public void paintAfterMotes(Graphics g) { FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); /* Paint last output below motes */ Mote[] allMotes = simulation.getMotes(); for (Mote mote : allMotes) { String msg = null; { IPAddress ipAddr = mote.getInterfaces().getIPAddress(); if (ipAddr != null) { msg = ipAddr.getIPString(); } } if (msg == null) { RimeAddress rimeAddr = mote.getInterfaces().getRimeAddress(); if (rimeAddr != null) { msg = rimeAddr.getAddressString(); } } if (msg == null) { continue; } Position pos = mote.getInterfaces().getPosition(); Point pixel = visualizer.transformPositionToPixel(pos); int msgWidth = fm.stringWidth(msg); g.drawString(msg, pixel.x - msgWidth / 2, pixel.y + 2 * Visualizer.MOTE_RADIUS + 3); } }
public void setInactive() { simulation.deleteObserver(simObserver); for (Mote mote : simulation.getMotes()) { IPAddress ipAddr = mote.getInterfaces().getIPAddress(); if (ipAddr != null) { ipAddr.deleteObserver(addrObserver); } RimeAddress rimeAddr = mote.getInterfaces().getRimeAddress(); if (rimeAddr != null) { rimeAddr.deleteObserver(addrObserver); } } }
public void update(Observable obs, Object obj) { /* Observe Rime and IP addresses */ for (Mote mote : simulation.getMotes()) { IPAddress ipAddr = mote.getInterfaces().getIPAddress(); if (ipAddr != null) { ipAddr.addObserver(addrObserver); } RimeAddress rimeAddr = mote.getInterfaces().getRimeAddress(); if (rimeAddr != null) { rimeAddr.addObserver(addrObserver); } } visualizer.repaint(); }
public String toString(boolean radioHW, boolean radioRXTX) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String moteString = mote.toString().replace(' ', '_'); sb.append(moteString + " MONITORED " + duration + " us\n"); if (radioHW) { sb.append( String.format( moteString + " ON " + (radioOn + " us ") + "%2.2f %%", 100.0 * getRadioOnRatio()) + "\n"); } if (radioRXTX) { sb.append( String.format( moteString + " TX " + (radioTx + " us ") + "%2.2f %%", 100.0 * getRadioTxRatio()) + "\n"); sb.append( String.format( moteString + " RX " + (radioRx + " us ") + "%2.2f %%", 100.0 * getRadioRxRatio()) + "\n"); sb.append( String.format( moteString + " INT " + (radioInterfered + " us ") + "%2.2f %%", 100.0 * getRadioInterferedRatio()) + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); }
public IPAddress(final Mote mote) { moteMem = (AddressMemory) mote.getMemory(); /* Detect startup IP (only zeroes) */ TimeEvent updateWhenAddressReady = new TimeEvent(0) { public void execute(long t) { if (!isVersion4() && !isVersion6()) { return; } String ipString = getIPString(); ipString = ipString.replace(".", ""); ipString = ipString.replace("0", ""); if (!ipString.isEmpty()) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(); return; } /* Postpone until IP has been set */ mote.getSimulation() .scheduleEvent( this, mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime() + Simulation.MILLISECOND); return; } }; updateWhenAddressReady.execute(0); }
public void setMoteID(int newID) { moteID = newID; moteMem.setIntValueOf("simMoteID", moteID); moteMem.setByteValueOf("simMoteIDChanged", (byte) 1); moteMem.setIntValueOf("simRandomSeed", (int) (mote.getSimulation().getRandomSeed() + newID)); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); }
protected void handleTransmit(byte val) { if (len == 0) { lastEventTime = mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime(); lastEvent = RadioEvent.TRANSMISSION_STARTED; if (DEBUG) logger.debug("----- 802.15.4 TRANSMISSION STARTED -----"); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } /* send this byte to all nodes */ lastOutgoingByte = new RadioByte(val); lastEventTime = mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime(); lastEvent = RadioEvent.CUSTOM_DATA_TRANSMITTED; setChanged(); notifyObservers(); buffer[len++] = val; // System.out.println("## 802.15.4: " + (val&0xff) + " transmitted..."); if (len == 6) { // System.out.println("## CC2420 Packet of length: " + val + " expected..."); expLen = val + 6; } if (len == expLen) { if (DEBUG) logger.debug("----- 802.15.4 CUSTOM DATA TRANSMITTED -----"); lastOutgoingPacket = Radio802154PacketConverter.fromCC2420ToCooja(buffer); lastEventTime = mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime(); lastEvent = RadioEvent.PACKET_TRANSMITTED; if (DEBUG) logger.debug("----- 802.15.4 PACKET TRANSMITTED -----"); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); // System.out.println("## CC2420 Transmission finished..."); lastEventTime = mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime(); /*logger.debug("----- SKY TRANSMISSION FINISHED -----");*/ lastEvent = RadioEvent.TRANSMISSION_FINISHED; setChanged(); notifyObservers(); len = 0; } }
