  public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, Struct parameters) throws PageException {
    BufferedImage dst = ImageUtil.createBufferedImage(src);
    Object o;
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Threshold"))) != null)
      setThreshold(ImageFilterUtil.toIntValue(o, "Threshold"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Iterations"))) != null)
      setIterations(ImageFilterUtil.toIntValue(o, "Iterations"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Colormap"))) != null)
      setColormap(ImageFilterUtil.toColormap(o, "Colormap"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("NewColor"))) != null)
      setNewColor(ImageFilterUtil.toColorRGB(o, "NewColor"));

    // check for arguments not supported
    if (parameters.size() > 0) {
      throw new FunctionException(
          "the parameter"
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "s" : "")
              + " ["
              + CollectionUtil.getKeyList(parameters, ", ")
              + "] "
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "are" : "is")
              + " not allowed, only the following parameters are supported [Threshold, Iterations, Colormap, NewColor, BlackFunction]");

    return filter(src, dst);
  public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, Struct parameters) throws PageException {
    BufferedImage dst = null; // ImageUtil.createBufferedImage(src);
    Object o;
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Type"))) != null)
      setType(ImageFilterUtil.toString(o, "Type"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("EdgeAction"))) != null)
      setEdgeAction(ImageFilterUtil.toString(o, "EdgeAction"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Interpolation"))) != null)
      setInterpolation(ImageFilterUtil.toString(o, "Interpolation"));

    // check for arguments not supported
    if (parameters.size() > 0) {
      throw new FunctionException(
          "the parameter"
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "s" : "")
              + " ["
              + List.arrayToList(parameters.keysAsString(), ", ")
              + "] "
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "are" : "is")
              + " not allowed, only the following parameters are supported [Type, EdgeAction, Interpolation]");

    return filter(src, dst);
  public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, Struct parameters) throws PageException {
    BufferedImage dst = ImageUtil.createBufferedImage(src);
    Object o;
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Radius"))) != null)
      setRadius(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "Radius"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Sides"))) != null)
      setSides(ImageFilterUtil.toIntValue(o, "Sides"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Bloom"))) != null)
      setBloom(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "Bloom"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("BloomThreshold"))) != null)
      setBloomThreshold(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "BloomThreshold"));

    // check for arguments not supported
    if (parameters.size() > 0) {
      throw new FunctionException(
          "the parameter"
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "s" : "")
              + " ["
              + CollectionUtil.getKeyList(parameters, ", ")
              + "] "
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "are" : "is")
              + " not allowed, only the following parameters are supported [Radius, Sides, Bloom, BloomThreshold]");

    return filter(src, dst);
  private static Struct checkTableFill(DatabaseMetaData md, String dbName, String tableName)
      throws SQLException, PageException {
    Struct rows = new CastableStruct(tableName, Struct.TYPE_LINKED);
    ResultSet columns = md.getColumns(dbName, null, tableName, null);
    // print.o(new QueryImpl(columns,""));
    try {
      String name;
      Object nullable;
      while (columns.next()) {
        name = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME");

        nullable = columns.getObject("IS_NULLABLE");
            new ColumnInfo(
    } finally {
    } // Table susid defined for cfc susid does not exist.

    return rows;
  public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, Struct parameters) throws PageException {
    BufferedImage dst = ImageUtil.createBufferedImage(src);
    Object o;
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Dimensions"))) != null) {
      int[] dim = ImageFilterUtil.toDimensions(o, "Dimensions");
      setDimensions(dim[0], dim[1]);

    // check for arguments not supported
    if (parameters.size() > 0) {
      throw new FunctionException(
          "the parameter"
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "s" : "")
              + " ["
              + List.arrayToList(parameters.keysAsString(), ", ")
              + "] "
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "are" : "is")
              + " not allowed, only the following parameters are supported [Dimensions]");

    return filter(src, dst);
 public static void addSet(ComponentImpl comp, Property prop) {
   Member m =
           ComponentImpl.ACCESS_PRIVATE, KeyImpl.init("set" + prop.getName()), true, false);
   if (!(m instanceof UDF)) {
     UDF udf = new UDFSetterProperty(comp, prop);
     comp.registerUDF(udf.getFunctionName(), udf);
  private void set(DatasourceConnection dc) {
    if (dc != null) {
      datasource = dc.getDatasource();
      try {
        DatabaseMetaData md = dc.getConnection().getMetaData();
        setAdditional(KeyImpl.init("DatabaseName"), md.getDatabaseProductName());
        setAdditional(KeyImpl.init("DatabaseVersion"), md.getDatabaseProductVersion());
        setAdditional(KeyImpl.init("DriverName"), md.getDriverName());
        setAdditional(KeyImpl.init("DriverVersion"), md.getDriverVersion());
        // setAdditional("url",md.getURL());

        setAdditional(KeyConstants._Datasource, dc.getDatasource().getName());

      } catch (SQLException e) {
 public static void addAdd(ComponentImpl comp, Property prop) {
   Member m =
           ComponentImpl.ACCESS_PRIVATE, KeyImpl.init("add" + getSingularName(prop)), true, false);
   if (!(m instanceof UDF)) {
     UDF udf = new UDFAddProperty(comp, prop);
     comp.registerUDF(udf.getFunctionName(), udf);
  public Struct getTableInfo(DatasourceConnection dc, String tableName, ORMEngine engine)
      throws PageException {
    Collection.Key keyTableName = KeyImpl.init(tableName);
    Struct columnsInfo = (Struct) tableInfo.get(keyTableName, null);
    if (columnsInfo != null) return columnsInfo;

    columnsInfo = checkTable(dc, tableName, engine);
    tableInfo.setEL(keyTableName, columnsInfo);
    return columnsInfo;
  public Collection.Key[] keys() {
    Set keySet = component.keySet(access);
    Collection.Key[] arr = new Collection.Key[keySet.size()];
    Iterator it = keySet.iterator();

    int index = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      arr[index++] = KeyImpl.toKey(it.next(), null);
    return arr;
/** returns the root of this actuell Page Context */
public final class CallStackGet implements Function {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = -5853145189662102420L;
  static final Collection.Key LINE_NUMBER = KeyImpl.init("LineNumber");

  public static Array call(PageContext pc) {
    Array arr = new ArrayImpl();
    _getTagContext(pc, arr, new Exception("Stack trace"), LINE_NUMBER);
    return arr;

  public static void _getTagContext(
      PageContext pc, Array tagContext, Throwable t, Collection.Key lineNumberName) {
    // Throwable root = t.getRootCause();
    Throwable cause = t.getCause();
    if (cause != null) _getTagContext(pc, tagContext, cause, lineNumberName);
    StackTraceElement[] traces = t.getStackTrace();
    UDF[] udfs = ((PageContextImpl) pc).getUDFs();

    int line = 0;
    String template;
    Struct item;
    StackTraceElement trace = null;
    String functionName, methodName;
    int index = udfs.length - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < traces.length; i++) {
      trace = traces[i];
      template = trace.getFileName();
      if (trace.getLineNumber() <= 0
          || template == null
          || ResourceUtil.getExtension(template, "").equals("java")) continue;
      methodName = trace.getMethodName();
      if (methodName != null && methodName.startsWith("udfCall") && index > -1)
        functionName = udfs[index--].getFunctionName();
      else functionName = "";

      item = new StructImpl();
      line = trace.getLineNumber();
      item.setEL(KeyConstants._function, functionName);
      item.setEL(KeyConstants._template, template);
      item.setEL(lineNumberName, new Double(line));
  public static Object call(PageContext pc, Object[] objArr) throws PageException {
    if (objArr.length < 3)
      throw new ExpressionException("invalid call of a CFML Based built in function");

    // translate arguments
    String filename = Caster.toString((((FunctionValue) objArr[0]).getValue()));
    Collection.Key name = KeyImpl.toKey((((FunctionValue) objArr[1]).getValue()));
    boolean isweb = Caster.toBooleanValue((((FunctionValue) objArr[2]).getValue()));

    UDF udf = loadUDF(pc, filename, name, isweb);
    Struct meta = udf.getMetaData(pc);
    boolean caller =
        meta == null ? false : Caster.toBooleanValue(meta.get(CALLER, Boolean.FALSE), false);

    Struct namedArguments = null;
    Object[] arguments = null;
    if (objArr.length <= 3) arguments = ArrayUtil.OBJECT_EMPTY;
    else if (objArr[3] instanceof FunctionValue) {
      FunctionValue fv;
      namedArguments = new StructImpl();
      if (caller) namedArguments.setEL(CALLER, pc.undefinedScope().duplicate(false));
      for (int i = 3; i < objArr.length; i++) {
        fv = toFunctionValue(name, objArr[i]);
        namedArguments.set(fv.getName(), fv.getValue());
    } else {
      int offset = (caller ? 2 : 3);
      arguments = new Object[objArr.length - offset];
      if (caller) arguments[0] = pc.undefinedScope().duplicate(false);
      for (int i = 3; i < objArr.length; i++) {
        arguments[i - offset] = toObject(name, objArr[i]);

    // load UDF

    // execute UDF
    if (namedArguments == null) {
      return udf.call(pc, arguments, false);

    return udf.callWithNamedValues(pc, namedArguments, false);
 public static boolean call(PageContext pc, railo.runtime.type.Struct struct, String key) {
   return call(pc, struct, KeyImpl.init(key));
public class HibernateORMEngine implements ORMEngine {

  private static final Collection.Key INIT = KeyImpl.intern("init");

  private Configuration configuration;

  private SessionFactory _factory;
  private String datasource;
  // private Map<String,Long> _cfcids=new HashMap<String, Long>();
  // private Map<String,String> _cfcs=new HashMap<String, String>();
  private Map<String, CFCInfo> cfcs = new HashMap<String, CFCInfo>();

  private Struct tableInfo = new StructImpl();

  private QueryPlanCache _queryPlanCache;

  private DataSource ds;

  private List<ComponentPro> arr;

  private Object hash;

  private ORMConfiguration ormConf;

  private NamingStrategy namingStrategy = DefaultNamingStrategy.INSTANCE;

  public HibernateORMEngine() {}

  void checkExistent(PageContext pc, Component cfc) throws ORMException {
    if (!cfcs.containsKey(id(HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc))))
      throw new ORMException(
          this, "there is no mapping definition for component [" + cfc.getAbsName() + "]");

  /** @see railo.runtime.orm.ORMEngine#init(railo.runtime.PageContext) */
  public void init(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
    getSessionFactory(pc, true);

  /** @see railo.runtime.orm.ORMEngine#getSession(railo.runtime.PageContext) */
  public ORMSession createSession(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
    ApplicationContextPro appContext = ((ApplicationContextPro) pc.getApplicationContext());
    String dsn = appContext.getORMDatasource();

    // DatasourceManager manager = pc.getDataSourceManager();
    // DatasourceConnection dc=manager.getConnection(pc,dsn, null, null);
    DatasourceConnection dc =
        ((ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig())
            .getDatasourceConnection(pc, pc.getConfig().getDataSource(dsn), null, null);
    try {

      return new HibernateORMSession(this, getSessionFactory(pc), dc);
    } catch (PageException pe) {
      // manager.releaseConnection(pc, dc);// connection is closed when session ends
      throw pe;

