public String createDrawingXML(String drawing) { try { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("message"); rootElement.setAttribute("drawing", drawing); rootElement.setAttribute("user", user); rootElement.setAttribute("cmd", "create"); doc.appendChild(rootElement); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(writer)); String xml = writer.getBuffer().toString().replaceAll("\n|\r", ""); postData(xml); return null; } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(XMLManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (TransformerConfigurationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(XMLManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (TransformerException ex) { Logger.getLogger(XMLManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { String outputDir = "./"; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; if ("-o".equals(arg)) { outputDir = args[++i]; continue; } else { System.out.println("XMLSchemaGenerator -o <path to newly created xsd schema file>"); return; } } File f = new File(outputDir, "JGroups-" + Version.major + "." + Version.minor + ".xsd"); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f, false); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); DOMImplementation impl = builder.getDOMImplementation(); Document xmldoc = impl.createDocument("", "xs:schema", null); xmldoc.getDocumentElement().setAttribute("targetNamespace", "urn:org:jgroups"); xmldoc.getDocumentElement().setAttribute("elementFormDefault", "qualified"); Element xsElement = xmldoc.createElement("xs:element"); xsElement.setAttribute("name", "config"); xmldoc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(xsElement); Element complexType = xmldoc.createElement("xs:complexType"); xsElement.appendChild(complexType); Element allType = xmldoc.createElement("xs:choice"); allType.setAttribute("maxOccurs", "unbounded"); complexType.appendChild(allType); Set<Class<?>> classes = getClasses("", Protocol.class); for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { classToXML(xmldoc, allType, clazz, ""); } classes = getClasses("", Protocol.class); for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { classToXML(xmldoc, allType, clazz, "pbcast."); } DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(xmldoc); StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(fw); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer serializer = tf.newTransformer(); serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); serializer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "1"); serializer.transform(domSource, streamResult); fw.flush(); fw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Turns a List<CubicCurve2D.Float> into a SVG Element representing a sketch of that spline. */ Element splineToSketch(SVGDocument document, List<CubicCurve2D.Float> spline) { String svgNS = SVGDOMImplementation.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI; // <g> is an SVG group // TODO: add a random(ish) rotation to the group Element group = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"); // For each curve in the path, draw along it using a "brush". In // our case the brush is a simple circle, but this could be changed // to something more advanced. for (CubicCurve2D.Float curve : spline) { // TODO: magic number & step in loop guard for (double i = 0.0; i <= 1.0; i += 0.01) { Point2D result = evalParametric(curve, i); // Add random jitter at some random positive or negative // distance along the unit normal to the tangent of the // curve Point2D n = vectorUnitNormal(evalParametricTangent(curve, i)); float dx = (float) ((Math.random() - 0.5) * n.getX()); float dy = (float) ((Math.random() - 0.5) * n.getY()); Element brush = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "circle"); brush.setAttribute("cx", Double.toString(result.getX() + dx)); brush.setAttribute("cy", Double.toString(result.getY() + dy)); // TODO: magic number for circle radius brush.setAttribute("r", Double.toString(1.0)); brush.setAttribute("fill", "green"); brush.setAttributeNS(null, "z-index", Integer.toString(zOrder.CONTOUR.ordinal())); group.appendChild(brush); } } return group; }
private static void exportThisSeries( String name, String target_sea_state_datum, NamedList thisList, String[] sea_state_headings, Element itt, Document doc) { // ok, put us into the element org.w3c.dom.Element datum = doc.createElement(target_sea_state_datum); datum.setAttribute("Type", name); // and step through its values Collection<Double> indices = thisList.getValues(); int ctr = 0; for (Iterator<Double> iter = indices.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Double val = (Double); if (val != null) { datum.setAttribute(sea_state_headings[ctr], writeThis(val.doubleValue())); ctr++; } else break; } itt.appendChild(datum); }
