private void testExpandWildcardUri(String uriPrefix) { Kernel.getKernel().restart(); Kernel.initBootstrap(); int num = 9; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Kernel.getJar().putJar(ContextFactory.getKernelUser(), uriPrefix + i, new byte[0]); } KernelScript ks = new KernelScript(); ks.setCallingContext(ContextFactory.getKernelUser()); List<String> ret = JarUtils.expandWildcardUri(ks, uriPrefix + "*"); assertFalse(ret.isEmpty()); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { assertEquals(new RaptureURI(uriPrefix + i, Scheme.JAR).toString(), ret.get(i)); } }
/** * @author bardhi * @since 4/23/15. */ public class StorableRepoCacheTest { private static final CallingContext CONTEXT = ContextFactory.getKernelUser(); private static final String URI = "//someRepo"; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Kernel.initBootstrap(); Kernel.getDoc().createDocRepo(CONTEXT, URI, "NREP {} USING MEMORY {}"); Kernel.getIndex().createIndex(CONTEXT, URI, "field1($0) string, field2(test) string"); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { Kernel.getDoc().deleteDocRepo(CONTEXT, URI); Kernel.getIndex().deleteIndex(CONTEXT, URI); } @Test public void testWithIndex() throws Exception { Repository repo = Kernel.INSTANCE.getRepo(URI); assertTrue(repo.hasIndexProducer()); } @Test public void testNoIndex() throws Exception { Optional<Repository> repo = Kernel.INSTANCE.getStorableRepo(URI, null); assertFalse(repo.get().hasIndexProducer()); } }
public EmailAlerter(String templateName) { String templateJson = Kernel.getSys() .retrieveSystemConfig( ContextFactory.getKernelUser(), "CONFIG", TEMPLATE_URI + templateName); this.emailTemplate = JacksonUtil.objectFromJson(templateJson, EmailTemplate.class); }
public static SMTPConfig getSMTPConfig() { String configString = Kernel.getSys() .retrieveSystemConfig(ContextFactory.getKernelUser(), "CONFIG", SMTP_CONFIG_URL); if (StringUtils.isBlank(configString)) { throw RaptureExceptionFactory.create("No SMTP configured"); } return JacksonUtil.objectFromJson(configString, SMTPConfig.class); }
public static ILockingHandler getLockHandler(String providerURI) { if (lockCache.containsKey(providerURI)) { return lockCache.get(providerURI); } RaptureLockConfig config = Kernel.getLock().getLockManagerConfig(ContextFactory.getKernelUser(), providerURI); ILockingHandler ret = createLock(config.getConfig()); lockCache.put(providerURI, ret); return ret; }
private RapturePipelineTask createTask() { RapturePipelineTask task = new RapturePipelineTask(); Worker worker = new Worker(); worker.setPriority(2); task.setPriority(worker.getPriority()); task.setCategoryList(ImmutableList.of("cat")); task.addMimeObject(worker); task.setContentType(MimeDecisionProcessAdvance.getMimeType()); task.initTask(); Kernel.getPipeline().publishMessageToCategory(ContextFactory.getKernelUser(), task); return task; }
@Override public Boolean writeLog(String category, int level, String message, String user) { StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder(); logMessage.append(df.print(; logMessage.append(" "); logMessage.append(message); logMessage.append("\n"); String docPath = blobPrefix; RaptureURI uri = RaptureURI.builder(Scheme.BLOB, blobUri).docPath(docPath).build(); Kernel.getBlob() .getTrusted() .appendToBlobLower( ContextFactory.getKernelUser(), uri.toString(), logMessage.toString().getBytes(), "text/plain"); return true; }
@Override public List<AuditLogEntry> getRecentEntries(int count) { String docPath = blobPrefix; RaptureURI uri = RaptureURI.builder(Scheme.BLOB, blobUri).docPath(docPath).build(); CallingContext context = ContextFactory.getKernelUser(); BlobApiImpl blobApi = Kernel.getBlob().getTrusted(); ArrayList<AuditLogEntry> ret = new ArrayList<AuditLogEntry>(); BlobContainer content = blobApi.getBlob(context, uri.toString()); if (content != null) { addContentToList(content, ret); return (ret.size() > count) ? ret.subList(ret.size() - count, ret.size()) : ret; } else { // get children blobs, eg. get logs for all steps of a work order Map<String, RaptureFolderInfo> childrenMap = blobApi.listBlobsByUriPrefix(context, uri.toString(), 1); if (childrenMap != null) { for (RaptureFolderInfo child : childrenMap.values()) { if (child.isFolder()) { continue; } String childUri = uri.getFullPath() + "/" + child.getName(); content = blobApi.getBlob(context, childUri); addContentToList(content, ret, true); if (ret.size() >= count) { break; } } } } // sort audit log entries by time Collections.sort( ret, new Comparator<AuditLogEntry>() { @Override public int compare(AuditLogEntry o1, AuditLogEntry o2) { return o1.getWhen().compareTo(o2.getWhen()); } }); return (ret.size() > count) ? ret.subList(0, count) : ret; }