  QueryPlanCache getQueryPlanCache(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
    SessionFactory _old = _factory;
    SessionFactory _new = getSessionFactory(pc);

    if (_queryPlanCache == null || _old != _new) {
      _queryPlanCache = new QueryPlanCache((SessionFactoryImplementor) _new);
    return _queryPlanCache;

  /** @see railo.runtime.orm.ORMEngine#getSessionFactory(railo.runtime.PageContext) */
  public SessionFactory getSessionFactory(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
    return getSessionFactory(pc, false);

  public boolean reload(PageContext pc, boolean force) throws PageException {
    if (force) {
      if (_factory != null) {
        _factory = null;
        configuration = null;
    } else {
      Object h = hash((ApplicationContextPro) pc.getApplicationContext());
      if (this.hash.equals(h)) return false;

    getSessionFactory(pc, true);
    return true;

  private synchronized SessionFactory getSessionFactory(PageContext pc, boolean init)
      throws PageException {
    ApplicationContextPro appContext = ((ApplicationContextPro) pc.getApplicationContext());
    if (!appContext.isORMEnabled())
      throw new ORMException(this, "ORM is not enabled in application.cfc/cfapplication");

    this.hash = hash(appContext);

    // datasource
    String dsn = appContext.getORMDatasource();
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(dsn))
      throw new ORMException(this, "missing datasource defintion in application.cfc/cfapplication");
    if (!dsn.equalsIgnoreCase(datasource)) {
      configuration = null;
      if (_factory != null) _factory.close();
      _factory = null;
      datasource = dsn.toLowerCase();

    // config
    ormConf = appContext.getORMConfiguration();

    // List<Component> arr = null;
    arr = null;
    if (init) {
      if (ormConf.autogenmap()) {
        arr = HibernateSessionFactory.loadComponents(pc, this, ormConf);
      } else
        throw new HibernateException(this, "orm setting autogenmap=false is not supported yet");

    // load entities
    if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(arr)) {

      DatasourceConnectionPool pool =
          ((ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig()).getDatasourceConnectionPool();
      DatasourceConnection dc =
          pool.getDatasourceConnection(pc, pc.getConfig().getDataSource(dsn), null, null);
      // DataSourceManager manager = pc.getDataSourceManager();
      // DatasourceConnection dc=manager.getConnection(pc,dsn, null, null);
      this.ds = dc.getDatasource();
      try {
        Iterator<ComponentPro> it = arr.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          createMapping(pc, it.next(), dc, ormConf);
      } finally {
        // manager.releaseConnection(pc,dc);
      if (arr.size() != cfcs.size()) {
        ComponentPro cfc;
        String name, lcName;
        Map<String, String> names = new HashMap<String, String>();
        Iterator<ComponentPro> it = arr.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          cfc = it.next();
          name = HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc);
          lcName = name.toLowerCase();
          if (names.containsKey(lcName))
            throw new ORMException(
                "Entity Name ["
                    + name
                    + "] is ambigous, ["
                    + names.get(lcName)
                    + "] and ["
                    + cfc.getPageSource().getDisplayPath()
                    + "] use the same entity name.");
          names.put(lcName, cfc.getPageSource().getDisplayPath());
    arr = null;
    if (configuration != null) return _factory;

    // MUST
    // cacheconfig
    // cacheprovider
    // ...

    String mappings = HibernateSessionFactory.createMappings(this, cfcs);

    DatasourceConnectionPool pool = ((ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig()).getDatasourceConnectionPool();
    DatasourceConnection dc =
        pool.getDatasourceConnection(pc, pc.getConfig().getDataSource(dsn), null, null);
    try {
      configuration = HibernateSessionFactory.createConfiguration(this, mappings, dc, ormConf);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw Caster.toPageException(e);
    } finally {

    addEventListeners(pc, configuration, ormConf, cfcs);

    EntityTuplizerFactory tuplizerFactory = configuration.getEntityTuplizerFactory();
    // tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.MAP, CFCEntityTuplizer.class);
    // tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.MAP, MapEntityTuplizer.class);
    tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.MAP, AbstractEntityTuplizerImpl.class);
    tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.POJO, AbstractEntityTuplizerImpl.class);
    // tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.POJO,
    // AbstractEntityTuplizerImpl.class);

    // configuration.setEntityResolver(new CFCEntityResolver());
    // configuration.setEntityNotFoundDelegate(new EntityNotFoundDelegate());

    return _factory = configuration.buildSessionFactory();

  private void loadNamingStrategy(ORMConfiguration ormConf) throws PageException {
    String strNamingStrategy = ormConf.namingStrategy();
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(strNamingStrategy, true)) {
      namingStrategy = DefaultNamingStrategy.INSTANCE;
    } else {
      strNamingStrategy = strNamingStrategy.trim();
      if ("default".equalsIgnoreCase(strNamingStrategy))
        namingStrategy = DefaultNamingStrategy.INSTANCE;
      else if ("smart".equalsIgnoreCase(strNamingStrategy))
        namingStrategy = SmartNamingStrategy.INSTANCE;
      else namingStrategy = new CFCNamingStrategy(strNamingStrategy);

  private static void addEventListeners(
      PageContext pc, Configuration config, ORMConfiguration ormConfig, Map<String, CFCInfo> cfcs)
      throws PageException {
    if (!ormConfig.eventHandling()) return;
    String eventHandler = ormConfig.eventHandler();
    AllEventListener listener = null;
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(eventHandler, true)) {
      // try {
      Component c = pc.loadComponent(eventHandler.trim());

      listener = new AllEventListener(c);
      // config.setInterceptor(listener);
      // }catch (PageException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    config.setInterceptor(new InterceptorImpl(listener));
    EventListeners listeners = config.getEventListeners();

    // post delete
    List<EventListener> list = merge(listener, cfcs, EventListener.POST_DELETE);
    listeners.setPostDeleteEventListeners(list.toArray(new PostDeleteEventListener[list.size()]));

    // post insert
    list = merge(listener, cfcs, EventListener.POST_INSERT);
    listeners.setPostInsertEventListeners(list.toArray(new PostInsertEventListener[list.size()]));

    // post update
    list = merge(listener, cfcs, EventListener.POST_UPDATE);
    listeners.setPostUpdateEventListeners(list.toArray(new PostUpdateEventListener[list.size()]));

    // post load
    list = merge(listener, cfcs, EventListener.POST_LOAD);
    listeners.setPostLoadEventListeners(list.toArray(new PostLoadEventListener[list.size()]));

    // pre delete
    list = merge(listener, cfcs, EventListener.PRE_DELETE);
    listeners.setPreDeleteEventListeners(list.toArray(new PreDeleteEventListener[list.size()]));

    // pre insert
    // list=merge(listener,cfcs,EventListener.PRE_INSERT);
    // listeners.setPreInsertEventListeners(list.toArray(new PreInsertEventListener[list.size()]));

    // pre load
    list = merge(listener, cfcs, EventListener.PRE_LOAD);
    listeners.setPreLoadEventListeners(list.toArray(new PreLoadEventListener[list.size()]));

    // pre update
    // list=merge(listener,cfcs,EventListener.PRE_UPDATE);
    // listeners.setPreUpdateEventListeners(list.toArray(new PreUpdateEventListener[list.size()]));

  private static List<EventListener> merge(
      EventListener listener, Map<String, CFCInfo> cfcs, Collection.Key eventType) {
    List<EventListener> list = new ArrayList<EventListener>();

    Iterator<Entry<String, CFCInfo>> it = cfcs.entrySet().iterator();
    Entry<String, CFCInfo> entry;
    Component cfc;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      entry = it.next();
      cfc = entry.getValue().getCFC();
      if (EventListener.hasEventType(cfc, eventType)) {
        if (EventListener.POST_DELETE.equals(eventType))
          list.add(new PostDeleteEventListenerImpl(cfc));
        if (EventListener.POST_INSERT.equals(eventType))
          list.add(new PostInsertEventListenerImpl(cfc));
        if (EventListener.POST_LOAD.equals(eventType)) list.add(new PostLoadEventListenerImpl(cfc));
        if (EventListener.POST_UPDATE.equals(eventType))
          list.add(new PostUpdateEventListenerImpl(cfc));

        if (EventListener.PRE_DELETE.equals(eventType))
          list.add(new PreDeleteEventListenerImpl(cfc));
        if (EventListener.PRE_INSERT.equals(eventType))
          list.add(new PreInsertEventListenerImpl(cfc));
        if (EventListener.PRE_LOAD.equals(eventType)) list.add(new PreLoadEventListenerImpl(cfc));
        if (EventListener.PRE_UPDATE.equals(eventType))
          list.add(new PreUpdateEventListenerImpl(cfc));

    // general listener
    if (listener != null && EventListener.hasEventType(listener.getCFC(), eventType))

    return list;

  private Object hash(ApplicationContextPro appContext) {
    String hash = appContext.getORMDatasource() + ":" + appContext.getORMConfiguration().hash();
    // print.ds(hash);
    return hash;

  public void createMapping(
      PageContext pc, Component cfc, DatasourceConnection dc, ORMConfiguration ormConf)
      throws PageException {
    ComponentPro cfcp = ComponentUtil.toComponentPro(cfc);
    String id = id(HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfcp));
    CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(id);
    // Long modified=cfcs.get(id);
    String xml;
    long cfcCompTime = ComponentUtil.getCompileTime(pc, cfcp.getPageSource());
    if (info == null
        || (ORMUtil.equals(info.getCFC(), cfcp))) { // && info.getModified()!=cfcCompTime
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

      long xmlLastMod = loadMapping(sb, ormConf, cfcp);
      Element root;
      // create maaping
      if (true || xmlLastMod < cfcCompTime) { // MUSTMUST
        configuration = null;
        Document doc = null;
        try {
          doc = XMLUtil.newDocument();
        } catch (Throwable t) {

        root = doc.createElement("hibernate-mapping");
        pc.addPageSource(cfcp.getPageSource(), true);
        try {
          HBMCreator.createXMLMapping(pc, dc, cfcp, ormConf, root, this);
        } finally {
        xml = XMLCaster.toString(root.getChildNodes(), true);
        saveMapping(ormConf, cfcp, root);
      // load
      else {
        xml = sb.toString();
        root = Caster.toXML(xml).getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement();

      cfcs.put(id, new CFCInfo(ComponentUtil.getCompileTime(pc, cfcp.getPageSource()), xml, cfcp));

  private static void saveMapping(ORMConfiguration ormConf, Component cfc, Element hm)
      throws ExpressionException {
    if (ormConf.saveMapping()) {
      Resource res = ComponentUtil.toComponentPro(cfc).getPageSource().getPhyscalFile();
      if (res != null) {
        res = res.getParentResource().getRealResource(res.getName() + ".hbm.xml");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

  private static long loadMapping(StringBuilder sb, ORMConfiguration ormConf, Component cfc)
      throws ExpressionException {

