   * Given the type of the targeting partition parameter and an object, coerce the object to the
   * correct type and hash it.
   * @return The partition best set up to execute the procedure.
   * @throws Exception
  public static int getPartitionForParameter(int partitionType, Object invocationParameter)
      throws Exception {
    final VoltType partitionParamType = VoltType.get((byte) partitionType);

    // Special case: if the user supplied a string for a number column,
    // try to do the conversion. This makes it substantially easier to
    // load CSV data or other untyped inputs that match DDL without
    // requiring the loader to know precise the schema.
    if ((invocationParameter != null)
        && (invocationParameter.getClass() == String.class)
        && (partitionParamType.isNumber())) {
      invocationParameter =
          ParameterConverter.stringToLong(invocationParameter, partitionParamType.classFromType());

    return hashToPartition(invocationParameter);