/** Helper functions to run tests. */
public class Helpers implements play.mvc.Http.Status, play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames {

  public static String GET = "GET";
  public static String POST = "POST";
  public static String PUT = "PUT";
  public static String DELETE = "DELETE";
  public static String HEAD = "HEAD";

  // --

  public static Class<? extends WebDriver> HTMLUNIT = HtmlUnitDriver.class;
  public static Class<? extends WebDriver> FIREFOX = FirefoxDriver.class;

  // --
  @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
  private static Result invokeHandler(
      play.api.mvc.Handler handler, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
    if (handler instanceof play.core.j.JavaAction) {
      play.api.mvc.Action action = (play.api.mvc.Action) handler;
      return wrapScalaResult(action.apply(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest()), timeout);
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("This is not a JavaAction and can't be invoked this way.");

   * Default Timeout (milliseconds) for fake requests issued by these Helpers. This value is
   * determined from System property <b>test.timeout</b>. The default value is <b>30000</b> (30
   * seconds).
  public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = Long.getLong("test.timeout", 30000L);

  private static Result wrapScalaResult(
      scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result> result, long timeout) {
    if (result == null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      final play.api.mvc.Result scalaResult = Promise.wrap(result).get(timeout);
      return new Result() {
        public play.api.mvc.Result toScala() {
          return scalaResult;

  // --

  /** Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors. */
  public static Result callAction(HandlerRef actionReference) {
    return callAction(actionReference, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result callAction(HandlerRef actionReference, long timeout) {
    return callAction(actionReference, fakeRequest(), timeout);

  /** Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors. */
  public static Result callAction(HandlerRef actionReference, FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
    return callAction(actionReference, fakeRequest, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result callAction(
      HandlerRef actionReference, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
    play.api.mvc.HandlerRef handlerRef = (play.api.mvc.HandlerRef) actionReference;
    return invokeHandler(handlerRef.handler(), fakeRequest, timeout);

  /** Build a new GET / fake request. */
  public static FakeRequest fakeRequest() {
    return new FakeRequest();

  /** Build a new fake request. */
  public static FakeRequest fakeRequest(String method, String uri) {
    return new FakeRequest(method, uri);

  /** Build a new fake request corresponding to a given route call */
  public static FakeRequest fakeRequest(Call call) {
    return fakeRequest(call.method(), call.url());

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication() {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),
        new HashMap<String, Object>(),
        new ArrayList<String>(),

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(GlobalSettings global) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),
        new HashMap<String, Object>(),
        new ArrayList<String>(),

  /** A fake Global */
  public static GlobalSettings fakeGlobal() {
    return new GlobalSettings();

  /** Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication. */
  public static Map<String, String> inMemoryDatabase() {
    return inMemoryDatabase("default");

  /** Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication. */
  public static Map<String, String> inMemoryDatabase(String name) {
    return inMemoryDatabase(name, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());

  /** Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication. */
  public static Map<String, String> inMemoryDatabase(String name, Map<String, String> options) {
    return Scala.asJava(play.api.test.Helpers.inMemoryDatabase(name, Scala.asScala(options)));

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),
        new ArrayList<String>(),

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, GlobalSettings global) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),
        new ArrayList<String>(),

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, List<String> additionalPlugin) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration,
      List<String> additionalPlugin,
      GlobalSettings global) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration,
      List<String> additionalPlugins,
      List<String> withoutPlugins) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration,
      List<String> additionalPlugins,
      List<String> withoutPlugins,
      GlobalSettings global) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),

  /** Extracts the Status code of this Result value. */
  public static int status(Result result) {
    return result.toScala().header().status();

  /** Extracts the Location header of this Result value if this Result is a Redirect. */
  public static String redirectLocation(Result result) {
    return header(LOCATION, result);

  /** Extracts the Flash values of this Result value. */
  public static Flash flash(Result result) {
    return JavaResultExtractor.getFlash(result);