@Override public Element export(ExportSupport support) throws IOException { Element layerEl = support.createElement("layer"); layerEl.setAttribute("type", "osm-data"); layerEl.setAttribute("version", "0.1"); Element file = support.createElement("file"); layerEl.appendChild(file); if (requiresZip()) { String zipPath = "layers/" + String.format("%02d", support.getLayerIndex()) + "/data.osm"; file.appendChild(support.createTextNode(zipPath)); addDataFile(support.getOutputStreamZip(zipPath)); } else { URI uri = layer.getAssociatedFile().toURI(); URL url = null; try { url = uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IOException(e); } file.appendChild(support.createTextNode(url.toString())); } return layerEl; }
public Element toXML() { Element e = super.toXML(); if (value != null) e.setAttribute("value", value.toString()); if (defaultValue != null) e.setAttribute("defaultValue", defaultValue.toString()); e.setAttribute("className", "org.rosuda.deducer.widgets.param.ParamNumeric"); return e; }
void _serializeString(String key, String value) { NodeList elements = stringElements.getElementsByTagName(ENTRY_FLAG); final int size = elements.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Element e = (Element) elements.item(i); Attr nameAttr = e.getAttributeNode(KEY_FLAG); if (nameAttr == null) { throw newMalformedKeyAttrException(Repository.STRING); } if (key.equals(nameAttr.getValue())) { Attr valueAttr = e.getAttributeNode(VALUE_FLAG); if (valueAttr == null) { throw newMalformedValueAttrException(key, Repository.STRING); } valueAttr.setValue(value); return; } } // no existing element found Element element = xmlDoc.createElement(ENTRY_FLAG); element.setAttribute(KEY_FLAG, key); element.setAttribute(VALUE_FLAG, value); stringElements.appendChild(element); }
private void processPlugin(final Element root, final ArtifactInformation a) { if (!Helper.isBundle(a.getMetaData())) { return; } final String id = a.getMetaData().get(new MetaKey(OsgiExtractor.NAMESPACE, OsgiExtractor.KEY_NAME)); final String version = a.getMetaData().get(new MetaKey(OsgiExtractor.NAMESPACE, OsgiExtractor.KEY_VERSION)); if (id == null || version == null) { return; } boolean unpack = false; try { final String biString = a.getMetaData() .get(new MetaKey(OsgiExtractor.NAMESPACE, OsgiExtractor.KEY_BUNDLE_INFORMATION)); final BundleInformation bi = BundleInformation.fromJson(biString); unpack = "dir".equals(bi.getEclipseBundleShape()); } catch (final Exception e) { } final Element p = root.getOwnerDocument().createElement("plugin"); root.appendChild(p); p.setAttribute("id", id); p.setAttribute("version", version); p.setAttribute("unpack", "" + unpack); }
/** * Similar to the XMLRepresentation interface, this method will append an XML representation of * some preferences to an existing node. * * @param prefs the preferences node to write out. * @param deep - true to include a subtree with all child preferences nodes. * @param domDoc the document in which the node will reside. * @param node the node to which a child is applied. */ public static void toXML( Preferences prefs, boolean deep, org.w3c.dom.Document domDoc, Element node, Map options) throws IOException { String[] keys; String[] children; Element childElement, entry; String value; int i; // System.err.println( "node = " ); try { keys = prefs.keys(); childElement = (Element) node.appendChild(domDoc.createElement("map")); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { value = prefs.get(keys[i], null); // System.err.println( " key = "+keys[i]+"; value = "+value ); if (value == null) continue; entry = (Element) childElement.appendChild(domDoc.createElement("entry")); entry.setAttribute("key", keys[i]); entry.setAttribute("value", value); } if (deep) { children = prefs.childrenNames(); for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { childElement = (Element) node.appendChild(domDoc.createElement("node")); childElement.setAttribute("name", children[i]); toXML(prefs.node(children[i]), deep, domDoc, childElement, options); } } } catch (DOMException e1) { throw; } catch (BackingStoreException e2) { throw; } }