public MoteTracker(Mote mote) { this.simulation = mote.getSimulation(); this.mote = mote; = mote.getInterfaces().getRadio(); radioWasOn = radio.isRadioOn(); if (radio.isTransmitting()) { lastRadioState = RadioState.TRANSMITTING; } else if (radio.isReceiving()) { lastRadioState = RadioState.RECEIVING; } else if (radio.isInterfered()) { lastRadioState = RadioState.INTERFERED; } else { lastRadioState = RadioState.IDLE; } lastUpdateTime = simulation.getSimulationTime(); radio.addObserver(this); }
private MoteTracker createMoteTracker(Mote mote) { final Radio moteRadio = mote.getInterfaces().getRadio(); if (moteRadio == null) { return null; } /* Radio observer */ MoteTracker tracker = new MoteTracker(mote); tracker.update(null, null); return tracker; }
/* need to add a few more methods later??? */ public void signalReceptionStart() { isReceiving = true; // cc2420.setCCA(true); // hasFailedReception = mode == CC2420.MODE_TXRX_OFF; /* TODO cc2420.setSFD(true); */ lastEventTime = mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime(); lastEvent = RadioEvent.RECEPTION_STARTED; if (DEBUG) logger.debug("----- 802.15.4 RECEPTION STARTED -----"); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); }
public void interfereAnyReception() { isInterfered = true; isReceiving = false; // hasFailedReception = false; lastIncomingPacket = null; // cc2420.setCCA(true); /* is this ok ?? */ handleEndOfReception(); // recv.nextByte(false, (byte)0); lastEventTime = mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime(); lastEvent = RadioEvent.RECEPTION_INTERFERED; /*logger.debug("----- SKY RECEPTION INTERFERED -----");*/ setChanged(); notifyObservers(); }
public void signalReceptionEnd() { /* Deliver packet data */ isReceiving = false; // hasFailedReception = false; isInterfered = false; // cc2420.setCCA(false); /* tell the receiver that the packet is ended */ handleEndOfReception(); lastEventTime = mote.getSimulation().getSimulationTime(); lastEvent = RadioEvent.RECEPTION_FINISHED; if (DEBUG) logger.debug("----- 802.15.4 RECEPTION FINISHED -----"); // Exception e = new IllegalStateException("Why finished?"); // e.printStackTrace(); setChanged(); notifyObservers(); }
public SerialSocketServer(Mote mote, Simulation simulation, final GUI gui) { super("Serial Socket (SERVER) (" + mote + ")", gui, false); this.mote = mote; LISTEN_PORT = 60000 + mote.getID(); /* GUI components */ if (GUI.isVisualized()) { Box northBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); northBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); statusLabel = configureLabel(northBox, "", ""); Box mainBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); mainBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 5, 5, 5)); inLabel = configureLabel(mainBox, "socket -> mote:", "0 bytes"); outLabel = configureLabel(mainBox, "mote -> socket", "0 bytes"); getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.NORTH, northBox); getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, mainBox); pack(); } /* Mote serial port */ serialPort = (SerialPort) mote.getInterfaces().getLog(); if (serialPort == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No mote serial port"); } try {"Listening on port: " + LISTEN_PORT); if (GUI.isVisualized()) { statusLabel.setText("Listening on port: " + LISTEN_PORT); } server = new ServerSocket(LISTEN_PORT); new Thread() { public void run() { while (server != null) { try { client = server.accept(); in = new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream()); out = new DataOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()); out.flush(); startSocketReadThread(in); if (GUI.isVisualized()) { statusLabel.setText("Client connected: " + client.getInetAddress()); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.fatal("Listening thread shut down: " + e.getMessage()); server = null; cleanupClient(); break; } } } }.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException("Connection error: " + e.getMessage()).initCause(e); } /* Observe serial port for outgoing data */ serialPort.addSerialDataObserver( serialDataObserver = new Observer() { public void update(Observable obs, Object obj) { try { if (out == null) { /*logger.debug("out is null");*/ return; } out.write(serialPort.getLastSerialData()); out.flush(); outBytes++; if (GUI.isVisualized()) { outLabel.setText(outBytes + " bytes"); } } catch (IOException e) { cleanupClient(); } } }); }