    Resource res = ComponentUtil.toComponentPro(cfc).getPageSource().getPhyscalFile();
    if (res != null) {
      res = res.getParentResource().getRealResource(res.getName() + ".hbm.xml");
      try {
        sb.append(IOUtil.toString(res, "UTF-8"));
        return res.lastModified();
      } catch (Exception e) {
    return 0;

  /** @see railo.runtime.orm.ORMEngine#getMode() */
  public int getMode() {
    // MUST impl
    return MODE_LAZY;

  public DataSource getDataSource() {
    return ds;

  /** @see railo.runtime.orm.ORMEngine#getLabel() */
  public String getLabel() {
    return "Hibernate";

  public Struct getTableInfo(DatasourceConnection dc, String tableName, ORMEngine engine)
      throws PageException {
    Collection.Key keyTableName = KeyImpl.init(tableName);
    Struct columnsInfo = (Struct) tableInfo.get(keyTableName, null);
    if (columnsInfo != null) return columnsInfo;

    columnsInfo = checkTable(dc, tableName, engine);
    tableInfo.setEL(keyTableName, columnsInfo);
    return columnsInfo;

  private static Struct checkTable(DatasourceConnection dc, String tableName, ORMEngine engine)
      throws PageException {
    String dbName = dc.getDatasource().getDatabase();
    try {

      DatabaseMetaData md = dc.getConnection().getMetaData();
      Struct rows = checkTableFill(md, dbName, tableName);
      if (rows.size() == 0) {
        String tableName2 = checkTableValidate(md, dbName, tableName);
        if (tableName2 != null) rows = checkTableFill(md, dbName, tableName2);

      if (rows.size() == 0) {
        // ORMUtil.printError("there is no table with name  ["+tableName+"] defined", engine);
        return null;
      return rows;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw Caster.toPageException(e);

  private static Struct checkTableFill(DatabaseMetaData md, String dbName, String tableName)
      throws SQLException, PageException {
    Struct rows = new CastableStruct(tableName, Struct.TYPE_LINKED);
    ResultSet columns = md.getColumns(dbName, null, tableName, null);
    // print.o(new QueryImpl(columns,""));
    try {
      String name;
      Object nullable;
      while (columns.next()) {
        name = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME");

        nullable = columns.getObject("IS_NULLABLE");
            new ColumnInfo(
    } finally {
    } // Table susid defined for cfc susid does not exist.

    return rows;

  private static String checkTableValidate(DatabaseMetaData md, String dbName, String tableName) {

    ResultSet tables = null;
    try {
      tables = md.getTables(dbName, null, null, null);
      String name;
      while (tables.next()) {
        name = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME");
        if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)
            && StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(tables.getString("TABLE_TYPE"), "SYSTEM") == -1)
          return name;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    } finally {
    return null;

  /** @see railo.runtime.orm.ORMEngine#getConfiguration(railo.runtime.PageContext) */
  public ORMConfiguration getConfiguration(PageContext pc) {
    ApplicationContext ac = pc.getApplicationContext();
    if (!(ac instanceof ApplicationContextPro)) return null;
    ApplicationContextPro acp = (ApplicationContextPro) ac;
    if (!acp.isORMEnabled()) return null;
    return acp.getORMConfiguration();

   * @param pc
   * @param session
   * @param entityName name of the entity to get
   * @param unique create a unique version that can be manipulated
   * @param init call the nit method of the cfc or not
   * @return
   * @throws PageException
  public Component create(
      PageContext pc, HibernateORMSession session, String entityName, boolean unique)
      throws PageException {

    // get existing entity
    ComponentPro cfc = _create(pc, entityName, unique);
    if (cfc != null) return cfc;

    // reinit ORMEngine
    SessionFactory _old = _factory;
    SessionFactory _new = getSessionFactory(pc, true);
    if (_old != _new) {
      cfc = _create(pc, entityName, unique);
      if (cfc != null) return cfc;

    ApplicationContextPro appContext = ((ApplicationContextPro) pc.getApplicationContext());
    ORMConfiguration ormConf = appContext.getORMConfiguration();
    Resource[] locations = ormConf.getCfcLocations();

    throw new ORMException(
        "No entity (persitent component) with name ["
            + entityName
            + "] found, available entities are ["
            + railo.runtime.type.List.arrayToList(getEntityNames(), ", ")
            + "] ",
        "component are searched in the following directories [" + toString(locations) + "]");

  private String toString(Resource[] locations) {
    if (locations == null) return "";
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
      if (i > 0) sb.append(", ");
    return sb.toString();

  private ComponentPro _create(PageContext pc, String entityName, boolean unique)
      throws PageException {
    CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(id(entityName));
    if (info != null) {
      ComponentPro cfc = info.getCFC();
      if (unique) {
        cfc = (ComponentPro) cfc.duplicate(false);
        if (cfc.contains(pc, INIT)) cfc.call(pc, "init", new Object[] {});
      return cfc;
    return null;

  public static String id(String id) {
    return id.toLowerCase().trim();

  public Component getEntityByCFCName(String cfcName, boolean unique) throws PageException {
    String name = cfcName;
    int pointIndex = cfcName.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (pointIndex != -1) {
      name = cfcName.substring(pointIndex + 1);
    } else cfcName = null;

    ComponentPro cfc;
    String[] names = null;
    // search array (array exist when cfcs is in generation)

    if (arr != null) {
      names = new String[arr.size()];
      int index = 0;
      Iterator<ComponentPro> it2 = arr.iterator();
      while (it2.hasNext()) {
        cfc = it2.next();
        names[index++] = cfc.getName();
        if (isEntity(cfc, cfcName, name)) // if(cfc.equalTo(name))
        return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc;
    } else {
      // search cfcs
      Iterator<Entry<String, CFCInfo>> it = cfcs.entrySet().iterator();
      Entry<String, CFCInfo> entry;
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        entry = it.next();
        cfc = entry.getValue().getCFC();
        if (isEntity(cfc, cfcName, name)) // if(cfc.instanceOf(name))
        return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc;

        // if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc)))
        //	return cfc;
      names = cfcs.keySet().toArray(new String[cfcs.size()]);

    // search by entityname //TODO is this ok?
    CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(name.toLowerCase());
    if (info != null) {
      cfc = info.getCFC();
      return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc;

    throw new ORMException(
        "entity ["
            + name
            + "] "
            + (StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcName) ? "" : "with cfc name [" + cfcName + "] ")
            + "does not exist, existing  entities are ["
            + railo.runtime.type.List.arrayToList(names, ", ")
            + "]");

  private boolean isEntity(ComponentPro cfc, String cfcName, String name) {
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcName)) {
      if (cfc.equalTo(cfcName)) return true;

      if (cfcName.indexOf('.') != -1) {
        String path = cfcName.replace('.', '/') + ".cfc";
        Resource[] locations = ormConf.getCfcLocations();
        for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
          if (locations[i].getRealResource(path).equals(cfc.getPageSource().getFile())) return true;
        return false;

    if (cfc.equalTo(name)) return true;
    return name.equalsIgnoreCase(HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc));

  public Component getEntityByEntityName(String entityName, boolean unique) throws PageException {
    ComponentPro cfc;

    CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(entityName.toLowerCase());
    if (info != null) {
      cfc = info.getCFC();
      return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc;

    if (arr != null) {
      Iterator<ComponentPro> it2 = arr.iterator();
      while (it2.hasNext()) {
        cfc = it2.next();
        if (HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc).equalsIgnoreCase(entityName))
          return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc;

    throw new ORMException(this, "entity [" + entityName + "] does not exist");

  public String[] getEntityNames() {
    Iterator<Entry<String, CFCInfo>> it = cfcs.entrySet().iterator();
    String[] names = new String[cfcs.size()];
    int index = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      names[index++] = HibernateCaster.getEntityName(it.next().getValue().getCFC());
      // names[index++]=it.next().getValue().getCFC().getName();
    return names;

    // return cfcs.keySet().toArray(new String[cfcs.size()]);

  public String convertTableName(String tableName) {
    if (tableName == null) return null;
    // print.o("table:"+namingStrategy.getType()+":"+tableName+":"+namingStrategy.convertTableName(tableName));
    return namingStrategy.convertTableName(tableName);

  public String convertColumnName(String columnName) {
    if (columnName == null) return null;
    // print.o("column:"+namingStrategy.getType()+":"+columnName+":"+namingStrategy.convertTableName(columnName));
    return namingStrategy.convertColumnName(columnName);
public class CFFunction {

  private static final Variables VAR = new VariablesImpl();
  private static final Collection.Key CALLER = KeyImpl.intern("caller");
  // private static Map udfs=new ReferenceMap();

  public static Object call(PageContext pc, Object[] objArr) throws PageException {
    if (objArr.length < 3)
      throw new ExpressionException("invalid call of a CFML Based built in function");

    // translate arguments
    String filename = Caster.toString((((FunctionValue) objArr[0]).getValue()));
    Collection.Key name = KeyImpl.toKey((((FunctionValue) objArr[1]).getValue()));
    boolean isweb = Caster.toBooleanValue((((FunctionValue) objArr[2]).getValue()));

    UDF udf = loadUDF(pc, filename, name, isweb);
    Struct meta = udf.getMetaData(pc);
    boolean caller =
        meta == null ? false : Caster.toBooleanValue(meta.get(CALLER, Boolean.FALSE), false);

    Struct namedArguments = null;
    Object[] arguments = null;
    if (objArr.length <= 3) arguments = ArrayUtil.OBJECT_EMPTY;
    else if (objArr[3] instanceof FunctionValue) {
      FunctionValue fv;
      namedArguments = new StructImpl();
      if (caller) namedArguments.setEL(CALLER, pc.undefinedScope().duplicate(false));
      for (int i = 3; i < objArr.length; i++) {
        fv = toFunctionValue(name, objArr[i]);
        namedArguments.set(fv.getName(), fv.getValue());
    } else {
      int offset = (caller ? 2 : 3);
      arguments = new Object[objArr.length - offset];
      if (caller) arguments[0] = pc.undefinedScope().duplicate(false);
      for (int i = 3; i < objArr.length; i++) {
        arguments[i - offset] = toObject(name, objArr[i]);

    // load UDF

    // execute UDF
    if (namedArguments == null) {
      return udf.call(pc, arguments, false);

    return udf.callWithNamedValues(pc, namedArguments, false);

  public static synchronized UDF loadUDF(
      PageContext pc, String filename, Collection.Key name, boolean isweb) throws PageException {
    ConfigWebImpl config = (ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig();
    String key = isweb ? name.getString() + config.getId() : name.getString();
    UDF udf = config.getFromFunctionCache(key);
    if (udf != null) return udf;

    Mapping mapping = isweb ? config.getFunctionMapping() : config.getServerFunctionMapping();
    PageSourceImpl ps = (PageSourceImpl) mapping.getPageSource(filename);
    Page p = ps.loadPage(pc, pc.getConfig());