@Override public final Element put(final Element parentElement, final Object value) { Element newElement = document.createElementNS(XMLNS_ITEM, parentElement.getLocalName()); if (value == null) { newElement.setAttribute("isNull", "yes"); return newElement; } Map<String, Object> attributes = XmlHelper.extractAttributes(value); for (String key : attributes.keySet()) { try { newElement.setAttribute(key, attributes.get(key).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // XXX: ignore exceptions silenty } } Map<String, Collection<?>> collections = XmlHelper.extractCollections(value); for (String key : collections.keySet()) { try { Element container = document.createElementNS(XMLNS_DATA, key); newElement.appendChild(container); for (Object item : collections.get(key)) { put(container, item); } } catch (Exception e) { // XXX: ignore exceptions silenty } } newElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value.toString())); parentElement.appendChild(newElement); return newElement; }
/** * This method exports the single pattern decision instance to the XML. It MUST be called by an * XML exporter, as this will not have a complete header. * * @param ratDoc The ratDoc generated by the XML exporter * @return the SAX representation of the object. */ public Element toXML(Document ratDoc) { Element decisionE; RationaleDB db = RationaleDB.getHandle(); // Now, add pattern to doc String entryID = db.getRef(this); if (entryID == null) { entryID = db.addPatternDecisionRef(this); } decisionE = ratDoc.createElement("DR:patternDecision"); decisionE.setAttribute("rid", entryID); decisionE.setAttribute("name", name); decisionE.setAttribute("type", type.toString()); decisionE.setAttribute("phase", devPhase.toString()); decisionE.setAttribute("status", status.toString()); // decisionE.setAttribute("artifact", artifact); Element descE = ratDoc.createElement("description"); Text descText = ratDoc.createTextNode(description); descE.appendChild(descText); decisionE.appendChild(descE); // Add child pattern references... Iterator<Pattern> cpi = candidatePatterns.iterator(); while (cpi.hasNext()) { Pattern cur =; Element curE = ratDoc.createElement("refChildPattern"); Text curText = ratDoc.createTextNode("p" + new Integer(cur.getID()).toString()); curE.appendChild(curText); decisionE.appendChild(curE); } return decisionE; }
/** * generated <code><col><code> tags. * @param sheet * @param table container. */ private void generateColumns(XSSFSheet sheet, Element table) { List<CTCols> colsList = sheet.getCTWorksheet().getColsList(); MathContext mc = new MathContext(3); for (CTCols cols : colsList) { long oldLevel = 1; for (CTCol col : cols.getColArray()) { while (true) { if (oldLevel == col.getMin()) { break; } Element column = htmlDocumentFacade.createTableColumn(); // htmlDocumentFacade.addStyleClass(column, "col", "width:2cm;"); column.setAttribute("style", "width:2cm;"); table.appendChild(column); oldLevel++; } Element column = htmlDocumentFacade.createTableColumn(); String width = new BigDecimal(sheet.getColumnWidth(Long.bitCount(oldLevel)) / 1440.0, mc).toString(); column.setAttribute("style", "width:".concat(width).concat("cm;")); table.appendChild(column); oldLevel++; } } }
private void processSheet(Element container, XSSFSheet sheet) { Element table = htmlDocumentFacade.createTable(); int sIndex = sheet.getWorkbook().getSheetIndex(sheet); String sId = "sheet_".concat(String.valueOf(sIndex)); table.setAttribute("id", sId); table.setAttribute("border", "1"); table.setAttribute("cellpadding", "2"); table.setAttribute("cellspacing", "0"); table.setAttribute("style", "border-collapse: collapse;"); css.append("#") .append(sId) .append(" tr{height:") .append(sheet.getDefaultRowHeightInPoints() / 28.34) .append("cm}\n"); css.append("#") .append(sId) .append(" td{width:") .append(sheet.getDefaultColumnWidth() * 0.21) .append("cm}\n"); // cols generateColumns(sheet, table); // rows Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.iterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; if (row instanceof XSSFRow) processRow(table, (XSSFRow) row, sheet); } container.appendChild(table); }
/* * If the element contains an attribute 'makeOnly' with a value of 'true', * create a child element before any existing children which will display a node * which will display only the elements records. * Compute the query attribute, which is the appended result of all of the children * appended to this element name. If noQuery=true. then do not generate a query term * for this element. */ String computeQuery(Element e) { String query = ""; if (!(e.getAttribute("noQuery").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) { query = e.getAttribute("name"); } String makeOnly = e.getAttribute("makeOnly"); boolean madeOnly = false; NodeList children = e.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (makeOnly.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && !madeOnly) { // need to make an ...-Only node and populate it String onlyTagName = e.getTagName() + "-Only"; Element only = ((Document) dom.getNode()).createElement(onlyTagName); only.setAttribute("name", e.getAttribute("name") + "-Only"); only.setAttribute("query", e.getAttribute("name")); e.insertBefore(only, child); i++; madeOnly = true; } if (query.length() > 0) { query += ","; } query += computeQuery((Element) child); } }"setting query for " + e.getNodeName() + " " + query); e.setAttribute("query", query); return query; }