public Position getPosition() { return mote.getInterfaces().getPosition(); }
public MoteSerialSocketConnection(Mote mote, String server, int serverPort) throws IOException { isConnected = true; /* Simulated -> socket */ motePort = (SerialPort) mote.getInterfaces().getLog(); motePort.addSerialDataObserver( moteObserver = new Observer() { public void update(Observable obs, Object obj) { try { if (socketOut == null) { return; } socketOut.write(motePort.getLastSerialData()); socketOut.flush(); toSocket++; if (listeners != null) { for (MoteSerialSocketConnectionListener dl : listeners) { dl.dataTransferred( MoteSerialSocketConnection.this, toMote, toSocket, motePort.getLastSerialData()); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.fatal("Write to socket error: " + e.getMessage(), e); cleanup(); } } }); /* Socket -> simulated */ socket = new Socket(server, serverPort); socketIn = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); socketOut = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); socketOut.flush(); Thread socketThread = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { int numRead = 0; byte[] data = new byte[1024]; while (true) { numRead = -1; try { numRead =; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (numRead >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < numRead; i++) { toMote++; motePort.writeByte(data[i]); if (listeners != null) { for (MoteSerialSocketConnectionListener dl : listeners) { dl.dataTransferred( MoteSerialSocketConnection.this, toMote, toSocket, data[i]); } } } } else { logger.fatal("Incoming data thread shut down"); cleanup(); break; } } } }); socketThread.start(); }
/** * Creates an interface to the mote ID at mote. * * @param mote Mote * @see Mote * @see se.sics.cooja.MoteInterfaceHandler */ public ContikiMoteID(Mote mote) { this.mote = mote; this.moteMem = (SectionMoteMemory) mote.getMemory(); }
public GISOO_Simulink_Plugin(Mote mote, Simulation simulation, final GUI gui) { super("GISOO-Simulink Plugin (" + mote + ")", gui, false); this.mote = mote; skyMote = (SkyMote) mote; sim = skyMote.getSimulation(); LISTEN_PORT = 18000 + mote.getID(); if (GUI.isVisualized()) { this.getContentPane().setSize(100, 100); Box northBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); northBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 5, 5, 5)); JPanel smallPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JLabel label = new JLabel("Listening on port: " + LISTEN_PORT); label.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, 20)); smallPanel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, label); northBox.add(smallPanel); Box mainBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); mainBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 5, 5, 5)); JPanel smallPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JLabel simulinkPort = new JLabel("Sending data to port: " + SIMULINK_PORT); simulinkPort.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, LABEL_HEIGHT)); smallPane.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, simulinkPort); mainBox.add(smallPane); Box southernBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); southernBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 5, 5, 5)); JPanel smallPane2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); serialDataShouldRCV = new JCheckBox("Serial reply should be received after(ms): "); CPUDellay = new JTextField("1"); CPUDellay.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(LABEL_WIDTH, 25)); smallPane2.add(BorderLayout.WEST, serialDataShouldRCV); smallPane2.