    // execute page
    Variables old = pc.variablesScope();
    boolean wasSilent = pc.setSilent();
    try {
      Object o = pc.variablesScope().get(name, null);
      if (o instanceof UDF) {
        udf = (UDF) o;
        config.putToFunctionCache(key, udf);
        return udf;
      throw new ExpressionException(
          "there is no Function defined with name ["
              + name
              + "] in template ["
              + mapping.getStrPhysical()
              + File.separator
              + filename
              + "]");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw Caster.toPageException(t);
    } finally {
      if (!wasSilent) pc.unsetSilent();

  private static FunctionValue toFunctionValue(Collection.Key name, Object obj)
      throws ExpressionException {
    if (obj instanceof FunctionValue) return (FunctionValue) obj;
    throw new ExpressionException(
        "invalid argument for function " + name + ", you can not mix named and unnamed arguments");

  private static Object toObject(Collection.Key name, Object obj) throws ExpressionException {
    if (obj instanceof FunctionValue)
      throw new ExpressionException(
          "invalid argument for function "
              + name
              + ", you can not mix named and unnamed arguments");
    return obj;
 public Object get(String key, Object defaultValue) {
   return get(KeyImpl.init(key), defaultValue);
 public Object get(String key) throws PageException {
   return get(KeyImpl.init(key));
public class ModernAppListener extends AppListenerSupport {

  private static final Collection.Key ON_REQUEST_START = KeyImpl.intern("onRequestStart");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_CFCREQUEST = KeyImpl.intern("onCFCRequest");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_REQUEST = KeyImpl.intern("onRequest");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_REQUEST_END = KeyImpl.intern("onRequestEnd");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_ABORT = KeyImpl.intern("onAbort");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_APPLICATION_START = KeyImpl.intern("onApplicationStart");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_APPLICATION_END = KeyImpl.intern("onApplicationEnd");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_SESSION_START = KeyImpl.intern("onSessionStart");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_SESSION_END = KeyImpl.intern("onSessionEnd");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_DEBUG = KeyImpl.intern("onDebug");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_ERROR = KeyImpl.intern("onError");
  private static final Collection.Key ON_MISSING_TEMPLATE = KeyImpl.intern("onMissingTemplate");

  // private ComponentImpl app;
  private Map<String, ComponentAccess> apps = new HashMap<String, ComponentAccess>();
  protected int mode = MODE_CURRENT2ROOT;

  public void onRequest(PageContext pc, PageSource requestedPage, RequestListener rl)
      throws PageException {
    // on requestStart
    PageSource appPS = // pc.isCFCRequest()?null:
        AppListenerUtil.getApplicationPageSource(pc, requestedPage, Constants.APP_CFC, mode);

    _onRequest(pc, requestedPage, appPS, rl);

  protected void _onRequest(
      PageContext pc, PageSource requestedPage, PageSource appPS, RequestListener rl)
      throws PageException {
    PageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pc;
    if (appPS != null) {
      String callPath = appPS.getComponentName();

      ComponentAccess app = ComponentLoader.loadComponent(pci, null, appPS, callPath, false, false);

      // init
      initApplicationContext(pci, app);

      apps.put(pc.getApplicationContext().getName(), app);

      if (!pci.initApplicationContext()) return;

      if (rl != null) {
        requestedPage = rl.execute(pc, requestedPage);
        if (requestedPage == null) return;

      String targetPage = requestedPage.getFullRealpath();
      boolean doOnRequestEnd = true;

      // onRequestStart
      if (app.contains(pc, ON_REQUEST_START)) {
        Object rtn = call(app, pci, ON_REQUEST_START, new Object[] {targetPage}, true);
        if (!Caster.toBooleanValue(rtn, true)) return;

      // onRequest
      boolean isCFC =
          ResourceUtil.getExtension(targetPage, "")
      Object method;
      if (isCFC
          && app.contains(pc, ON_CFCREQUEST)
          && (method = pc.urlFormScope().get(ComponentPage.METHOD, null)) != null) {

        Struct url = (Struct) Duplicator.duplicate(pc.urlFormScope(), true);

        Object args = url.get(KeyConstants._argumentCollection, null);
        Object returnFormat = url.removeEL(KeyConstants._returnFormat);
        Object queryFormat = url.removeEL(KeyConstants._queryFormat);

        if (args == null) {
          args = pc.getHttpServletRequest().getAttribute("argumentCollection");

        if (args instanceof String) {
          args = new JSONExpressionInterpreter().interpret(pc, (String) args);

        if (args != null) {
          if (Decision.isCastableToStruct(args)) {
            Struct sct = Caster.toStruct(args, false);
            // Key[] keys = url.keys();
            Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = url.entryIterator();
            Entry<Key, Object> e;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
              e = it.next();
              sct.setEL(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
            args = sct;
          } else if (Decision.isCastableToArray(args)) {
            args = Caster.toArray(args);
          } else {
            Array arr = new ArrayImpl();
            args = arr;
        } else args = url;

        Object rtn =
                new Object[] {requestedPage.getComponentName(), method, args},

        if (rtn != null) {
          if (pc.getHttpServletRequest().getHeader("AMF-Forward") != null) {
            pc.variablesScope().setEL("AMF-Forward", rtn);
            // ThreadLocalWDDXResult.set(rtn);
          } else {
            try {
                      pc, app, method.toString(), returnFormat, queryFormat, rtn));
            } catch (Exception e) {
              throw Caster.toPageException(e);

      // else if(!isCFC && app.contains(pc,ON_REQUEST)) {}
      else {
        // TODO impl die nicht so generisch ist
        try {

          if (!isCFC && app.contains(pc, ON_REQUEST))
            call(app, pci, ON_REQUEST, new Object[] {targetPage}, false);
          else pci.doInclude(requestedPage);
        } catch (PageException pe) {
          if (!Abort.isSilentAbort(pe)) {
            if (pe instanceof MissingIncludeException) {
              if (((MissingIncludeException) pe).getPageSource().equals(requestedPage)) {
                if (app.contains(pc, ON_MISSING_TEMPLATE)) {
                  if (!Caster.toBooleanValue(
                      call(app, pci, ON_MISSING_TEMPLATE, new Object[] {targetPage}, true), true))
                    throw pe;
                } else throw pe;
              } else throw pe;
            } else throw pe;
          } else {
            doOnRequestEnd = false;
            if (app.contains(pc, ON_ABORT)) {
              call(app, pci, ON_ABORT, new Object[] {targetPage}, true);

      // onRequestEnd
      if (doOnRequestEnd && app.contains(pc, ON_REQUEST_END)) {
        call(app, pci, ON_REQUEST_END, new Object[] {targetPage}, true);
    } else {
      apps.put(pc.getApplicationContext().getName(), null);

  public boolean onApplicationStart(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
    ComponentAccess app = apps.get(pc.getApplicationContext().getName());
    if (app != null && app.contains(pc, ON_APPLICATION_START)) {
      Object rtn = call(app, pc, ON_APPLICATION_START, ArrayUtil.OBJECT_EMPTY, true);
      return Caster.toBooleanValue(rtn, true);
    return true;

  public void onApplicationEnd(CFMLFactory factory, String applicationName) throws PageException {
    ComponentAccess app = apps.get(applicationName);
    if (app == null || !app.containsKey(ON_APPLICATION_END)) return;

    PageContextImpl pc = (PageContextImpl) ThreadLocalPageContext.get();
    boolean createPc = pc == null;
    try {
      if (createPc) pc = createPageContext(factory, app, applicationName, null, ON_APPLICATION_END);
      call(app, pc, ON_APPLICATION_END, new Object[] {pc.applicationScope()}, true);
    } finally {
      if (createPc && pc != null) {

  public void onSessionStart(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
    ComponentAccess app = apps.get(pc.getApplicationContext().getName());
    if (hasOnSessionStart(pc, app)) {
      call(app, pc, ON_SESSION_START, ArrayUtil.OBJECT_EMPTY, true);

  public void onSessionEnd(CFMLFactory factory, String applicationName, String cfid)
      throws PageException {
    ComponentAccess app = apps.get(applicationName);
    if (app == null || !app.containsKey(ON_SESSION_END)) return;

    PageContextImpl pc = null;
    try {
      pc = createPageContext(factory, app, applicationName, cfid, ON_SESSION_END);
          new Object[] {pc.sessionScope(false), pc.applicationScope()},
    } finally {
      if (pc != null) {

  private PageContextImpl createPageContext(
      CFMLFactory factory,
      ComponentAccess app,
      String applicationName,
      String cfid,
      Collection.Key methodName)
      throws PageException {
    Resource root = factory.getConfig().getRootDirectory();
    String path = app.getPageSource().getFullRealpath();

    // Request
    HttpServletRequestDummy req =
        new HttpServletRequestDummy(root, "localhost", path, "", null, null, null, null, null);
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cfid))
      req.setCookies(new Cookie[] {new Cookie("cfid", cfid), new Cookie("cftoken", "0")});

    // Response
    OutputStream os = DevNullOutputStream.DEV_NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM;
    try {
      Resource out =
              .getRealResource("output/" + methodName.getString() + ".out");
      os = out.getOutputStream(false);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO was passiert hier
    HttpServletResponseDummy rsp = new HttpServletResponseDummy(os);

    // PageContext
    PageContextImpl pc =
            factory.getRailoPageContext(factory.getServlet(), req, rsp, null, false, -1, false);
    // ApplicationContext
    ClassicApplicationContext ap =
        new ClassicApplicationContext(
            app == null ? null : ResourceUtil.getResource(pc, app.getPageSource(), null));
    initApplicationContext(pc, app);
    // if(!ap.hasName())ap.setName("Controler")
    // Base

    return pc;

  public void onDebug(PageContext pc) throws PageException {
    if (((PageContextImpl) pc).isGatewayContext()) return;
    ComponentAccess app = apps.get(pc.getApplicationContext().getName());
    if (app != null && app.contains(pc, ON_DEBUG)) {
      call(app, pc, ON_DEBUG, new Object[] {pc.getDebugger().getDebuggingData(pc)}, true);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw Caster.toPageException(e);

  public void onError(PageContext pc, PageException pe) {
    ComponentAccess app = apps.get(pc.getApplicationContext().getName());
    if (app != null && app.containsKey(ON_ERROR) && !Abort.isSilentAbort(pe)) {
      try {
        String eventName = "";
        if (pe instanceof ModernAppListenerException)
          eventName = ((ModernAppListenerException) pe).getEventName();
        if (eventName == null) eventName = "";

        call(app, pc, ON_ERROR, new Object[] {pe.getCatchBlock(pc), eventName}, true);
      } catch (PageException _pe) {
        pe = _pe;

  private Object call(
      Component app, PageContext pc, Collection.Key eventName, Object[] args, boolean catchAbort)
      throws PageException {
    try {
      return app.call(pc, eventName, args);
    } catch (PageException pe) {
      if (Abort.isSilentAbort(pe)) {
        if (catchAbort) return Boolean.FALSE;
        throw pe;
      throw new ModernAppListenerException(pe, eventName.getString());

  private void initApplicationContext(PageContextImpl pc, ComponentAccess app)
      throws PageException {