private void formatError(String type, Test test, Throwable t) { if (test != null) { endTest(test); failedTests.put(test, test); } Element nested = doc.createElement(type); Element currentTest = null; if (test != null) { currentTest = (Element) testElements.get(test); } else { currentTest = rootElement; } currentTest.appendChild(nested); String message = t.getMessage(); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { nested.setAttribute(ATTR_MESSAGE, t.getMessage()); } nested.setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, t.getClass().getName()); String strace = JUnitTestRunner.getFilteredTrace(t); Text trace = doc.createTextNode(strace); nested.appendChild(trace); }
private Element getOptions(Object service, String project, Document doc) { List options; if (service instanceof ISource) { options = ((ISource) service).listOptions(project); } else if (service instanceof IBuilder) { options = ((IBuilder) service).getOptions(); } else if (service instanceof IDeployer) { options = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { return null; } Element optionsElement = doc.createElement("options"); for (Iterator i = options.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Option o = (Option); Element option = doc.createElement("option"); ; if (o instanceof BooleanOption) { option.setAttribute("type", "boolean"); } else if (o instanceof ListOption) { option.setAttribute("type", "list"); for (Iterator j = ((ListOption) o).getChoices().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Element choice = doc.createElement("choice"); choice.setAttribute("value", (String); option.appendChild(choice); } } option.setAttribute("name", o.getName()); option.setAttribute("label", o.getLabel()); optionsElement.appendChild(option); } return optionsElement; }
public Node convertToXML(Document parent) { Element targetNode = parent.createElement(ELEMENT_NAME); if (ident != null) targetNode.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENT, ident); if (decoy != null) targetNode.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_DECOY, decoy); if (networkInterface != null) targetNode.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE, networkInterface); if (node != null) { Node nodeNode = node.convertToXML(parent); targetNode.appendChild(nodeNode); } if (user != null) { Node userNode = user.convertToXML(parent); targetNode.appendChild(userNode); } if (process != null) { Node processNode = process.convertToXML(parent); targetNode.appendChild(processNode); } if (service != null) { Node serviceNode = service.convertToXML(parent); targetNode.appendChild(serviceNode); } if (fileList != null) { targetNode.appendChild(fileList.convertToXML(parent)); } return targetNode; }
/** * Convert an item in the Segment relation into XML, inserting it at the specified location in the * XML tree. * * @param deep whether to create a deep structure of <syllable> and <ph> elements or not. */ protected String insertSegment(Item segmentItem, Element syllable, boolean deep) { // allow for syllable == null if not deep: if (segmentItem == null || deep && syllable == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null arguments to insertSegment()"); } if (deep && !syllable.getTagName().equals(MaryXML.SYLLABLE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Segments can only be inserted in <syllable> elements"); } String segmentString = segmentItem.toString(); Voice maryVoice = FreeTTSVoices.getMaryVoice(segmentItem.getUtterance().getVoice()); if (deep) { Document doc = syllable.getOwnerDocument(); Element segment = MaryXML.createElement(doc, MaryXML.PHONE); syllable.appendChild(segment); segment.setAttribute("p", segmentString); if (segmentItem.getFeatures().isPresent("end")) { float endInSeconds = segmentItem.getFeatures().getFloat("end"); int endInMillis = (int) (1000 * endInSeconds); segment.setAttribute("end", String.valueOf(endInMillis)); } if (segmentItem.getFeatures().isPresent("mbr_dur")) { int mbrDur = segmentItem.getFeatures().getInt("mbr_dur"); segment.setAttribute("d", String.valueOf(mbrDur)); } if (segmentItem.getFeatures().isPresent("mbr_targets")) { String mbrTargets = segmentItem.getFeatures().getString("mbr_targets"); if (!mbrTargets.equals("")) { segment.setAttribute("f0", mbrTargets); } } } return segmentString; }
