public void detachNode() { Node parent = getParentNode(); if (parent != null) { parent.removeChild(this); } encodingStyleAttribute.clearNameAndValue(); // Fix for CR: 6474641 // tryToFindEncodingStyleAttributeName(); }
public void setEncodingStyle(String encodingStyle) throws SOAPException { if (!"".equals(encodingStyle)) { try { JaxmURI uri = new JaxmURI(encodingStyle); } catch (JaxmURI.MalformedURIException m) { log.log( Level.SEVERE, "", new String[] {encodingStyle}); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Encoding style (" + encodingStyle + ") should be a valid URI"); } } encodingStyleAttribute.setValue(encodingStyle); tryToFindEncodingStyleAttributeName(); }
public String getEncodingStyle() { String encodingStyle = encodingStyleAttribute.getValue(); if (encodingStyle != null) return encodingStyle; String soapNamespace = getSOAPNamespace(); if (soapNamespace != null) { Attr attr = getAttributeNodeNS(soapNamespace, "encodingStyle"); if (attr != null) { encodingStyle = attr.getValue(); try { setEncodingStyle(encodingStyle); } catch (SOAPException se) { // has to be ignored } return encodingStyle; } } return null; }
protected void setEncodingStyleNamespace(String soapNamespace, String soapNamespacePrefix) throws SOAPException { Name encodingStyleAttributeName = NameImpl.create("encodingStyle", soapNamespacePrefix, soapNamespace); encodingStyleAttribute.setName(encodingStyleAttributeName); }