    // use existing app context
    RefBoolean throwsErrorWhileInit = new RefBooleanImpl(false);
    ModernApplicationContext appContext =
        new ModernApplicationContext(pc, app, throwsErrorWhileInit);

    if (appContext.isORMEnabled()) {
      boolean hasError = throwsErrorWhileInit.toBooleanValue();
      if (hasError) pc.addPageSource(app.getPageSource(), true);
      try {
        ORMUtil.resetEngine(pc, false);
      } finally {
        if (hasError) pc.removeLastPageSource(true);

  private static Object get(ComponentAccess app, Key name, String defaultValue) {
    Member mem = app.getMember(Component.ACCESS_PRIVATE, name, true, false);
    if (mem == null) return defaultValue;
    return mem.getValue();

  public void setMode(int mode) {
    this.mode = mode;

  public int getMode() {
    return mode;

  public String getType() {
    return "modern";

  public boolean hasOnSessionStart(PageContext pc) {
    return hasOnSessionStart(pc, apps.get(pc.getApplicationContext().getName()));

  private boolean hasOnSessionStart(PageContext pc, ComponentAccess app) {
    return app != null && app.contains(pc, ON_SESSION_START);
public class PropertyFactory {

  public static final Collection.Key SINGULAR_NAME = KeyImpl.getInstance("singularName");
  public static final Key FIELD_TYPE = KeyImpl.getInstance("fieldtype");

  public static void addGet(ComponentImpl comp, Property prop) {
    Member m =
            ComponentImpl.ACCESS_PRIVATE, KeyImpl.init("get" + prop.getName()), true, false);
    if (!(m instanceof UDF)) {
      UDF udf = new UDFGetterProperty(comp, prop);
      comp.registerUDF(udf.getFunctionName(), udf);

  public static void addSet(ComponentImpl comp, Property prop) {
    Member m =
            ComponentImpl.ACCESS_PRIVATE, KeyImpl.init("set" + prop.getName()), true, false);
    if (!(m instanceof UDF)) {
      UDF udf = new UDFSetterProperty(comp, prop);
      comp.registerUDF(udf.getFunctionName(), udf);

  public static void addHas(ComponentImpl comp, Property prop) {
    Member m =
            ComponentImpl.ACCESS_PRIVATE, KeyImpl.init("has" + getSingularName(prop)), true, false);
    if (!(m instanceof UDF)) {
      UDF udf = new UDFHasProperty(comp, prop);
      comp.registerUDF(udf.getFunctionName(), udf);

  public static void addAdd(ComponentImpl comp, Property prop) {
    Member m =
            ComponentImpl.ACCESS_PRIVATE, KeyImpl.init("add" + getSingularName(prop)), true, false);
    if (!(m instanceof UDF)) {
      UDF udf = new UDFAddProperty(comp, prop);
      comp.registerUDF(udf.getFunctionName(), udf);

  public static void addRemove(ComponentImpl comp, Property prop) {
    Member m =
            KeyImpl.init("remove" + getSingularName(prop)),
    if (!(m instanceof UDF)) {
      UDF udf = new UDFRemoveProperty(comp, prop);
      comp.registerUDF(udf.getFunctionName(), udf);

  public static String getSingularName(Property prop) {
    String singularName = Caster.toString(prop.getMeta().get(SINGULAR_NAME, null), null);
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(singularName)) return singularName;
    return prop.getName();

  public static String getType(Property prop) {
    String type = prop.getType();
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(type)
        || "any".equalsIgnoreCase(type)
        || "object".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
      String fieldType = Caster.toString(prop.getMeta().get(FIELD_TYPE, null), null);
      if ("one-to-many".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType) || "many-to-many".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
        return "array";
      return "any";
    return type;
  * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#set(railo.runtime.PageContext, java.lang.String,
  *     java.lang.Object)
 public Object set(PageContext pc, String propertyName, Object value) throws PageException {
   return set(KeyImpl.init(propertyName), value);
  * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#call(railo.runtime.PageContext, java.lang.String,
  *     java.lang.Object[])
 public Object call(PageContext pc, String key, Object[] arguments) throws PageException {
   return call(pc, KeyImpl.init(key), arguments);
public final class ComponentScopeThis extends StructSupport implements ComponentScope {

  private ComponentImpl component;
  private static final int access = Component.ACCESS_PRIVATE;
  private static final Collection.Key THIS = KeyImpl.init("this");

   * constructor of the class
   * @param component
  public ComponentScopeThis(ComponentImpl component) {
    this.component = component;

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Scope#initialize(railo.runtime.PageContext) */
  public void initialize(PageContext pc) {}

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Scope#release() */
  public void release() {}

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Scope#getType() */
  public int getType() {

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Scope#getTypeAsString() */
  public String getTypeAsString() {
    return "variables";

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#size() */
  public int size() {
    return component.size(access) + 1;

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#keysAsString() */
  public String[] keysAsString() {
    Set keySet = component.keySet(access);
    String[] arr = new String[keySet.size()];
    Iterator it = keySet.iterator();

    int index = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      arr[index++] = Caster.toString(it.next(), null);

    return arr;

  public Collection.Key[] keys() {
    Set keySet = component.keySet(access);
    Collection.Key[] arr = new Collection.Key[keySet.size()];
    Iterator it = keySet.iterator();

    int index = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      arr[index++] = KeyImpl.toKey(it.next(), null);
    return arr;

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#remove(railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key) */
  public Object remove(Collection.Key key) throws PageException {
    return component.remove(key);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#removeEL(railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key) */
  public Object removeEL(Collection.Key key) {
    return component.removeEL(key);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#clear() */
  public void clear() {

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#get(railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key) */
  public Object get(Key key) throws PageException {
    if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(THIS)) {
      return component;
    return component.get(access, key);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#get(railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key, java.lang.Object) */
  public Object get(Collection.Key key, Object defaultValue) {
    if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(THIS)) {
      return component;
    return component.get(access, key, defaultValue);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#set(railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key, java.lang.Object) */
  public Object set(Collection.Key key, Object value) throws PageException {
    return component.set(key, value);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#setEL(railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key, java.lang.Object)
  public Object setEL(Collection.Key key, Object value) {
    return component.setEL(key, value);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Iteratorable#keyIterator() */
  public Iterator keyIterator() {
    return component.iterator(access);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#containsKey(railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key) */
  public boolean containsKey(Key key) {
    return get(key, null) != null;

  /** @see railo.runtime.dump.Dumpable#toDumpData(railo.runtime.PageContext, int) */
  public DumpData toDumpData(PageContext pageContext, int maxlevel, DumpProperties dp) {
    return StructUtil.toDumpTable(this, "Variable Scope (of Component)", pageContext, maxlevel, dp);
    /*DumpTable table = new DumpTable("#5965e4","#9999ff","#000000");
    table.setTitle("Variable Scope (of Component)");

          Iterator it=keyIterator();

          while(it.hasNext()) {
              String key=Caster.toString(it.next(),"");
              table.appendRow(1,new SimpleDumpData(key.toString()),DumpUtil.toDumpData(get(key,null), pageContext,maxlevel,dp));
          return table;*/

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#castToString() */
  public String castToString() throws PageException {
    return component.castToString();

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.util.StructSupport#castToString(java.lang.String) */
  public String castToString(String defaultValue) {
    return component.castToString(defaultValue);

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#castToBooleanValue() */
  public boolean castToBooleanValue() throws PageException {
    return component.castToBooleanValue();

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#castToBoolean(java.lang.Boolean) */
  public Boolean castToBoolean(Boolean defaultValue) {
    return component.castToBoolean(defaultValue);

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#castToDoubleValue() */
  public double castToDoubleValue() throws PageException {
    return component.castToDoubleValue();

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#castToDoubleValue(double) */
  public double castToDoubleValue(double defaultValue) {
    return component.castToDoubleValue(defaultValue);

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#castToDateTime() */
  public DateTime castToDateTime() throws PageException {
    return component.castToDateTime();

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#castToDateTime(railo.runtime.type.dt.DateTime) */
  public DateTime castToDateTime(DateTime defaultValue) {
    return component.castToDateTime(defaultValue);

   * @throws PageException
   * @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#compare(boolean)
  public int compareTo(boolean b) throws PageException {
    return component.compareTo(b);

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#compareTo(railo.runtime.type.dt.DateTime) */
  public int compareTo(DateTime dt) throws PageException {
    return component.compareTo(dt);

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#compareTo(double) */
  public int compareTo(double d) throws PageException {
    return component.compareTo(d);

  /** @see railo.runtime.op.Castable#compareTo(java.lang.String) */
  public int compareTo(String str) throws PageException {
    return component.compareTo(str);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Collection#duplicate(boolean) */
  public Collection duplicate(boolean deepCopy) {

    StructImpl sct = new StructImpl();
    StructImpl.copy(this, sct, deepCopy);
    return sct;
    // return new ComponentScopeThis((ComponentImpl) component.duplicate(deepCopy));
    // return new ComponentScopeThis(component.cloneComponentImpl(deepCopy));

   * Returns the value of component.
   * @return value component
  public ComponentPro getComponent() {
    return component;

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#get(railo.runtime.PageContext, java.lang.String,
   *     java.lang.Object)
  public Object get(PageContext pc, String key, Object defaultValue) {
    return component.get(access, key, defaultValue);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#get(railo.runtime.PageContext,
   *     railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key, java.lang.Object)
  public Object get(PageContext pc, Collection.Key key, Object defaultValue) {
    return component.get(access, key, defaultValue);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#get(railo.runtime.PageContext, java.lang.String) */
  public Object get(PageContext pc, String key) throws PageException {
    return component.get(access, key);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#get(railo.runtime.PageContext,
   *     railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key)
  public Object get(PageContext pc, Collection.Key key) throws PageException {
    return component.get(access, key);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#set(railo.runtime.PageContext, java.lang.String,
   *     java.lang.Object)
  public Object set(PageContext pc, String propertyName, Object value) throws PageException {
    return component.set(propertyName, value);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#set(railo.runtime.PageContext,
   *     railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key, java.lang.Object)
  public Object set(PageContext pc, Collection.Key propertyName, Object value)
      throws PageException {
    return component.set(propertyName, value);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#setEL(railo.runtime.PageContext, java.lang.String,
   *     java.lang.Object)
  public Object setEL(PageContext pc, String propertyName, Object value) {
    return component.setEL(propertyName, value);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#setEL(railo.runtime.PageContext,
   *     railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key, java.lang.Object)
  public Object setEL(PageContext pc, Collection.Key propertyName, Object value) {
    return component.setEL(propertyName, value);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#call(railo.runtime.PageContext, java.lang.String,
   *     java.lang.Object[])
  public Object call(PageContext pc, String key, Object[] arguments) throws PageException {
    return call(pc, KeyImpl.init(key), arguments);

  public Object call(PageContext pc, Collection.Key key, Object[] arguments) throws PageException {
    Member m = component.getMember(access, key, false, false);
    if (m != null) {
      if (m instanceof UDF) return ((UDF) m).call(pc, arguments, false);
      throw ComponentUtil.notFunction(component, key, m.getValue(), access);
    throw ComponentUtil.notFunction(component, key, null, access);

   * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#callWithNamedValues(railo.runtime.PageContext,
   *     java.lang.String, railo.runtime.type.Struct)
  public Object callWithNamedValues(PageContext pc, String key, Struct args) throws PageException {
    return callWithNamedValues(pc, KeyImpl.init(key), args);

  public Object callWithNamedValues(PageContext pc, Collection.Key key, Struct args)
      throws PageException {
    Member m = component.getMember(access, key, false, false);
    if (m != null) {
      if (m instanceof UDF) return ((UDF) m).callWithNamedValues(pc, args, false);
      throw ComponentUtil.notFunction(component, key, m.getValue(), access);
    throw ComponentUtil.notFunction(component, key, null, access);

  /** @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#isInitalized() */
  public boolean isInitalized() {
    return component.isInitalized();

  /** @see railo.runtime.ComponentScope#setComponent(railo.runtime.ComponentImpl) */
  public void setComponent(ComponentImpl c) {
    this.component = c;
  * @see railo.runtime.type.Objects#callWithNamedValues(railo.runtime.PageContext,
  *     java.lang.String, railo.runtime.type.Struct)
 public Object callWithNamedValues(PageContext pc, String key, Struct args) throws PageException {
   return callWithNamedValues(pc, KeyImpl.init(key), args);
  public static Object setProperty(Node node, Collection.Key k, Object value, boolean caseSensitive)
      throws PageException {
    Document doc = (node instanceof Document) ? (Document) node : node.getOwnerDocument();

    // Comment
    if (k.equals(XMLCOMMENT)) {
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.COMMENT_NODE, false);
      node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(XMLCaster.toComment(doc, value)));
    // NS URI
    else if (k.equals(XMLNSURI)) {
      // TODO impl
      throw new ExpressionException("XML NS URI can't be set", "not implemented");
    // Prefix
    else if (k.equals(XMLNSPREFIX)) {
      // TODO impl
      throw new ExpressionException("XML NS Prefix can't be set", "not implemented");
      // node.setPrefix(Caster.toString(value));
    // Root
    else if (k.equals(XMLROOT)) {
      doc.appendChild(XMLCaster.toNode(doc, value));
    // Parent
    else if (k.equals(XMLPARENT)) {
      Node parent = getParentNode(node, caseSensitive);
      Key name = KeyImpl.init(parent.getNodeName());
      parent = getParentNode(parent, caseSensitive);

      if (parent == null)
        throw new ExpressionException(
            "there is no parent element, you are already on the root element");

      return setProperty(parent, name, value, caseSensitive);
    // Name
    else if (k.equals(XMLNAME)) {
      throw new XMLException("You can't assign a new value for the property [xmlname]");
    // Type
    else if (k.equals(XMLTYPE)) {
      throw new XMLException("You can't change type of a xml node [xmltype]");
    // value
    else if (k.equals(XMLVALUE)) {
    // Attributes
    else if (k.equals(XMLATTRIBUTES)) {
      Element parent = XMLCaster.toElement(doc, node);
      Attr[] attres = XMLCaster.toAttrArray(doc, value);
      // print.ln("=>"+value);
      for (int i = 0; i < attres.length; i++) {
        if (attres[i] != null) {
          // print.ln(attres[i].getName()+"=="+attres[i].getValue());
    // Text
    else if (k.equals(XMLTEXT)) {
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.TEXT_NODE, false);
      node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(XMLCaster.toText(doc, value)));
    // CData
    else if (k.equals(XMLCDATA)) {
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, false);
      node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(XMLCaster.toCDATASection(doc, value)));
    // Children
    else if (k.equals(XMLCHILDREN)) {
      Node[] nodes = XMLCaster.toNodeArray(doc, value);
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.ELEMENT_NODE, false);
      for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        if (nodes[i] == node) throw new XMLException("can't assign a XML Node to himself");
        if (nodes[i] != null) node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(nodes[i]));
    } else {
      Node child = XMLCaster.toNode(doc, value);
      if (!k.getString().equalsIgnoreCase(child.getNodeName())) {
        throw new XMLException(
            "if you assign a XML Element to a XMLStruct , assignment property must have same name like XML Node Name",
            "Property Name is "
                + k.getString()
                + " and XML Element Name is "
                + child.getNodeName());
      NodeList list = XMLUtil.getChildNodes(node, Node.ELEMENT_NODE);
      int len = list.getLength();
      Node n;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        n = list.item(i);
        if (nameEqual(n, k.getString(), caseSensitive)) {
          node.replaceChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(child), XMLCaster.toRawNode(n));
          return value;

    return value;
  public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, Struct parameters) throws PageException {
    BufferedImage dst = ImageUtil.createBufferedImage(src);
    Object o;
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Amount"))) != null)
      setAmount(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "Amount"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Exposure"))) != null)
      setExposure(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "Exposure"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("ColorSource"))) != null)
      setColorSource(ImageFilterUtil.toColorRGB(o, "ColorSource"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("Material"))) != null)
      setMaterial(ImageFilterUtil.toLightFilter$Material(o, "Material"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("BumpFunction"))) != null)
      setBumpFunction(ImageFilterUtil.toFunction2D(o, "BumpFunction"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("BumpHeight"))) != null)
      setBumpHeight(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "BumpHeight"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("BumpSoftness"))) != null)
      setBumpSoftness(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "BumpSoftness"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("BumpShape"))) != null)
      setBumpShape(ImageFilterUtil.toIntValue(o, "BumpShape"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("ViewDistance"))) != null)
      setViewDistance(ImageFilterUtil.toFloatValue(o, "ViewDistance"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("EnvironmentMap"))) != null)
      setEnvironmentMap(ImageFilterUtil.toBufferedImage(o, "EnvironmentMap"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("BumpSource"))) != null)
      setBumpSource(ImageFilterUtil.toIntValue(o, "BumpSource"));
    if ((o = parameters.removeEL(KeyImpl.init("DiffuseColor"))) != null)
      setDiffuseColor(ImageFilterUtil.toColorRGB(o, "DiffuseColor"));

    // check for arguments not supported
    if (parameters.size() > 0) {
      throw new FunctionException(
          "the parameter"
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "s" : "")
              + " ["
              + CollectionUtil.getKeyList(parameters, ", ")
              + "] "
              + (parameters.size() > 1 ? "are" : "is")
              + " not allowed, only the following parameters are supported [Amount, Exposure, ColorSource, Material, BumpFunction, BumpHeight, BumpSoftness, BumpShape, ViewDistance, EnvironmentMap, BumpSource, DiffuseColor]");

    return filter(src, dst);
public final class XMLUtil {
  public static final Collection.Key XMLCOMMENT = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlcomment");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLTEXT = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmltext");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLCDATA = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlcdata");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLCHILDREN = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlchildren");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLNSURI = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlnsuri");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLNSPREFIX = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlnsprefix");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLROOT = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlroot");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLPARENT = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlparent");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLNAME = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlname");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLTYPE = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmltype");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLVALUE = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlvalue");
  public static final Collection.Key XMLATTRIBUTES = KeyImpl.getInstance("xmlattributes");
  private static final Collection.Key  = KeyImpl.getInstance();
  private static final Collection.Key  = KeyImpl.getInstance();
  private static final Collection.Key  = KeyImpl.getInstance();
  private static final Collection.Key  = KeyImpl.getInstance();
  private static final Collection.Key  = KeyImpl.getInstance();
  private static final Collection.Key  = KeyImpl.getInstance();

  // static DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
  private static DocumentBuilder docBuilder;
  // private static DocumentBuilderFactory factory;
  private static TransformerFactory transformerFactory;

  public static String unescapeXMLString(String str) {

    StringBuffer rtn = new StringBuffer();
    int posStart = -1;
    int posFinish = -1;
    while ((posStart = str.indexOf('&', posStart)) != -1) {
      int last = posFinish + 1;

      posFinish = str.indexOf(';', posStart);
      if (posFinish == -1) break;
      rtn.append(str.substring(last, posStart));
      if (posStart + 1 < posFinish) {
        rtn.append(unescapeXMLEntity(str.substring(posStart + 1, posFinish)));
      } else {

      posStart = posFinish + 1;
    rtn.append(str.substring(posFinish + 1));
    return rtn.toString();

  public static String unescapeXMLString2(String str) {

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    int index, last = 0, indexSemi;
    while ((index = str.indexOf('&', last)) != -1) {
      sb.append(str.substring(last, index));
      indexSemi = str.indexOf(';', index + 1);

      if (indexSemi == -1) {
        last = index + 1;
      } else if (index + 1 == indexSemi) {
        last = index + 2;
      } else {
        sb.append(unescapeXMLEntity(str.substring(index + 1, indexSemi)));
        last = indexSemi + 1;
    return sb.toString();

  private static String unescapeXMLEntity(String str) {
    if ("lt".equals(str)) return "<";
    if ("gt".equals(str)) return ">";
    if ("amp".equals(str)) return "&";
    if ("apos".equals(str)) return "'";
    if ("quot".equals(str)) return "\"";
    return "&" + str + ";";

  public static String escapeXMLString(String xmlStr) {
    char c;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    int len = xmlStr.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      c = xmlStr.charAt(i);
      if (c == '<') sb.append("&lt;");
      else if (c == '>') sb.append("&gt;");
      else if (c == '&') sb.append("&amp;");
      // else if(c=='\'')	sb.append("&amp;");
      else if (c == '"') sb.append("&quot;");
      // else if(c>127) sb.append("&#"+((int)c)+";");
      else sb.append(c);
    return sb.toString();

  /** @return returns a singelton TransformerFactory */
  public static TransformerFactory getTransformerFactory() {
    // Saxon
    // if(transformerFactory==null)transformerFactory=new com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl();
    // Xalan
    if (transformerFactory == null) transformerFactory = new TransformerFactoryImpl();
    // Trax
    // if(transformerFactory==null)transformerFactory=new
    // com.jclark.xsl.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl();
    // Trax
    // if(transformerFactory==null)transformerFactory=new jd.xml.xslt.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl();
    // Caucho
    // if(transformerFactory==null)transformerFactory=new Xsl();
    // xsltc
    // if(transformerFactory==null)transformerFactory=new
    // org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl();

    return transformerFactory;

   * parse XML/HTML String to a XML DOM representation
   * @param xml XML InputSource
   * @param isHtml is a HTML or XML Object
   * @return parsed Document
   * @throws SAXException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException
  public static final Document parse(InputSource xml, InputSource validator, boolean isHtml)
      throws SAXException, IOException {

    if (!isHtml) {
      // try to load org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl, oracle impl sucks
      DocumentBuilderFactory factory = null;
      try {
        factory = new DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl();
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

      // print.o(factory);
      if (validator == null) {
        XMLUtil.setAttributeEL(factory, XMLConstants.NON_VALIDATING_DTD_EXTERNAL, Boolean.FALSE);
        XMLUtil.setAttributeEL(factory, XMLConstants.NON_VALIDATING_DTD_GRAMMAR, Boolean.FALSE);
      } else {
        XMLUtil.setAttributeEL(factory, XMLConstants.VALIDATION_SCHEMA, Boolean.TRUE);
        XMLUtil.setAttributeEL(factory, XMLConstants.VALIDATION_SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING, Boolean.TRUE);

      factory.setValidating(validator != null);

      try {
        DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        builder.setEntityResolver(new XMLEntityResolverDefaultHandler(validator));
        builder.setErrorHandler(new ThrowingErrorHandler(true, true, false));
        return builder.parse(xml);
      } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        throw new SAXException(e);