protected void getAlbumsElements(Document doc, GalleryAlbums gallery) { Element galleryNameElement = doc.createElement("galleryName"); galleryNameElement.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(gallery.getGalleryName())); Element homePageElement = doc.createElement("homePage"); homePageElement.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(gallery.getGalleryHomePage())); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); root.appendChild(galleryNameElement); root.appendChild(homePageElement); Element albumsElement = doc.createElement("albums"); AlbumBean[] albums = gallery.getAllAlbums(); for (AlbumBean album : albums) { Element albumElement = doc.createElement("album"); albumElement.setAttribute("img", album.getImgThumbnail()); albumElement.setAttribute("folderName", album.getFolderName()); albumElement.setAttribute("name", album.getName()); albumElement.setAttribute("tags", album.getTagsInOneLine()); albumsElement.appendChild(albumElement); } root.appendChild(albumsElement); }
/** * Creates a SignatureRequest document element. * * @param document * @param details * @return */ private Element createSignatureRequestElement( Document document, ObjectAndSignatureRequestDetails details) { SignatureRequest request = details.signatureRequest; Element requestElem = document.createElement("SignatureRequest"); requestElem.setAttribute("type", request.getSignatureType()); requestElem.setAttribute("signed", String.valueOf(request.isSigned())); requestElem.appendChild( createObjectElement( document, details.key, details.bucketName, details.metadata, "RequestObject")); if (request.isSigned()) { requestElem.appendChild( createObjectElement( document, request.getObjectKey(), request.getBucketName(), request.getObjectMetadata(), "SignedObject")); requestElem.appendChild( createPropertyElement(document, null, request.getSignedUrl(), "SignedURL")); } else if (request.getDeclineReason() != null) { requestElem.appendChild( createPropertyElement(document, null, request.getDeclineReason(), "DeclineReason")); } return requestElem; }
void _serializeNumber(String key, Number value) { NodeList elements = numberElements.getElementsByTagName(ENTRY_FLAG); final int size = elements.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Element e = (Element) elements.item(i); Attr nameAttr = e.getAttributeNode(KEY_FLAG); if (nameAttr == null) { throw newMalformedKeyAttrException(Repository.NUMBER); } if (key.equals(nameAttr.getValue())) { Attr valueAttr = e.getAttributeNode(VALUE_FLAG); if (valueAttr == null) { throw newMalformedValueAttrException(key, Repository.NUMBER); } Attr typeAttr = e.getAttributeNode(TYPE_FLAG); if (typeAttr == null) { throw newMalformedTypeAttrException(key, Repository.NUMBER); } typeAttr.setValue(Configs.resolveNumberType(value).name()); valueAttr.setValue(value.toString()); return; } } // no existing element found Element element = xmlDoc.createElement(ENTRY_FLAG); element.setAttribute(KEY_FLAG, key); element.setAttribute(VALUE_FLAG, value.toString()); element.setAttribute(TYPE_FLAG, Configs.resolveNumberType(value).name()); numberElements.appendChild(element); }
/** * Creates and element to contain information about an object. * * @param document * @param key * @param bucketName * @param metadata * @param elementName * @return */ private Element createObjectElement( Document document, String key, String bucketName, Map metadata, String elementName) { if (key == null) { key = ""; } if (bucketName == null) { bucketName = ""; } Element objectElement = document.createElement(elementName); objectElement.setAttribute("key", key); objectElement.setAttribute("bucketName", bucketName); Iterator iter = metadata.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String metadataName = (String) entry.getKey(); String metadataValue = (String) entry.getValue(); if (metadataValue == null) { metadataValue = ""; } objectElement.appendChild( createPropertyElement(document, metadataName, metadataValue, "Metadata")); } return objectElement; }
