffer.append(schema.getFullName()).append("."); } if (!Utility.isBlank(getName())) { buffer.append(getName()); } fullName = buffer.toString(); } }
private void createIndices(final MutableTable table, final MetadataResultSet results) throws SQLException { try { while ( { // "TABLE_CAT", "TABLE_SCHEM", "TABLE_NAME" String indexName = quotedName(results.getString("INDEX_NAME")); if (Utility.isBlank(indexName)) { indexName = UNKNOWN; } LOGGER.log( Level.FINER, String.format("Retrieving index: %s.%s", table.getFullName(), indexName)); final String columnName = quotedName(results.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); if (Utility.isBlank(columnName)) { continue; } MutableIndex index = table.getIndex(indexName); if (index == null) { index = new MutableIndex(table, indexName); table.addIndex(index); } final boolean uniqueIndex = !results.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE"); final int type = results.getInt("TYPE", IndexType.unknown.getId()); final int ordinalPosition = results.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION", 0); final IndexColumnSortSequence sortSequence = IndexColumnSortSequence.valueOfFromCode(results.getString("ASC_OR_DESC")); final int cardinality = results.getInt("CARDINALITY", 0); final int pages = results.getInt("PAGES", 0); final MutableColumn column = table.getColumn(columnName); if (column != null) { column.setPartOfUniqueIndex(uniqueIndex); final MutableIndexColumn indexColumn = new MutableIndexColumn(index, column); indexColumn.setIndexOrdinalPosition(ordinalPosition); indexColumn.setSortSequence(sortSequence); // index.addColumn(indexColumn); index.setUnique(uniqueIndex); index.setType(IndexType.valueOf(type)); index.setCardinality(cardinality); index.setPages(pages); index.addAttributes(results.getAttributes()); } } } finally { results.close(); } }
/** * Setup the schema. * * @param dataSource Datasource * @param schemas Schema names */ private static void setupSchema( final DatabaseConnectionOptions dataSource, final String... schemas) { Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; try { if (dataSource != null) { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(true); statement = connection.createStatement(); for (final String schema : schemas) { for (final String scriptType : new String[] { "pre_schema", "schema", "post_schema", "data", }) { final String scriptResource = String.format("/testdatabase/%s.%s.sql", schema, scriptType) .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); final String sqlScript = Utility.readResourceFully(scriptResource); if (!Utility.isBlank(sqlScript)) { for (final String sql : sqlScript.split(";")) { if (!Utility.isBlank(sql)) { statement.executeUpdate(sql); } } } } } connection.close(); } } catch (final SQLException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (final SQLException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (final SQLException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } } }
private SchemaCrawlerCommandLine( final String configResource, final ConnectionOptions connectionOptions, final String... args) throws SchemaCrawlerException { if (args == null || args.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No command line arguments provided"); } command = new CommandParser(args).getOptions().toString(); outputOptions = new OutputOptionsParser(args).getOptions(); if (!Utility.isBlank(configResource)) { config = Config.load(SchemaCrawlerCommandLine.class.getResourceAsStream(configResource)); this.connectionOptions = new BundledDriverConnectionOptionsParser(args, config).getOptions(); } else { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { config = new ConfigParser(args).getOptions(); } else { config = new Config(); } if (connectionOptions != null) { this.connectionOptions = connectionOptions; } else { ConnectionOptions parsedConnectionOptions = new CommandLineConnectionOptionsParser(args, config).getOptions(); if (parsedConnectionOptions == null) { parsedConnectionOptions = new ConfigConnectionOptionsParser(args, config).getOptions(); } this.connectionOptions = parsedConnectionOptions; } } schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptionsParser(args, config).getOptions(); }
private static void showHelp(final String helpResource) { if (sf.util.Utility.isBlank(helpResource) || SchemaCrawlerHelpCommandLine.class.getResource(helpResource) == null) { return; } final String helpText = Utility.readResourceFully(helpResource); System.out.println(helpText); }