      /*DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
      parser.setEntityResolver(new XMLEntityResolverDefaultHandler(validator));
      return parser.getDocument();*/

    XMLReader reader = new Parser();
    reader.setFeature(Parser.namespacesFeature, true);
    reader.setFeature(Parser.namespacePrefixesFeature, true);

    try {
      Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();

      DOMResult result = new DOMResult();
      transformer.transform(new SAXSource(reader, xml), result);
      return XMLUtil.getDocument(result.getNode());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SAXException(e);

  private static void setAttributeEL(DocumentBuilderFactory factory, String name, Object value) {
    try {
      factory.setAttribute(name, value);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      // SystemOut.printDate("attribute ["+name+"] is not allowed for
      // ["+factory.getClass().getName()+"]");

   * sets a node to a node (Expression Less)
   * @param node
   * @param key
   * @param value
   * @return Object set
  public static Object setPropertyEL(Node node, Collection.Key key, Object value) {
    try {
      return setProperty(node, key, value);
    } catch (PageException e) {
      return null;

  public static Object setPropertyEL(
      Node node, Collection.Key key, Object value, boolean caseSensitive) {
    try {
      return setProperty(node, key, value, caseSensitive);
    } catch (PageException e) {
      return null;

   * sets a node to a node
   * @param node
   * @param key
   * @param value
   * @return Object set
   * @throws PageException
  public static Object setProperty(Node node, Collection.Key k, Object value) throws PageException {
    return setProperty(node, k, value, isCaseSensitve(node));

  public static Object setProperty(Node node, Collection.Key k, Object value, boolean caseSensitive)
      throws PageException {
    Document doc = (node instanceof Document) ? (Document) node : node.getOwnerDocument();

    // Comment
    if (k.equals(XMLCOMMENT)) {
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.COMMENT_NODE, false);
      node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(XMLCaster.toComment(doc, value)));
    // NS URI
    else if (k.equals(XMLNSURI)) {
      // TODO impl
      throw new ExpressionException("XML NS URI can't be set", "not implemented");
    // Prefix
    else if (k.equals(XMLNSPREFIX)) {
      // TODO impl
      throw new ExpressionException("XML NS Prefix can't be set", "not implemented");
      // node.setPrefix(Caster.toString(value));
    // Root
    else if (k.equals(XMLROOT)) {
      doc.appendChild(XMLCaster.toNode(doc, value));
    // Parent
    else if (k.equals(XMLPARENT)) {
      Node parent = getParentNode(node, caseSensitive);
      Key name = KeyImpl.init(parent.getNodeName());
      parent = getParentNode(parent, caseSensitive);

      if (parent == null)
        throw new ExpressionException(
            "there is no parent element, you are already on the root element");

      return setProperty(parent, name, value, caseSensitive);
    // Name
    else if (k.equals(XMLNAME)) {
      throw new XMLException("You can't assign a new value for the property [xmlname]");
    // Type
    else if (k.equals(XMLTYPE)) {
      throw new XMLException("You can't change type of a xml node [xmltype]");
    // value
    else if (k.equals(XMLVALUE)) {
    // Attributes
    else if (k.equals(XMLATTRIBUTES)) {
      Element parent = XMLCaster.toElement(doc, node);
      Attr[] attres = XMLCaster.toAttrArray(doc, value);
      // print.ln("=>"+value);
      for (int i = 0; i < attres.length; i++) {
        if (attres[i] != null) {
          // print.ln(attres[i].getName()+"=="+attres[i].getValue());
    // Text
    else if (k.equals(XMLTEXT)) {
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.TEXT_NODE, false);
      node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(XMLCaster.toText(doc, value)));
    // CData
    else if (k.equals(XMLCDATA)) {
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, false);
      node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(XMLCaster.toCDATASection(doc, value)));
    // Children
    else if (k.equals(XMLCHILDREN)) {
      Node[] nodes = XMLCaster.toNodeArray(doc, value);
      removeChilds(XMLCaster.toRawNode(node), Node.ELEMENT_NODE, false);
      for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        if (nodes[i] == node) throw new XMLException("can't assign a XML Node to himself");
        if (nodes[i] != null) node.appendChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(nodes[i]));
    } else {
      Node child = XMLCaster.toNode(doc, value);
      if (!k.getString().equalsIgnoreCase(child.getNodeName())) {
        throw new XMLException(
            "if you assign a XML Element to a XMLStruct , assignment property must have same name like XML Node Name",
            "Property Name is "
                + k.getString()
                + " and XML Element Name is "
                + child.getNodeName());
      NodeList list = XMLUtil.getChildNodes(node, Node.ELEMENT_NODE);
      int len = list.getLength();
      Node n;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        n = list.item(i);
        if (nameEqual(n, k.getString(), caseSensitive)) {
          node.replaceChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(child), XMLCaster.toRawNode(n));
          return value;

    return value;

  public static Object getPropertyEL(Node node, Collection.Key key) {
    return getPropertyEL(node, key, isCaseSensitve(node));

   * returns a property from a XMl Node (Expression Less)
   * @param node
   * @param key
   * @param caseSensitive
   * @return Object matching key
  public static Object getPropertyEL(Node node, Collection.Key k, boolean caseSensitive) {
    try {
      return getProperty(node, k, caseSensitive);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
      return null;

  public static Object getProperty(Node node, Collection.Key key) throws SAXException {
    return getProperty(node, key, isCaseSensitve(node));

   * returns a property from a XMl Node
   * @param node
   * @param key
   * @param caseSensitive
   * @return Object matching key
   * @throws SAXException
  public static Object getProperty(Node node, Collection.Key k, boolean caseSensitive)
      throws SAXException {
    // String lcKey=StringUtil.toLowerCase(key);
    if (k.getLowerString().startsWith("xml")) {
      // Comment
      if (k.equals(XMLCOMMENT)) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
        int len = list.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          Node n = list.item(i);
          if (n instanceof Comment) {
            sb.append(((Comment) n).getData());
        return sb.toString();
      // NS URI
      if (k.equals(XMLNSURI)) {
        undefinedInRoot(k, node);
        return param(node.getNamespaceURI(), "");
      // Prefix
      if (k.equals(XMLNSPREFIX)) {
        undefinedInRoot(k, node);
        return param(node.getPrefix(), "");
      // Root
      else if (k.equals(XMLROOT)) {
        Element re = getRootElement(node, caseSensitive);
        if (re == null)
          throw new SAXException(
              "Attribute [" + k.getString() + "] not found in XML, XML is empty");
        return param(re, "");
      // Parent
      else if (k.equals(XMLPARENT)) {

        Node parent = getParentNode(node, caseSensitive);
        if (parent == null) {
          if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
            throw new SAXException(
                "Attribute ["
                    + k.getString()
                    + "] not found in XML, there is no parent element, you are already at the root element");
          throw new SAXException(
              "Attribute [" + k.getString() + "] not found in XML, there is no parent element");
        return parent;
      // Name
      else if (k.equals(XMLNAME)) {
        return node.getNodeName();
      // Value
      else if (k.equals(XMLVALUE)) {
        return StringUtil.toStringEmptyIfNull(node.getNodeValue());
      // type
      else if (k.equals(XMLTYPE)) {
        return getTypeAsString(node, true);
      // Attributes
      else if (k.equals(XMLATTRIBUTES)) {
        NamedNodeMap attr = node.getAttributes();

        if (attr == null) throw undefined(k, node);
        return new XMLAttributes(node.getOwnerDocument(), attr, caseSensitive);
      // Text
      else if (k.equals(XMLTEXT)) {
        undefinedInRoot(k, node);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
        int len = list.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          Node n = list.item(i);
          if (n instanceof Text || n instanceof CDATASection) {
            sb.append(((CharacterData) n).getData());
        return sb.toString();
      } else if (k.equals(XMLCDATA)) {
        undefinedInRoot(k, node);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
        int len = list.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          Node n = list.item(i);
          if (n instanceof Text || n instanceof CDATASection) {
            sb.append(((CharacterData) n).getData());
        return sb.toString();
      // children
      else if (k.equals(XMLCHILDREN)) {
        return new XMLNodeList(node, caseSensitive);

    if (node instanceof Document) {
      node = ((Document) node).getDocumentElement();
      if (node == null)
        throw new SAXException("Attribute [" + k.getString() + "] not found in XML, XML is empty");

      // if((!caseSensitive && node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(k.getString())) || (caseSensitive
      // && node.getNodeName().equals(k.getString()))) {
      if (nameEqual(node, k.getString(), caseSensitive)) {
        return XMLStructFactory.newInstance(node, caseSensitive);
    } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && Decision.isInteger(k)) {
      int index = Caster.toIntValue(k, 0);
      int count = 0;
      Node parent = node.getParentNode();
      String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
      Element[] children = XMLUtil.getChildElementsAsArray(parent);

      for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        if (XMLUtil.nameEqual(children[i], nodeName, caseSensitive)) count++;

        if (count == index) return XMLCaster.toXMLStruct(children[i], caseSensitive);
      String detail;
      if (count == 0) detail = "there are no Elements with this name";
      else if (count == 1) detail = "there is only 1 Element with this name";
      else detail = "there are only " + count + " Elements with this name";
      throw new SAXException(
          "invalid index ["
              + k.getString()
              + "] for Element with name ["
              + node.getNodeName()
              + "], "
              + detail);
    } else {
      List<Node> children =
          XMLUtil.getChildNodesAsList(node, Node.ELEMENT_NODE, caseSensitive, null);
      int len = children.size();
      Array array = null; // new ArrayImpl();
      Element el;
      XMLStruct sct = null, first = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        el = (Element) children.get(i); // XMLCaster.toXMLStruct(getChildNode(index),caseSensitive);
        if (XMLUtil.nameEqual(el, k.getString(), caseSensitive)) {
          sct = XMLCaster.toXMLStruct(el, caseSensitive);

          if (array != null) {
          } else if (first != null) {
            array = new ArrayImpl();
          } else {
            first = sct;

      if (array != null) {
        try {
          return new XMLMultiElementStruct(array, false);
        } catch (PageException e) {
      if (first != null) return first;
    throw new SAXException("Attribute [" + k.getString() + "] not found");

  private static SAXException undefined(Key key, Node node) {
    if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
      return new SAXException(
          "you cannot address ["
              + key
              + "] on the Document Object, to address ["
              + key
              + "]  from the root Node use [{variable-name}.xmlRoot."
              + key
              + "]");

    return new SAXException(key + " is undefined");

  private static void undefinedInRoot(Key key, Node node) throws SAXException {
    if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) throw undefined(key, node);

   * check if given name is equal to name of the element (with and without namespace)
   * @param node
   * @param k
   * @param caseSensitive
   * @return
  public static boolean nameEqual(Node node, String name, boolean caseSensitive) {
    if (name == null) return false;
    if (caseSensitive) {
      return name.equals(node.getNodeName()) || name.equals(node.getLocalName());
    return name.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getNodeName()) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getLocalName());

  public static boolean isCaseSensitve(Node node) {
    if (node instanceof XMLStruct) return ((XMLStruct) node).isCaseSensitive();
    return true;