/** * This method serialises the state and action labels * * @param document */ private static void serialiseStateAndActionLabels(final Element tree, final Document document) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> retrievedStateLabels = QueryManager.getData().getStateLabels(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> stateLabels = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); ArrayList<String> actionLabels = new ArrayList<String>(); // only add the state and action labels to the respective array lists // that are actually // occurring in the macro ArrayList<PerformanceTreeNode> nodesArray = MacroWriter.macro.getMacroNodes(); Iterator<PerformanceTreeNode> ni = nodesArray.iterator(); while (ni.hasNext()) { PerformanceTreeNode node =; if (node instanceof StatesNode) { StatesNode statesNode = (StatesNode) node; if (statesNode.getNodeLabelObject() != null) { String stateLabel = statesNode.getNodeLabel(); ArrayList<String> states = retrievedStateLabels.get(stateLabel); stateLabels.put(stateLabel, states); } } else if (node instanceof ActionsNode) { ActionsNode actionsNode = (ActionsNode) node; if (actionsNode.getNodeLabelObject() != null) { String actionLabel = actionsNode.getNodeLabel(); actionLabels.add(actionLabel); } } } // serialise state labels Element stateLabelsElement = document.createElement("stateLabels"); tree.appendChild(stateLabelsElement); Iterator<String> i = stateLabels.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Element stateLabelElement = document.createElement("statelabel"); stateLabelsElement.appendChild(stateLabelElement); String stateLabel =; ArrayList<String> stateLabelsStates = stateLabels.get(stateLabel); stateLabelElement.setAttribute("name", stateLabel); Iterator<String> j = stateLabelsStates.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { Element stateElement = document.createElement("state"); stateLabelElement.appendChild(stateElement); String stateName =; stateElement.setAttribute("name", stateName); } } // serialise action labels Element actionLabelsElement = document.createElement("actionLabels"); tree.appendChild(actionLabelsElement); Element actionLabelElement; i = actionLabels.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { actionLabelElement = document.createElement("actionlabel"); actionLabelsElement.appendChild(actionLabelElement); String actionLabel =; actionLabelElement.setAttribute("label", actionLabel); } }
protected void encodeObject( org.w3c.dom.Document document, org.w3c.dom.Element node, storer, edu.cmu.cs.stage3.alice.core.ReferenceGenerator referenceGenerator) throws { java.util.Dictionary dict = getDictionaryValue(); if (dict != null) { java.util.Enumeration enum0 = dict.keys(); while (enum0.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = enum0.nextElement(); Object value = dict.get(key); org.w3c.dom.Element entryNode = document.createElement("entry"); org.w3c.dom.Element keyNode = document.createElement("key"); keyNode.setAttribute("class", key.getClass().getName()); keyNode.appendChild(createNodeForString(document, key.toString())); org.w3c.dom.Element valueNode = document.createElement("value"); valueNode.setAttribute("class", value.getClass().getName()); valueNode.appendChild(createNodeForString(document, value.toString())); entryNode.appendChild(keyNode); entryNode.appendChild(valueNode); node.appendChild(entryNode); } } }
/** * @param monitor * @throws Exception */ private void addServletToGwtXml(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { monitor = Util.getNonNullMonitor(monitor); try { monitor.beginTask("", 1); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); File moduleFile = getModuleFile(); Document document = builder.parse(moduleFile); Node module = document.getDocumentElement(); Element newServlet = document.createElement("servlet"); newServlet.setAttribute("path", "/" + serviceUri); // $NON-NLS-2$ newServlet.setAttribute( "class", getPackageFragment().getElementName() + '.' + getTypeName() + "Impl"); // $NON-NLS-2$ module.appendChild(newServlet); Transformer writer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); writer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(moduleFile)); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
/** The whole testsuite ended. */ public void endTestSuite(JUnitTest suite) throws BuildException { rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_TESTS, "" + suite.runCount()); rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_FAILURES, "" + suite.failureCount()); rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_ERRORS, "" + suite.errorCount()); rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_TIME, "" + (suite.getRunTime() / 1000.0)); if (out != null) { Writer wri = null; try { wri = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF8")); wri.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"); (new DOMElementWriter()).write(rootElement, wri, 0, " "); wri.flush(); } catch (IOException exc) { throw new BuildException("Unable to write log file", exc); } finally { if (out != System.out && out != System.err) { if (wri != null) { try { wri.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } } } }
/** * Test adding a second md-record to ContentRelation. One md-record already exists. * * @throws Exception Thrown if adding one md-record failed. */ @Test public void testAddMdRecord() throws Exception { // add one more md-record Document relationCreated = getDocument(relationXml); NodeList mdRecordsCreated = selectNodeList(relationCreated, "/content-relation/md-records/md-record"); int numberMdRecordsCreated = mdRecordsCreated.getLength(); Element mdRecord = relationCreated.createElementNS( "", "escidocMetadataRecords:md-record"); mdRecord.setAttribute("name", "md2"); mdRecord.setAttribute("schema", "bla"); Element mdRecordContent = relationCreated.createElement("md"); mdRecord.appendChild(mdRecordContent); mdRecordContent.setTextContent("bla"); selectSingleNode(relationCreated, "/content-relation/md-records").appendChild(mdRecord); String relationWithNewMdRecord = toString(relationCreated, false); String updatedXml = update(this.relationId, relationWithNewMdRecord); // check updated assertXmlValidContentRelation(updatedXml); Document updatedRelationDocument = getDocument(updatedXml); NodeList mdRecordsUpdated = selectNodeList(updatedRelationDocument, "/content-relation/md-records/md-record"); int numberMdRecordsUpdated = mdRecordsUpdated.getLength(); assertEquals( "the content relation should have one additional" + " md-record after update ", numberMdRecordsUpdated, numberMdRecordsCreated + 1); }
/** * Interface TestListener. * * <p>A Test is finished. */ public void endTest(Test test) { // Fix for bug #5637 - if a junit.extensions.TestSetup is // used and throws an exception during setUp then startTest // would never have been called if (!testStarts.containsKey(test)) { startTest(test); } Element currentTest = null; if (!failedTests.containsKey(test)) { currentTest = doc.createElement(TESTCASE); currentTest.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, JUnitVersionHelper.getTestCaseName(test)); // a TestSuite can contain Tests from multiple classes, // even tests with the same name - disambiguate them. currentTest.setAttribute(ATTR_CLASSNAME, test.getClass().getName()); rootElement.appendChild(currentTest); testElements.put(test, currentTest); } else { currentTest = (Element) testElements.get(test); } Long l = (Long) testStarts.get(test); currentTest.setAttribute( ATTR_TIME, "" + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - l.longValue()) / 1000.0)); }
protected boolean logUserStoreLogin( User user, AdminService admin, String remoteIP, String remoteHost, UserStoreKey userStoreKey) { try { Document doc = XMLTool.createDocument("logentry"); Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // UserStoreKey userStoreKey = user.getUserStoreKey(); if (userStoreKey != null) { rootElement.setAttribute("userstorekey", String.valueOf(userStoreKey)); } rootElement.setAttribute("sitekey", String.valueOf(0)); rootElement.setAttribute("typekey", String.valueOf(LogType.LOGIN_USERSTORE.asInteger())); rootElement.setAttribute("inetaddress", remoteIP); XMLTool.createElement(doc, rootElement, "data"); admin.createLogEntries(user, XMLTool.documentToString(doc)); } catch (VerticalSecurityException vse) { String message = "Failed to create log entry because of security error: %t"; VerticalAdminLogger.error(this.getClass(), 1, message, vse); return false; } return true; }
/** * Add attachement element for the javadoc artifact if present. * * <pre> * <attach file="${basedir}/target/my-project-1.0-javadoc.jar" * type="jar" * classifier="javadoc"/> * </pre> * * @param el element to add the attachment to. * @param ba The bundle archive to add a source artifact for. * @param prefix Whitespace to add before the new element. */ private void addJavadocAttachment(final Element el, final BundleArchive ba, final String prefix) { String javadocPath = ba.file.getAbsolutePath(); // Remove ".jar" suffix. javadocPath = javadocPath.substring(0, javadocPath.length() - 4); javadocPath = javadocPath + "-javadoc.jar"; final File javadocFile = new File(javadocPath); if (javadocFile.exists()) { final Document doc = el.getOwnerDocument(); final String prefix1 = prefix + " "; final String prefix2 = prefix1 + " "; final Element javadocAttachment = doc.createElement("javadoc-attachment"); el.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n" + prefix1)); el.appendChild(javadocAttachment); el.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n" + prefix)); final Element attach = doc.createElement("attach"); javadocAttachment.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n" + prefix2)); javadocAttachment.appendChild(attach); javadocAttachment.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n" + prefix1)); attach.setAttribute("file", javadocPath); attach.setAttribute("type", "jar"); attach.setAttribute("classifier", "javadoc"); } }