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, CPUDellay); southernBox.add(smallPane2); getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.NORTH, northBox); getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, mainBox); getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, southernBox); pack(); } /* Mote serial port */ serialPort = (SerialPort) mote.getInterfaces().getLog(); if (serialPort == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No mote serial port"); } for (byte b : serialPayload) { b = 0; }"Listening on port: " + LISTEN_PORT); /* Observe serial port for outgoing data */ serialPort.addSerialDataObserver( serialDataObserver = new Observer() { public void update(Observable obs, Object obj) { serialSendFlag = false; /* Check the received message to find the moment that message follow the header format "0x 00 ff ff 00 00" which is equal to "0 -1 -1 0 0" in decimal. The next byte after this message is the message size*/ lastByte = serialPort.getLastSerialData();"lastByte: " + lastByte); if (lastByte == 126 && nRCVedByte < 7) { nRCVedByte = 1; // messageIndex=0; } else if (nRCVedByte > 0 && nRCVedByte < 7) { nRCVedByte++; } else if (nRCVedByte == 7) { sizeOfPayload = lastByte; //"sizeOfPayload is: " + sizeOfPayload); nRCVedByte++; } else if (nRCVedByte > 7 && nRCVedByte < 10) { nRCVedByte++; } else if (nRCVedByte >= 10 && nRCVedByte < 10 + sizeOfPayload) { //"nRCVedByte: " + nRCVedByte); //"messageIndex: " + messageIndex); serialPayload[messageIndex] = lastByte; //"messageIndex: " + messageIndex + " lastByte: // " + lastByte); if (nRCVedByte == (10 + sizeOfPayload - 1)) { messageIndex = 0; serialSendFlag = true; } else { messageIndex++; } nRCVedByte++; } else { nRCVedByte = 0; } if (serialSendFlag) { simulationTime = (int) sim.getSimulationTimeMillis(); serialPinNumber = (skyMote.getID() * 100) + 18; // 18 = pinNumber for Sending data to the serial port in Simulink int u = 0; // value; byte[] serialDataMSG = serialMessageCreator(simulationTime, serialPinNumber, serialPayload); fileWriter(serialPinNumber, serialPayload); int q = serialMsgSender(serialDataMSG, dSocket); serialSendFlag = false; if (serialDataShouldRCV .isSelected()) // If the second scenario has been selected (It should check // the second scenario CheckBox ) { //"Simulation Time is : " + // sim.getSimulationTime()); TimeEvent delayedEvent = new TimeEvent(0) { public void execute(long t) { //" Simulation Time is : " // + sim.getSimulationTime()); simulationTime = (int) sim.getSimulationTimeMillis(); //"When recoded Simulation // Time is : " + sim.getSimulationTime()); serialPinNumber = (skyMote.getID() * 100) + 19; // SerialDataRequest; //"SerialPinNumber is : " + // serialPinNumber); byte[] serialRequestMesg = serialRequestMsgCreator(simulationTime, serialPinNumber); serialRequestSender(serialRequestMesg, dSocket); fileWriter(serialPinNumber, serialRequestMesg); } }; sim.scheduleEvent( delayedEvent, sim.getSimulationTime() + (Long.parseLong(CPUDellay.getText()) * (sim.MILLISECOND))); } } } }); try { dSocket = new DatagramSocket(LISTEN_PORT); // (18000 + skyMote.getID()); } catch (SocketException ex) { System.out.println("Errore in dSocket creation"); } IOUnit adc = skyMote.getCPU().getIOUnit("ADC12"); if (adc instanceof ADC12) { ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(0, new ADCConnector(0)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(1, new ADCConnector(1)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(2, new ADCConnector(2)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(3, new ADCConnector(3)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(4, new ADCConnector(4)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(5, new ADCConnector(5)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(6, new ADCConnector(6)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(7, new ADCConnector(7)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(8, new ADCConnector(8)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(9, new ADCConnector(9)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(10, new ADCConnector(10)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(11, new ADCConnector(11)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(12, new ADCConnector(12)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(13, new ADCConnector(13)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(14, new ADCConnector(14)); ((ADC12) adc).setADCInput(15, new ADCConnector(15)); } ((DAC12) skyMote.getCPU().getIOUnit("DAC12")).setDACOutput(0, new DACConnector(16)); ((DAC12) skyMote.getCPU().getIOUnit("DAC12")).setDACOutput(1, new DACConnector(17)); }