   * removes child from a node
   * @param node
   * @param key
   * @param caseSensitive
   * @return removed property
  public static Object removeProperty(Node node, Collection.Key k, boolean caseSensitive) {

    // String lcKeyx=k.getLowerString();
    if (k.getLowerString().startsWith("xml")) {
      // Comment
      if (k.equals(XMLCOMMENT)) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
        int len = list.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          Node n = list.item(i);
          if (n instanceof Comment) {
            sb.append(((Comment) n).getData());
        return sb.toString();
      // Text
      else if (k.equals(XMLTEXT)) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
        int len = list.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          Node n = list.item(i);
          if (n instanceof Text || n instanceof CDATASection) {
            sb.append(((CharacterData) n).getData());
        return sb.toString();
      // children
      else if (k.equals(XMLCHILDREN)) {
        NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = list.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        return list;

    NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
    Array array = new ArrayImpl();
    for (int i = nodes.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Object o = nodes.item(i);
      if (o instanceof Element) {
        Element el = (Element) o;
        if (nameEqual(el, k.getString(), caseSensitive)) {
          array.appendEL(XMLCaster.toXMLStruct(el, caseSensitive));

    if (array.size() > 0) {
      try {
        return new XMLMultiElementStruct(array, false);
      } catch (PageException e) {
    return null;

  private static Object param(Object o1, Object o2) {
    if (o1 == null) return o2;
    return o1;

   * return the root Element from a node
   * @param node node to get root element from
   * @param caseSensitive
   * @return Root Element
  public static Element getRootElement(Node node, boolean caseSensitive) {
    Document doc = null;
    if (node instanceof Document) doc = (Document) node;
    else doc = node.getOwnerDocument();
    Element el = doc.getDocumentElement();
    if (el == null) return null;
    return (Element) XMLStructFactory.newInstance(el, caseSensitive);

  public static Node getParentNode(Node node, boolean caseSensitive) {
    Node parent = node.getParentNode();
    if (parent == null) return null;
    return XMLStructFactory.newInstance(parent, caseSensitive);

   * returns a new Empty XMl Document
   * @return new Document
   * @throws ParserConfigurationException
   * @throws FactoryConfigurationError
  public static Document newDocument()
      throws ParserConfigurationException, FactoryConfigurationError {
    if (docBuilder == null) {
      docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
    return docBuilder.newDocument();

   * return the Owner Document of a Node List
   * @param nodeList
   * @return XML Document
   * @throws XMLException
  public static Document getDocument(NodeList nodeList) throws XMLException {
    if (nodeList instanceof Document) return (Document) nodeList;
    int len = nodeList.getLength();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      Node node = nodeList.item(i);
      if (node != null) return node.getOwnerDocument();
    throw new XMLException("can't get Document from NodeList, in NoteList are no Nodes");

   * return the Owner Document of a Node
   * @param node
   * @return XML Document
  public static Document getDocument(Node node) {
    if (node instanceof Document) return (Document) node;
    return node.getOwnerDocument();

   * removes all comments from a node
   * @param node node to remove elements from
   * @param type Type Definition to remove (Constant value from class Node)
   * @param deep remove also in sub nodes
  private static synchronized void removeChilds(Node node, short type, boolean deep) {
    NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();

    for (int i = list.getLength(); i >= 0; i--) {
      Node n = list.item(i);
      if (n == null) continue;
      else if (n.getNodeType() == type) node.removeChild(XMLCaster.toRawNode(n));
      else if (deep) removeChilds(n, type, deep);

   * return all Children of a node by a defined type as Node List
   * @param node node to get children from
   * @param type type of returned node
   * @param filter
   * @param caseSensitive
   * @return all matching child node
  public static synchronized ArrayNodeList getChildNodes(Node node, short type) {
    return getChildNodes(node, type, false, null);

  public static synchronized int childNodesLength(
      Node node, short type, boolean caseSensitive, String filter) {
    NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
    int len = nodes.getLength();
    Node n;
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      try {
        n = nodes.item(i);
        if (n != null && n.getNodeType() == type) {
          if (filter == null
              || (caseSensitive
                  ? filter.equals(n.getLocalName())
                  : filter.equalsIgnoreCase(n.getLocalName()))) count++;
      } catch (Throwable t) {
    return count;

  public static synchronized ArrayNodeList getChildNodes(
      Node node, short type, boolean caseSensitive, String filter) {
    ArrayNodeList rtn = new ArrayNodeList();
    NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
    int len = nodes.getLength();
    Node n;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      try {
        n = nodes.item(i);
        if (n != null && n.getNodeType() == type) {
          if (filter == null
              || (caseSensitive
                  ? filter.equals(n.getLocalName())
                  : filter.equalsIgnoreCase(n.getLocalName()))) rtn.add(n);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
    return rtn;

  public static synchronized List<Node> getChildNodesAsList(
      Node node, short type, boolean caseSensitive, String filter) {
    List<Node> rtn = new ArrayList<Node>();
    NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
    int len = nodes.getLength();
    Node n;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      try {
        n = nodes.item(i);
        if (n != null && n.getNodeType() == type) {
          if (filter == null
              || (caseSensitive
                  ? filter.equals(n.getLocalName())
                  : filter.equalsIgnoreCase(n.getLocalName()))) rtn.add(n);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
    return rtn;

  public static synchronized Node getChildNode(
      Node node, short type, boolean caseSensitive, String filter, int index) {
    NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
    int len = nodes.getLength();
    Node n;
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      try {
        n = nodes.item(i);
        if (n != null && n.getNodeType() == type) {
          if (filter == null
              || (caseSensitive
                  ? filter.equals(n.getLocalName())
                  : filter.equalsIgnoreCase(n.getLocalName()))) {
            if (count == index) return n;
      } catch (Throwable t) {
    return null;

   * return all Children of a node by a defined type as Node Array
   * @param node node to get children from
   * @param type type of returned node
   * @param filter
   * @param caseSensitive
   * @return all matching child node
  public static Node[] getChildNodesAsArray(Node node, short type) {
    ArrayNodeList nodeList = (ArrayNodeList) getChildNodes(node, type);
    return (Node[]) nodeList.toArray(new Node[nodeList.getLength()]);

  public static Node[] getChildNodesAsArray(
      Node node, short type, boolean caseSensitive, String filter) {
    ArrayNodeList nodeList = (ArrayNodeList) getChildNodes(node, type, caseSensitive, filter);
    return (Node[]) nodeList.toArray(new Node[nodeList.getLength()]);

   * return all Element Children of a node
   * @param node node to get children from
   * @return all matching child node
  public static Element[] getChildElementsAsArray(Node node) {
    ArrayNodeList nodeList = (ArrayNodeList) getChildNodes(node, Node.ELEMENT_NODE);
    return (Element[]) nodeList.toArray(new Element[nodeList.getLength()]);

   * transform a XML Object to a other format, with help of a XSL Stylesheet
   * @param strXML XML String
   * @param strXSL XSL String
   * @return transformed Object
   * @throws TransformerException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws SAXException
   * @throws
  public static String transform(InputSource xml, InputSource xsl)
      throws TransformerException, SAXException, IOException {
    // toInputSource(pc, xml)
    return transform(parse(xml, null, false), xsl);

   * transform a XML Object to a other format, with help of a XSL Stylesheet
   * @param doc XML Document Object
   * @param strXSL XSL String
   * @return transformed Object
   * @throws TransformerException
  public static String transform(Document doc, InputSource xsl) throws TransformerException {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    Transformer transformer =
        XMLUtil.getTransformerFactory().newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsl.getCharacterStream()));
    transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(sw));
    return sw.toString();

   * returns the Node Type As String
   * @param node
   * @param cftype
   * @return
  public static String getTypeAsString(Node node, boolean cftype) {
    String suffix = cftype ? "" : "_NODE";

    switch (node.getNodeType()) {
      case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
        return "ATTRIBUTE" + suffix;
      case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
        return "CDATA_SECTION" + suffix;
      case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
        return "COMMENT" + suffix;
        return "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT" + suffix;
      case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
        return "DOCUMENT" + suffix;
      case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
        return "DOCUMENT_TYPE" + suffix;
      case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
        return "ELEMENT" + suffix;
      case Node.ENTITY_NODE:
        return "ENTITY" + suffix;
        return "ENTITY_REFERENCE" + suffix;
      case Node.NOTATION_NODE:
        return "NOTATION" + suffix;
        return "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION" + suffix;
      case Node.TEXT_NODE:
        return "TEXT" + suffix;
        return "UNKNOW" + suffix;

  public static synchronized Element getChildWithName(String name, Element el) {
    Element[] children = XMLUtil.getChildElementsAsArray(el);
    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
      if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(children[i].getNodeName())) return children[i];
    return null;

  public static InputSource toInputSource(Resource res) throws IOException {
    String str = IOUtil.toString((res), null);
    return new InputSource(new StringReader(str));

  public static InputSource toInputSource(PageContext pc, Object value)
      throws IOException, ExpressionException {
    if (value instanceof InputSource) {
      return (InputSource) value;
    if (value instanceof String) {
      return toInputSource(pc, (String) value);
    if (value instanceof StringBuffer) {
      return toInputSource(pc, value.toString());
    if (value instanceof Resource) {
      String str = IOUtil.toString(((Resource) value), null);
      return new InputSource(new StringReader(str));
    if (value instanceof File) {
      String str = IOUtil.toString(ResourceUtil.toResource(((File) value)), null);
      return new InputSource(new StringReader(str));
    if (value instanceof InputStream) {
      InputStream is = (InputStream) value;
      try {
        String str = IOUtil.toString(is, null);
        return new InputSource(new StringReader(str));
      } finally {
    if (value instanceof Reader) {
      Reader reader = (Reader) value;
      try {
        String str = IOUtil.toString(reader);
        return new InputSource(new StringReader(str));
      } finally {
    if (value instanceof byte[]) {
      return new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) value));
    throw new ExpressionException(
        "cat cast object of type [" + Caster.toClassName(value) + "] to a Input for xml parser");

  public static InputSource toInputSource(PageContext pc, String xml)
      throws IOException, ExpressionException {
    return toInputSource(pc, xml, true);

  public static InputSource toInputSource(PageContext pc, String xml, boolean canBePath)
      throws IOException, ExpressionException {
    // xml text
    xml = xml.trim();
    if (!canBePath || xml.startsWith("<")) {
      return new InputSource(new StringReader(xml));
    // xml link
    pc = ThreadLocalPageContext.get(pc);
    Resource res = ResourceUtil.toResourceExisting(pc, xml);
    return toInputSource(pc, res);

  public static Struct validate(InputSource xml, InputSource schema, String strSchema)
      throws XMLException {
    return new XMLValidator(schema, strSchema).validate(xml);

   * adds a child at the first place
   * @param parent
   * @param child
  public static void prependChild(Element parent, Element child) {
    Node first = parent.getFirstChild();
    if (first == null) parent.appendChild(child);
    else {
      parent.insertBefore(child, first);

  public static void setFirst(Node parent, Node node) {
    Node first = parent.getFirstChild();
    if (first != null) parent.insertBefore(node, first);
    else parent.appendChild(node);