  /** Extracts the Session of this Result value. */
  public static Session session(Result result) {
    return JavaResultExtractor.getSession(result);

  /** Extracts a Cookie value from this Result value */
  public static Cookie cookie(String name, Result result) {
    return JavaResultExtractor.getCookies(result).get(name);

  /** Extracts the Cookies (an iterator) from this result value. */
  public static Cookies cookies(Result result) {
    return play.core.j.JavaResultExtractor.getCookies(result);

  /** Extracts an Header value of this Result value. */
  public static String header(String header, Result result) {
    return JavaResultExtractor.getHeaders(result).get(header);

  /** Extracts all Headers of this Result value. */
  public static Map<String, String> headers(Result result) {
    return JavaResultExtractor.getHeaders(result);

  /** Extracts the Content-Type of this Content value. */
  public static String contentType(Content content) {
    return content.contentType();

  /** Extracts the Content-Type of this Result value. */
  public static String contentType(Result result) {
    String h = header(CONTENT_TYPE, result);
    if (h == null) return null;
    if (h.contains(";")) {
      return h.substring(0, h.indexOf(";")).trim();
    } else {
      return h.trim();

  /** Extracts the Charset of this Result value. */
  public static String charset(Result result) {
    String h = header(CONTENT_TYPE, result);
    if (h == null) return null;
    if (h.contains("; charset=")) {
      return h.substring(h.indexOf("; charset=") + 10, h.length()).trim();
    } else {
      return null;

  /** Extracts the content as bytes. */
  public static byte[] contentAsBytes(Result result) {
    return contentAsBytes(result, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static byte[] contentAsBytes(Result result, long timeout) {
    return JavaResultExtractor.getBody(result, timeout);

  /** Extracts the content as bytes. */
  public static byte[] contentAsBytes(Content content) {
    return content.body().getBytes();

  /** Extracts the content as String. */
  public static String contentAsString(Content content) {
    return content.body();

  /** Extracts the content as String. */
  public static String contentAsString(Result result) {
    return contentAsString(result, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static String contentAsString(Result result, long timeout) {
    try {
      String charset = charset(result);
      if (charset == null) {
        charset = "utf-8";
      return new String(contentAsBytes(result, timeout), charset);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
  public static Result routeAndCall(FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
    try {
      return routeAndCall(
          (Class<? extends Routes>) FakeRequest.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("Routes"),
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  public static Result routeAndCall(
      Class<? extends Routes> router, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
    try {
      Routes routes =
                  .loadClass(router.getName() + "$")
      if (routes.routes().isDefinedAt(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest())) {
        return invokeHandler(
            routes.routes().apply(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest()), fakeRequest, timeout);
      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
    return route(fakeRequest, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
    return route(play.Play.application(), fakeRequest, timeout);

  public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
    return route(app, fakeRequest, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
    final scala.Option<scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result>> opt =
        play.api.test.Helpers.jRoute(app.getWrappedApplication(), fakeRequest.fake);
    return wrapScalaResult(Scala.orNull(opt), timeout);

  public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body) {
    return route(app, fakeRequest, body, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body, long timeout) {
    return wrapScalaResult(
                app.getWrappedApplication(), fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest(), body)),

  public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body) {
    return route(fakeRequest, body, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body, long timeout) {
    return route(play.Play.application(), fakeRequest, body, timeout);

  /** Starts a new application. */
  public static void start(FakeApplication fakeApplication) {


  /** Stops an application. */
  public static void stop(FakeApplication fakeApplication) {

  /** Executes a block of code in a running application. */
  public static void running(FakeApplication fakeApplication, final Runnable block) {
    synchronized (PlayRunners$.MODULE$.mutex()) {
      try {
      } finally {

   * Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port"
   * (defaults to 19001).
  public static TestServer testServer() {
    return testServer(play.api.test.Helpers.testServerPort());

   * Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port"
   * (defaults to 19001) and using the given FakeApplication.
  public static TestServer testServer(FakeApplication app) {
    return testServer(play.api.test.Helpers.testServerPort(), app);

