public static boolean followFeedByUrl( final String feedUrl, final boolean isAskingToFollow, final ActionListener actionListener) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(feedUrl)) { if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } return false; } ReaderBlog blogInfo = ReaderBlogTable.getFeedInfo(ReaderBlogTable.getFeedIdFromUrl(feedUrl)); if (blogInfo != null) { return internalFollowFeed( blogInfo.feedId, blogInfo.getFeedUrl(), isAskingToFollow, actionListener); } updateFeedInfo( 0, feedUrl, new UpdateBlogInfoListener() { @Override public void onResult(ReaderBlog blogInfo) { if (blogInfo != null) { internalFollowFeed( blogInfo.feedId, blogInfo.getFeedUrl(), isAskingToFollow, actionListener); } else if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } } }); return true; }
/* * follow editText entry as a url */ private void addAsUrl(final String entry) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(entry)) { return; } // normalize the url and prepend protocol if not supplied final String normUrl; if (!entry.contains("://")) { normUrl = UrlUtils.normalizeUrl("http://" + entry); } else { normUrl = UrlUtils.normalizeUrl(entry); } // if this isn't a valid URL, add original entry as a tag if (!URLUtil.isNetworkUrl(normUrl)) { addAsTag(entry); return; } // make sure it isn't already followed if (ReaderBlogTable.isFollowedBlogUrl(normUrl) || ReaderBlogTable.isFollowedFeedUrl(normUrl)) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.reader_toast_err_already_follow_blog); return; } // URL is valid, so follow it performAddUrl(normUrl); }
public static boolean followFeedById( final long feedId, final boolean isAskingToFollow, final ActionListener actionListener) { ReaderBlog blogInfo = ReaderBlogTable.getFeedInfo(feedId); if (blogInfo != null) { return internalFollowFeed( blogInfo.feedId, blogInfo.getFeedUrl(), isAskingToFollow, actionListener); } updateFeedInfo( feedId, null, new UpdateBlogInfoListener() { @Override public void onResult(ReaderBlog blogInfo) { if (blogInfo != null) { internalFollowFeed( blogInfo.feedId, blogInfo.getFeedUrl(), isAskingToFollow, actionListener); } else if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } } }); return true; }
public static boolean followBlogById( final long blogId, final boolean isAskingToFollow, final ActionListener actionListener) { if (blogId == 0) { if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } return false; } ReaderBlogTable.setIsFollowedBlogId(blogId, isAskingToFollow); ReaderPostTable.setFollowStatusForPostsInBlog(blogId, isAskingToFollow); if (isAskingToFollow) { AnalyticsUtils.trackWithBlogDetails(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_BLOG_FOLLOWED, blogId); } else { AnalyticsUtils.trackWithBlogDetails(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_BLOG_UNFOLLOWED, blogId); } final String actionName = (isAskingToFollow ? "follow" : "unfollow"); final String path = "sites/" + blogId + "/follows/" + (isAskingToFollow ? "new" : "mine/delete"); listener = new RestRequest.Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) { boolean success = isFollowActionSuccessful(jsonObject, isAskingToFollow); if (success) { AppLog.d(T.READER, "blog " + actionName + " succeeded"); } else { AppLog.w( T.READER, "blog " + actionName + " failed - " + jsonToString(jsonObject) + " - " + path); localRevertFollowBlogId(blogId, isAskingToFollow); } if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(success); } } }; RestRequest.ErrorListener errorListener = new RestRequest.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) { AppLog.w(T.READER, "blog " + actionName + " failed with error"); AppLog.e(T.READER, volleyError); localRevertFollowBlogId(blogId, isAskingToFollow); if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } } }; WordPress.getRestClientUtilsV1_1().post(path, listener, errorListener); return true; }
/* * block a blog - result includes the list of posts that were deleted by the block so they * can be restored if the user undoes the block */ public static BlockedBlogResult blockBlogFromReader( final long blogId, final ActionListener actionListener) { final BlockedBlogResult blockResult = new BlockedBlogResult(); blockResult.blogId = blogId; blockResult.deletedPosts = ReaderPostTable.getPostsInBlog(blogId, 0, false); blockResult.wasFollowing = ReaderBlogTable.isFollowedBlog(blogId); ReaderPostTable.deletePostsInBlog(blogId); ReaderBlogTable.setIsFollowedBlogId(blogId, false); listener = new RestRequest.Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) { if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(true); } } }; RestRequest.ErrorListener errorListener = new RestRequest.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) { AppLog.e(T.READER, volleyError); ReaderPostTable.addOrUpdatePosts(null, blockResult.deletedPosts); if (blockResult.wasFollowing) { ReaderBlogTable.setIsFollowedBlogId(blogId, true); } if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } } }; AppLog.i(T.READER, "blocking blog " + blogId); String path = "me/block/sites/" + Long.toString(blogId) + "/new"; WordPress.getRestClientUtilsV1_1().post(path, listener, errorListener); return blockResult; }
@Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) { switch (getBlogType()) { case RECOMMENDED: // get recommended blogs using this offset, then start over with no offset // if there aren't any with this offset, int limit = ReaderConstants.READER_MAX_RECOMMENDED_TO_DISPLAY; int offset = UserPrefs.getReaderRecommendedBlogOffset(); tmpRecommendedBlogs = ReaderBlogTable.getRecommendedBlogs(limit, offset); if (tmpRecommendedBlogs.size() == 0 && offset > 0) { UserPrefs.setReaderRecommendedBlogOffset(0); tmpRecommendedBlogs = ReaderBlogTable.getRecommendedBlogs(limit, 0); } return !mRecommendedBlogs.isSameList(tmpRecommendedBlogs); case FOLLOWED: tmpFollowedBlogs = ReaderBlogTable.getFollowedBlogs(); return !mFollowedBlogs.isSameList(tmpFollowedBlogs); default: return false; } }
private static void handleUpdateBlogInfoResponse( JSONObject jsonObject, UpdateBlogInfoListener infoListener) { if (jsonObject == null) { if (infoListener != null) { infoListener.onResult(null); } return; } ReaderBlog blogInfo = ReaderBlog.fromJson(jsonObject); ReaderBlogTable.addOrUpdateBlog(blogInfo); if (infoListener != null) { infoListener.onResult(blogInfo); } }
@Override public View getView(final int position, View convertView, final ViewGroup parent) { final BlogViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null || !(convertView.getTag() instanceof BlogViewHolder)) { convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.reader_listitem_blog, parent, false); holder = new BlogViewHolder(convertView); convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (BlogViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } final long blogId; final String blogUrl; final boolean isFollowing; switch (getBlogType()) { case RECOMMENDED: final ReaderRecommendedBlog blog = (ReaderRecommendedBlog) getItem(position); blogId = blog.blogId; blogUrl = blog.getBlogUrl(); isFollowing = ReaderBlogTable.isFollowedBlog(blogId, blogUrl); holder.txtTitle.setText(blog.getTitle()); holder.txtDescription.setText(blog.getReason()); holder.txtUrl.setText(UrlUtils.getDomainFromUrl(blogUrl)); holder.imgBlog.setImageUrl(blog.getImageUrl(), WPNetworkImageView.ImageType.AVATAR); break; case FOLLOWED: final ReaderBlog blogInfo = (ReaderBlog) getItem(position); blogId = blogInfo.blogId; blogUrl = blogInfo.getUrl(); isFollowing = blogInfo.isFollowing; String domain = UrlUtils.getDomainFromUrl(blogUrl); if (blogInfo.hasName()) { holder.txtTitle.setText(blogInfo.getName()); } else { holder.txtTitle.setText(domain); } holder.txtUrl.setText(domain); break; default: blogId = 0; blogUrl = null; isFollowing = false; break; } // show the correct following status ReaderUtils.showFollowStatus(holder.txtFollow, isFollowing); holder.txtFollow.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { AniUtils.zoomAction(holder.txtFollow); changeFollowStatus(holder.txtFollow, position, !isFollowing); } }); // show blog preview when view is clicked convertView.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // make sure we have either the blog id or url if (blogId != 0 || !TextUtils.isEmpty(blogUrl)) { ReaderActivityLauncher.showReaderBlogPreview(getContext(), blogId, blogUrl); } } }); return convertView; }
private static void localRevertFollowFeedId(long feedId, boolean isAskingToFollow) { ReaderBlogTable.setIsFollowedFeedId(feedId, !isAskingToFollow); ReaderPostTable.setFollowStatusForPostsInFeed(feedId, !isAskingToFollow); }
/* * called when a follow/unfollow fails, restores local data to previous state */ private static void localRevertFollowBlogId(long blogId, boolean isAskingToFollow) { ReaderBlogTable.setIsFollowedBlogId(blogId, !isAskingToFollow); ReaderPostTable.setFollowStatusForPostsInBlog(blogId, !isAskingToFollow); }
private static boolean internalFollowFeed( final long feedId, final String feedUrl, final boolean isAskingToFollow, final ActionListener actionListener) { // feedUrl is required if (TextUtils.isEmpty(feedUrl)) { if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } return false; } if (feedId != 0) { ReaderBlogTable.setIsFollowedFeedId(feedId, isAskingToFollow); ReaderPostTable.setFollowStatusForPostsInFeed(feedId, isAskingToFollow); } if (isAskingToFollow) { AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_BLOG_FOLLOWED); } else { AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_BLOG_UNFOLLOWED); } final String actionName = (isAskingToFollow ? "follow" : "unfollow"); final String path = "read/following/mine/" + (isAskingToFollow ? "new" : "delete") + "?url=" + UrlUtils.urlEncode(feedUrl); listener = new RestRequest.Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) { boolean success = isFollowActionSuccessful(jsonObject, isAskingToFollow); if (success) { AppLog.d(T.READER, "feed " + actionName + " succeeded"); } else { AppLog.w( T.READER, "feed " + actionName + " failed - " + jsonToString(jsonObject) + " - " + path); localRevertFollowFeedId(feedId, isAskingToFollow); } if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(success); } } }; RestRequest.ErrorListener errorListener = new RestRequest.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) { AppLog.w(T.READER, "feed " + actionName + " failed with error"); AppLog.e(T.READER, volleyError); localRevertFollowFeedId(feedId, isAskingToFollow); if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false); } } }; WordPress.getRestClientUtilsV1_1().post(path, listener, errorListener); return true; }