  // convert coordinates to relative coordinates with the top-left one as (0,0)
  public void convertToRelativePositions() {
    LayoutBox box = getExactLayoutBox();
    // System.out.println("Box
    // ("+box.topleft.x+","+box.topleft.y+");("+(box.topleft.x+box.width)+","+(box.topleft.y+box.height));
    Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator();
    NodeLayout nl;
    while (e.hasNext()) {
      nl = e.next();
      /* Debug code
      if(nl.x<box.topleft.x || nl.y<box.topleft.y || nl.x>(box.topleft.x+box.width) || nl.y>(box.topleft.y+box.height)){

          System.out.println("Invalid node     "+nl.x+","+nl.y);
      nl.x = nl.x - box.topleft.x;
      nl.y = nl.y - box.topleft.y;

    Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator();
    EdgeLayout el;
    while (e2.hasNext()) {
      el = e2.next();
      for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) {
        lp.x = lp.x - box.topleft.x;
        lp.y = lp.y - box.topleft.y;
  // convert coordinates to shifted coordinates with the top-left one as (xs,ys)
  public void convertToShiftedPositions(double xs, double ys) {
    Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator();
    NodeLayout nl;
    while (e.hasNext()) {
      nl = e.next();
      nl.x += xs;
      nl.y += ys;

    Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator();
    EdgeLayout el;
    while (e2.hasNext()) {
      el = e2.next();
      for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) {
        lp.x += xs;
        lp.y += ys;
  public void flipLayoutUpDown() {
    LayoutBox box = getExactLayoutBox();
    Iterator<NodeLayout> ne = nodes.iterator();
    while (ne.hasNext()) {
      NodeLayout nl = ne.next();
      if (isSecondary(nl)) {
        nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 12;
      } else {
        nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 20;

    Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator();
    EdgeLayout el;
    while (e2.hasNext()) {
      el = e2.next();
      for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) {
        lp.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (lp.y - box.topleft.y));
  public void filpLayoutUpDown() {
    LayoutBox box = getExactLayoutBox();
    Iterator<NodeLayout> ne = nodes.iterator();
    while (ne.hasNext()) {
      NodeLayout nl = ne.next();
      if (nl.cofactor.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 12;
      } else {
        nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 20;

    Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator();
    EdgeLayout el;
    while (e2.hasNext()) {
      el = e2.next();
      for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) {
        lp.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (lp.y - box.topleft.y));