  /** Creates a new Test server. */
  public static TestServer testServer(int port) {
    return new TestServer(port, fakeApplication());

  /** Creates a new Test server. */
  public static TestServer testServer(int port, FakeApplication app) {
    return new TestServer(port, app);

  /** Starts a Test server. */
  public static void start(TestServer server) {

  /** Stops a Test server. */
  public static void stop(TestServer server) {

  /** Executes a block of code in a running server. */
  public static void running(TestServer server, final Runnable block) {
    synchronized (PlayRunners$.MODULE$.mutex()) {
      try {
      } finally {

  /** Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser. */
  public static void running(
      TestServer server, Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver, final Callback<TestBrowser> block) {
    running(server, play.api.test.WebDriverFactory.apply(webDriver), block);

  /** Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser. */
  public static void running(
      TestServer server, WebDriver webDriver, final Callback<TestBrowser> block) {
    synchronized (PlayRunners$.MODULE$.mutex()) {
      TestBrowser browser = null;
      TestServer startedServer = null;
      try {
        startedServer = server;
        browser = testBrowser(webDriver);
      } catch (Error e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        throw re;
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new RuntimeException(t);
      } finally {
        if (browser != null) {
        if (startedServer != null) {

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser() {
    return testBrowser(HTMLUNIT);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(int port) {
    return testBrowser(HTMLUNIT, port);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver) {
    return testBrowser(webDriver, Helpers$.MODULE$.testServerPort());

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver, int port) {
    try {
      return new TestBrowser(webDriver, "http://localhost:" + port);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(WebDriver of, int port) {
    return new TestBrowser(of, "http://localhost:" + port);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(WebDriver of) {
    return testBrowser(of, Helpers$.MODULE$.testServerPort());
/** Helper functions to run tests. */
public class Helpers implements play.mvc.Http.Status, play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames {

  public static String GET = "GET";
  public static String POST = "POST";
  public static String PUT = "PUT";
  public static String DELETE = "DELETE";
  public static String HEAD = "HEAD";

  // --

  public static Class<? extends WebDriver> HTMLUNIT = HtmlUnitDriver.class;
  public static Class<? extends WebDriver> FIREFOX = FirefoxDriver.class;

  // --
  @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
  private static Result invokeHandler(
      play.api.mvc.Handler handler, Request requestBuilder, long timeout) {
    if (handler instanceof play.api.mvc.Action) {
      play.api.mvc.Action action = (play.api.mvc.Action) handler;
      return wrapScalaResult(action.apply(requestBuilder._underlyingRequest()), timeout);
    } else if (handler instanceof JavaHandler) {
      return invokeHandler(
          ((JavaHandler) handler)
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("This is not a JavaAction and can't be invoked this way.");

   * Default Timeout (milliseconds) for fake requests issued by these Helpers. This value is
   * determined from System property <b>test.timeout</b>. The default value is <b>30000</b> (30
   * seconds).
  public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = Long.getLong("test.timeout", 30000L);

  private static Result wrapScalaResult(
      scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result> result, long timeout) {
    if (result == null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      final play.api.mvc.Result scalaResult = Promise.wrap(result).get(timeout);
      return scalaResult.asJava();

  // --

  /** Calls a Callable which invokes a Controller or some other method with a Context */
  public static <V> V invokeWithContext(RequestBuilder requestBuilder, Callable<V> callable) {
    try {
      Context.current.set(new Context(requestBuilder));
      return callable.call();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {

  /** Build a new GET / fake request. */
  public static RequestBuilder fakeRequest() {
    return fakeRequest("GET", "/");

  /** Build a new fake request. */
  public static RequestBuilder fakeRequest(String method, String uri) {
    return new RequestBuilder().method(method).uri(uri);

  /** Build a new fake request corresponding to a given route call */
  public static RequestBuilder fakeRequest(Call call) {
    return fakeRequest(call.method(), call.url());

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication() {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), new HashMap<String, Object>(), null);

