  /** Constructor. */
  public PTAModelChecker(Prism prism, ModulesFile modulesFile, PropertiesFile propertiesFile)
      throws PrismException {
    this.prism = prism;
    mainLog = prism.getMainLog();
    this.modulesFile = modulesFile;
    this.propertiesFile = propertiesFile;

    // Get combined constant values from model/properties
    constantValues = new Values();
    if (propertiesFile != null) constantValues.addValues(propertiesFile.getConstantValues());

    // Build a combined label list and expand any constants
    // (note labels in model are ignored (removed) during PTA translation so need to store here)
    labelList = new LabelList();
    for (int i = 0; i < modulesFile.getLabelList().size(); i++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < propertiesFile.getLabelList().size(); i++) {
    labelList = (LabelList) labelList.replaceConstants(constantValues);

    // Build mapping from all (original model) variables to non-clocks only
    int numVars = modulesFile.getNumVars();
    nonClockVarMap = new int[numVars];
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
      if (modulesFile.getVarType(i) instanceof TypeClock) {
        nonClockVarMap[i] = -1;
      } else {
        nonClockVarMap[i] = count++;
  /** Model check a property. */
  public Result check(Expression expr) throws PrismException {
    Modules2PTA m2pta;
    Result res;
    String resultString;
    long timer;

    // Starting model checking
    timer = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Check for system...endsystem - not supported yet
    if (modulesFile.getSystemDefn() != null) {
      throw new PrismException(
          "The system...endsystem construct is not supported yet (try the digital clocks engine instead)");

    // Translate ModulesFile object into a PTA object
    mainLog.println("\nBuilding PTA...");
    m2pta = new Modules2PTA(prism, modulesFile);
    pta = m2pta.translate();
    mainLog.println("\nPTA: " + pta.infoString());

    // Check for references to clocks - not allowed (yet)
    // (do this before modifications below for better error reporting)
        new ASTTraverseModify() {
          public Object visit(ExpressionVar e) throws PrismLangException {
            if (e.getType() instanceof TypeClock) {
              throw new PrismLangException(
                  "Properties cannot contain references to clocks (try the digital clocks engine instead)",
            } else {
              return e;

    // Take a copy of property, since will modify
    expr = expr.deepCopy();
    // Remove property refs ands labels from property
    expr = (Expression) expr.expandPropRefsAndLabels(propertiesFile, labelList);
    // Evaluate constants in property (easier to do now)
    expr = (Expression) expr.replaceConstants(constantValues);
    // Also simplify expression to optimise model checking
    expr = (Expression) expr.simplify();

    // Do model checking
    res = checkExpression(expr);

    // Model checking complete
    timer = System.currentTimeMillis() - timer;
    mainLog.println("\nModel checking completed in " + (timer / 1000.0) + " secs.");

    // Print result to log
    resultString = "Result";
    if (!("Result".equals(expr.getResultName())))
      resultString += " (" + expr.getResultName().toLowerCase() + ")";
    resultString += ": " + res;
    mainLog.print("\n" + resultString + "\n");

    // Return result
    return res;