/** * Saves the components to table. <br> * * @throws InterruptedException */ public void doSave() throws InterruptedException { final SecRole aRole = getRole(); // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // force validation, if on, than execute by component.getValue() // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if (!isValidationOn()) { doSetValidation(); } // fill the object with the components data doWriteComponentsToBean(aRole); // save it to database try { getSecurityService().saveOrUpdate(aRole); } catch (DataAccessException e) { ZksampleMessageUtils.showErrorMessage(e.getMostSpecificCause().toString()); // Reset to init values doResetInitValues(); doReadOnly(); btnCtrl.setBtnStatus_Save(); return; } // now synchronize the listBox ListModelList lml = (ListModelList) listBoxSecRoles.getListModel(); // Check if the object is new or updated // -1 means that the obj is not in the list, so it's new. if (lml.indexOf(aRole) == -1) { lml.add(aRole); } else { lml.set(lml.indexOf(aRole), aRole); } doReadOnly(); btnCtrl.setBtnStatus_Save(); // init the old values vars new doStoreInitValues(); }
private void doSimpan() throws InterruptedException { TPermohonan tPermohonan = gettPermohonan(); Mttr mttr = new Mttr(); doWriteComponentsToBean(tPermohonan, mttr); try { String uploadeFileName = null; if (getUploadMedia() != null) { uploadeFileName = getUploadMedia().getName(); } getPermohonanService() .simpanAllTPermohonan( uploadeFileName, tPermohonan, mttr, getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getEmployeeRole()); TVerifikasi tVerifikasi = getPermohonanService() .getTVerifikasiByTIdossVerifikasiId(gettPermohonan().getT_idoss_permohonan_id()); doWriteComponentsToBeanVer(tVerifikasi); getVerifikasiService().saveOrUpdateTVerifikasi(tVerifikasi); } catch (DataAccessException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); String title = Labels.getLabel("message_Error"); MultiLineMessageBox.doSetTemplate(); MultiLineMessageBox.show(message, title, MultiLineMessageBox.OK, "ERROR", true); } ListModelList lml = (ListModelList) listbox_DaftarPermohonan.getListModel(); // Check if the object is new or updated // -1 means that the obj is not in the list, so it's new. if (lml.indexOf(tPermohonan) == -1) { lml.add(tPermohonan); } else { lml.set(lml.indexOf(tPermohonan), tPermohonan); } lml.sort(new TPermohonanComparator(), true); }