private void createForeignKeys( final MetadataResultSet results, final NamedObjectList<MutableForeignKey> foreignKeys) throws SQLException { try { while ( { String foreignKeyName = quotedName(results.getString("FK_NAME")); if (Utility.isBlank(foreignKeyName)) { foreignKeyName = UNKNOWN; } LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Retrieving foreign key: " + foreignKeyName); final String pkTableCatalogName = quotedName(results.getString("PKTABLE_CAT")); final String pkTableSchemaName = quotedName(results.getString("PKTABLE_SCHEM")); final String pkTableName = quotedName(results.getString("PKTABLE_NAME")); final String pkColumnName = quotedName(results.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME")); final String fkTableCatalogName = quotedName(results.getString("FKTABLE_CAT")); final String fkTableSchemaName = quotedName(results.getString("FKTABLE_SCHEM")); final String fkTableName = quotedName(results.getString("FKTABLE_NAME")); final String fkColumnName = quotedName(results.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME")); MutableForeignKey foreignKey = foreignKeys.lookup(foreignKeyName); if (foreignKey == null) { foreignKey = new MutableForeignKey(foreignKeyName); foreignKeys.add(foreignKey); } final int keySequence = results.getInt("KEY_SEQ", 0); final int updateRule = results.getInt("UPDATE_RULE", ForeignKeyUpdateRule.unknown.getId()); final int deleteRule = results.getInt("DELETE_RULE", ForeignKeyUpdateRule.unknown.getId()); final int deferrability = results.getInt("DEFERRABILITY", ForeignKeyDeferrability.unknown.getId()); final MutableColumn pkColumn = lookupOrCreateColumn(pkTableCatalogName, pkTableSchemaName, pkTableName, pkColumnName); final MutableColumn fkColumn = lookupOrCreateColumn(fkTableCatalogName, fkTableSchemaName, fkTableName, fkColumnName); // Make a direct connection between the two columns if (pkColumn != null && fkColumn != null) { foreignKey.addColumnPair(keySequence, pkColumn, fkColumn); foreignKey.setUpdateRule(ForeignKeyUpdateRule.valueOf(updateRule)); foreignKey.setDeleteRule(ForeignKeyUpdateRule.valueOf(deleteRule)); foreignKey.setDeferrability(ForeignKeyDeferrability.valueOf(deferrability)); foreignKey.addAttributes(results.getAttributes()); fkColumn.setReferencedColumn(pkColumn); ((MutableTable) pkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); ((MutableTable) fkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); } } } finally { results.close(); } }
private static void showHelp(final String helpResource) { final String helpResourceName; if (sf.util.Utility.isBlank(helpResource) || SchemaCrawlerHelpCommandLine.class.getResource(helpResource) == null) { helpResourceName = "/help/DefaultExecutable.txt"; } else { helpResourceName = helpResource; } final String helpText = Utility.readResourceFully(helpResourceName); System.out.println(helpText); }
/** * Loads the SchemaCrawler configuration, and override configuration, from properties files. * * @param configFilenames Configuration file name. * @return Configuration properties. */ public static Config load(final String... configFilenames) { Properties configProperties = new Properties(); if (configFilenames != null) { for (final String configFilename : configFilenames) { if (!Utility.isBlank(configFilename)) { configProperties = loadProperties(configProperties, new File(configFilename)); } } } return new Config(configProperties); }
/** * Gets the Java type mapping for a data type. If no mapping exists, returns null. If a class name * is passed in, it overrides the mapping in the type map. * * @param typeName Type name to find a mapping for. * @param className Overridden class name * @return Mapped class */ public Class<?> get(final String typeName, final String className) { if (Utility.isBlank(className)) { return sqlTypeMap.get(typeName); } else { try { return Class.forName(className); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not obtain class mapping for data type " + typeName, e); return null; } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see, * schemacrawler.schema.Schema, */ @Override protected void render( final Connection connection, final String scriptFileName, final Database database, final Writer writer) throws ExecutionException { if (sf.util.Utility.isBlank(scriptFileName)) { throw new ExecutionException("No script file provided"); } final Reader reader; final File scriptFile = new File(scriptFileName); if (scriptFile.exists() && scriptFile.canRead()) { try { reader = new FileReader(scriptFile); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ExecutionException("Cannot load script, " + scriptFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } else { final InputStream inputStream = ScriptRenderer.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + scriptFileName); if (inputStream != null) { reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); } else { throw new ExecutionException("Cannot load script, " + scriptFileName); } } try { // Create a new instance of the engine final ScriptEngineManager scriptEngineManager = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine scriptEngine = scriptEngineManager.getEngineByExtension(FileUtility.getFileExtension(scriptFile)); if (scriptEngine == null) { scriptEngine = scriptEngineManager.getEngineByName("JavaScript"); } if (scriptEngine == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Script engine not found"); } // Set up the context scriptEngine.getContext().setWriter(writer); scriptEngine.put("database", database); scriptEngine.put("connection", connection); // Evaluate the script scriptEngine.eval(reader); } catch (final ScriptException e) { throw new ExecutionException("Could not evaluate script", e); } }