public class ReflexParamsTest { private static CallingContext ctx = ContextFactory.getKernelUser(); private String uri = "//reflexParamsTest"; private String scr = "thisDoc1"; @After public void cleanUp() { Kernel.getDoc().deleteDocRepo(ctx, uri); } @Before public void setup() { Kernel.initBootstrap(); if (!Kernel.getDoc().docRepoExists(ctx, uri)) { Kernel.getDoc().createDocRepo(ctx, uri, "NREP {} USING MEMORY {}"); } if (Kernel.getScript().doesScriptExist(ctx, uri + "/" + scr)) Kernel.getScript().deleteScript(ctx, uri + "/" + scr); Kernel.getScript() .createScript( ctx, uri + "/" + scr, RaptureScriptLanguage.REFLEX, RaptureScriptPurpose.PROGRAM, "if defined(_params) do \n" + " println(\"params is defined \" + _params); return \"def\";\n" + "else do \n" + " println(\"params is undefined\"); return \"notdef\";\n" + "end"); } @Test public void testParamsNotDefined() { String retval = Kernel.getScript().runScript(ctx, uri + "/" + scr, new HashMap<String, String>()); assertEquals("notdef", retval); } }
@Before public void setup() { sdf.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); sdf.applyPattern("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z"); CallingContext ctx = ContextFactory.getKernelUser(); try { Kernel.initBootstrap(null, null, true); Kernel.getPipeline().getTrusted().registerServerCategory(ctx, "alpha", "Primary servers"); Kernel.getPipeline().getTrusted().registerServerCategory(ctx, "beta", "Secondary servers"); Kernel.getPipeline().registerExchangeDomain(ctx, "//main", "EXCHANGE {} USING MEMORY {}"); RaptureExchange exchange = new RaptureExchange(); exchange.setName("kernel"); exchange.setExchangeType(RaptureExchangeType.FANOUT); exchange.setDomain("main"); List<RaptureExchangeQueue> queues = new ArrayList<RaptureExchangeQueue>(); RaptureExchangeQueue queue = new RaptureExchangeQueue(); queue.setName("default"); queue.setRouteBindings(new ArrayList<String>()); queues.add(queue); exchange.setQueueBindings(queues); Kernel.getPipeline().getTrusted().registerPipelineExchange(ctx, "kernel", exchange); Kernel.getPipeline().getTrusted().bindPipeline(ctx, "alpha", "kernel", "default"); Kernel.setCategoryMembership("alpha"); } catch (RaptureException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() { Kernel.initBootstrap(); CONTEXT = ContextFactory.getKernelUser(); }
private static SMTPConfig getEmailConfig() { String configString = Kernel.getSys().retrieveSystemConfig(ContextFactory.getKernelUser(), "CONFIG", CONFIG_URI); return JacksonUtil.objectFromJson(configString, SMTPConfig.class); }
@Test public void testKernelPipeline() { CallingContext ctx = ContextFactory.getKernelUser(); // Create a script to run String script = "println('Hello from the Reflex script, value is ' + _params['value']);\n" + "_params['value'] = _params['value'] + '...';"; Kernel.getScript() .createScript( ctx, "//test/hello", RaptureScriptLanguage.REFLEX, RaptureScriptPurpose.PROGRAM, script); List<String> dependents = new ArrayList<String>(); dependents.add("testJob2"); Map<String, String> testParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); testParams.put("value", "42"); Kernel.getSchedule().getTrusted().setJobLink(ctx, "//test/testJob", "//test/testJob2"); Kernel.getSchedule() .createJob( ctx, "//test/testJob", "A test Job", "hello", "* * * * * *", "America/New_York", testParams, true); Kernel.getSchedule() .createJob( ctx, "//test/testJob2", "A dependent test Job", "hello", "* * * * * *", "America/New_York", new HashMap<String, String>(), false); // At least wait for a minute List<RaptureJobExec> execs = Kernel.getSchedule().getUpcomingJobs(ctx); for (RaptureJobExec e : execs) { System.out.println( "Job exec " + e.getStoragePath() + " will run at " + sdf.format(new Date(e.getExecTime()))); } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { try { // System.out.println("Checking job status"); ScheduleManager.manageJobExecStatus(); printStatusInformation(); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } execs = Kernel.getSchedule().getJobExecs(ctx, "//authority/testJob", 0, 10, false); for (RaptureJobExec e : execs) { System.out.println( "Job exec " + e.getStoragePath() + " with exec time " + sdf.format(new Date(e.getExecTime())) + " with status " + e.getStatus()); } }