  protected Dashboard getDashboardFromCache(DashboardCacheKey key) {
    Dashboard dashboard;

    RepositoryAccess repository = RepositoryAccess.getRepository();

    try {
      Cache cache = getCache();
      Element cacheElement = cache.get(key);
      if (cacheElement == null) {
        return null;
      } else {
        dashboard = (Dashboard) cacheElement.getValue();
      logger.info("Got dashboard from cache");
      ISolutionFile dash =
          repository.getSolutionFile(key.getCdfde(), FileAccess.READ); // was NO_PERM=0;
      if (dash == null) {
        logger.error(key.getCdfde() + " not found.");
        return null;

      ISolutionFile templ;
      if (key.getTemplate() == null) {
        templ = null;
      } else {
        templ = repository.getSolutionFile(key.getTemplate(), FileAccess.READ);

      /* Cache is invalidated if the dashboard or template have changed since
       * the cache was loaded, or at midnight every day, because of dynamic
       * generation of date parameters.
      Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
      cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 00);
      cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 00);
      cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 1);
          cacheInvalid =
              dash.getLastModified() > dashboard.getLoaded().getTime()
                  || (templ != null && templ.getLastModified() > dashboard.getLoaded().getTime()),
          cacheExpired = cal.getTime().after(dashboard.getLoaded());

      if (cacheExpired) {
        logger.info("Dashboard expired, re-rendering");
        return null;
      } else if (cacheInvalid) {
        logger.info("Dashboard cache invalidated, re-rendering");
        return null;
      } else {
        return dashboard;
    } catch (CacheException ce) {
      logger.info("Dashboard cache invalidated, re-rendering");
      return null;
  public Dashboard loadDashboard(
      String wcdfPath,
      boolean debug,
      boolean absolute,
      String scheme,
      String absRoot,
      boolean bypassCache,
      String alias)
      throws FileNotFoundException {

    String dashboardPath = getDashboardPath(wcdfPath);
    IPentahoSession userSession = PentahoSessionHolder.getSession();
    XmlStructure structure = new XmlStructure(userSession);
    Dashboard dashboard = null;
    WcdfDescriptor wcdf = null;
    DashboardCacheKey key;
     * First we must figure out what dashboard we should
     * be handling. We do this by loading up its wcdf
     * descriptor.
    try {
      if (!wcdfPath.isEmpty() && wcdfPath.endsWith(".wcdf")) {
        wcdf = structure.loadWcdfDescriptor(wcdfPath);
      } else {
        /* We didn't receive a valid path. We're in preview mode.
         * TODO: Support mobile preview mode (must remove dependency on setStyle())
        wcdf = new WcdfDescriptor();
        if (wcdfPath != null && wcdfPath.endsWith(".cdfde")) {
        bypassCache = true; // no cache for preview
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      return null;

    /* Next, if we're using the cache, we try to find
     * the dashboard in there.
    key =
        new DashboardCacheKey(
            dashboardPath, CdfStyles.getInstance().getResourceLocation(wcdf.getStyle()), debug);
    key.setRoot(scheme, absRoot);
    if (!bypassCache) {
      dashboard = getDashboardFromCache(key);

    /* If it's not there, or we're bypassing the cache,
     * we load it up, and cache the newly loaded dashboard.
    if (dashboard == null) {
      Cache cache = getCache();
      try {
        switch (Renderers.valueOf(wcdf.getRendererType().toUpperCase())) {
          case MOBILE:
            dashboard = new MobileDashboard(wcdf, absolute, absRoot, debug, scheme);

            /* Until we consider it safe to assume that all dashboards have
             * their renderer type correctly identified, we'll have to default
             * to assuming they're blueprint-style dashboards.
          case BLUEPRINT:
            if (wcdf.isWidget()) {
              dashboard = new BlueprintWidget(wcdf, absolute, absRoot, debug, scheme, alias);
            } else {
              dashboard = new BlueprintDashboard(wcdf, absolute, absRoot, debug, scheme);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        logger.error("Bad renderer type: " + wcdf.getRendererType());
        return null;
      cache.put(new Element(key, dashboard));
    return dashboard;