     value = "Update Tier Permission",
     notes = "Update tier permission\n",
     response = TierDTO.class,
     responseContainer = "List")
     value = {
           code = 200,
           message = "OK.\nSuccessfully updated tier permissions\n"),
           code = 400,
           message = "Bad Request.\nInvalid request or validation error.\n"),
           code = 403,
           message =
               "Forbidden.\nThe request must be conditional but no condition has been specified.\n"),
           code = 404,
           message = "Not Found.\nRequested tier does not exist.\n"),
           code = 412,
           message =
               "Precondition Failed.\nThe request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met.\n")
 public Response tiersUpdatePermissionPost(
     @ApiParam(value = "Name of the tier\n", required = true) @QueryParam("tierName")
         String tierName,
             value = "List API or Application or Resource type tiers.\n",
             required = true,
             allowableValues = "{values=[api, application, resource]}")
         String tierLevel,
     @ApiParam(value = "Validator for conditional requests; based on ETag.\n")
         String ifMatch,
     @ApiParam(value = "Validator for conditional requests; based on Last Modified header.\n")
         String ifUnmodifiedSince,
     @ApiParam(value = "") TierPermissionDTO permissions) {
   return delegate.tiersUpdatePermissionPost(
       tierName, tierLevel, ifMatch, ifUnmodifiedSince, permissions);
     value = "Get a Tier",
     notes = "Get tier details\n",
     response = TierDTO.class)
     value = {
       @io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK.\nTier returned\n"),
           code = 304,
           message =
               "Not Modified.\nEmpty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource.\n"),
           code = 404,
           message = "Not Found.\nRequested Tier does not exist.\n"),
           code = 406,
           message = "Not Acceptable.\nThe requested media type is not supported.\n")
 public Response tiersTierLevelTierNameGet(
     @ApiParam(value = "Tier name\n", required = true) @PathParam("tierName") String tierName,
             value = "List API or Application or Resource type tiers.\n",
             required = true,
             allowableValues = "{values=[api, application, resource]}")
         String tierLevel,
             value = "Media types acceptable for the response. Default is JSON.\n",
             defaultValue = "JSON")
         String accept,
             value =
                 "Validator for conditional requests; based on the ETag of the formerly retrieved\nvariant of the resourec.\n")
         String ifNoneMatch,
             value =
                 "Validator for conditional requests; based on Last Modified header of the\nformerly retrieved variant of the resource.\n")
         String ifModifiedSince) {
   return delegate.tiersTierLevelTierNameGet(
       tierName, tierLevel, accept, ifNoneMatch, ifModifiedSince);
     value = "List Tiers",
     notes = "Get available tiers\n",
     response = TierListDTO.class)
     value = {
       @io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK.\nList of tiers returned.\n"),
           code = 304,
           message =
               "Not Modified.\nEmpty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource.\n"),
           code = 406,
           message = "Not Acceptable.\nThe requested media type is not supported\n")
 public Response tiersTierLevelGet(
             value = "List API or Application or Resource type tiers.\n",
             required = true,
             allowableValues = "{values=[api, application, resource]}")
         String tierLevel,
     @ApiParam(value = "Maximum size of resource array to return.\n", defaultValue = "25")
         Integer limit,
             value = "Starting point within the complete list of items qualified.\n",
             defaultValue = "0")
         Integer offset,
             value = "Media types acceptable for the response. Default is JSON.\n",
             defaultValue = "JSON")
         String accept,
             value =
                 "Validator for conditional requests; based on the ETag of the formerly retrieved\nvariant of the resourec.\n")
         String ifNoneMatch) {
   return delegate.tiersTierLevelGet(tierLevel, limit, offset, accept, ifNoneMatch);
     value = "Update a Tier",
     notes = "Update tier details\n",
     response = TierDTO.class)
     value = {
       @io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK.\nSubscription updated.\n"),
           code = 400,
           message = "Bad Request.\nInvalid request or validation error.\n"),
           code = 404,
           message = "Not Found.\nThe resource to be updated does not exist.\n"),
           code = 412,
           message =
               "Precondition Failed.\nThe request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met.\n")
 public Response tiersTierLevelTierNamePut(
     @ApiParam(value = "Tier name\n", required = true) @PathParam("tierName") String tierName,
     @ApiParam(value = "Tier object that needs to be modified\n", required = true) TierDTO body,
             value = "List API or Application or Resource type tiers.\n",
             required = true,
             allowableValues = "{values=[api, application, resource]}")
         String tierLevel,
             value = "Media type of the entity in the body. Default is JSON.\n",
             required = true,
             defaultValue = "JSON")
         String contentType,
     @ApiParam(value = "Validator for conditional requests; based on ETag.\n")
         String ifMatch,
     @ApiParam(value = "Validator for conditional requests; based on Last Modified header.\n")
         String ifUnmodifiedSince) {
   return delegate.tiersTierLevelTierNamePut(
       tierName, body, tierLevel, contentType, ifMatch, ifUnmodifiedSince);
     value = "Add a new Tier",
     notes = "Add a new tier\n",
     response = TierDTO.class)
     value = {
           code = 201,
           message =
               "Created.\nSuccessful response with the newly created object as entity in the body.\nLocation header contains URL of newly created entity.\n"),
           code = 400,
           message = "Bad Request.\nInvalid request or validation error\n"),
           code = 415,
           message =
               "Unsupported media type.\nThe entity of the request was in a not supported format.\n")
 public Response tiersTierLevelPost(
     @ApiParam(value = "Tier object that should to be added\n", required = true) TierDTO body,
             value = "List API or Application or Resource type tiers.\n",
             required = true,
             allowableValues = "{values=[api, application, resource]}")
         String tierLevel,
             value = "Media type of the entity in the body. Default is JSON.\n",
             required = true,
             defaultValue = "JSON")
         String contentType) {
   return delegate.tiersTierLevelPost(body, tierLevel, contentType);
     value = "Delete a Tier",
     notes = "Remove a tier\n",
     response = void.class)
     value = {
           code = 200,
           message = "OK.\nResource successfully deleted.\n"),
           code = 404,
           message = "Not Found.\nResource to be deleted does not exist.\n"),
           code = 412,
           message =
               "Precondition Failed.\nThe request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met.\n")
 public Response tiersTierLevelTierNameDelete(
     @ApiParam(value = "Tier name\n", required = true) @PathParam("tierName") String tierName,
             value = "List API or Application or Resource type tiers.\n",
             required = true,
             allowableValues = "{values=[api, application, resource]}")
         String tierLevel,
     @ApiParam(value = "Validator for conditional requests; based on ETag.\n")
         String ifMatch,
     @ApiParam(value = "Validator for conditional requests; based on Last Modified header.\n")
         String ifUnmodifiedSince) {
   return delegate.tiersTierLevelTierNameDelete(tierName, tierLevel, ifMatch, ifUnmodifiedSince);