@Override public DatabaseConnectionOptions getOptions() throws SchemaCrawlerException { parse( new Option[] { optionDriver, optionConnectionUrl, optionUser, optionPassword, }); final DatabaseConnectionOptions conenctionOptions; if (optionDriver.isFound() && optionConnectionUrl.isFound()) { final String jdbcDriverClassName = optionDriver.getValue(); final String connectionUrl = optionConnectionUrl.getValue(); if (Utility.isBlank(jdbcDriverClassName) || Utility.isBlank(connectionUrl)) { conenctionOptions = null; } else { conenctionOptions = new DatabaseConnectionOptions(jdbcDriverClassName, connectionUrl); conenctionOptions.setUser(optionUser.getValue()); conenctionOptions.setPassword(optionPassword.getValue()); } } else { conenctionOptions = null; } return conenctionOptions; }
@Test public void routineDefinitions() throws Exception { final InformationSchemaViews informationSchemaViews = new InformationSchemaViews(); informationSchemaViews.setRoutinesSql("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES"); final SchemaCrawlerOptions schemaCrawlerOptions = new SchemaCrawlerOptions(); schemaCrawlerOptions.setInformationSchemaViews(informationSchemaViews); schemaCrawlerOptions.setSchemaInfoLevel(SchemaInfoLevel.maximum()); final Database database = getDatabase(schemaCrawlerOptions); final Schema schema = new SchemaReference("PUBLIC", "BOOKS"); final Routine[] routines = database.getRoutines(schema).toArray(new Routine[0]); assertEquals("Wrong number of routines", 4, routines.length); for (final Routine routine : routines) { assertFalse( "Routine definition not found, for " + routine, Utility.isBlank(routine.getDefinition())); } }
void setGraphOutputFormat(final String outputFormat) { graphOutputFormat = outputFormat; final List<String> outputFormats = Arrays.asList( "canon", "cmap", "cmapx", "cmapx_np", "dot", "eps", "fig", "gd", "gd2", "gif", "gv", "imap", "imap_np", "ismap", "jpe", "jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "plain", "plain-ext", "png", "ps", "ps2", "svg", "svgz", "tk", "vml", "vmlz", "vrml", "wbmp", "xdot"); if (Utility.isBlank(graphOutputFormat) || !outputFormats.contains(graphOutputFormat)) { graphOutputFormat = "png"; } }
/** * Loads objects from command line options. Optionally loads the config from the classpath. * * @param args Command line arguments. * @param helpOptions Help options. * @param configResource Config resource. * @throws SchemaCrawlerException On an exception */ SchemaCrawlerHelpCommandLine( final String[] args, final HelpOptions helpOptions, final String configResource) throws SchemaCrawlerException { if (args == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No command line arguments provided"); } if (helpOptions == null) { throw new SchemaCrawlerException("No help options provided"); } this.helpOptions = helpOptions; hideConfig = !Utility.isBlank(configResource); if (args.length == 0) { command = null; } else { final CommandParser commandParser = new CommandParser(); commandParser.parse(args); command = commandParser.getOptions().toString(); } }
private void createForeignKeys( final MetadataResultSet results, final NamedObjectList<MutableForeignKey> foreignKeys) throws SQLException { try { while ( { String foreignKeyName = quotedName(results.getString("FK_NAME")); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Retrieving foreign key: " + foreignKeyName); final String pkTableCatalogName = quotedName(results.getString("PKTABLE_CAT")); final String pkTableSchemaName = quotedName(results.getString("PKTABLE_SCHEM")); final String pkTableName = quotedName(results.getString("PKTABLE_NAME")); final String pkColumnName = quotedName(results.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME")); final String fkTableCatalogName = quotedName(results.getString("FKTABLE_CAT")); final String fkTableSchemaName = quotedName(results.getString("FKTABLE_SCHEM")); final String fkTableName = quotedName(results.getString("FKTABLE_NAME")); final String fkColumnName = quotedName(results.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME")); final int keySequence = results.getInt("KEY_SEQ", 0); final int updateRule = results.getInt("UPDATE_RULE", ForeignKeyUpdateRule.unknown.getId()); final int deleteRule = results.getInt("DELETE_RULE", ForeignKeyUpdateRule.unknown.getId()); final int deferrability = results.getInt("DEFERRABILITY", ForeignKeyDeferrability.unknown.getId()); final Column pkColumn = lookupOrCreateColumn(pkTableCatalogName, pkTableSchemaName, pkTableName, pkColumnName); final Column fkColumn = lookupOrCreateColumn(fkTableCatalogName, fkTableSchemaName, fkTableName, fkColumnName); final boolean isPkColumnPartial = pkColumn instanceof ColumnPartial; final boolean isFkColumnPartial = fkColumn instanceof ColumnPartial; if (pkColumn == null || fkColumn == null || (isFkColumnPartial && isPkColumnPartial)) { continue; } if (Utility.isBlank(foreignKeyName)) { foreignKeyName = MetaDataUtility.constructForeignKeyName(pkColumn, fkColumn); } final Optional<MutableForeignKey> foreignKeyOptional = foreignKeys.lookup(foreignKeyName); final MutableForeignKey foreignKey; if (foreignKeyOptional.isPresent()) { foreignKey = foreignKeyOptional.get(); } else { foreignKey = new