/** * Creates a new appointment. * * @param appointment which shall be inserted into the underlying persistance layer. must not be * null, id must be null * @return the given appointment for further usage * @throws PersistenceException if there are complications with the persitance layer */ @Override public Appointment create(Appointment appointment) throws PersistenceException { LOGGER.info("Creating a new appointment in db.. " + appointment); try { if (appointment == null) { LOGGER.error("Create parameter (appointment) was null."); throw new PersistenceException("Appointment to be create must not be null"); } Statement appointmentNextValStm = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs_appointmentNextVal = appointmentNextValStm.executeQuery("SELECT NEXTVAL('appointment_seq')"); rs_appointmentNextVal.next(); appointment.setId(rs_appointmentNextVal.getInt(1)); createStm.setInt(1, appointment.getId()); createStm.setDate(2, new java.sql.Date(appointment.getDatum().getTime())); createStm.setInt(3, appointment.getSession_id()); createStm.setInt(4, appointment.getUser_id()); createStm.setBoolean(5, appointment.getIsTrained()); createStm.setBoolean(6, appointment.getIsDeleted()); createStm.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to create record into appointment table. - " + e.getMessage()); throw new PersistenceException("Failed to create record into appointment table.", e); } LOGGER.info("Record successfully created in appointment table."); return appointment; }
/** * Updating a given appointment with new values in the persistence. * * @param appointment which shall be updated must not be null, id must not be null and must not be * changed * @return given appointment with updated values * @throws PersistenceException if there are complications with the persitance layer */ @Override public Appointment update(Appointment appointment) throws PersistenceException { LOGGER.info("Updating record in appointment table.."); try { if (appointment == null) { LOGGER.error("Update parameter (appointment) was null."); throw new PersistenceException("Appointment to be updated must not be null"); } updateStm.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(appointment.getDatum().getTime())); updateStm.setInt(2, appointment.getSession_id()); updateStm.setInt(3, appointment.getUser_id()); updateStm.setBoolean(4, appointment.getIsTrained()); updateStm.setBoolean(5, appointment.getIsDeleted()); updateStm.setInt(6, appointment.getId()); updateStm.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to update record in appointment table. - " + e.getMessage()); throw new PersistenceException("Failed to update record in appointment table.", e); } LOGGER.info("Record successfully updated in appointment table. " + appointment); return appointment; }