   * Build a new fake application.
   * @deprecated Use dependency injection (since 2.5.0)
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(GlobalSettings global) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."),
        new HashMap<String, Object>(),

   * A fake Global.
   * @deprecated Use dependency injection (since 2.5.0)
  public static GlobalSettings fakeGlobal() {
    return new GlobalSettings();

  /** Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication. */
  public static Map<String, String> inMemoryDatabase() {
    return inMemoryDatabase("default");

  /** Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication. */
  public static Map<String, String> inMemoryDatabase(String name) {
    return inMemoryDatabase(name, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());

  /** Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication. */
  public static Map<String, String> inMemoryDatabase(String name, Map<String, String> options) {
    return Scala.asJava(play.api.test.Helpers.inMemoryDatabase(name, Scala.asScala(options)));

  /** Build a new fake application. */
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration);

   * Build a new fake application.
   * @deprecated Use the version without GlobalSettings (since 2.5.0)
  public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(
      Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, GlobalSettings global) {
    return new FakeApplication(
        new java.io.File("."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration, global);

   * Extracts the content as a {@link akka.util.ByteString}.
   * <p>This method is only capable of extracting the content of results with strict entities. To
   * extract the content of results with streamed entities, use {@link #contentAsBytes(Result,
   * Materializer)}.
   * @param result The result to extract the content from.
   * @return The content of the result as a ByteString.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the result does not have a strict entity.
  public static ByteString contentAsBytes(Result result) {
    if (result.body() instanceof HttpEntity.Strict) {
      return ((HttpEntity.Strict) result.body()).data();
    } else {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "Tried to extract body from a non strict HTTP entity without a materializer, use the version of this method that accepts a materializer instead");

   * Extracts the content as a {@link akka.util.ByteString}.
   * @param result The result to extract the content from.
   * @param mat The materialiser to use to extract the body from the result stream.
   * @return The content of the result as a ByteString.
  public static ByteString contentAsBytes(Result result, Materializer mat) {
    return contentAsBytes(result, mat, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

   * Extracts the content as a {@link akka.util.ByteString}.
   * @param result The result to extract the content from.
   * @param mat The materialiser to use to extract the body from the result stream.
   * @param timeout The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the body to be produced.
   * @return The content of the result as a ByteString.
  public static ByteString contentAsBytes(Result result, Materializer mat, long timeout) {
    try {
      return result
          .get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

  /** Extracts the content as bytes. */
  public static ByteString contentAsBytes(Content content) {
    return ByteString.fromString(content.body());

  /** Extracts the content as a String. */
  public static String contentAsString(Content content) {
    return content.body();

   * Extracts the content as a String.
   * <p>This method is only capable of extracting the content of results with strict entities. To
   * extract the content of results with streamed entities, use {@link #contentAsString(Result,
   * Materializer)}.
   * @param result The result to extract the content from.
   * @return The content of the result as a String.
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the result does not have a strict entity.
  public static String contentAsString(Result result) {
    return contentAsBytes(result).decodeString(result.charset().orElse("utf-8"));

   * Extracts the content as a String.
   * @param result The result to extract the content from.
   * @param mat The materialiser to use to extract the body from the result stream.
   * @return The content of the result as a String.
  public static String contentAsString(Result result, Materializer mat) {
    return contentAsBytes(result, mat, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

   * Extracts the content as a String.
   * @param result The result to extract the content from.
   * @param mat The materialiser to use to extract the body from the result stream.
   * @param timeout The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the body to be produced.
   * @return The content of the result as a String.
  public static String contentAsString(Result result, Materializer mat, long timeout) {
    return contentAsBytes(result, mat, timeout).decodeString(result.charset().orElse("utf-8"));