MutableForeignKey(foreignKeyName); foreignKeys.add(foreignKey); } foreignKey.addColumnReference(keySequence, pkColumn, fkColumn); foreignKey.setUpdateRule(ForeignKeyUpdateRule.valueOf(updateRule)); foreignKey.setDeleteRule(ForeignKeyUpdateRule.valueOf(deleteRule)); foreignKey.setDeferrability(ForeignKeyDeferrability.valueOf(deferrability)); foreignKey.addAttributes(results.getAttributes()); if (fkColumn instanceof MutableColumn) { ((MutableColumn) fkColumn).setReferencedColumn(pkColumn); ((MutableTable) fkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); } else if (isFkColumnPartial) { ((ColumnPartial) fkColumn).setReferencedColumn(pkColumn); ((TablePartial) fkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); } if (pkColumn instanceof MutableColumn) { ((MutableTable) pkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); } else if (isPkColumnPartial) { ((TablePartial) pkColumn.getParent()).addForeignKey(foreignKey); } } } finally { results.close(); } }
/** * Retrieves a check constraint information from the database, in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA format. * * @throws SQLException On a SQL exception */ void retrieveCheckConstraintInformation() throws SQLException { final Map<String, MutableCheckConstraint> checkConstraintsMap = new HashMap<>(); final InformationSchemaViews informationSchemaViews = getRetrieverConnection().getInformationSchemaViews(); if (!informationSchemaViews.hasTableConstraintsSql()) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Table constraints SQL statement was not provided"); return; } final String tableConstraintsInformationSql = informationSchemaViews.getTableConstraintsSql(); final Connection connection = getDatabaseConnection(); try (final Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); final MetadataResultSet results = new MetadataResultSet(statement.executeQuery(tableConstraintsInformationSql)); ) { while ( { final String catalogName = quotedName(results.getString("CONSTRAINT_CATALOG")); final String schemaName = quotedName(results.getString("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA")); final String constraintName = quotedName(results.getString("CONSTRAINT_NAME")); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Retrieving constraint: " + constraintName); // "TABLE_CATALOG", "TABLE_SCHEMA" final String tableName = quotedName(results.getString("TABLE_NAME")); final MutableTable table = lookupTable(catalogName, schemaName, tableName); if (table == null) { LOGGER.log( Level.FINE, String.format("Cannot find table, %s.%s.%s", catalogName, schemaName, tableName)); continue; } final String constraintType = results.getString("CONSTRAINT_TYPE"); final boolean deferrable = results.getBoolean("IS_DEFERRABLE"); final boolean initiallyDeferred = results.getBoolean("INITIALLY_DEFERRED"); if (constraintType.equalsIgnoreCase("check")) { final MutableCheckConstraint checkConstraint = new MutableCheckConstraint(table, constraintName); checkConstraint.setDeferrable(deferrable); checkConstraint.setInitiallyDeferred(initiallyDeferred); checkConstraint.addAttributes(results.getAttributes()); // Add to map, since we will need this later final String constraintFullName = table.getSchema().getFullName() + "." + constraintName; checkConstraintsMap.put(constraintFullName, checkConstraint); } } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not retrieve check constraint information", e); return; } if (!informationSchemaViews.hasCheckConstraintsSql()) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Check constraints SQL statement was not provided"); return; } final String checkConstraintInformationSql = informationSchemaViews.getCheckConstraintsSql(); // Get check constraint definitions try (final Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); final MetadataResultSet results = new MetadataResultSet(statement.executeQuery(checkConstraintInformationSql)); ) { while ( { final String catalogName = quotedName(results.getString("CONSTRAINT_CATALOG")); final String schemaName = quotedName(results.getString("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA")); final String constraintName = quotedName(results.getString("CONSTRAINT_NAME")); LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Retrieving constraint definition: " + constraintName); String definition = results.getString("CHECK_CLAUSE"); final String constraintFullName = new SchemaReference(catalogName, schemaName) + "." + constraintName; final MutableCheckConstraint checkConstraint = checkConstraintsMap.get(constraintFullName); if (checkConstraint == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Could not add check constraint to table: " + constraintName); continue; } final String text = checkConstraint.getDefinition(); if (!Utility.isBlank(text)) { definition = checkConstraint.getDefinition() + definition; } checkConstraint.setDefinition(definition); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not retrieve check constraints", e); } // Add check constraints to tables final Collection<MutableCheckConstraint> checkConstraintsCollection = checkConstraintsMap.values(); for (final MutableCheckConstraint checkConstraint : checkConstraintsCollection) { final MutableTable table = (MutableTable) checkConstraint.getParent(); table.addCheckConstraint(checkConstraint); } }