  public static void addToOrder(String name, Flags after) {
    List<String> order = FlagComparator.order;
    boolean added = false;

    if (after == null) {
    } else if (after.flags.isEmpty()) {
      order.add(0, name);
    } else {
      for (ListIterator<String> i = order.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        String s = i.next();
        after = after.clear(new Flags(s));
        if (after.flags.isEmpty()) {
          added = true;

      if (!added) {
        // shouldn't happen
  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has more restrictive access flags than <code>f</code>. */
  public boolean moreRestrictiveThan(Flags f) {
    if (isPrivate() && (f.isProtected() || f.isPackage() || f.isPublic())) {
      return true;

    if (isPackage() && (f.isProtected() || f.isPublic())) {
      return true;

    if (isProtected() && f.isPublic()) {
      return true;

    return false;
 * <code>Flags</code> is an immutable set of class, method, or field modifiers. We represent package
 * scope as the absence of private, public and protected scope modifiers.
public class Flags implements Serializable {
  protected Set<String> flags;

  protected static class FlagComparator implements Comparator<String> {
    protected static List<String> order =
        new ArrayList<String>(

    public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
      if (o1.equals(o2)) return 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) {
        if (o1.equals(order.get(i))) return -1;
        if (o2.equals(order.get(i))) return 1;

      return o1.compareTo(o2);

  public static final Flags NONE = new Flags();
  public static final Flags PUBLIC = createFlag("public", null);
  public static final Flags PRIVATE = createFlag("private", null);
  public static final Flags PROTECTED = createFlag("protected", null);
  public static final Flags STATIC = createFlag("static", null);
  public static final Flags FINAL = createFlag("final", null);
  public static final Flags SYNCHRONIZED = createFlag("synchronized", null);
  public static final Flags TRANSIENT = createFlag("transient", null);
  public static final Flags NATIVE = createFlag("native", null);
  public static final Flags INTERFACE = createFlag("interface", null);
  public static final Flags ABSTRACT = createFlag("abstract", null);
  public static final Flags VOLATILE = createFlag("volatile", null);
  public static final Flags STRICTFP = createFlag("strictfp", null);

  /** All access flags. */
  protected static final Flags ACCESS_FLAGS = PUBLIC.set(PRIVATE).set(PROTECTED);

   * Return a new Flags object with a new name. Should be called only once per name.
   * @param name the name of the new flag
   * @param after the flags after which this flag should be printed; Flags.NONE to print before all
   *     other flags, null if we should print at the end.
  public static Flags createFlag(String name, Flags after) {
    addToOrder(name, after);

    return new Flags(name);

  public static void addToOrder(String name, Flags after) {
    List<String> order = FlagComparator.order;
    boolean added = false;

    if (after == null) {
    } else if (after.flags.isEmpty()) {
      order.add(0, name);
    } else {
      for (ListIterator<String> i = order.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        String s = i.next();
        after = after.clear(new Flags(s));
        if (after.flags.isEmpty()) {
          added = true;

      if (!added) {
        // shouldn't happen

  /** Effects: returns a new accessflags object with no accessflags set. */
  protected Flags() {
    this.flags = new TreeSet<String>();

  protected Flags(String name) {

  public Set<String> flags() {
    return this.flags;

  /** Create new flags with the flags in <code>other</code> also set. */
  public Flags set(Flags other) {
    Flags f = new Flags();
    return f;

  /** Create new flags with the flags in <code>other</code> cleared. */
  public Flags clear(Flags other) {
    Flags f = new Flags();
    return f;

  /** Create new flags with only flags in <code>other</code> set. */
  public Flags retain(Flags other) {
    Flags f = new Flags();
    return f;

  /** Check if <i>any</i> flags in <code>other</code> are set. */
  public boolean intersects(Flags other) {
    for (String name : this.flags) {
      if (other.flags.contains(name)) {
        return true;
    return false;

  /** Check if <i>all</i> flags in <code>other</code> are set. */
  public boolean contains(Flags other) {
    return this.flags.containsAll(other.flags);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>public</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Public() {
    return set(PUBLIC);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>public</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearPublic() {
    return clear(PUBLIC);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>public</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isPublic() {
    return contains(PUBLIC);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>private</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Private() {
    return set(PRIVATE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>private</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearPrivate() {
    return clear(PRIVATE);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>private</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isPrivate() {
    return contains(PRIVATE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>protected</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Protected() {
    return set(PROTECTED);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>protected</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearProtected() {
    return clear(PROTECTED);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>protected</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isProtected() {
    return contains(PROTECTED);

   * Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with no access flags (<code>public</code>, <code>
   * private</code>, <code>protected</code>) set.
  public Flags Package() {
    return clear(ACCESS_FLAGS);

   * Return true if <code>this</code> has the no access flags (<code>public</code>, <code>private
   * </code>, <code>protected</code>) set.
  public boolean isPackage() {
    return !intersects(ACCESS_FLAGS);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>static</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Static() {
    return set(STATIC);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>static</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearStatic() {
    return clear(STATIC);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>static</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isStatic() {
    return contains(STATIC);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>final</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Final() {
    return set(FINAL);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>final</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearFinal() {
    return clear(FINAL);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>final</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isFinal() {
    return contains(FINAL);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>synchronized</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Synchronized() {
    return set(SYNCHRONIZED);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>synchronized</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearSynchronized() {
    return clear(SYNCHRONIZED);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>synchronized</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isSynchronized() {
    return contains(SYNCHRONIZED);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>transient</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Transient() {
    return set(TRANSIENT);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>transient</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearTransient() {
    return clear(TRANSIENT);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>transient</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isTransient() {
    return contains(TRANSIENT);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>native</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Native() {
    return set(NATIVE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>native</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearNative() {
    return clear(NATIVE);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>native</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isNative() {
    return contains(NATIVE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>interface</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Interface() {
    return set(INTERFACE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>interface</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearInterface() {
    return clear(INTERFACE);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>interface</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isInterface() {
    return contains(INTERFACE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>abstract</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Abstract() {
    return set(ABSTRACT);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>abstract</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearAbstract() {
    return clear(ABSTRACT);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>abstract</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isAbstract() {
    return contains(ABSTRACT);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>volatile</code> flag set. */
  public Flags Volatile() {
    return set(VOLATILE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>volatile</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearVolatile() {
    return clear(VOLATILE);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>volatile</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isVolatile() {
    return contains(VOLATILE);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>strictfp</code> flag set. */
  public Flags StrictFP() {
    return set(STRICTFP);

  /** Return a copy of this <code>this</code> with the <code>strictfp</code> flag clear. */
  public Flags clearStrictFP() {
    return clear(STRICTFP);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has the <code>strictfp</code> flag set. */
  public boolean isStrictFP() {
    return contains(STRICTFP);

  /** Return true if <code>this</code> has more restrictive access flags than <code>f</code>. */
  public boolean moreRestrictiveThan(Flags f) {
    if (isPrivate() && (f.isProtected() || f.isPackage() || f.isPublic())) {
      return true;

    if (isPackage() && (f.isProtected() || f.isPublic())) {
      return true;

    if (isProtected() && f.isPublic()) {
      return true;

    return false;

  public String toString() {
    return translate().trim();

  /** Return "" if no flags set, or toString() + " " if some flags are set. */
  public String translate() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    for (String s : this.flags) {
      sb.append(" ");

    return sb.toString();

  public int hashCode() {
    return flags.hashCode();

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    return o instanceof Flags && flags.equals(((Flags) o).flags);