  @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
  public static Result routeAndCall(RequestBuilder requestBuilder, long timeout) {
    try {
      return routeAndCall(
          (Class<? extends Router>) RequestBuilder.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("Routes"),
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  public static Result routeAndCall(
      Class<? extends Router> router, RequestBuilder requestBuilder, long timeout) {
    try {
      Request request = requestBuilder.build();
      Router routes =
                  .loadClass(router.getName() + "$")
      if (routes.routes().isDefinedAt(request._underlyingRequest())) {
        return invokeHandler(routes.routes().apply(request._underlyingRequest()), request, timeout);
      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  public static Result routeAndCall(Router router, RequestBuilder requestBuilder) {
    return routeAndCall(router, requestBuilder, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result routeAndCall(Router router, RequestBuilder requestBuilder, long timeout) {
    try {
      Request request = requestBuilder.build();
      if (router.routes().isDefinedAt(request._underlyingRequest())) {
        return invokeHandler(router.routes().apply(request._underlyingRequest()), request, timeout);
      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  public static Result route(Call call) {
    return route(fakeRequest(call));

  public static Result route(Call call, long timeout) {
    return route(fakeRequest(call), timeout);

  public static Result route(Application app, Call call) {
    return route(app, fakeRequest(call));

  public static Result route(Application app, Call call, long timeout) {
    return route(app, fakeRequest(call), timeout);

  public static Result route(RequestBuilder requestBuilder) {
    return route(requestBuilder, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result route(RequestBuilder requestBuilder, long timeout) {
    return route(play.Play.application(), requestBuilder, timeout);

  public static Result route(Application app, RequestBuilder requestBuilder) {
    return route(app, requestBuilder, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

  public static Result route(Application app, RequestBuilder requestBuilder, long timeout) {
    final scala.Option<scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result>> opt =
    return wrapScalaResult(Scala.orNull(opt), timeout);

  /** Starts a new application. */
  public static void start(Application application) {

  /** Stops an application. */
  public static void stop(Application application) {

  /** Executes a block of code in a running application. */
  public static void running(Application application, final Runnable block) {
    synchronized (PlayRunners$.MODULE$.mutex()) {
      try {
      } finally {

   * Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port"
   * (defaults to 19001).
  public static TestServer testServer() {
    return testServer(play.api.test.Helpers.testServerPort());

   * Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port"
   * (defaults to 19001) and using the given FakeApplication.
  public static TestServer testServer(Application app) {
    return testServer(play.api.test.Helpers.testServerPort(), app);

  /** Creates a new Test server. */
  public static TestServer testServer(int port) {
    return new TestServer(port, fakeApplication());

  /** Creates a new Test server. */
  public static TestServer testServer(int port, Application app) {
    return new TestServer(port, app);

  /** Starts a Test server. */
  public static void start(TestServer server) {

  /** Stops a Test server. */
  public static void stop(TestServer server) {

  /** Executes a block of code in a running server. */
  public static void running(TestServer server, final Runnable block) {
    synchronized (PlayRunners$.MODULE$.mutex()) {
      try {
      } finally {

  /** Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser. */
  public static void running(
      TestServer server, Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver, final Consumer<TestBrowser> block) {
    running(server, play.api.test.WebDriverFactory.apply(webDriver), block);

  /** Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser. */
  public static void running(
      TestServer server, WebDriver webDriver, final Consumer<TestBrowser> block) {
    synchronized (PlayRunners$.MODULE$.mutex()) {
      TestBrowser browser = null;
      TestServer startedServer = null;
      try {
        startedServer = server;
        browser = testBrowser(webDriver, server.port());
      } finally {
        if (browser != null) {
        if (startedServer != null) {

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser() {
    return testBrowser(HTMLUNIT);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(int port) {
    return testBrowser(HTMLUNIT, port);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver) {
    return testBrowser(webDriver, Helpers$.MODULE$.testServerPort());

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver, int port) {
    try {
      return new TestBrowser(webDriver, "http://localhost:" + port);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new RuntimeException(t);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(WebDriver of, int port) {
    return new TestBrowser(of, "http://localhost:" + port);

  /** Creates a Test Browser. */
  public static TestBrowser testBrowser(WebDriver of) {
    return testBrowser(of, Helpers$.MODULE$.testServerPort());